

日期: 2024 年 11 月 8 日 | 德国鲁尔河畔米尔海姆


360 度沉浸于品牌传承和生活方式

德国鲁尔河畔米尔海姆,2024 年 11 月 8 日——超过 400 名嘉宾驾驶超级跑车前往米尔海姆航空站参加德国兰博基尼日活动。在那里,他们沉浸在 360 度全速兰博基尼庆典中,同时欣赏兰博基尼 Temerario [1]。该品牌的最新款超级跑车凭借其 920 CV 双涡轮增压 V8 混合动力系统,在同类车型中脱颖而出。

这一天的亮点是兰博基尼 Temerario 的欧洲首发,该车在活动开幕式上亮相。兰博基尼董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann、首席技术官 Rouven Mohr、首席销售和营销官 Federico Foschini 和售后总监 Alessandro Farmeschi 共同展示了这款车。法国才华横溢的嘻哈艺人 Sadeck Berrabah 及其团队通过一场不拘一格、令人难忘的表演为这款车揭幕。随着 V8 双涡轮混合动力 Temerario 的推出,兰博基尼完成了其电动 Direzione Cor Tauri 车型系列,该车拥有令人印象深刻的 920 CV。 Temerario 以 Blu Marinus(蓝色)的颜色展出,旁边是 Verde Mercurius(绿色)的 Alleggerita 版本,周围是另外两个插电式混合动力版本:首款插电式混合动力超级 SUV Urus SE [2],以 Arancio Egon(橙色)和 Verde Selvans(绿色)的颜色展出,以及 V12 HPEV(高性能电动汽车)Revuelto [3],以 Blu Arione(蓝色)和 Grigio Artis(灰色)的颜色展出。

“我们非常荣幸地欢迎大家参加首届德国兰博基尼日。此次活动具有双重意义,因为我们庆祝兰博基尼 Temerario 的欧洲首发,这是一款 920 CV 的 V8 双涡轮插电式混合动力车,标志着我们在 Direzione Cor Tauri 战略中的电动阵容的完成,”兰博基尼董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann 评论道。“这款车型展示了兰博基尼致力于将最高性能与尖端混合动力技术相结合的承诺,为超级跑车的可持续发展铺平了道路。Direzione Cor Tauri 的灵感来自金牛座中最亮的星星,体现了我们的创新动力,同时秉承了兰博基尼令人振奋的性能精神。与 Urus SE 和 Revuelto 一起,Temerario 将这一愿景变为现实,在动力和独特性方面树立了新的标准。”

兰博基尼日体验旨在让宾客充分感受品牌的传统和生活方式。在机库中,宾客可以探索品牌的主要区域,例如 Centro Stile、Ad Personam、Squadra Corse 或 Polo Storico,并与合作伙伴一起开展活动,丰富宾客体验。

在 Centro Stile 区域,来宾们领略了兰博基尼的设计基因和语言。该空间通过草图展示了这款标志性超级跑车从概念到现实的历程,突出了兰博基尼独特的设计语言。Ad Personam 团队在其专门区域展示了几乎无限的个性化选项,这些选项使每位客户都可以将自己的车辆打造得真正独一无二——从定制的颜色和饰面到独特的内饰材料。精心呵护品牌传统的 Polo Storico 团队展示了一些经过认证的经典汽车,如白色的 Countach QV、紫色的 Diablo SE 30 和金色的 Miura S。同时,兰博基尼 Squadra Corse 展台提供了对最新国际赛车运动成就的深入了解:SSR 车队的 Huracán GT3 EVO2 赛车来自 DTM 锦标赛,由 Mirko Bortolotti 赢得,31 年来首次让意大利品牌荣登冠军宝座。

Temerario 配备 4.0 升双涡轮增压 V8 内燃机和三台电动机,总输出功率为 920 CV(676 kW),扭矩为 730 Nm。动力系统在圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞从头开始设计和开发,是第一款也是唯一一款能够达到 10,000 rpm 的量产超级跑车发动机。其性能独树一帜。Temerario 的最高时速超过 340 公里/小时,从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时仅需 2.7 秒。同时,与 Huracán 相比,其二氧化碳排放量降低了 50%。

“兰博基尼 Temerario 标志着我们在电气化和性能创新道路上迈出了令人兴奋的一步。凭借其 V8 双涡轮混合动力系统,该款车型可提供 920 PS 的功率,代表了我们致力于突破高性能技术界限的承诺,”首席技术官 Rouven Mohr 评论道。“Temerario 将兰博基尼的原始动力和独特特性与尖端混合动力工程相结合,是首款也是唯一一款能够达到 10,000 rpm 的量产超级跑车发动机。与 Revuelto 和 Urus SE 一起,我们正在塑造电气化性能的未来。”

