
从美国到澳大利亚,超过 1,400 辆留着胡子的兰博基尼在全球游行庆祝胡子节

日期: 2024 年 12 月 3 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞



圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞,2024 年 12 月 3 日——11 月,来自 23 个国家的 1,400 多辆兰博基尼参加了全球“奔牛节”活动,展示了引擎盖上的传统胡须贴纸,以示对 Movember 的支持。兰博基尼汽车公司连续第四年重申对 2003 年成立的协会的承诺,该协会为与男性健康相关的重要问题筹集资金并提高人们的认识,包括前列腺癌、睾丸癌、心理健康和自杀预防。

兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann 表示:“今年我们再次确保 Movember 活动获得充分支持,动员全球经销商和客户参与我们非常关心的一项活动。与往常一样,我们的目标是继续提高公众对 Movember 活动的认识,希望每个人都能受到鼓舞,尽自己的一份力量来支持像 Movember 这样的组织,这些组织始终致力于解决这些重要问题。”

11 月 2 日,兰博基尼 Movember 活动在迈阿密举行,超过 150 辆超级跑车从美国东海岸的各个地点出发,前往迈阿密海滩。除了佛罗里达州的活动外,在全球经销商的支持下,Bull Runs 活动在 23 个不同的国家和悉尼歌剧院等最具吸引力的地点举行。在 11 月于赫雷斯德拉弗龙特拉举行的兰博基尼 Super Trofeo 世界总决赛上,车队不仅仅限于公路车,赛车的引擎盖上也贴上了胡须贴纸。在这场作为兰博基尼 Squadra Corse 赛季高潮的比赛中,所有参赛车辆都带着不同颜色的胡须在赛道上飞驰。


兰博基尼不仅提供了具体的举措,还提供了能够有力地传达 Movember 信息的话语。11 月 7 日德国兰博基尼日期间发生了一个令人印象深刻的时刻,该组织的联合创始人兼董事 Justin ‘JC’ Coghlan 登台分享了他的经历。JC 讲述了他的旅程,并强调了预防和提高对男性健康问题的认识的重要性。他的故事深深地吸引并激励了观众,突出了 Movember 和兰博基尼在扩大认识、希望和集体承诺的信息方面的协同作用。

十一月底,兰博基尼支持 Movember 的活动正式结束,然而,圣亚加塔·波隆尼之家对提高男性健康意识的承诺依然坚定不移,并将持续一整年。

From America to Australia, over 1.400 Lamborghinis with mustaches paraded worldwide to celebrate Movember

DATE: 03 Dec 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

The Sant’Agata Bolognese super sports car marque driving dealers and customers in support of the association’s activities

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 3 December 2024 – More than 1.400 Lamborghinis from 23 countries participated in “Bull Runs” around the world during November, showing off the traditional mustache decals on their hoods as a symbol of support for Movember. For the fourth year in a row, Automobili Lamborghini renewed its commitment to the association founded in 2003, which raises funds and awareness on important issues related to men’s health, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.

Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini remarked: “Again this year we made sure there was plenty of support for Movember, mobilizing dealers and customers around the world in an initiative that we care deeply about. As always, our objective is to continue to raise awareness in an ever-widening public, with the hope that everyone feels inspired to do their own part to support organizations like Movember that remain consistently engaged with such important issues.”

A highlight of Lamborghini’s Movember activities took place on 2 November in Miami, where over 150 super sports models started from various locations on the USA’s east cost and made their way to Miami Beach. As well as the Florida initiative, the support of dealers globally saw Bull Runs held across 23 different countries and in the most evocative locations, such as the Sydney Opera House. The motorcades were not only limited only to road cars, but race cars also sported the mustache decals on their hoods during the Lamborghini Super Trofeo World Finals held in Jerez de la Frontera in November. In this competition, which is the culmination of the Lamborghini Squadra Corse season, all the participating cars sped around the track with mustaches of different colors.

Great success was also achieved by one of this year’s new initiatives, hosted at the Lamborghini Museum in Sant’Agata Bolognese. Visitors took part in a symbolic game, guessing the number of walnuts in a container. The initiative aimed to raise awareness about testicular cancer, using walnuts as a metaphor to emphasize the importance of prevention and regular check-ups. However, Lamborghini’s commitment to promoting personal health and well-being is also reflected in the company itself: the House of Sant’Agata Bolognese is deeply dedicated to creating a healthy work environment via a series of preventative initiatives, including medical check-ups, informational conferences and special podcasts. Promoting physical and mental well-being, Lamborghini demonstrates its commitment to building a workplace that is inclusive and positive for all, confirming a holistic view of the health and care of its employees.

Lamborghini offers not only concrete initiatives, but also words that can strongly communicate the message of Movember. One powerful moment took place during Lamborghini Day Germany on November 7, where Justin ‘JC’ Coghlan, co-founder and director of the organization, took to the stage to share his experiences. JC recounted his journey and underscored the importance of prevention and awareness-raising about men’s health issues. His story deeply engaged and inspired the audience, highlighting the synergy between Movember and Lamborghini in amplifying a message of awareness, hope, and collective commitment.

The end of November brings the official conclusion of the activities of Lamborghini in support of Movember, however, the commitment of the House of Sant’Agata Bolognese to raising awareness about men’s health remains unwavering and continues throughout the entire year.


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