
倡议在车辆软件方面开展更多合作:宝马集团加强了 Eclipse 基金会



慕尼黑。 宝马集团已加入 Eclipse 基金会的软件定义汽车 (SDV) 工作组,成为其战略成员。Eclipse SDV 工作组致力于促进全球合作,推动现代汽车开源软件技术的进步。宝马集团为该组织带来了 20 多年的内部软件开发经验,并在许多重要领域树立了行业标杆,例如通过智能设备访问数字汽车、跨所有功能域和动力系统的无线升级以及汽车后端结构。宝马集团董事会成员、开发部负责人 Frank Weber 表示:

“宝马已经掌握了从芯片到云端的软件,并且已经这样做了好几代。汽车中的数字功能数量正在迅速增加。我们行业的所有参与者都可以从在开发和保护与竞争对手没有区别的软件方面的更多合作中受益匪浅。这就是我们向 Eclipse SDV 工作组贡献专业知识的原因。”现代

汽车的整个系统可以包含数亿行软件代码。范围继续迅速扩大,许多制造商正在与供应商合作开发自己的基本功能软件包。据 Eclipse 基金会估计,主流操作系统 Linux、Windows 和 macOS 之间的代码使用量比任何两家 OEM 的汽车之间的代码使用量都要多。即使在汽车行业,基本软件功能也存在很大重叠空间。

宝马集团全球软件战略和软件工厂副总裁 Christian Salzmann 表示:“我们认为开源是软件开发的积极协作模式,并对 Eclipse SDV 工作组的联合活动寄予厚望。作为 ‘Zuul’等开源项目的积极贡献者,我们已经为该项目带来了大量相关经验。”

Eclipse 基金会执行董事 Mike Milinkovich 表示:“Eclipse SDV 工作组已迅速成为全球汽车行业开源软件开发的‘重心’。我们很高兴有宝马这样具有创新精神的领导者作为战略成员加入。他们的贡献将在推动现代汽车设计的变革性转变中发挥关键作用。”

SDV 工作组的战略成员是将参与 Eclipse 项目视为其业务战略的组织,并正在投入大量开发人员和其他资源来进一步推动 Eclipse 基金会技术。作为 SDV 工作组的战略成员,宝马集团有机会指导工作组的方向并领导多个项目。宝马集团十多年来一直是 Eclipse 基金会的长期成员,并将继续支持和推动 openMDM 和 openPass 工作组的创新。

除了 Eclipse 基金会下的新活动外,宝马集团还将继续为 AUTOSAR(汽车开放系统架构)做出贡献。作为 AUTOSAR 的创始成员,宝马集团一直与其他汽车制造商、供应商以及来自电子、半导体和软件行业的公司合作,以推进电气电子 (E/E) 架构的标准。“AUTOSAR 是一个为汽车行业做出巨大贡献的成功故事。我们将 Eclipse 中的活动视为补充,而不是替代,”Christian Salzmann 补充道。

什么是 Eclipse SDV 工作组?
Eclipse SDV 是 Eclipse 基金会下属的一个工作组,支持汽车软件的开源开发。该倡议拥有 50 多个成员,包括主要汽车制造商、全球云提供商、技术领导者、电子公司和供应链合作伙伴,获得了业界的大力支持。该工作组的目标是为全球汽车行业提供一个开发和推广开源解决方案的论坛。SDV 项目采用“代码优先”方法,专注于为未来汽车的核心功能构建业界首个开源软件堆栈和相关工具。SDV

工作组是一个由成员主导的、对供应商中立的组织。该工作组为开源 IP 管理和协作提供了一个治理框架。其中包括一个指导委员会,负责定义和管理工作组的战略和技术路线图。技术顾问委员会会建议将哪些 Eclipse 基金会开源项目纳入工作组范围。

宝马集团开发部门的相关专业部门,尤其是软件工厂,将直接积极参与 Eclipse SDV 工作组的各个项目。目标是与合作伙伴网络共同开发系列项目的软件。宝马集团员工还将参加 SDV 黑客马拉松和社区日,并与其他成员公司的专家密切合作。

Initiative for more collaboration on vehicle software: BMW Group strengthens the Eclipse Foundation.

