
2024 年兰博基尼 Esperienza Giro 印度站:穿越众神之地的惊心动魄之旅

日期:2024 年 9 月 30 日 | 印度

70 辆兰博基尼超级跑车穿越印度北部北阿坎德邦的壮丽风景

印度,2024 年 9 月 30 日——兰博基尼 Esperienza Giro India 是奢华和生活方式体验式驾驶计划的典范,在北阿坎德邦令人惊叹的风景中圆满落幕。今年,兰博基尼车主们沉浸在“众神之地”或“Devbhoomi”的精神和风景壮丽之中,他们穿越了北阿坎德邦一些最风景如画的目的地,包括瑞诗凯诗、穆索里和哈里德瓦尔。

Esperienza Giro India 2024 专为兰博基尼车主量身打造,是一场非凡的冒险,带领客户穿越宁静的喜马拉雅山麓、蜿蜒的道路和令人惊叹的美景。在这段惊心动魄的旅程中,参与者驾驶兰博基尼探索北阿坎德邦的美景,在那里,他们可以感受到在崎岖地形上驾驶超级跑车和超级 SUV 的快感,对于许多客人来说,这是他们第一次在这条风景优美的路线上驾驶。

车队由 70 辆兰博基尼汽车组成,约有 130 名客户和嘉宾,精心策划的路线穿越北阿坎德邦中心地带,重新唤醒了每一位参与者的感官,背景是雾蒙蒙的山丘、蜿蜒的河流和茂密的森林。旅程从德里开始,最终在宁静的德拉敦以一场独家晚会结束。在整个旅程中,参与者享受着驾驶兰博基尼的快感,通过真实而独特的体验沉浸在丰富的美食文化、历史和传统中。从音乐表演到传统的当代民谣和令人着迷的灯光秀,参与者享受了一场融合了无与伦比的驾驶和情感体验的整体旅程,同时庆祝当地的文化体验、独特的美食和意大利传统。

Esperienza Giro India 邀请客户进入兰博基尼世界,为他们提供独一无二的机会,让他们尽情享受北阿坎德邦的自然美景,同时享受兰博基尼的卓越性能和驾驶乐趣。此次活动凸显了兰博基尼致力于提供超越驾驶的非凡体验,在品牌、车主和他们共同探索的令人惊叹的风景之间建立持久的联系。

“第四届印度环意自行车赛旨在让兰博基尼车主充分体验兰博基尼汽车的卓越性能和灵活性,在宁静而雄伟的北阿坎德邦进行公路旅行,为我们的客户提供独一无二的体验。我们很高兴与我们的客户分享兰博基尼的激情,创造难忘的回忆,客户每年都期待参加印度环意自行车赛,”兰博基尼汽车亚太区区域总监 Francesco Scardaoni 说道。

兰博基尼 Esperienza Giro India 于 2019 年首次推出,首届赛事共有 30 多辆汽车从班加罗尔经乌提驶往哥印拜陀。在 2021 年举办的第二届赛事中,该品牌的参与度有所提高,超过 50 名兰博基尼车主从德里前往 NH48,途经风景如画的昌迪加尔市前往西姆拉。去年举办的第三届赛事让客户沉浸在拉贾斯坦邦的富丽堂皇之中。2024 年 Esperienza Giro India 现已进入第四届,体现了兰博基尼对创新和激情的承诺,以非凡的汽车和融合奢华、性能和难忘旅程的独特体验激励全国的粉丝和梦想家。

Lamborghini Esperienza Giro India 2024: A Thrilling Journey Through The Land of Gods

DATE: 30 Sep 2024   |   India

70 Lamborghini supercars traverse over breathtaking landscapes of Uttarakhand, Northern India

India, 30 September 2024 – Lamborghini Esperienza Giro India, the epitome of luxury and lifestyle experiential driving program, has successfully concluded amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Uttarakhand. This year, Lamborghini owners were immersed in the spiritual and scenic grandeur of “The Land of Gods” or “Devbhoomi” as they navigated through some of the most picturesque destinations in Uttarakhand including Rishikesh, Mussoorie, and Haridwar.

Exclusively tailored for Lamborghini owners, Esperienza Giro India 2024 unfolded as an extraordinary adventure, weaving customers through the serene Himalayan foothills, winding roads, and awe-inspiring views. The breathtaking journey took participants to explore the beauty of Uttarakhand in their Lamborghinis, where they can feel the thrill of driving their super sports cars and super SUVs on a rugged terrain which for many guests is their first time driving on this scenic route.

The convoy, comprising of 70 Lamborghini cars, with around 130 customers and guests reawakened the senses of every participant with meticulously curated routes that traversed the heart of Uttarakhand, providing a picturesque backdrop of misty hills, winding rivers, and dense forests. The journey commenced in Delhi and culminated with an exclusive soiree in the serene surroundings of Dehradun. Throughout the expedition, participants relished the thrill of driving their Lamborghinis, immersing into the rich gastronomic culture, history and heritage through authentic and unique experiences. From musical performances to traditional contemporary folk tunes and a mesmerizing display of light show, the participants were treated to enjoy a holistic journey incorporating exceptional unparalleled driving and emotional experience while celebrating the local cultural experiences, exceptional cuisines and Italian heritage.

Esperienza Giro India invites customers into the World of Lamborghini, offering them an unique opportunity to indulge in Uttarakhand’s natural beauty while revelling in the remarkable performance and driving pleasure of their Lamborghinis. The event underscored Lamborghini’s commitment to delivering exceptional experiences that go beyond driving, forging enduring connections between the brand, its owners, and the awe-inspiring landscapes that they explore together.

“The 4th Edition of Esperienza Giro India is designed for Lamborghini owners to fully experience the outstanding performance and agility of their Lamborghini cars with a road trip through the tranquillity and majesty of Uttarakhand, providing our customers with a one of a kind experience. We are delighted to share the Lamborghini passion with our customers by creating unforgettable memories that customers look forward to participate the Esperienza Giro India every year,” said Francesco Scardaoni, Region Director of Automobili Lamborghini Asia Pacific.

Lamborghini Esperienza Giro India was first introduced in 2019, where the inaugural edition saw over 30 cars driving from Bengaluru to Coimbatore via Ooty. In the second edition, organized in 2021, the brand witnessed increased participation with over 50 Lamborghini owners traveling from Delhi to NH48, passing through the picturesque city of Chandigarh en route to Shimla. The third edition last year witnessed the customers immersed in the regal splendour of Rajasthan. Now in its fourth edition, Esperienza Giro India 2024 exemplified Lamborghini’s commitment to innovation and passion, inspiring fans, and dreamers nationwide with extraordinary cars and unique experiences that blend luxury, performance, and unforgettable journeys.


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