
罗马尼亚 BMW TechWorks:宝马集团和 NTT DATA 利用新 IT 中心加速数字化转型

+++欧洲制造:罗马尼亚新 IT 中心为欧盟 IT 项目开发核心模块 +++动态增长:第一年员工数量翻倍,营业额达到数千万 +++创新地点:克卢日-纳波卡大学城为创新和 IT 人才提供充满活力的环境 +++


慕尼黑 / 克卢日-纳波卡。宝马集团正在罗马尼亚克卢日-纳波卡开设新办事处,以扩大其全球 IT 和软件中心网络。与 NTT DATA 合作,宝马罗马尼亚技术中心将成为欧洲 IT 和软件项目的中心,并将加速公司的数字化转型。

“通过罗马尼亚 BMW TechWorks,我们正在加强我们在欧盟的影响力,并为客户的数字体验做出重大贡献”,宝马集团 IT 首席信息官兼高级副总裁 Alexander Buresch 解释道,并强调:“我们的全球 IT 中心确保了我们长期的业务 IT 和软件专业知识,并加速了我们基于云创新和人工智能等最新技术的 IT 战略的实施。”


NTT DATA是宝马集团的长期合作伙伴,为合资企业带来了其在敏捷软件开发方面的丰富经验以及在罗马尼亚IT领域的杰出网络。

NTT DATA 公司执行副总裁兼 EMEAL 首席执行官 Chieri Kimura 表示:“我们与宝马集团的合作体现了我们对汽车行业未来的相互尊重和共同愿景。通过结合我们的优势,我们准备提供创新和变革性的解决方案,造福全球客户。”

“BMW TechWorks 罗马尼亚由两家强大的合作伙伴推动,目标是成为宝马集团工业生态系统数字化转型的典范。NTT DATA 在我们两家公司 30 多年的宝贵合作关系之后获得了这项荣誉”,NTT DATA 罗马尼亚首席执行官 Maria Metz 强调道。


到今年年底,合资公司的员工人数将增加一倍以上,达到 250 名开发人员。从长远来看,其目标是员工人数达到四位数,以不断扩大宝马集团的全球软件专业知识。充满活力的增长路径还体现在雄心勃勃的业务目标上:目标是到今年年底实现两位数的营业额。

副总裁兼全球 DevOps 中心负责人 Ralf Waltram 解释说:“BMW TechWorks 罗马尼亚加入了全球 IT 中心网络,该网络已经包括位于德国、南非、美国、葡萄牙和中国的办事处”,并补充道:“克卢日-纳波卡以其创新友好的生态系统、创业精神、初创企业和高密度 IT 人才而闻名,为合资企业提供了理想的条件”。

专注于欧盟的 IT 项目

新的 IT 中心致力于开发以欧洲为重点的 IT 项目的核心构件:

  • 联网采购:高度复杂的供应链和控制系统需要联网的 IT 系统
  • 数字化车间:现代化生产 IT 是 BMW iFactory 的支柱
  • 直销模式:为在欧洲实施 BMW 和 MINI 直销模式而开发中央 IT 组件


罗马尼亚 BMW Techworks 首席运营官 Marian Haus 表示:“我们希望吸引合格的 IT 人才,以促进我们未来几年的快速发展,因此,我们对克卢日-纳波卡大学的优秀技术教育和这座城市活跃的科技环境感到特别高兴。”罗马尼亚 BMW Techworks 首席执行官 Emil Petru 补充道:“我们很自豪从今天起成为 BMW 集团的一员,并在塑造罗马尼亚公司的数字化转型方面发挥决定性作用。”

目前,全球已有超过 9,400 名员工在宝马集团及其合资企业从事 IT 和软件开发工作。

罗马尼亚 BMW TechWorks 的工作机会可以在这里找到:

BMW TechWorks Romania: BMW Group and NTT DATA accelerate digital transformation with new IT hub

+++ Made in Europe: New Romanian IT hub develops central building blocks for IT projects in the EU +++ Dynamic growth: doubling the number of employees and double-digit million turnover in the very first year +++ Innovation location: The university city of Cluj-Napoca offers a dynamic environment for innovation and IT talent +++


Munich / Cluj-Napoca. The BMW Group is expanding its global network of IT and software hubs with the opening of a new location in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In cooperation with NTT DATA, BMW TechWorks Romania will become the hub for European IT and software projects and will accelerate the company’s digital transformation.

“With BMW TechWorks Romania, we are strengthening our footprint in the EU and contributing significantly to the digital experience of our customers” explains Alexander Buresch, CIO and Senior Vice President of BMW Group IT and emphasizes: “Our global IT hubs secure our Business IT and software expertise in the long term and accelerate the implementation of our IT strategy based on latest technologies such as cloud innovations and AI.”

Partnership with NTT DATA

NTT DATA is a long-standing partner of the BMW Group and brings its extensive experience in agile software development and its outstanding network in the Romanian IT landscape to the joint venture.

“Our collaboration with the BMW Group is a testament to our mutual respect and shared vision for the future of the automotive industry. By combining our strengths, we are poised to deliver innovative and transformative solutions that will benefit our customers worldwide”, says Chieri Kimura, EVP of NTT DATA, Inc., CEO EMEAL.

“BMW TechWorks Romania is driven by two strong partners, with the objective of becoming a reference for the digital transformation of the BMW Group’s industrial ecosystem. It is a mission of honour which NTT DATA received in the wake of a 30 plus years old valued partnership between our two companies”, underlines Maria Metz, CEO of NTT DATA Romania.

Ideal conditions for dynamic growth

The joint venture will more than double its workforce to 250 developers by the end of the year. In the long term, the aim is to reach a four-digit number of employees in order to consistently expand the BMW Group’s global software expertise. The dynamic growth path is also reflected in ambitious business goals: the aim is to achieve double-digit million turnover by the end of the year.

Ralf Waltram, Vice President and Head of Global DevOps Hubs explains: “BMW TechWorks Romania joins a global network of IT hubs that already includes locations in Germany, South Africa, the USA, Portugal and China” and adds: “Cluj-Napoca, known for its innovation-friendly ecosystem, entrepreneurship, start-ups and high density of IT talent, offers ideal conditions for the joint venture”.

Focus on IT projects in the EU

The new IT hub develops central building blocks for IT projects with a focus on Europe:

  • Connected Procurement: Highly complex supply chains and control systems require networked IT systems
  • Digital Shopfloor: Modern production IT as the backbone of the BMW iFactory
  • Direct Sales Model: Development of central IT components for the implementation of the BMW and MINI direct sales model in Europe

Innovation hub Cluj-Napoca

Marian Haus, COO BMW TechWorks Romania: “We want to attract qualified IT talent for our rapid growth in the coming years and are therefore particularly pleased about the excellent technical education at the universities in Cluj-Napoca and the city’s lively tech scene.” Emil Petru, CEO BMW Techworks Romania adds: “”We are proud to be part of the BMW Group as of today and to play a decisive role in shaping the digital transformation of the company here in Romania.”

In total, more than 9,400 employees worldwide already work in IT and software development for the BMW Group and its joint ventures.

Job opportunitites at BMW TechWorks Romania can be found here:




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