
古思特系列 II:劳斯莱斯有史以来最先进的、以驾驶者为中心的 V12 发动机

劳斯莱斯汽车公司推出 Ghost 系列 II,这是劳斯莱斯历史上最受欢迎的车型,它功能强大、以驾驶者为中心且优雅。根据客户要求,Ghost 整体而自信的外观经过了微妙的演变,为定制委托提供了强大的舞台。


劳斯莱斯推出古斯特系列 II:迄今为止技术最先进、最注重驾驶体验的 V12 劳斯莱斯
集成先进的数字界面 SPIRIT 和私人会员应用程序 Whispers
古思特加长版 II 为创意提供了更广阔的天地
Black Badge Ghost 系列 II将于发布后开始接受委托

“Ghost 以独特、敏捷和自信的风格而闻名,是劳斯莱斯品牌的代表。应客户要求,这款全新系列 II 仍忠实于这些原则,融入了强劲而毫不妥协的引擎以及 Bespoke 定制的基本潜力。有意义的外观和材料更新使其更具表现力和影响力。基于一系列先进的底盘创新,新一代 Ghost 还具有非凡的操控能力。这确保了 Ghost 系列 II 作为有史以来技术最先进、以驾驶者为中心的劳斯莱斯 V12 车型的地位——Ghost 的这一特点越来越受到客户的热情欢迎。”
劳斯莱斯汽车首席执行官克里斯·布朗里奇 (Chris Brownridge)

“Ghost 系列 II 代表了劳斯莱斯的基本原则——宁静、轻松和优雅——并融入了富有表现力的整体形式。我们的客户要求设计能够为他们的 Bespoke 颜色和材料选择提供舞台,无论是安静而内敛的还是大胆而富有表现力的。 “Ghost 系列 II 旨在满足客户的要求,其改进具有重大意义,进一步提升了汽车作为强大创意画布的地位。”
劳斯莱斯汽车外观设计主管 Juliane Blasi

劳斯莱斯汽车推出 Ghost 系列 II,它是劳斯莱斯历史上最受欢迎的车型,强劲、以驾驶者为中心、优雅地再现。根据客户要求,Ghost 整体而自信的外观进行了微妙的演变,为 Bespoke 定制提供了强大的舞台。为了扩大选择范围,客户现在可以选择 Ghost 以前从未有过的内饰和配置,以及让 Bespoke 进入数字世界的先进软件技术。


Ghost 是古德伍德时代最重要的劳斯莱斯汽车之一。第一代 Ghost 于 2009 年推出,以满足当时全新类别的奢侈品消费者的需求。这些客户主要比劳斯莱斯首款幻影车型的客户更年轻,他们要求一款更平易近人和多功能的车型。他们还希望劳斯莱斯品牌能更精炼地表达自己的品牌理念,而且最重要的是,这种理念能让他们通过定制表达自己喜欢驾驶的感觉。

2020 年推出的第二代 Ghost 极大地推进了这些原则。作为设计纯粹性的典范,其表面的简洁性隐藏了底层设计、工程和工艺的非凡复杂性和力量。事实上,当它推出时,它是劳斯莱斯有史以来技术最先进的 V12 车型。这基于多种冲动:为客户提供纯粹而自信的定制画布,以独特灵活、以驾驶员为导向的底盘为基础。Ghost

客户立即意识到他们可以通过 Bespoke 产生的影响。这预示着一个实验和表达的时代——从后来被时尚界推广的“安静的奢华”代码,到大胆而明亮的色彩庆典。因此,Ghost 客户平均将其汽车购买价格的 10% 用于 Bespoke。

除了美学处理之外,2020 Ghost 还成为劳斯莱斯有史以来技术最先进的车型。尤其是其平面悬架系统,工程师们花了 10 年时间才将其完善,创造了一种前所未有的汽车“在陆地上飞行”的感觉。凭借 6.75 升双涡轮增压 V12 汽油发动机、全轮转向和四轮驱动,Ghost 很快成为劳斯莱斯家族中最具活力、以驾驶者为中心的车型,也是完美的旅行机器。事实上,客户经常将 Ghost 描述为不是轿车,而是一款超凡的四门豪华旅行车。

