
宝马 (BMW) 将扩大全球锦标赛阵容,成为澳大利亚 PGA 锦标赛的冠名赞助商

+++ 豪华汽车制造商宣布与宝马澳大利亚 PGA 锦标赛建立冠名合作伙伴关系 +++ 与宝马合作的首届赛事将于 2024 年 11 月 21 日至 24 日在皇家昆士兰高尔夫俱乐部举行 +++ 南半球的首个宝马赛事,DP 世界巡回赛日程表上的第三个赛事 +++


+++ 豪华汽车制造商宣布与宝马澳大利亚 PGA 锦标赛建立冠名合作伙伴关系 +++ 与宝马合作的首届赛事将于 2024 年 11 月 21 日至 24 日在皇家昆士兰高尔夫俱乐部举行 +++ 南半球的首个宝马赛事,DP 世界巡回赛日程表上的第三个赛事 +++

从即将到来的 DP 世界巡回赛赛季开始,宝马将成为澳大利亚 PGA 锦标赛(澳大利亚高尔夫两大高尔夫赛事之一)的冠名合作伙伴。这意味着这家高端汽车制造商将致力于在另一个大陆举办出色的职业赛事。宝马澳大利亚 PGA 锦标赛是 DP 世界巡回赛上的第三场宝马锦标赛,另外两场是本周在慕尼黑举行的第 35 届宝马国际公开赛和在伦敦附近温特沃斯举行的宝马 PGA 锦标赛。宝马是美国 PGA 巡回赛季后赛——宝马锦标赛——以及韩国 LPGA 巡回赛宝马女子锦标赛的冠名合作伙伴。

今年 11 月 21 日至 24 日,宝马澳大利亚 PGA 锦标赛将在皇家昆士兰高尔夫俱乐部(布里斯班)举行,该俱乐部是 2032 年奥运会高尔夫比赛的举办地。该锦标赛是澳大利亚体育日历上的顶级赛事之一,将成为 2024/25 DP 世界巡回赛赛季的开幕赛。澳大利亚选手李旼宇已经确认他将重返赛场捍卫自己的冠军头衔。

“宝马与世界各地的高尔夫运动有着长达 40 多年的长期合作,我们很高兴能够与澳大利亚职业高尔夫球协会 (Australian PGA) 延续合作伙伴关系,共同举办如此著名的澳大利亚锦标赛。从美国到欧洲,再到亚洲,再到现在的澳大利亚,在全球所有主要市场,只要有打高尔夫的地方,你都能看到宝马的身影。”宝马澳大利亚首席执行官沃尔夫冈·布切尔 (Wolfgang Buechel) 说道。“这是宝马在南半球首次与高尔夫运动建立冠名权合作伙伴关系,这巩固了我们作为职业高尔夫球协会、澳大利亚高尔夫协会和澳大利亚女子职业高尔夫球协会 (WPGA) 官方汽车合作伙伴的现有关系。”

得益于挑战者澳大利亚职业高尔夫球巡回赛和 DP 世界巡回赛的联合认可协议,今年的宝马澳大利亚 PGA 锦标赛将再次拥有世界级的参赛阵容,让澳大利亚最优秀的职业选手与国际顶尖选手一较高下。

“我们很高兴欢迎宝马成为澳大利亚 PGA 锦标赛的冠名权合作伙伴。多年来,他们对澳大利亚高尔夫和我们的 PGA 锦标赛产生了巨大影响,此次冠名合作将他们的承诺提升到了一个新的水平,”澳大利亚 PGA 首席执行官加文·柯克曼 (Gavin Kirkman) 表示。“宝马对卓越和创新的承诺与我们的价值观完全一致,我们相信此次合作将有助于锦标赛的持续成功和发展。”

除了成为宝马澳大利亚 PGA 锦标赛的冠名权合作伙伴外,宝马还致力于支持澳大利亚职业高尔夫的未来。该公司目前与 LPGA 巡回赛明星 Grace Kim 和 DP 世界巡回赛球员 Elvis Smylie 建立了合作伙伴关系。

BMW to extend global tournament roster in becoming title sponsor of the Australian PGA Championship.

+++ Premium car manufacturer announces title partnership with the BMW Australian PGA Championship +++ First edition with BMW to be held at the Royal Queensland Golf Club from 21st to 24th November 2024 +++ First BMW event in the Southern Hemisphere and third on the DP World Tour calendar +++


+++ Premium car manufacturer announces title partnership with the BMW Australian PGA Championship +++ First edition with BMW to be held at the Royal Queensland Golf Club from 21st to 24th November 2024 +++ First BMW event in the Southern Hemisphere and third on the DP World Tour calendar +++

BMW will become the title partner of the Australian PGA Championship, one of Australian golf’s two major golf events, as of the coming DP World Tour season. This sees the premium car manufacturer extend its commitment to excellent pro events on an additional continent. The BMW Australian PGA Championship is the third BMW tournament on the DP World Tour, alongside the 35th BMW International Open taking place in Munich this week and the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth near London. BMW is the title partner of the PGA TOUR’s playoff tournament – the BMW Championship – in the USA, and of the BMW Ladies Championship on the LPGA Tour in South Korea.

The BMW Australian PGA Championship is locked in for Royal Queensland Golf Club (Brisbane) from 21st to 24th November this year, the host venue of the 2032 Olympic Games golf competition. The tournament is one of the premier events on the Australian sporting calendar and will be the opening tournament of the 2024/25 DP World Tour season. Min Woo Lee of Australia has already confirmed he will return to defend his title.

“BMW has had a longstanding involvement in golf around the world for over 40 years, and we are excited to extend our partnership with the Australian PGA for such a prestigious Australian tournament. From the US via Europe to Asia and now Australasia, you will find BMW wherever golf is played and enjoyed through all major markets worldwide,” said Wolfgang Buechel, CEO BMW Australia. “This is BMW’s first major golf naming rights partnership in the Southern Hemisphere and builds on our existing relationship as the official automotive partner of the PGA, Golf Australia and the WPGA.”

Thanks to the co-sanctioning agreement between the Challenger PGA Tour of Australasia and DP World Tour, this year’s BMW Australian PGA Championship will again feature a world-class field, pitting the best of Australia’s professionals against an international contingent of contenders.

“We are delighted to welcome BMW as the naming rights partner for the Australian PGA Championship. They have had a wonderful influence on Australian golf and our PGA Championship for many years and this naming rights partnership takes their commitment to the next level,” said Gavin Kirkman, PGA of Australia CEO. “BMW’s commitment to excellence and innovation perfectly aligns with our values, and we are confident that this partnership will contribute to the continued success and growth of the championship.”

As well as being naming rights partner of the BMW Australian PGA Championship, BMW is committed to supporting the future of Australian professional golf. The company currently has partnerships with LPGA Tour star Grace Kim and DP World Tour player Elvis Smylie.


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