
BMW旅行日记:驾驶新款BMW 4系和新款BMW Z4穿越阿尔卑斯山

+++ 运动型旅行与纯粹驾驶乐趣的结合+++ 沿着历史悠久的南部路线进行三国之旅,在搭载直列六缸发动机的 BMW M 汽车上享受激动人心的性能体验+++


慕尼黑/博尔扎诺。对夏天的向往让我们将目光投向南方。新款 BMW 4 系敞篷车和新款 BMW Z4 比以往任何时候都更能吸引您去探索阳光下的理想之地。与新款 BMW 4 系双门轿跑车一样,这款敞篷四座车采用了全新的设计风格和众多精致的细节。这款 Roadster 采用全新的驾驶理念,鼓励驾驶员在前往南方的途中穿越蜿蜒的山路。从巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山脚下穿过奥地利蒂罗尔州到意大利北部多洛米蒂山脉的边缘,游览三个国家,让您完美地感受到在配备不同特性的直列六缸发动机的 BMW M 汽车中体验驾驶乐趣的感受。

在前往特根湖的旅程开始时,灰色的面纱笼罩着整个景观。狂风大作,云朵低垂,雨刷不停地响个不停——这是沿着湖南岸的路线。不久之后,我们经过传统的温泉小镇克罗伊特,然后到达奥地利的边境口岸,在加入申根协议近 30 年后,这里几乎已经无法辨认出是以前的边境哨所了。

8 速 Steptronic 和 BMW xDrive 满足手动变速箱和后轮驱动。

这条路线的第一大亮点是沿着阿亨湖行驶的近十公里长的“沿海公路”。现在,M Performance 车型的直列六缸发动机已达到工作温度。新款 BMW M440i xDrive 敞篷车的发动机可产生 275 kW/374 hp(综合油耗:8.7 升/100 公里(62 英里);综合 CO 2排放量:根据 WLTP 为 197 g/km,CO 2等级:G)和 BMW M440i xDrive 轿跑车的发动机(综合油耗:8.5 升/100 公里(62 英里);综合 CO 2排放量:根据 WLTP 为 192 g/km,CO 2等级:G)。8 速 Steptronic 运动型变速箱和 BMW xDrive 智能全轮驱动确保所有动力都能够最大程度地传输到道路上。

纯动力版 BMW Z4 M40i(综合油耗:8.7 升/100 公里(62 英里);综合二氧化碳排放量:197 克/公里(根据 WLTP,二氧化碳等级:G):250 千瓦/340 马力的发动机首次与 6 速手动变速箱匹配。手动变速箱在齿轮组和轴区域采用 M 专用组件,以及专门为 Roadster 及其六缸直列发动机设计的外部换档机构。扭矩以经典方式传输到后轮。

如果您在 Maurach 及时“换挡”并右转,您很快就会到达 Jenbach 村,可直接进入 Inn Valley 高速公路。但当第一缕阳光穿过云层时,我们自发决定走平行的乡村公路前往因斯布鲁克。经过 Jenbacher 博物馆后不久,我们在环形交叉路口多转了一圈。只需按一下按钮,软顶就会打开。


在蒂罗尔州首府的短暂停留提供了一睹敞篷车、双门轿跑车和跑车最新设计创新的机会。这两款四座车现在配备了格外醒目的前大灯和 Laserlight 尾灯,风格与特别版 BMW M4 CSL 相同,同时还采用了全新的喷漆。除了独有的 Frozen Deep Green 金属漆面外,BMW Z4 Pure Impulse Edition 还提供其他七种漆面选择。除了高光黑色外后视镜盖外,深色 M 轻合金轮毂从侧面看也引人注目。它们前轮为 19 英寸,后轮为 20 英寸。首次在跑车上使用的轴特定车轮尺寸是全面底盘改装中最明显的部分。对转弯行为的积极影响将在后面显现。