除此之外,当天的活动还提供了与兰博基尼合作品牌合作的无数​​体验,为嘉宾和粉丝提供更全面的奢华体验。在专门展示原装配件的区域,Akrapovič展示了与兰博基尼合作为 Urus SE 开发的排气系统及其独特的声音,倍耐力® 展示了其为 Urus SE 开发的夏季和冬季轮胎系列,所有轮胎均采用为插电式混合动力汽车开发的 Elect 技术。伦敦上市房地产开发商Dar Global ® 展示了其正在西班牙马贝拉开发的 Tierra Viva Lamborghini 别墅。与此同时,嘉宾们享受了由Living Divani ®设计的休息室家具的舒适感以及CULTI MILANO ® 家用香水的宜人香味,并配有扩散器和蜡烛。Lavazza ® 提供以咖啡艺术装饰的顶级意大利咖啡,而Dievole Wines ® 和Carbon Champagne ® 则提供葡萄酒和香槟。在艺术肖像工作室,徕卡® 团队为参观者拍摄了专业照片。Montegrappa ® 用精美的钢笔和创新的绘图机展示了书法。Technics ® 通过设置 DJ 现场表演和黑胶唱片聆听区,为观众带来了唱片转盘体验。高级钟表品牌Roger Dubuis ® 展示了其一些最新的机械钟表,包括几款罕见的少数型号。Sonus faber ® 在专用音响室内通过高保真音响演示吸引了观众。借助该品牌的一些标志性扬声器,来宾沉浸在无与伦比的听觉体验中,享受该品牌闻名的自然音质和工艺。同时,意大利游艇制造商Tecnomar ® 展示了其专为兰博基尼汽车打造的快艇比例模型,其灵感源自兰博基尼的标志性设计。同样,乐高®集团还为来宾们提供了标志性的乐高兰博基尼 Countach 5000 Quattrovalvole,作为对兰博基尼历史知识最渊博的参赛者的奖品。

最后,米尔海姆航空站被证明是举办这场激动人心的兰博基尼体验活动的理想场所。该建筑采用实木结构和铝制外墙,符合德国可持续建筑委员会 (DGNB) 的最高标准。选择这个场地彰显了兰博基尼对可持续发展的承诺,这符合其 Direzione Cor Tauri 战略,该战略也影响了此类活动的规划。

[1]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型核准阶段。

[2] Urus SE 的油耗和排放值:综合油耗:2.08 l/100 km。综合能耗:39.5 kWh/100 km。综合二氧化碳排放量:51.25 g/km。综合二氧化碳排放效率等级:B。低电量时综合油耗:12.9 l/100 km。低电量时二氧化碳效率等级:G;(WLTP)

[3] Revuelto 的消耗和排放值;综合油耗:10.3 l/100km (WLTP);综合电耗:78.1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP);综合 CO 2排放量:276 g/km (WLTP)

Lamborghini Day Germany: European Premiere of Temerario

DATE: 08 Nov 2024   |   Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany

A 360-degree immersion into the brand’s legacy and lifestyle

Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, November 8, 2024 – More than 400 guests made their way to the Lamborghini Day Germany at Luftschiffhangar Mülheim in their super sports cars. There, they immersed themselves in a 360-degree, full-throttle Lamborghini celebration while enjoying the Lamborghini Temerario[1]. The latest super sports car by the brand plays in a league of its thanks to its 920 CV twin-turbo V8 hybrid powertrain.

The highlight of a day filled with memorable experiences was the European premiere of the Lamborghini Temerario, which took place at the opening of the event. It was presented by Lamborghini Chairman and CEO Stephan Winkelmann, together with Chief Technical Officer Rouven Mohr; Chief Sales and Marketing Officer Federico Foschini, and Aftersales Director Alessandro Farmeschi. The unveil was done through an eclectic and memorable performance by the talented French hip-hop artist Sadeck Berrabah and his crew. With the launch of the V8 twin-turbo hybrid-powered Temerario, boasting an impressive 920 CV, Lamborghini completed its electrified Direzione Cor Tauri model range. The Temerario was displayed in Blu Marinus (blue), alongside the Alleggerita version in Verde Mercurius (green), surrounded by the other two plug-in hybrid versions: the first plug-in hybrid Super SUV, the Urus SE[2], showcased in Arancio Egon (orange) and Verde Selvans (green), as well as the V12 HPEV (High-Performance Electrified Vehicle) Revuelto[3] in Blu Arione (blue) and Grigio Artis (grey).

“It is a privilege to welcome everyone to the first Lamborghini Day Germany. The event is doubly significant as we celebrate the European premiere of the Lamborghini Temerario, our V8 twin-turbo plug-in hybrid with 920 CV, marking the completion of our electrified lineup within the Direzione Cor Tauri strategy,” commented Stephan Winkelmann, Lamborghini Chairman & CEO. “This model showcases Lamborghini’s commitment to merging the highest performance with cutting-edge hybrid technology, paving the way for a sustainable future of super sports cars. Direzione Cor Tauri, inspired by the brightest star in the Taurus constellation, embodies our drive for innovation while staying true to Lamborghini’s spirit of exhilarating performance. Together with the Urus SE and Revuelto, the Temerario brings this vision to life, setting a new standard in power and exclusivity.”