当需要更新 Ghost 时,劳斯莱斯会与客户讨论他们的要求。对他们来说,Ghost 作为个人和工程动态平台的潜力是其吸引力的核心。劳斯莱斯尊重他们的意愿,在打造 Ghost 系列 II 时进行了微妙但有意义的设计改进,并融入了非凡、毫不妥协的动力系统,将这款汽车写进了劳斯莱斯传奇。古思特系列 II:外观古思特系列 II 比以往更贴近劳斯莱斯纯粹的整体设计理念。前端经过提炼,成为简洁而现代的展示台,展示发光的劳斯莱斯万神殿格栅 – 作为劳斯莱斯设计标志的一个元素,继续受到全球客户的推崇。古思特系列 II 的现代感体现在其更新的前大灯和日间行车灯图形中,这些图形从格栅下部延伸到前翼边缘,向下延伸以强调汽车 2148 毫米的宽大宽度。前端下部为格栅提供了基础,新的镀铬装饰为其锦上添花,为欢庆女神吉祥物形成了一个“漂浮”的视觉底座。

从后部看,古思特系列 II 受益于新的尾灯配置,使侧面和后表面融为一体。这种处理的灵感来自 Spectre,每个灯组都具有两个富有表现力的垂直灯板,两侧是弯曲的镀铬元素,上面低调地刻有双“R”字母组合。

客户可以从两种新的 22 英寸 9 辐车轮设计中进行选择,一种是全抛光,一种是部分抛光。这两种处理方式都优雅而现代,与古思特系列 II 现代而永恒的设计相得益彰,巧妙地反映出其潜在的潜力。古思特系列 II:通过色彩营造新氛围对于古思特系列 II,设计师还创造了一种新的外观颜色,加入了该品牌现有的 44,000 多种成衣色调和定制颜色服务,客户可以制作自己的色调并保留供自己专用。这种金属饰面名为马斯蒂克蓝,捕捉了它所命名的加勒比海岛的色调和魅力,使用玻璃和云母薄片营造出一种微光,让人想起阳光反射在热带海洋上的感觉。这种颜色也参考了最早以驾驶为中心的劳斯莱斯之一——1929 年轻量级幻影二代欧陆原型车,该车也采用了类似的蓝色色调。这款汽车是专为亨利·莱斯私人使用而打造的,是历史上第一批使用珠光漆的汽车之一,当时珠光漆是使用磨碎的鱼鳞制成的。1930 年,这款车在著名的比亚里茨优雅大赛上赢得了“荣誉奖”。古思特系列 II:内饰古思特系列 II 的内饰彰显了模拟和数字工艺。中央信息显示屏位于新的柱对柱玻璃面板中,采用了该品牌先进的操作系统。客户现在可以将他们的 Bespoke 定制从硬件扩展到软件,因为数字仪表盘的颜色现在可以定制以配合汽车的内饰或外部装饰,这与 Ghost 客户对新式和现代 Bespoke 定制方式的迷恋相一致。SPIRIT 还集成了劳斯莱斯私人会员应用程序 Whispers,允许车主将目的地直接发送到他们的汽车,查看其位置并远程管理车辆锁定,这突显出客户越来越多地将他们的劳斯莱斯视为更广泛的生活方式体验的核心。

古思特二代的娱乐和连接功能得到了显著升级。后座乘客现在可以将最多两个流媒体设备连接到后排屏幕,在每个屏幕上独立播放流媒体,并从新开发的界面选择自己喜欢的娱乐内容,该界面还可以管理按摩、加热和冷却等座椅功能。任何类型的蓝牙® 耳机都可以与后座信息娱乐系统配对,所有乘客都可以受益于升级的 Wi-Fi® 热点和隐藏在中控台隐蔽处的 USB-C® 充电端口。古思特二代:无与伦比的音场劳斯莱斯汽车无与伦比的精致设计在古思特车厢内营造出极致的声音再现礼堂。该品牌装饰精美的 18 扬声器音响系统在古思特二代中得到了进一步发展——它现在配备了升级版的 1400 瓦功放。这为该品牌无与伦比的扬声器设计提供动力,其中汽车铝制门槛部分内的腔体被用作低频扬声器的共鸣室,本质上将汽车的下部变成了一个侧放的落地式扬声器。对于Bespoke Audio,两个“无扬声器”激励器进一步增强了这一设计,它们不使用锥体,而是直接粘合到车顶内衬中,将其转变为一个广阔的头顶音场。当选择星光车顶与Bespoke Audio系统结合使用时,用于创造天体效果的光纤电缆会被特殊的声学膜压缩。这可以防止电缆回响,并将声音传送到座舱内。座舱内的两个有源麦克风不断监测频率平衡,并自动调节放大器以优化声音。古思特系列 II:当代工艺的全新表达古思特系列 II 得益于品牌工匠精心构思的大胆的当代工艺的全新表达。在中央信息显示屏旁边的乘客侧,是全新的欢庆女神钟柜。这个玻璃柜里放着一个模拟钟表和一个向上照明、镜面抛光的实心不锈钢欢庆女神雕像。她被放置在一个舞台上,带有哑光黑色背板和高光侧板以产生反射效果。进入汽车后,欢庆女神最初从下方被照亮,就像被聚光灯照亮一样,然后舞台灯光逐渐变为柔和的光芒。