驾车穿过因斯布鲁克,位于城市南郊的贝尔吉瑟尔滑雪跳台总是吸引着你的目光。这里传统上是每年一度的四山锦标赛的第三站。它的跳台在 2002 年和 2003 年被彻底重建。重建计划由建筑师泽哈·哈迪德 (Zeha Hadid) 制定,他还设计了宝马集团位于莱比锡的中央大楼,该大楼于一年后竣工。

但如今,冬季运动自然已不再是问题。相反,古老的布伦纳山口公路非常适合悠闲地巡游,偶尔会有短暂的加速和大量的曲折。它距离奥地利-意大利边境和近 1,400 米高的布伦纳山口约 35 公里。在 1971 年布伦纳高速公路建成并全线通车之前,这条公路一直是奥地利和意大利之间的主要南北连接。如果您今天走这条历史悠久的路线,您可以沿途欣赏欧洲大桥。这座奥地利最高的桥高出地面 190 米,横跨帕奇和申贝格之间的维普山谷。

驾车穿越布伦纳山口是三国之旅最具挑战性和最激动人心的阶段的理想预演。从斯特尔青出发,前往梅拉诺的最短路线是穿越海拔不到 2100 米的豪芬山口。这条 50 公里长的路线蜿蜒曲折,使两种驾驶理念的比较变得特别有趣。


舒适的驾驶乐趣很快就变成了在 BMW M440i xDrive 敞篷车和 BMW M440i xDrive 双门轿跑车上对蜿蜒柏油路面理想路线的雄心勃勃的探索。8 速运动型变速箱 Steptronic 始终能够找到合适的档位,实现弯道动态加速,即使在特别急的弯道前进行急刹车操作后也是如此。

BMW xDrive 系统的设计侧重于后轮,而主减速器中的 M Sport 差速器也有助于确保始终将动力引导至最有效的地方,以实现最大的驾驶动态。直列六缸发动机的运动驾驶体验和富有表现力的声音与壮丽的全景相得益彰。每次转弯后,阿尔卑斯山峰和绿色山谷的景色都焕然一新。

BMW Z4 M40i Pure Impulse Edition 让驾驶者自行选择合适的档位,以获得理想的发动机转速。踏板和变速杆还可用于创作迷人的音乐,音乐直接从排气系统的梯形排气管流进双座车的内部。

与驱动概念一样,特定车型的悬架技术旨在比以往更加强调 Roadster 的纯粹特性。除了独特的车轮组合外,还使用了前轴上更坚固的防倾杆夹、特定的附加弹簧和自适应 M 底盘的电子控制减震器的改进特性图。在顶峰前后的急弯中,可变运动转向、牵引力控制和 M 运动差速器的新软件设置特别有效。在 BMW Z4 M40i Pure Impulse Edition 中,直接转向弯道和下一个加速阶段的增强方向稳定性最终确保了纯粹的性能体验,具有纯粹的驾驶乐趣。

过了圣莱昂哈德,运动项目就结束了。在西南段,Jaufen 路蜿蜒曲折,进入 Passeier 山谷。很快就到达温泉小镇梅拉诺。最迟在此时,您将开始感受到期待已久的地中海风情。周边地区有很多骑自行车、徒步旅行和爬山的机会。宝马 4 系敞篷车、宝马 4 系双门轿跑车和宝马 Z4 继续沿着 MeBo 行驶,这是连接梅拉诺和博尔扎诺的主要道路。经过拉纳、特兰和埃潘,它穿过埃茨塔尔山谷直接到达南蒂罗尔首府。到达那里后,旅行者面临着一个选择:回到寒冷的北方,还是继续向南走向阳光?只要打开软顶,选择就不是那么困难了。


BMW M440i xDrive Coupé:综合油耗:8.5 升/100 公里(62 英里);综合二氧化碳排放量:192 克/公里(根据 WLTP),二氧化碳等级:G  

BMW M440i xDrive 敞篷车:综合油耗:8.7 升/100 公里(62 英里);综合二氧化碳排放量:197 克/公里(根据 WLTP),二氧化碳等级:G 

BMW Z4 M40i:综合油耗:8.7 升/100 公里(62 英里);综合二氧化碳排放量:197 克/公里(根据 WLTP),二氧化碳等级:G 

BMW Travel Diaries: Crossing the Alps with the new BMW 4 Series and the new BMW Z4.

