
Es Devlin 受宝马委托创作的全新多媒体作品《SURFACING》在 2024 年巴塞尔艺术展上亮相

Es Devlin 受宝马委托创作的全新多媒体作品《SURFACING》在 2024 年巴塞尔艺术展上亮相。水、光、声音和舞蹈装置将可持续能源与运动进行了开创性的结合。这是一项舞蹈合作,也是宝马 iX5 氢动力汽车试点车队中的一系列移动声音装置。

氢气作为可持续的能源和运动来源是宝马今年在巴塞尔艺术展上展示的核心主题。宝马是巴塞尔艺术展 20 年来的合作伙伴,它委托伦敦艺术家 Es Devlin 创作一系列多媒体作品,这些作品将于 6 月 10 日揭幕。在艺术博览会的 1.1 号展厅,Devlin 设立了一个展位,展出了四件作品。


慕尼黑/巴塞尔。 氢气作为可持续的能源和运动来源是宝马今年在巴塞尔艺术展上的项目中心主题。宝马是巴塞尔艺术展 20 年的合作伙伴,它委托伦敦艺术家 Es Devlin 创作一系列多媒体作品,这些作品将于 6 月 10 日揭幕。在艺术博览会的 1.1 号展厅,Devlin 创建了一个展位,展示了四件作品:  Surfacing  (2024 年)、  Surfacing II  (2024 年)、  Mask  (2018 年)和 Mask in Motion (2018 年)。作为开篇,Devlin 和宝马还在一组 BMW iX5 氢动力汽车* 的试点车队中展示了一系列移动声音装置,这些汽车被 Devlin 的拼贴画印刷品包裹着。乘客们被邀请聆听艺术家与宝马工程师关于氢气潜力的对话。

宝马集团氢能汽车负责人迈克尔·拉斯表示:“Es Devlin 为巴塞尔艺术展创作的创新和移动性作品令人印象深刻地展示了科技如何成为艺术的灵感来源。我们对宝马集团开创性的氢能技术的光芒感到非常自豪。”

BMW iX5 氢动力汽车:BMW 技术专长的先驱和开拓者。
作为一种多功能能源,氢将在能源转型和气候保护中发挥关键作用。BMW iX5 氢动力汽车将零排放电力驱动的优势与该品牌典型的驾驶乐趣相结合。另一个优势是快速而简单的加油过程。该公司目前正在选定的国家/地区在日常条件下测试采用氢燃料电池技术的车辆。试点车队的全球巡演现在将在 2024 年巴塞尔艺术展上停留,创新的氢动力汽车将作为班车服务提供。


该车的动力系统基于 BMW X5 开发,由输出功率为 125 kW/170 hp 的燃料电池创新组合而成,利用气态氢的能量驱动 BMW 集团第五代项目的电动机和专门开发的电池。这样可产生 285 kW/401 hp 的最大系统输出功率。BMW iX5 Hydrogen 的氢气罐可在三到四分钟内加满燃料,根据 WLTP 测试循环,续航里程可达 504 公里。

德夫林 (Es Devlin) 创作了一系列多媒体作品,这些作品将于 6 月 10 日在 2024 年巴塞尔艺术展上亮相。
德夫林在艺术博览会 1.1 号展厅创建了一个展位,展示了四件作品:  《浮现 》(2024),一道光线穿透的发光雨立方体;  《浮现 II》  (2024),一对彩绘电视机,其中一个跳舞的人物似乎取代了像素和颜料;两侧是 《面具》  (2018),一个融合了手和河流的投影映射模型城市;以及 《运动中的面具》 (2018),一个旋转的发光半透明印刷城市,将观众融入其动能阴影中。

每件作品都延续了德夫林 30 年来对人类与技术之间纠缠舞蹈的探索。展台每小时都会给参观者带来惊喜,因为 《Surfacing》的雨盒就像魔术师的装置一样,变幻出一段由巴黎著名编舞家莎朗·埃亚尔创作的 7 分钟舞蹈作品,音乐由伦敦二人组 Polyphonia 创作。

德夫林在过去一年中一直与宝马的工程师们交流,了解氢燃料电池技术背后的机制及其对可持续能源系统未来的影响。作为 1.1 号展厅展出作品的开篇,她根据他们的对话创作了一个简单的音景,并由作曲家 Polyphonia 作曲,为宝马 iX5 氢动力汽车试点车队的客人播放。

德夫林 说:“我从宝马工程师那里了解到氢燃料电池系统工作时所具有的美妙对称性:分离氢原子和氧原子所用的能量在汽车内氧气与氢气重新结合时被重新产生。副产品不仅是驱动汽车的能量,还有水。”

BMW iX5 Hydrogen 的外部包裹着一幅蓝白拼贴画,德夫林在其中叠加了一些绘画和文字,这些绘画和文字是对她十几岁时墙上和书架上的版画和文学作品的回应。这些绘画的姿态与日本艺术家葛饰北斋 1831 年的木刻画《神奈川冲浪里》相呼应,叠加在詹姆斯乔伊斯的开创性小说《尤利西斯》中关于水的最长句子的手写摘录上。拼贴画下面是宝马集团关于氢燃料电池技术的出版物摘录。

参观者可以在此处注册预订每小时仪式的座位 。2024
年 6 月 13 日星期四 – 2024 年 6 月 16 日星期日
巴塞尔艺术展,1.1 号展厅
Messeplatz 10,4005 巴塞尔,瑞士



BMW iX5 氢气:WLTP 循环中综合消耗:1.19 kg H2/100 km,WLTP 循环中综合 CO2 排放量:0 g/km
电动续航里程:504 km(313 英里)

Es Devlin’s new multi-media work SURFACING commissioned by BMW unveiled at Art Basel in Basel 2024. A pioneering combination of sustainable energy and movement in an installation of water, light, sound and dance. A dance collaboration and a series of mobile sound installations within a pilot fleet of BMW iX5 Hydrogen vehicles.