除这一精致细节外,横跨整个乘客侧宽度的还有发光面板——这是一项先进的工艺功能,于 2020 年在古思特上首次亮相。古思特二代的全新发光面板设计从星空中寻找灵感,以令人联想到延时天体摄影的设计捕捉夜空的动感。客户还可以与品牌的 Bespoke 设计师合作,创建自己的发光面板图案。


古斯特系列 II 还延续了劳斯莱斯对纺织品的探索,推出了 Duality Twill,一种由竹子制成的新型人造丝织物。在一次研究之旅中,劳斯莱斯设计团队的成员参观了 法国蔚蓝海岸的地中海花园,毗邻亨利·莱斯爵士的冬季别墅米莫萨别墅。植物园的特色之一是一片广阔的竹林,亨利爵士肯定见过,这启发了这种创新面料的灵感。斜纹织物上绣有“Duality”图案,这是对品牌创始人姓名中相互连接的首字母 R 的抽象诠释。作为对法国里维埃拉的另一个暗示,该设计暗示了帆船上交织的绳索线。Duality

Twill 花了一年多的时间进行开发,与一位现在全职在古德伍德劳斯莱斯之家工作的织布大师合作。打造完整的 Duality Twill 内饰是一个高度复杂的过程,涉及多达 220 万针、11 英里的线,可能需要 20 个小时才能完成。每块面板都经过单独准备,然后使用专门开发的激光进行切割,以密封边缘以防止单根线松动。所有面板都经过精心定位和缝合,形成一个无缝整体后,它们将用于装饰座椅。基础斜纹织物有三种颜色可供选择——淡紫色、巧克力色和黑色——线有 51 种不同的色调,允许客户根据自己的性格定制设计,创造出大胆的对比效果或微妙的单色。

另外,客户可以选择定点穿孔 – 一种创新的现代工艺技术,在座椅皮革上制造小穿孔以创造独特的艺术品。穿孔大小不一以创造深度感,从而可以创建细致且看似三维的图形。初始图案的灵感来自于古德伍德劳斯莱斯总部上空不断变化的云朵形状和阴影。它由多达 107,000 个 0.8 和 1.2 毫米的穿孔组成,每个穿孔都经过单独检查以确保绝对统一。古思特系列 II:工程古思特系列 II 的核心是该品牌毫不妥协、强劲且几乎无声的 6.75 升双涡轮增压 V12 汽油发动机和标志性的八速变速箱。它为全轮转向和全轮驱动系统提供动力。最大扭矩仅从 1,600rpm 开始 – 仅比怠速转速高 600rpm,营造出一档无尽档位的感觉,以及劳斯莱斯独有的“飘逸感”。古思特系列 II 著名的平面悬架系统在前悬架组件上方采用了独特的上叉臂减震器单元。它与无级变速电子控制减震器和自动调平大容量空气支柱组件协同作用,创造出更稳定、更轻松的劳斯莱斯“魔毯之旅”。五连杆后轴也受益于相同的自动调平大容量空气悬架技术。悬架和底盘系统配备了劳斯莱斯的 Flagbearer 系统,该系统使用摄像头读取前方路况,并使悬架做好应对路面变化的准备。该系统还配备了劳斯莱斯的卫星辅助变速箱,该系统使用 GPS 数据根据弯道曲率程度选择最佳档位以驶出弯道。这些技术相辅相成,让 Ghost 能够轻松预测和应对最艰难的道路,将无与伦比的宁静与非凡的动感和敏捷性融为一体。GHOST 系列 II:加长版系列 II:更大的创意画布 如果客户追求 Ghost 系列 II 所代表的内在灵活性和定制范围,但又需要超凡的后座空间,可以订购 Ghost 加长版系列 II。这款汽车的后排空间增加了 170 毫米,这通过仅延伸后门和后开口实现,同时保留了其优雅的轮廓。