+++ Sporty touring meets purist driving pleasure +++ Three-country tour on historic southern route offers exciting performance experiences in BMW M automobiles with in-line six-cylinder engines +++


Munich/Bolzano. Longing for summer makes us look south. More than ever, the new BMW 4 Series Convertible and the new BMW Z4 invite you to discover the ideal place in the sun. Just like the new BMW 4 Series Coupé, the open-top four-seater comes with fresh design accents and numerous refined details. The Roadster, with its new drive concept, encourages drivers to tackle winding mountain passes on their way to southern climes. A tour of three countries – from the foothills of the Bavarian Alps through the Austrian state of Tyrol to the edge of the Dolomites in northern Italy – gives a perfect impression of how driving pleasure can be experienced in BMW M automobiles with in-line six-cylinder engines with different characters.

At the start of the journey to Lake Tegernsee, a grey veil lies over the landscape. Gusty winds, low-hanging clouds, windscreen wipers in constant use – this is the route along the southern shore of the lake. Shortly afterwards, we pass the traditional spa town of Kreuth before reaching the border crossing to Austria, which, almost 30 years after joining the Schengen Agreement, is hardly recognisable as a former border post.

8-speed Steptronic and BMW xDrive meet manual transmission and rear-wheel drive.

The first highlight of the route is the almost ten-kilometre-long “coastal road” along Lake Achensee. By now, the in-line six-cylinder engines of the M Performance models have reached operating temperature. The engines in the new BMW M440i xDrive Convertible generate 275 kW/374 hp (consumption combined: 8.7 litres/100 km (62 miles); combined CO2 emissions: 197 g/km according to WLTP, CO2 class: G) and in the BMW M440i xDrive Coupé (consumption combined: 8.5 litres/100 km (62 miles); combined CO2 emissions: 192 g/km according to WLTP, CO2 class: G). The 8-speed Steptronic sports transmission and BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel drive ensure that all this power is transferred to the road with maximum confidence.

The BMW Z4 M40i in the Pure Impulse Edition (consumption combined: 8.7 litres/100 km (62 miles); combined CO2 emissions: 197 g/km according to WLTP, CO2 class: G): The 250 kW/340 hp engine is mated to a 6-speed manual transmission for the first time. The manual transmission features M-specific components in the gear wheel set and shaft area, as well as an external gear shift mechanism that been specially designed exclusively for the Roadster and its six-cylinder in-line engine. The torque is transmitted to the rear wheels in the classic manner.

If you ‘change gear’ at Maurach in time to take the right-hand turnoff, you will soon reach the village of Jenbach with direct access to the Inn Valley motorway. But as the first rays of sunshine break through the clouds, we spontaneously decide to take the parallel country road to Innsbruck. Shortly after the Jenbacher Museum, we take an extra lap around the roundabout. At the push of a button, the soft tops open.

New: Laserlight rear lights for Coupé and Convertible, Roadster with axle-specific wheel dimensions.

A brief stopover in the Tyrolean capital provides an opportunity to take a look at the latest design innovations for the Convertible, Coupé and Roadster. The two four-seaters now feature particularly striking headlights and Laserlight rear lights in the style of the special edition BMW M4 CSL, as well as new paintwork. In addition to the exclusive Frozen Deep Green metallic paint finish, the BMW Z4 Pure Impulse Edition is available in a choice of seven other paint finishes. In addition to the high-gloss black exterior mirror caps, the dark-coloured M light alloy wheels also invite you to take a closer look when viewed from the side. They measure 19 inches at the front and 20 inches at the rear. The axle-specific wheel dimensions, used for the first time on the Roadster, are the most visible part of a comprehensive chassis modification. The positive effects on cornering behaviour will become apparent later.