Hydrogen as a sustainable source of energy and movement is the central theme of BMW’s program at this year’s Art Basel in Basel. BMW, which has been a partner of Art Basel for 20 years, has commissioned London-based artist Es Devlin to create a series of multi-media works which will be unveiled on 10 June. In Hall 1.1 of the art fair Devlin has created a booth displaying four works.


Munich/Basel. Hydrogen as a sustainable source of energy and movement is the central theme of BMW’s program at this year’s Art Basel in Basel. BMW, which has been a partner of Art Basel for 20 years, has commissioned London-based artist Es Devlin to create a series of multi-media works which will be unveiled on 10 June. In Hall 1.1 of the art fair Devlin has created a booth displaying four works: Surfacing (2024), Surfacing II (2024), Mask (2018), and Mask in Motion (2018). As an opening chapter, Devlin and BMW also present a series of mobile sound installations within a pilot fleet of BMW iX5 Hydrogen vehicles* which have been enveloped in prints of Devlin’s collaged paintings. Passengers are invited to listen in on the artist’s conversation with BMW engineers about the potential of hydrogen.

“The works on innovation and mobility created by Es Devlin for Art Basel offer an impressive example of how technology can serve as inspiration for art,” says Michael Rath, Head of Hydrogen Vehicles, BMW Group. “We are very proud of the radiance of the BMW Group’s pioneering hydrogen technology.”

The BMW iX5 Hydrogen: Pioneer and trailblazer of BMW’s technological expertise.
As a versatile energy source, hydrogen will play a key role in the energy transition and thus in climate protection. The BMW iX5 Hydrogen combines the advantages of locally emission-free electric drive with the driving pleasure typical of the brand. Another advantage: the quick and uncomplicated refuelling process. The company is currently testing the vehicle with hydrogen fuel cell technology in selected countries under everyday conditions. The world tour of the pilot fleet will now make a stop at Art Basel 2024, where the innovative hydrogen vehicles will be available as a shuttle service.

For the BMW Group, the pilot project is an expression of its open-technology approach to the mobility of tomorrow. The hydrogen fuel cell technology provides an additional supplement to battery-electric drive systems.

The powertrain of the vehicle developed on the basis of the BMW X5 consists of an innovative combination of fuel cells with an output of 125 kW/170 hp, which uses energy from gaseous hydrogen to drive an electric motor from the BMW Group’s Gen 5 programme together with a specially developed battery. This generates a maximum system output of 285 kW/401 hp. The hydrogen tanks of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen can be refuelled within three to four minutes and enable a range of 504 kilometres according to the WLTP test cycle.

Es Devlin to create a series of multi-media works which will be unveiled on 10 June at Art Basel in Basel 2024.
In Hall 1.1 of the art fair Devlin has created a booth displaying four works: Surfacing (2024), an illuminated cube of rain penetrated by a line of light and Surfacing II (2024), a pair of painted televisions in which a dancing figure appears to displace pixels and pigment, are flanked by Mask (2018) a projection-mapped model city fusing hands and river, and Mask in Motion (2018) a revolving illuminated translucent printed city which meshes viewers within its kinetic shadow.

Each work continues Devlin’s 30 year exploration of the entangled dance between humans and technology. The booth surprises visitors each hour as Surfacing‘s box of rain, like a magician’s apparatus, conjures a 7 minute dance work by renowned Paris-based choreographer Sharon Eyal with music composed by London-based duo Polyphonia.

A meeting of artist and engineers.
Devlin has spent the past year engaging with engineers at BMW, learning the mechanics behind the hydrogen fuel cell technology and its implications for the future of sustainable energy systems. As an opening chapter to the works on view in Hall 1.1, she has created a simple soundscape drawn from their conversations and underscored by composers Polyphonia which is played to guests in the pilot fleet of BMW iX5 Hydrogen vehicles.

Devlin says: “I learned from the BMW engineers the beautiful symmetry of the system at work within the hydrogen fuel cell: the energy that is used to separate hydrogen atoms from oxygen is recreated when the oxygen is reunited with hydrogen within the car. The by-product is not only the energy which propels the vehicle, but water.”

The exterior of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen has been wrapped in a painted blue and white collage in which Devlin overlays paintings and text made in response to the prints and literature which populated her wall and bookshelves as a teenager. Painted gestures echoing the 1831 woodcut ‘The Great Wave off Kanagawa’ by Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai, are superimposed over hand written extracts from literature’s longest sentence about water drawn from James Joyce’s seminal novel ‘Ulysses’. Underlying the collage are excerpts from BMW Group publications on hydrogen fuel cell technology.

Visitors can sign up to book their seat at the hourly rituals here.
Thursday, 13 June – Sunday, 16 June 2024
Art Basel in Basel, Hall 1.1
Messeplatz 10, 4005 Basel, Switzerland



BMW iX5 Hydrogen: Consumption combined in WLTP cycle: 1,19 kg H2/100 km, CO2 emissions combined in WLTP cycle: 0 g/km
Electric range: 504 km (313 miles)




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