如果客户希望获得古思特加长版 II 的最高体验,还可以选配该品牌的倾斜式宁静座椅,令人回想起私人飞机客舱的体验。与古思特二系一样,还可以选配香槟冷却器。劳斯莱斯专家咨询了一位侍酒大师,了解到非陈年香槟的最佳饮用温度平均为 6 摄氏度,而陈年香槟的最佳饮用温度大致为 11 摄氏度。因此,冷却器有两种冷却模式,分别冷却至 6 摄氏度和 11 摄氏度。

这些增强功能均不会损害汽车卓越的动态性能。事实上,古思特加长版的客户几乎一致选择这款汽车用于自驾,以享受更大的后座空间,而不是保留司机的服务。古思特系列 II:强劲动力和无限定制潜力自 2009 年推出以来,古思特就体现了劳斯莱斯古德伍德时代的精神,即客户希望通过日益复杂和多样化的 Bespoke 定制来表达自己的鉴赏力。为了满足这一需求,劳斯莱斯正在扩大其全球私人办公室网络,为全球客户提供与他们所在地区的设计师和 Bespoke 专家互动的体验,让他们的愿景成为现实。此外,劳斯莱斯已获得规划许可,对位于西萨塞克斯郡的古德伍德总部进行大规模扩建,明确目的是为 Bespoke 工艺和技术的发展创造更多空间。除了对日益复杂的 Bespoke 定制的渴望之外,如今的许多劳斯莱斯客户还要求获得强劲、灵活、沉稳、轻松、宁静的驾驶体验。古斯特系列 II 完美地实现了这种平衡,既没有牺牲任何一方的利益,也没有损害这款汽车作为卓越而强大的超豪华产品的地位。



古思特系列 II: WLTP(综合)二氧化碳排放量:357-346 g/km;燃油消耗量:18-18.5 mpg / 15.7-15.3 l/100km。
古思特加长版 II: WLTP(综合)二氧化碳排放量:358-348 克/公里;燃油消耗量:17.9–18.5mpg / 15.8–15.3 升/100 公里。


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars presents Ghost Series II, a powerful, driver-orientated and elegant rendition of the most popular Rolls-Royce nameplate in history. In line with client requests, the subtle evolution of Ghost’s monolithic and self-assured external appearance serves as a potent stage for Bespoke commissions.


.Rolls-Royce presents Ghost Series II: the most technologically advanced and driver-focused V12 Rolls-Royce yet
.New exterior styling is an impactful evolution of Ghost’s foundational design
.Built with driving at its heart: includes uncompromising twin-turbocharged engine
.Incorporates Planar Suspension, Flagbearer, and Satellite Aided Transmission systems that underpin the driver-oriented chassis
.Integrates advanced digital interface, SPIRIT, and private members app, Whispers
.Enhanced audio system, internet connectivity, and video streaming functions
.Ghost Extended Series II represents an even greater canvas for creativity
.Black Badge Ghost Series II available to commission from launch

“Ghost is renowned as a uniquely expressive, agile, and self-assured representation of the Rolls-Royce brand. At our clients’ request, this new Series II iteration remains faithful to these principles, incorporating a potent and uncompromising engine and the essential potential for Bespoke. Meaningful exterior and material updates make an even more expressive and impactful statement. This new generation of Ghost also has extraordinary handling capabilities based on a number of advanced chassis innovations. This secures Ghost Series II’s status as the most technologically advanced and driver-focused V12 Rolls-Royce ever created — a side of Ghost’s character that our clients increasingly and enthusiastically embrace.”
Chris Brownridge, Chief Executive, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“Ghost Series II represents the fundamental tenets of Rolls-Royce — serenity, effortlessness and elegance — distilled into an expressive, monolithic form. Our clients asked for a design that would provide a stage for their Bespoke colour and material choices, whether quiet and restrained or bold and expressive. In line with their requirements, Ghost Series II is characterised by meaningful refinements that further enhance the motor car’s standing as a potent canvas for creativity.”
Juliane Blasi, Head of Exterior Design, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars presents Ghost Series II, a powerful, driver-orientated and elegant rendition of the most popular Rolls-Royce nameplate in history. In line with client requests, the subtle evolution of Ghost’s monolithic and self-assured external appearance serves as a potent stage for Bespoke commissions. To extend their choices, clients now have access to interior finishes and features never previously available on Ghost, as well as advanced software technologies that see Bespoke enter the digital world.


