
2024 年兰博基尼环意体验赛在皮埃蒙特朗格举行

日期: 2024 年 7 月 4 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞



圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞,2024 年 7 月 4 日——来自欧洲各地的兰博基尼超级跑车车主参加了 Esperienza Giro,这是一次独家驾驶之旅,探索和庆祝意大利北部皮埃蒙特美丽的朗格地区。在由兰博基尼汽车公司创建和主办的独家 VIP 体验中,参与的客户享受了豪华住宿、卓越的正宗餐饮,并沉浸在皮埃蒙特地区的文化、传统和地形中。

Il Boscareto Resort and Spa 坐落在塞拉伦加达尔巴山丘之间,为宾客提供了非凡而奢华的环境。兰博基尼客户在 Rei Natura 餐厅享用了由主厨 Michelangelo Mammoliti 设计的米其林二星晚餐,该餐厅的室内设计和主厨的菜肴都体现了该地区的自然元素概念。

在接下来的几天里,兰博基尼的宾客们总共行驶了 488 公里,他们的游览体验从中世纪的普鲁内托城堡开始,在那里他们尽情享受了特别策划的榛子品尝体验:这是当地的美味佳肴。超级跑车随后驶向皮科马卡里奥酒庄,该酒庄以其创新的酿酒方法、风景如画的葡萄园和生产 Cru Cannubi 而闻名:其中一瓶被公认为意大利最古老的葡萄酒(可追溯到 1752 年),被认为是世界上最重要的葡萄园之一。在连绵起伏的葡萄园中,点缀着著名的皮科彩色铅笔,代表着葡萄和葡萄酒的不同品种,兰博基尼车主们享受了生产设施的私人参观和午餐,然后返回 Il Boscareto。这一天的行程结束于偏远的 11 世纪格林扎内卡沃尔城堡,这座城堡在意大利历史上具有重要意义,几个世纪以来一直由几个皮埃蒙特贵族家庭拥有,客人们在中世纪的环境中享用了晚宴,并欣赏了旗手表演和猎鹰表演。

第二天,团队开始了一段令人振奋的山间之旅,并在阿利亚诺泰尔梅的 BAart 停下来喝了杯咖啡,这个村庄位于以巴贝拉葡萄酒酿造和美食而闻名的地区。BAart 位于已废弃的圣米歇尔教堂内,是一个社区项目,通过独特的文化体验展示了当代艺术与该地区传统风味的交融。继续前行,这支色彩斑斓的车队在拉扎诺城堡停留,这是一座历史悠久的庄园,其历史可追溯到 17 世纪,在这里他们享用了私人午餐,午餐的特色是城堡自产的橄榄油等当地产品。在附近的 Cecilia Monte 酒庄享用私人晚宴,客人们品尝了典型的皮埃蒙特菜肴,然后参加了一个独特的工作坊,在工作坊中,客人们尝试使用葡萄酒作为颜料的新艺术技巧来探索他们的创造力。

第四天,兰博基尼车主们抵达 Santuario dei Piloni 并在上午稍作停留,这里是一处以历史和传统闻名的崎岖乡村地区;在这里,参与者们与狗一起体验了松露狩猎,最后品尝了最优质的松露。行程结束时,他们驱车前往 Pollenzo,这是一座位于塔纳罗河畔的古城,也是美食研究大学的所在地。为了体现大学对烹饪卓越的追求,客人们在隔壁的 Scuderie Sabaude 享用了一顿皮埃蒙特特色私人午餐,这里曾经是意大利之王的马厩所在地。

与每届 Esperienza Giro 一样,兰博基尼在朗格的宾客们享受了一场全方位的旅程,既融合了兰博基尼超级跑车的卓越和感性性能,又享受了当地文化体验、卓越美食和意大利传统的持久魅力。

Lamborghini Esperienza Giro 2024 in Langhe, Piedmont

DATE: 04 Jul 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

A three-day super sports car driving experience immersed into authentic Italian culture

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 4th July 2024 – Lamborghini super sports car owners from across Europe took part in Esperienza Giro, an exclusive driving tour exploring and celebrating the beautiful area of Langhe, in Piedmont, northern Italy. Participating clients enjoyed luxurious accommodation, exceptional authentic dining, and immersion into the Piedmont region’s culture, traditions and terrains, during the exclusive VIP experience created and hosted by Automobili Lamborghini.

Il Boscareto Resort and Spa, nestled between the hills of Serralunga d’Alba, provided an exceptional and luxurious setting for guests. The Lamborghini clients were welcomed with a two Michelin-starred dinner designed by chef Michelangelo Mammoliti in Rei Natura restaurant, which embraces the concept of natural elements found in the region in both its interior design and in the chef’s cuisine.

Covering a total of 488 kilometers over the coming days, Lamborghini guests started their touring experience with a drive to the medieval Castello di Prunetto, where they indulged in a specially-curated hazelnut tasting experience: a delicacy of the region. The super sports cars then headed off to Pico Maccario winery, famed for its innovative approach to winemaking, its picturesque vineyards and for producing Cru Cannubi: a bottle of which is recognized as the oldest in Italy (dated 1752), and considered one of the most important vineyards in the world. Set in rolling vineyards punctuated with the famous Pico colored pencils, denoting the different varieties of grapes and wines, the Lamborghini owners enjoyed a private tour of the production facilities and a lunch before heading back to Il Boscareto.  The day ended at the remote 11th century Castello di Grinzane Cavour, a site of significant importance in Italian history and owned over the centuries by several noble Piedmontese families where guests attended a dinner in a medieval setting entertained by flag-throwers and a falconry performance.

The following day saw the group set off on an exhilarating drive through mountain scenery, with a coffee stop at BAart in Agliano Terme, a village in a region famed for its Barbera grape winemaking and gastronomy. BAart, located inside the deconsecrated Chiesa di San Michele, is a community project showcasing the intersection of contemporary art and traditional flavours of the region in a unique cultural experience. Journeying onwards the colorful caravan of cars stopped at Castello di Razzano, a historic estate with roots dating back to the 17th century, for a private lunch featuring local products including the castle’s own olive oil. A private dinner at the nearby Winery Cecilia Monte saw guests savouring typical Piedmontese dishes, before participating in a unique workshop where guests explored their creativity by trying out new artistic techniques using wine as paint.

Heading off on day four the Lamborghini owners arrived at Santuario dei Piloni for a mid-morning stop, in a craggy, rural area famed for its history and traditions; here, participants engaged in a truffle hunting experience with dogs, culminating with a tasting of the finest truffle.  The tour concluded with a drive to Pollenzo, an ancient city on the banks of the Tanaro river and the home to the University of Gastronomic Studies. Reflecting the university’s dedication to culinary excellence, guests experienced a private lunch of Piedmontese specialities next door at Scuderie Sabaude, where the king of Italy’s stables once stood.

Like each edition of Esperienza Giro, Lamborghini guests in Langhe enjoyed a holistic journey incorporating the exceptional and emotional performance of Lamborghini super sports cars, while celebrating the enduring allure of local cultural experiences, exceptional cuisines and Italian heritage.


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