
更高性能 – 更多选择:全新 MINI John Cooper Works 车型系列

凭借新款 MINI John Cooper Works 车型,赛车爱好者现在首次可以在两款全电动车型和三款配备强劲四缸 TwinPower Turbo 发动机的汽油动力车型之间进行选择。无论采用哪种传动系统,MINI 的所有高性能车型都具有无与伦比的驾驶动态、赛车风格的悬架技术以及独特且经过空气动力学优化的设计。


慕尼黑。五款 MINI John Cooper Works 车型以最强劲的形式象征着纯粹的驾驶乐趣和独特的驾驶体验。随着 MINI John Cooper Works Electric 和 MINI John Cooper Works Aceman 的推出,两款全电动 John Cooper Works 车型首次成为 MINI 产品组合的一部分。强大的电力驱动开启了该品牌悠久历史的新篇章,并展示了其对性能和创新的持续承诺。MINI John Cooper Works 和 MINI John Cooper Works Convertible 凭借强大的 TwinPower Turbo 发动机提供驾驶乐趣。在 MINI John Cooper Works Countryman ALL4 中,爱好者还可以通过 ALL4 全轮驱动享受越野驾驶。

MINI John Cooper Works Electric 和 MINI John Cooper Works Aceman:全新维度的电动高性能。
全电动 MINI 车型的车辆架构非常适合该品牌一贯的性能导向特征。MINI John Cooper Works Electric(综合功耗:根据 WLTP 为 15.6-15.3 kWh/100 km;综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km;根据 WLTP 的续航里程:371 – 363 公里)和 MINI John Cooper Works Aceman(综合功耗:根据 WLTP 为 16.4-16.0 kWh/100 km;综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km;根据 WLTP 的续航里程:355 – 344 公里)具有高达 190 kW/258 hp 和 350 Nm 的即时可用系统扭矩。两种型号均通过电动增压功能额外提供 20 kW 的电机功率,从而实现特别动态的加速。 JCW 专属悬架调校最大程度地展现了典型的 MINI 卡丁车感觉,并确保了灵活的操控性。高性能轮胎是两款车型的标准配置。

专属装备细节强调了与品牌传统赛车运动遗产的情感联系。其中包括红白黑三色 John Cooper Works 标志,其风格类似于赛车运动的方格旗,以及 JCW 特有的红黑渐变色多色调车顶。黑色侧裙、C 柱上特定车型的空气叶片和突出的后扰流板优化了空气动力学性能,增加了续航里程。三门 MINI John Cooper Works Electric 续航里程为 371 公里,而五门 MINI John Cooper Works Aceman 一次充电可行驶 355 公里。

MINI John Cooper Works 和 MINI John Cooper Works 敞篷车:传奇的卡丁车感觉和强劲的加速性能。
四缸 TwinPower Turbo 发动机排量为两升,功率为 170 kW/231 hp,扭矩为 380 Nm,在 MINI John Cooper Works(综合油耗:6.8 – 6.5 l/100 km;综合 CO2 排放量:根据 WLTP 为 154 – 147 g/km)和 MINI John Cooper Works 敞篷车(综合油耗:7.1 – 6.8 l/100 km;综合 CO2 排放量:根据 WLTP 为 161 – 155 g/km)中提供最大的驾驶乐趣和最佳性能。运动型双离合自动变速箱将发动机功率转化为特别动态的换档。 MINI John Cooper Works 从 0 加速至 100 公里/小时仅需 6.1 秒,而 MINI John Cooper Works 敞篷车则需 6.4 秒。MINI John Cooper Works 的最高时速为 250 公里/小时,MINI John Cooper Works 敞篷车的最高时速可达 245 公里/小时。为了让您尽享露天驾驶乐趣,敞篷车的软顶可在车速高达 30 公里/小时时仅需 18 秒即可完全收起。

大型八角形高光黑色前格栅配有宽大的通风口,可实现高效的发动机冷却,而富有现代感的 JCW 标志则占据了两款车型的前部。前裙板上侧面进气口的红色嵌件凸显了赛车运动导向的设计,可实现最佳性能。在黑色后扩散器的中心,位于中央的排气管凸显了两位顶级运动员的个性。