Ghost is one of the most important Rolls-Royce motor cars of the Goodwood era. The first generation was introduced in 2009 to meet the needs of what was then a completely new category of luxury consumer. These clients, who were predominantly younger than those the marque had spoken to with its initial motor car, Phantom, requested a model that was more approachable and versatile. They also sought a more distilled expression of the Rolls-Royce brand – and crucially, one that would allow them to make their own statements through Bespoke that they would relish driving themselves.

The second-generation Ghost, launched in 2020, advanced these principles significantly. An object lesson in design purity, its surface simplicity hid underlying design, engineering, and craftsmanship of extraordinary complexity – and power. Indeed, it was the most technologically advanced V12 Rolls-Royce ever created when it was introduced. This was based on a number of impulses: to give clients a pure, yet self-assured canvas for Bespoke commissions, underpinned by a uniquely agile, driver-orientated chassis.

Ghost clients immediately recognised the impact that they could make with Bespoke. This heralded an era of experimentation and expression – from the ‘quiet luxury’ codes later popularised by the fashion industry, to fearless and bright celebrations of colour. Consequently, Ghost clients invest, on average, 10% of the purchase price of their motor car in Bespoke.

Alongside its aesthetic treatment, the 2020 Ghost also took the crown as the most technologically advanced Rolls-Royce ever created. In particular, its Planar Suspension System, which took engineers 10 collective years to perfect, produced a sensation of ‘flight on land’ never previously achieved in a motor car. With a 6.75-litre twin-turbocharged V12 petrol engine, plus all-wheel steering and four-wheel drive, Ghost quickly became recognised as the most dynamic, driver-focused model in the Rolls-Royce family and the perfect touring machine. Indeed, clients frequently describe Ghost not as a saloon, but a superlative four-door grand tourer.

When the time came to update Ghost, Rolls-Royce spoke to its clients about their requirements. For them, Ghost’s potential as a platform for personal, as well as engineering dynamism, was central to its appeal. Respecting their wishes, Rolls-Royce made subtle but meaningful design enhancements when forming Ghost Series II, and incorporated the remarkable, uncompromising powertrain that wrote this motor car into Rolls-Royce legend.


Ghost Series II is more closely aligned to Rolls-Royce’s sheer, monolithic design approach than ever. The front end has been distilled into a clean and contemporary showcase for the illuminated Rolls-Royce Pantheon grille – an element of Rolls-Royce’s design iconography that continues to be celebrated by clients worldwide. Ghost Series II’s modern presence is captured in its updated headlight and daytime running light graphics, which flow from the lower section of the grille to the edge of the front wings, dropping down to emphasise the motor car’s generous 2148mm width. The lower portion of the front end provides a foundation for the grille, augmented by new chrome embellishments that form a ‘floating’ visual plinth for the Spirit of Ecstasy mascot.

In rear view, Ghost Series II benefits from a new tail lamp configuration, harmonising the side and rear surfaces. This treatment was inspired by Spectre, each featuring two expressive, vertical light panels flanked by a curved chrome element, discreetly inscribed with the double ‘R’ monogram.

Clients can choose from two new 22-inch, 9-spoke wheel designs, one fully- and one part-polished. Both treatments are an elegant and modern complement to Ghost Series II’s contemporary yet timeless design, and subtly reflect its underlying potency.


For Ghost Series II, designers have also created a new exterior colour, joining the marque’s existing palette of more than 44,000 prêt-à-porter hues and Bespoke colour service, where clients can craft their own shade and reserve it for their exclusive use. Named Mustique Blue, this metallic finish captures the hues and glamour of the Caribbean island it is named after, using glass and mica flakes to create a shimmer that evokes sunlight reflecting from a tropical sea.

The colour is also a reference to one of the earliest driver-focused Rolls-Royces – a lightweight 1929 Phantom II Continental prototype, which was finished in a similar blue hue. This motor car was created for Henry Royce’s personal use and was one of the first motor cars in history to use pearlescent paint, which at the time was created using ground fish scales. It went on to win the ‘Prix d’Honneur’, at the prestigious Biarritz Concours d’Elegance in 1930.