The Lamborghini Day experience was crafted for a full immersion into the legacy and lifestyle aspect of the brand. In the hangar, the guests could discover the main brand areas such as Centro Stile, Ad Personam, Squadra Corse, or Polo Storico, enriched by activities done with partners.

In the Centro Stile area, the guests were taken through the Lamborghini design DNA and language and DNA. The space highlighted Lamborghini’s unique design language through sketches illustrating the journey from concept to reality of such iconic super sports cars. The team of Ad Personam, in their dedicated area, showcased the nearly limitless personalization options that allow each customer to make their vehicle truly one-of-a-kind – from bespoke colors and finishes to unique interior materials. The Polo Storico team that meticulously takes care of the Heritage of the brand presented some certified classic cars such as a Countach QV in white, a Diablo SE 30 in purple, and a Miura S in gold. Meanwhile the Lamborghini Squadra Corse booth offered insight into the latest international motorsport successes: the SSR team’s Huracán GT3 EVO2 car from the DTM Championship won by Mirko Bortolotti, crowning an Italian brand as champion for the first time in 31 years.

With its 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 combustion engine paired with three electric motors, the Temerario produces a total power output of 920 CV (676 kW) and 730 Nm of torque. The powertrain has been designed and developed from scratch in Sant’Agata Bolognese and is the first and only production super sports car engine able to reach 10,000 rpm. Its performance places it in a class of its own. The Temerario is capable of a maximum speed of over 340 km/h and sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.7 seconds. At the same time, its CO2 emissions are 50 percent lower compared to the Huracán.

“The Lamborghini Temerario marks an exciting step forward in our journey toward electrification and performance innovation. With its V8 twin-turbo hybrid system delivering 920 PS, it represents our commitment to pushing the boundaries of high-performance technology,” commented Rouven Mohr, Chief Technical Officer. “The Temerario combines Lamborghini’s raw power and unmistakable character with cutting-edge hybrid engineering, as the first and only production super sports car engine capable of reaching 10,000 rpm. Alongside the Revuelto and Urus SE, we are shaping the future of electrified performance.”

On top of that, the program of the day offered countless experiences in collaboration with the partner brands of Lamborghini to provide the guests and fans with further holistic luxury experiences. In an area dedicated to original accessories, Akrapovič showcased the exhaust system developed in collaboration with Lamborghini for the Urus SE its characteristic sound and Pirelli® put its collection of summer and winter tires for the Urus SE on display, all of them with the Elect technology developed for plug-in hybrid cars. London listed real estate developer Dar Global® showcased its Tierra Viva Lamborghini villas which are under development in Marbella, Spain. Meanwhile, guests enjoyed the comfort of lounge furniture designed by Living Divani® and the pleasant scent of CULTI MILANO® home fragrances with diffusers and candles. Lavazza® served top-tier Italian coffee decorated with coffee art, while Dievole Wines® and Carbon Champagne® supplied wines and champagnes. In an art portrait studio, a Leica® team took professional photos of the visitors. Montegrappa® showcased calligraphy with fine pens and innovative drawing machines. Technics® offered an experience with their turntables by setting up DJ live sets and a vinyl listening area. The Haute Horlogerie Maison, Roger Dubuis®, exposed some of its latest mechanical timepieces, including several rare few-off models. Sonus faber® captivated the audience with a high-fidelity audio demonstration inside a dedicated sound cabin. Featuring some of the brand’s iconic speakers, guests immersed themselves in an unparalleled auditory experience, enjoying the natural sound quality and craftsmanship for which the marque is renowned. Meanwhile, the Italian yacht builder Tecnomar® exhibited scale models of its speedboat dedicated to Automobili Lamborghini and inspired by its iconic design. Likewise, the LEGO® Group offered to the guests the iconic LEGO Lamborghini Countach 5000 Quattrovalvole as a prize to the most knowledgeable contestants in a quiz on the history of Lamborghini.

Lastly, Luftschiffhangar Mülheim proved to be the ideal venue for this exciting Lamborghini experience. With its solid wood construction and aluminum facade, the building meets the highest standards of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). The choice of venue underscores Lamborghini’s commitment to sustainability in line with its strategy, Direzione Cor Tauri, which also influences the planning of such events.

[1] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage.

[2] Urus SE consumption and emission values: Combined fuel consumption: 2.08 l/100 km. Combined energy consumption: 39.5 kWh/100 km. Combined CO2 emissions: 51.25 g/km. Combined CO2 emission efficiency class: B. Combined fuel consumption with low battery: 12.9 l/100 km. CO2 efficiency class with low battery: G; (WLTP)

[3] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP)


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