MINI John Cooper Works Countryman ALL4:
作为最大的车型,配备 ALL4 全轮驱动的 MINI John Cooper Works Countryman(综合油耗:根据 WLTP 为 8.3 – 7.8 升/100 公里;综合二氧化碳排放量:187-177 克/公里)代表着风格、动力和冒险精神的独特结合。强大的发动机可提供 221 千瓦/300 马力的功率、400 牛米的最大扭矩和 250 公里/小时的最高时速,使 MINI 宽敞的多功能车的外观特别令人动容。

这种性能还体现在 MINI John Cooper Works Countryman ALL4 强劲的外观上。从正面看,带有红色反光镜的空气动力学元件突出了宽阔的车身,而在车辆后部,带有 John Cooper Works Signature Mode 的垂直尾灯勾勒出直立的车身。先进的辅助系统通过先进的技术为驾驶员提供支持。MINI Countryman 首次在类似高速公路的路线上提供部分自动化 2 级驾驶,从而提供额外的舒适感。

新款 MINI John Cooper Works 车型的内饰设计简洁,红黑相间的 JCW 专用设备细节十分醒目。黑色 JCW 运动型方向盘带有红色装饰缝线,六点钟方向盘辐条由黑红相间的织物制成,具有出色的抓地力。JCW 运动型座椅在动态驾驶过程中提供安全支撑。肩部区域采用黑色人造革与多色针织材料,红色装饰缝线与仪表板针织表面的色彩图案相得益彰。在所有 MINI John Cooper Works 车型中,独家 Harman Kardon 音响系统的出色音效作为标准配置增强了驾驶体验。

专属卡丁车模式扩展了新款 MINI John Cooper Works 系列车辆中 MINI 体验模式的选择范围,并增加了赛车运动风格。转向设置为更直接的设置,油门踏板对指令的响应更快,从而增加了驾驶乐趣。因此,高分辨率 OLED 显示屏提供了额外的性能相关数据,例如扭矩、功率输出和当前重力。

对于所有 MINI John Cooper Works 车型,Digital Key Plus 均可在智能手机上提供便捷的数字车钥匙。这样,无需拿起智能手机即可轻松解锁或锁定车辆。对于 MINI John Cooper Works Electric 以及 MINI John Cooper Works Aceman,远程停车功能还提供了通过智能手机停车和开出车辆的便捷选项。

John Cooper Works 的历史可以追溯到 1961 年。John Cooper 很早就认识到了经典 Mini 的竞争潜力。通过安装更强大的发动机、新制动器和更直接的转向系统,他将这款普通的小型车变成了一辆赛车,让 20 世纪 60 年代的拉力赛巨头们都为之颤抖。1964 年、1965 年和 1967 年在传奇的蒙特卡洛拉力赛上三次获得总冠军是经典 Mini 赛车生涯中绝对的亮点。现在这一代将成功的赛车历史带入了未来。最近,基于新款 MINI John Cooper Works 的原型车在传奇的纽伯格林 24 小时耐力赛上获得了令人印象深刻的级别胜利。无论型号如何,新款 MINI John Cooper Works 家族中的所有高性能车辆都散发着一个决定性的特征:对顶级性能的热情。



MINI John Cooper Works(综合燃油消耗:6.8 – 6.5 l/100km(根据 WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:154 – 147 g/km;二氧化碳等级:E)。

MINI John Cooper Works 敞篷车(综合油耗:7.1 – 6.8 l/100km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:161 – 155 g/km;二氧化碳等级:F)。

MINI JCW Countryman ALL4(综合燃油消耗:8.2 – 7.8 l/100km(根据 WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:186 – 177 g/km;二氧化碳等级:G)。

MINI John Cooper Works Electric(综合电力消耗:15.6 – 15.3 kWh/100 km(根据 WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km;二氧化碳等级:A;续航里程(公里数:371 – 363(根据 WLTP))。