The interior of Ghost Series II celebrates craftsmanship, both analogue and digital. Housed in the new pillar-to-pillar glass panel, the Central Information Display incorporates the marque’s advanced operating system. This enables clients to extend their Bespoke commission from hardware to software as the colour of the digital instrument dials can now be tailored to complement the motor car’s interior palette or exterior finish, aligning with Ghost clients’ fascination with new and contemporary ways to make Bespoke statements. SPIRIT also integrates Whispers, the Rolls-Royce private members application, allowing owners to send destinations directly to their motor car, view its location and manage vehicle locking remotely, highlighting that clients increasingly view their Rolls-Royce as central to a wider lifestyle experience.

Entertainment and connectivity functions have been significantly upgraded for Ghost Series II. Rear seat passengers can now connect up to two streaming devices to the rear screens, stream independently on each screen, and select their preferred entertainment from a newly developed interface, which also manages seating functions such as massaging, heating and cooling. Bluetooth® headphones of any type can be paired with the rear seat infotainment system, and all occupants benefit from an upgraded Wi-Fi® hotspot and USB-C® charging ports hidden discreetly in the centre console.


The peerless refinement of Rolls-Royce motor cars creates the ultimate auditorium for sound reproduction within the Ghost cabin. The marque’s decorated 18-speaker audio system further evolves for Ghost Series II – it now incorporates an upgraded 1400-watt amplifier. This powers the marque’s peerless speaker design, wherein cavities within the motor car’s aluminium sill sections are used as resonance chambers for low-frequency speakers, essentially transforming the lower section of the motor car into a generous floor-standing speaker placed on its side.

For Bespoke Audio, this is further enhanced by two ‘speakerless’ exciters that, instead of using a cone, are bonded directly to the inside of the Headliner, transforming it into an expansive overhead sound stage. When a Starlight Headliner is selected in combination with the Bespoke Audio System, the fibreoptic cables used to create the celestial effect are compressed with a special acoustic membrane. This prevents the cabling from reverberating, and also channels sound down into the cabin. Two active microphones in the cabin constantly monitor the balance of frequencies and automatically adjust the amplifier to optimise the sound.


Ghost Series II benefits from bold new expressions of contemporary craft, meticulously conceived by the marque’s artisans. Alongside the Central Information Display, on the passenger side, is the new Spirit of Ecstasy Clock Cabinet. This vitrine houses an analogue timepiece and an up-lit, mirror-polished, solid stainless-steel Spirit of Ecstasy figurine. She is placed on a stage with a matte black back panel and high gloss side panels to create a reflection effect. On entering the motor car, the Spirit of Ecstasy is initially illuminated from below, as if she is being lit by a spotlight, before her stage lighting settles to a soft glow.

Alongside this exquisite detail, and spanning the full width of the passenger side, is the Illuminated Fascia – an advanced craft feature that debuted with Ghost in 2020. With Ghost Series II, the new Illuminated Fascia design looks to the stars for inspiration, capturing the movement of the night sky in a design reminiscent of time-lapse celestial photography. Clients are also able to create their own Illuminated Fascia motif in collaboration with the marque’s Bespoke designers.

A new interior material named Grey Stained Ash has been crafted to complement Ghost Series II’s elegant design enhancements. Like so much of Rolls-Royce’s artisanal expressions of luxury, this extraordinary new material represents the coalescence of traditional master craftsmanship and innovation. This richly-grained, natural open-pore wood is stained by hand and enriched with microscopic metallic particles to create a unique and highly contemporary shimmering effect – a technique that took more than four years to develop.

Ghost Series II also continues Rolls-Royce’s exploration of textiles with Duality Twill, a new rayon fabric made from bamboo. During a research trip, members of the Rolls-Royce design team visited Le Jardin des Méditerranées on the Côte d’Azur, which neighbours Sir Henry Royce’s former winter home, Villa Mimosa. One of the botanical garden’s defining features is an extensive bamboo grove, which Sir Henry would have seen, that inspired this innovative fabric. The twill textile is embroidered with a ‘Duality’ graphic, an abstract interpretation of the interlinked initial R of the marque’s founders’ names. In another allusion to the French Riviera, the design hints at the interweaving rope lines found on sailing yachts.

