
火箭联盟中首次亮相的新款宝马 1 系的设计大赛

+++ 高端紧凑型车型的全新版本融入热门游戏经典 +++ BMW 和 Epic Games 在 Rocket League 第 16 季前推出贴花设计大赛 +++


慕尼黑。随着《火箭联盟》第 16 季的到来,新款宝马 1 系将在 Epic Games 的热门在线视频游戏中首次亮相。《火箭联盟》是一款动感十足的汽车足球游戏,玩家尝试使用各种火箭驱动的车辆将球踢进对手的球门。玩家可以单独比赛,也可以组成最多三人的团队比赛,使用巧妙的策略和壮观的特技来取得胜利。在第 16 季开始之前,宝马和 Epic Games 将发起一场比赛,呼吁全球游戏社区根据个人意愿为新款宝马 1 系设计一个贴花。火箭联盟 x 宝马贴花设计大赛的获胜设计将作为季中补丁的一部分整合到游戏中。

定制车辆是《火箭联盟》游戏体验的关键部分。各种贴花、车轮和其他可应用于车辆的附加部件提供了多种表达个性的选择。定制车辆的能力鼓励创造力,并通过解锁新的设计元素增强了从其他玩家中脱颖而出的动力。新款宝马 1 系将在游戏中提供摩天大楼灰色金属漆,可以使用通用贴花、车轮、顶饰和天线进行定制。这将包括宝马与 Epic Games 合作开发的独家贴花和涂装。

火箭联盟 x BMW 贴花设计大赛启动。

为了给第 16 季的开始营造兴奋感并挑战玩家的创造力,这家知名游戏开发商和豪华汽车制造商将新款 BMW 1 系的首次亮相与火箭联盟 x BMW 贴花设计大赛结合起来。2024 年 8 月 9 日至 30 日期间,玩家将有机会为新款 BMW 1 系创建自己的火箭联盟贴花设计。参与者将获得从不同角度展示汽车的二维草图。模板可以在 下载,并使用您选择的工具进行自定义。无论是在计算机上以数字方式、用铅笔还是用油画或水彩画,创造力都没有限制。完成的设计可以通过 Instagram 和 X 提交,使用主题标签#RocketLeagueBMWDecalContest#Contest

10 月中旬,将在颁奖典礼直播中选出最佳设计。前三名将获得奖金,冠军奖金 3,000 美元,亚军奖金 2,000 美元,季军奖金 1,000 美元。获奖设计将在《火箭联盟》季中补丁发布后立即提供给所有已通过 Rocket Pass Premium 购买新款 BMW 1 系的玩家。

新款宝马 1 系:现实世界中游戏乐趣的先驱。

在现实世界中,新款 BMW 1 系也凭借其运动特性和先进的数字化水平而令人激动。它以动感的设计、完全改进的驱动组合和大幅增强的底盘技术体现了该品牌在高端紧凑型细分市场标志性的驾驶乐趣。基于 BMW 操作系统 9 的最新版本 BMW iDrive 显示和操作系统提供了创新的用户体验。它为高度个性化的数字服务选择提供了基础,客户可以通过 BMW ConnectedDrive 升级和新的 BMW Digital Premium 服务获得这些服务。

这还包括在 BMW 曲面显示屏上使用 AirConsole 平台的车载游戏,该平台提供不断增长的休闲游戏选择。该系列包括“谁想成为百万富翁?”等经典游戏和“Starlit Kart”等游戏。这些游戏让驾驶员和乘客可以在静止的车辆中独自或以多人模式消磨时光。您只需要智能手机作为控制器即可。这使得新款 BMW 1 系成为其细分市场中游戏乐趣的先驱。



宝马集团旗下拥有宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车四个品牌,是全球领先的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高端金融和移动出行服务。宝马集团生产网络覆盖全球 30 多个生产基地,公司在全球 140 多个国家/地区拥有销售网络。

2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。


Design contest for the new BMW 1 Series debut in Rocket League.

+++ New edition of the premium compact model finds its way into a popular gaming classic +++ BMW and Epic Games launch Decal design competition ahead of Rocket League Season 16 +++


Munich. With the upcoming Rocket League Season 16, the new BMW 1 Series will make a spectacular debut in the popular online video game from Epic Games. Rocket League is an action-packed car soccer game in which players try to kick a ball into the opponent’s goal using a variety of rocket-powered vehicles. Players can compete alone or in teams of up to three, using ingenious strategies and spectacular stunts to achieve victory. Before Season 16 begins, BMW and Epic Games are launching a competition and calling on the global gaming community to design a Decal for the new BMW 1 Series according to their personal wishes. The winning design of the Rocket League x BMW Decal Design Contest will then be integrated into the game as part of a mid-Season patch.

Customisation of their vehicles is a key part of the gameplay experience in Rocket League. A variety of Decals, Wheels and other add-on parts that can be applied to the vehicles offer a wide range of options for expressing your personality. The ability to customise vehicles encourages creativity and increases the motivation to stand out from other players by unlocking new design elements. The new BMW 1 Series will be available in the game in Skyscraper Grey metallic paint and can be customised with Universal Decals, Wheels, Toppers and Antennas. This will include exclusive Decals and liveries developed by BMW in collaboration with Epic Games.

Launch of the Rocket League x BMW Decal Design Contest.

To build excitement for the start of Season 16 and challenge players’ creativity, the renowned game developer and premium car manufacturer are combining the debut of the new BMW 1 Series with the Rocket League x BMW Decal Design Contest. Between 9 and 30 August 2024, players will have the opportunity to create their own Rocket League Decal design for the new BMW 1 Series. Participants are provided with two-dimensional sketches showing the car from different perspectives. The templates can be downloaded at and customised using the tools of your choice. Whether digitally on the computer, with a pencil or in oil or watercolours, there are no limits to creativity. Finished designs can be submitted via Instagram and X using the hashtags #RocketLeagueBMWDecalContest and #Contest.

In mid-October, the best designs will be selected during an award show livestream. The top three finishers will receive prize money of $3,000 for the winner, $2,000 for the second place and $1,000 for the third place. The winning design will be available immediately after a mid-Season patch in Rocket League for all players who have already purchased the new BMW 1 Series through Rocket Pass Premium.

The new BMW 1 Series: A pioneer for the fun of gaming in the real world as well.

In the real world, too, the new BMW 1 Series is an exciting proposition with its sporty character and advanced level of digitalisation. It embodies the brand’s hallmark driving pleasure in the premium compact segment with its dynamic design, a completely revised drive portfolio and extensively enhanced chassis technology. The latest version of the BMW iDrive display and operating system, based on BMW Operating System 9, offers an innovative user experience. It provides the basis for a highly individual selection of digital services, which are available to customers with the BMW ConnectedDrive upgrades and the new BMW Digital Premium offer.

This also includes in-car gaming on the BMW Curved Display with the AirConsole platform, which offers a constantly growing selection of casual games. The range includes classics such as “Who wants to be a millionaire?” and titles such as “Starlit Kart”. These allow drivers and passengers to spend time in a stationary vehicle, either alone or in multiplayer mode. All you need is your smartphone, which acts as the controller. This makes the new BMW 1 Series the pioneer of gaming fun in its segment.


The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.


In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.


The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


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