Driving through Innsbruck, the Bergisel ski jump on the southern outskirts of the city repeatedly catches your eye. It is traditionally the third stop on the annual Four Hills Tournament. Its jump tower was completely rebuilt in 2002 and 2003. The plans were drawn up by architect Zeha Hadid, who also designed the BMW Group’s central building in Leipzig, which was completed a year later.

But winter sports are naturally out of the question today. Instead, the old Brenner Pass road is ideal for relaxed cruising, with the occasional short burst of speed and plenty of twists and turns. It is about 35 kilometres to the Austrian-Italian border and the almost 1,400 metre high Brenner Pass. The road was the main north-south link between Austria and Italy until the Brenner motorway was built and opened to traffic along its entire length in 1971. If you take the historic route today, you can admire the Europe Bridge along the way. At up to 190 metres above the ground, Austria’s highest bridge carries the motorway over the Wipp Valley between Patsch and Schönberg.

Driving over the Brenner Pass is the ideal foretaste of the most challenging and eventful stage of the Three Countries Tour. From Sterzing, the shortest route to Merano leads over the Jaufenpass at an altitude of just under 2 100 metres. The 50-kilometre route, with its numerous serpentine bends, makes it particularly interesting to compare the two driving concepts.

On the winding mountain passes, the Coupé, Convertible and Roadster show their individual strengths.

Comfortable driving pleasure quickly turns into an ambitious search for the ideal line on the winding tarmac in the BMW M440i xDrive Convertible and BMW M440i xDrive Coupé. The 8-speed sports transmission Steptronic always finds the right gear for dynamic acceleration out of the bend, even after abrupt braking manoeuvres before a particularly tight bend.

The design of the BMW xDrive system, with its emphasis on the rear wheels, and the M Sport differential in the final drive also help to ensure that the power is always directed to where it is most effective for maximum driving dynamics. The sporty driving experience and expressive sound of the in-line six-cylinder engine are complemented by magnificent panoramic views. After every bend there is a new view of Alpine peaks and green valleys.

The BMW Z4 M40i Pure Impulse Edition leaves it to the driver to select the right gear for the ideal engine speed. The pedals and gearshift lever can also be used to compose a fascinating soundtrack, which flows directly from the exhaust system’s trapezoidal tailpipes into the interior of the two-seater.

Like the drive concept, the model-specific suspension technology is designed to emphasise the Roadster’s purist character more than ever before. In addition to the exclusive wheel combination, a stiffer anti-roll bar clamp on the front axle, specific additional springs and modified characteristic maps for the electronically controlled shock absorbers of the Adaptive M Chassis are used. In the hairpin bends before and after the summit, the new software settings for the variable sport steering, traction control and M Sport differential are particularly effective. In the BMW Z4 M40i Pure Impulse Edition, the direct steering into the bend and the increased directional stability during the next acceleration phase ultimately ensure an unadulterated performance experience characterised by purist driving pleasure.

Beyond St. Leonhard, the sports programme comes to an end. On its south-western section, the Jaufen road winds its way down into the Passeier Valley in wide bends. The spa town of Merano is soon reached. At this point, at the latest, you will begin to feel the hoped-for Mediterranean flair. The surrounding area is full of opportunities for cycling, hiking and climbing. The BMW 4 Series Convertible, the BMW 4 Series Coupé and the BMW Z4 continue on the MeBo, the main road that links Merano with Bolzano. Passing Lana, Terlan and Eppan, it leads through the Etschtal valley directly to the South Tyrolean capital. Once there, the traveller is faced with a choice: back to the cold north, or further south towards the sun? As long as the soft top is open, the choice is not all that difficult.



BMW M440i xDrive Coupé: Consumption combined: 8.5 litres/100 km (62 miles); combined CO2 emissions: 192 g/km according to WLTP, CO2 class: G

BMW M440i xDrive Convertible: Consumption combined: 8.7 litres/100 km (62 miles); combined CO2 emissions: 197 g/km according to WLTP, CO2 class: G

BMW Z4 M40i: Consumption combined: 8.7 litres/100 km (62 miles); combined CO2 emissions: 197 g/km according to WLTP, CO2 class: G


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