MINI John Cooper Works Aceman(综合电力消耗:16.4 – 16.0 kWh/100 km(根据 WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km;二氧化碳等级:A;续航里程(公里数)根据 WLTP:355 – 344)。

Even more performance – even more choice: The new MINI John Cooper Works model family

With the new MINI John Cooper Works models, motorsport enthusiasts now have for the first time the choice between two fully electric models and three petrol-powered models with powerful four-cylinder TwinPower Turbo engines. Regardless of the drive train, all of MINI’s high-performance models share the unparalleled driving dynamics, racing-inspired suspension technology, and the exclusive and aerodynamically optimized design.


Munich. The five current MINI John Cooper Works models symbolize pure driving fun in its most powerful form and a unique driving experience. With the MINI John Cooper Works Electric and the MINI John Cooper Works Aceman, two fully electric John Cooper Works models are now part of the MINI product portfolio for the first time. The powerful electric drives open a new chapter in the brand’s long history and demonstrate its ongoing commitment to performance and innovation. The MINI John Cooper Works and the MINI John Cooper Works Convertible provide driving fun with a powerful TwinPower Turbo engine. In the MINI John Cooper Works Countryman ALL4, enthusiasts can also enjoy driving off-road thanks to the ALL4 all-wheel drive.

The MINI John Cooper Works Electric and the MINI John Cooper Works Aceman: Electric high performance in a new dimension.
The vehicle architecture of the fully electric MINI models is perfectly suited for the brand’s consistently performance-oriented character. The MINI John Cooper Works Electric (combined power consumption: 15.6-15.3 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; combined CO2 emissions: 0 g/km; range in km according to WLTP: 371 – 363) and the MINI John Cooper Works Aceman (combined power consumption: 16.4-16.0 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; combined CO2 emissions: 0 g/km; range in km according to WLTP: 355 – 344) have up to 190 kW/258 hp and 350 Nm of instantly available system torque. Both models provide an additional 20 kW of motor power via an electric boost function, allowing for particularly dynamic acceleration. The JCW-specific suspension tuning maximizes the typical MINI go-kart feeling and guarantees agile handling. High-performance tires are part of the standard equipment of both models.

Exclusive equipment details emphasize the emotional connection to the brand’s traditional motorsport heritage. These include the red-white-black John Cooper Works logo in the style of a checkered flag from motorsports, as well as a JCW-specific Multitone Roof with a red-black color gradient. Black side skirts, model-specific aeroblades at the C-pillar, and the accentuated rear spoiler optimize the aerodynamics for increased range. The three-door MINI John Cooper Works Electric achieves 371 kilometers, while the five-door MINI John Cooper Works Aceman can drive up to 355 kilometers on a single battery charge.

MINI John Cooper Works and MINI John Cooper Works Convertible: Legendary go-kart feeling with powerful acceleration.
A four-cylinder TwinPower Turbo engine with a displacement of two liters, 170 kW/231 hp, and 380 Nm of torque offers maximum driving fun and top performance in both the MINI John Cooper Works (combined fuel consumption: 6.8 – 6.5 l/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 154 – 147 g/km according to WLTP) and the MINI John Cooper Works Convertible (combined fuel consumption: 7.1 – 6.8 l/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 161 – 155 g/km according to WLTP). The sportily tuned dual-clutch automatic transmission translates the engine power into particularly dynamic gear changes. The MINI John Cooper Works takes 6.1 seconds and the MINI John Cooper Works Convertible 6.4 seconds to sprint from 0 to 100 km/h. The top speed of the MINI John Cooper Works is 250 km/h, the MINI John Cooper Works Convertible reaches 245 km/h. For boundless open-air driving pleasure, the softtop of the Convertible can be fully retracted in just 18 seconds at speeds of up to 30 km/h.

The large octagonal high-gloss black front grille with wide air vents for efficient engine cooling and the modern JCW logo dominates the front view of both models. Red-colored inserts in the side air inlets on the front apron underscore the motorsport-oriented design for maximum performance. In the center of the black rear diffuser, the centrally positioned tailpipe emphasizes the character of the two top athletes.