+++ BMW Group becomes strategic member of the Eclipse Foundation Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV) Working Group +++ Focus on collaboration for open-source software +++


Munich. The BMW Group has joined the Eclipse Foundation’s Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) Working Group as a strategic member. The Eclipse SDV Working Group facilitates global collaboration on open-source software technologies for use in modern vehicles. The BMW Group brings over 20 years of experience in in-house software development to the initiative and has set industry benchmarks in many important areas, such as digital vehicle access via smart devices, over-the-air upgrades across all functional domains and powertrains, as well as vehicle backend structures.

“BMW has mastered software from chip to cloud and has done so for generations. The number of digital functions in cars is growing rapidly. All players in our industry can benefit significantly from more cooperation in developing and securing software that does not differentiate from competition. That is why we are contributing our expertise to the Eclipse SDV Working Group,” said Frank Weber, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Development.

The entire system of modern vehicles can contain hundreds of millions of lines of software code. The scope continues to grow rapidly, and many manufacturers are working with suppliers to develop their own software packages for basic functions. According to the Eclipse Foundation, mainstream operating system installations of Linux, Windows, and macOS are estimated to use much more code between each other than vehicles from any two OEMs. Even in the automotive industry, there is a great deal of potential overlap for basic software functionality.

“We see open-source as an active collaboration model for software development and expect a lot from the joint activities in the Eclipse SDV Working Group,” says Christian Salzmann, Vice President BMW Group Global Software Strategy and Software Factory. “As an active contributor in open-source projects such as ‘Zuul’, we already bring a lot of relevant experience to the table.”

“The Eclipse SDV Working Group has quickly become the ‘centre of gravity’ for open-source software development in the global automotive industry,” said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. “We’re thrilled to have an innovative leader of BMW’s calibre join as a strategic member. Their contributions will play a pivotal role in driving this transformative shift in modern vehicle design.”

Strategic members of the SDV Working Group are organisations that view participation in Eclipse projects as strategic to their business and are investing significant developer and other resources to further drive Eclipse Foundation technology. As a Strategic Member of the SDV Working Group, the BMW Group has the opportunity to guide the working group’s direction and lead multiple projects. The BMW Group has been a long-standing member of the Eclipse Foundation for more than a decade and will continue to support and drive innovation within the openMDM and openPass working groups.

In addition to the new activities under the Eclipse Foundation, the BMW Group will continue to contribute to AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture). As a founding member of AUTOSAR, the BMW Group has been working with other automotive manufacturers, suppliers and companies from the electronics, semiconductor and software industries to advance standards for electrical electronics (E/E) architecture. “AUTOSAR is a success story that does a lot for the automotive industry. We see the activities in Eclipse as a supplement, not as a substitute,” adds Christian Salzmann.

What is the Eclipse SDV Working Group?
Eclipse SDV, a working group within the Eclipse Foundation, supports the open-source development of automotive software. With over 50 members, including major automotive manufacturers, global cloud providers, technology leaders, electronics companies, and supply chain partners, the initiative has garnered significant industry support. The working group’s objective is to provide a forum for developing and promoting open-source solutions for the global automotive industry. SDV projects adopt a “code first” approach, focusing on building the industry’s first open-source software stacks and associated tools for the core functions of future vehicle generations.

The SDV Working Group is designed as a vendor-neutral, member-led organisation. The working group provides a governance framework for open-source IP management and collaboration. This includes a steering committee that defines and manages the strategy and technical roadmap of the working group. A technical advisory board recommends which Eclipse Foundation open-source projects should be included within the scope of the working group.

How is the BMW Group getting involved?
The relevant specialist departments from the BMW Group’s development division, in particular from the Software Factory, will be directly and actively involved in the various projects of the Eclipse SDV Working Group. The aim will be to develop software for series projects together with the partner network. BMW Group employees will also take part in the SDV Hackathons and Community Days and work closely with experts from other member companies.


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