Duality Twill spent more than a year in development, in collaboration with a master weaver now based full-time at the Home of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood. Creating a full Duality Twill interior is a highly complex process incorporating up to 2.2 million stitches, 11 miles of thread, and can take 20 hours to complete. Each panel is individually prepared before being cut using a specially developed laser that seals the edges to prevent individual threads from coming loose. Once all panels are carefully positioned and stitched together to create a seamless whole, they are used to upholster the seating. The base twill textile is available in three colours – Lilac, Chocolate and Black – and the thread is available in 51 different hues, allowing clients to tailor their design according to their character, creating a bold contrasting effect or a subtle monochrome.

Alternatively, clients may choose Placed Perforation – an innovative contemporary craft technique in which small perforations are made in the seat leather to create unique artworks. The perforations vary in size to create the perception of depth, allowing detailed and seemingly three-dimensional graphics to be created. The initial pattern is inspired by the shifting shapes and shadows of clouds over the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood. It is composed of up to 107,000 0.8- and 1.2-millimetre perforations, each individually examined to ensure absolute uniformity.


At the heart of Ghost Series II is the marque’s uncompromising, potent and near-silent 6.75-litre twin-turbocharged V12 petrol engine and hallmark eight-speed gearbox. This powers the all-wheel steering and all-wheel drivetrain. Maximum torque is available from just 1,600rpm – only 600rpm above tick-over, creating the perception of one, endless gear and the unique ‘waftability’ associated with the Rolls-Royce experience.

The celebrated Planar Suspension System of Ghost Series II incorporates the unique Upper Wishbone Damper unit above the front suspension assembly. This acts in concert with the continuously variable, electronically controlled shock absorbers and self-levelling, high-volume air strut assemblies to create an even more stable and effortless expression of the marque’s effortless ‘magic carpet ride’. The five-link rear axle benefits from the same self-levelling high-volume air suspension technology.

The suspension and chassis systems are augmented with the marque’s Flagbearer System, which uses cameras to read the road ahead and prepare the suspension for any changes in the road surface. This is supplemented with the marque’s Satellite Aided Transmission, which uses GPS data to select the optimum gear for exiting a corner depending on the extent of its curvature. These technologies work as one, allowing Ghost to anticipate and react to the most demanding roads effortlessly, marrying peerless serenity with remarkable dynamism and agility.


Clients who seek the inherent agility and scope for Bespoke that Ghost Series II represents, but require the indulgence of superlative rear seating space, are invited to commission Ghost Extended Series II. The motor car offers 170mm more space in the rear suite, enabled by extending the rear doors and apertures only, which preserves its elegant silhouette.

Clients seeking the most elevated expression of Ghost Extended Series II can also commission the marque’s reclining Serenity Seating, which recalls a private aircraft cabin experience. Like Ghost Series II, a Champagne cooler can also be requested. Rolls-Royce specialists consulted with a Master Sommelier and learned that the optimum serving temperatures of non-vintage Champagne is, on average, six degrees Celsius and for vintage Champagne, is broadly 11 degrees Celsius. Accordingly, the cooler operates two cooling modes, chilling to six degrees and 11 degrees Celsius.

These enhancements come at no cost to the motor car’s exceptional dynamic capabilities. Indeed, Ghost Extended clients almost unanimously commission this motor car for self-driving with the benefit of enhanced rear seating space, rather than retain the services of a chauffeur.


Since its launch in 2009, Ghost has captured the spirit of Rolls-Royce’s Goodwood era, which is defined by clients’ desire to express their connoisseurship through increasingly complex and diverse Bespoke commissions. To satisfy this demand, Rolls-Royce is expanding its global network of Private Offices, offering clients around the world the experience of interacting with Designers and Bespoke specialists based in their region, to bring their visions to life. Furthermore, the marque has secured planning permission for a significant extension of its Home at Goodwood in West Sussex with the express aim of creating more space for Bespoke craft and technologies to grow.

Alongside this desire for increasingly complex Bespoke, many of today’s Rolls-Royce clients demand a driving experience that is as potent and agile as it is composed, effortless and serene. This is a balance that Ghost Series II strikes perfectly, at no cost to either character –and without ever compromising the motor car’s standing as a superlative and powerful super-luxury product.



Ghost Series II: WLTP (combined) CO2 emission: 357-346 g/km; Fuel consumption: 18-18.5 mpg / 15.7-15.3 l/100km.
Ghost Extended Series II: WLTP (combined) CO2 emission: 358-348 g/km; Fuel consumption: 17.9–18.5mpg / 15.8–15.3 l/100km.


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