MINI John Cooper Works Countryman ALL4:
Extraordinary driving fun on any terrain.
As the largest model, the MINI John Cooper Works Countryman with ALL4 all-wheel drive (combined fuel consumption: 8.3 – 7.8 l/100 km according to WLTP; combined CO2 emissions: 187-177 g/km) stands for a unique combination of style, power, and adventurous spirit. The powerful engine delivers 221 kW/300 HP of power, 400 Nm of maximum torque, and a top speed of 250 km/h, making the appearance of MINI’s spacious multi-talent particularly emotional.

This performance is also reflected in the powerful appearance of the MINI John Cooper Works Countryman ALL4. In the front view, aerodynamic elements with red reflectors emphasize the wide stance, while at the rear of the vehicle, vertical taillights with the John Cooper Works Signature Mode frame the upright body. Advanced assistance systems support the driver through progressive technologies. For the first time, the MINI Countryman offers partially automated Level 2 driving on highway-like routes, providing additional comfort.

Puristic Interior with motorsport accents.
The clear design of the interior in the new MINI John Cooper Works models is characterized by JCW-specific equipment details in red and black. The black JCW sports steering wheel with red decorative stitching and a six o’clock spoke made of black and red fabric provides excellent grip. The JCW sports seats offer secure support during dynamic driving. The combination of black leatherette with multi-colored knitted material in the shoulder area and red accent stitching picks up the color pattern of the knitted surface of the dashboard. In all MINI John Cooper Works models, the brilliant sound of the exclusive Harman Kardon sound system enhances the driving experience as standard.

Advanced technology for maximum and comfortable driving pleasure.
The JCW-specific go-kart mode expands the selection options of the MINI Experience Modes in the vehicles of the new MINI John Cooper Works family with additional motorsport flair. The steering is set to a more direct setting, the accelerator pedal responds faster to commands for increased driving fun. Accordingly, the high-resolution OLED display provides additional performance-related data such as torque, power output, and current g-force.

For all MINI John Cooper Works models, the Digital Key Plus provides a convenient digital vehicle key on the smartphone. This allows the vehicle to be comfortably unlocked or locked without having to pick up the smartphone. For the MINI John Cooper Works Electric as well as the MINI John Cooper Works Aceman, the Remote Parking function also offers a convenient option to park and unpark the vehicle via the smartphone.

Long racing tradition with legendary successes.
The history of MINI John Cooper Works dates back to the year 1961. The John Cooper recognized the competitive potential of the classic Mini long before anyone else. By installing a more powerful engine, new brakes, and a more direct steering, he turned the modest small car into a race car that made the giants of the rally scene tremble in the 1960s. The three overall victories at the legendary Rallye Monte Carlo in 1964, 1965, and 1967 are among the absolute highlights of the classic Mini’s racing career. The current generation now carries the successful racing history into the future. Most recently with the impressive class victory of a prototype based on the new MINI John Cooper Works at the legendary 24-hour race at the Nürburgring. Regardless of the model, all high-performance vehicles in the new MINI John Cooper Works family exude one decisive characteristic: the enthusiasm for top performance.



MINI John Cooper Works (fuel consumption combined: 6.8 – 6.5 l/100km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 154 – 147 g/km; CO2-class: E).

MINI John Cooper Works Convertible (fuel consumption combined: 7.1 – 6.8 l/100km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 161 – 155 g/km; CO2-class: F).

MINI JCW Countryman ALL4 (fuel consumption combined: 8,2 – 7,8 l/100km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 186 – 177 g/km; CO2-class: G).

MINI John Cooper Works Electric (electricity consumption combined: 15,6 – 15,3 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO2-class: A; Range in km according to WLTP: 371 – 363).

MINI John Cooper Works Aceman (electricity consumption combined: 16,4 – 16,0 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO2-class: A; Range in km according to WLTP: 355 – 344).


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