
BMW 初创车库将对 DeepDrive 革命性电动汽车进行路试



慕尼黑。宝马创业车库和总部位于慕尼黑的 DeepDrive 公司将对一款革命性的电动机进行路试。该概念采用双转子技术,有望实现超高效、强大的驱动装置,并提供充足的续航里程。在成功完成试点项目并在测试台上取得良好结果后,宝马集团和 DeepDrive 目前正在计划首次现场测试。新驱动器的各种版本将安装在宝马集团车型上,并在道路上测试其操控性。DeepDrive

的创新概念或多或少将两个电动机融合成一个单元,创造出一种极其紧凑的驱动器,它节能且具有高扭矩密度。在传统电动机中,定子可以移动内部或外部转子;而在 DeepDrive 的双转子概念中,定子可以同时驱动两个转子。该装置的紧凑设计和轻巧重量使其能够实现轮内驱动系统,其中每个轮毂都有自己的电动机。该技术还可用于传统的集中式驱动系统,其中中央电机组为车辆提供动力。

宝马看重 DeepDrive 创新的成熟度和可扩展性潜力。
宝马是第一家发现 DeepDrive 的大型制造商,自 2021 年 IAA 以来,双方一直在加强合作。他们的技术已经非常成熟:“DeepDrive 的原型部件大大超出了我们的规格,”宝马集团汽车概念和技术研究主管 Karol Virsik 表示。“在如此早期的阶段和采用全新技术的情况下,这确实很不寻常。”

在测试台上进行了一段时间后,概念验证被认为是成功的,并取得了最佳结果。下一步是在道路上进行真实世界的验证。轮毂电机将占用更少的空间,更节能、更轻、更便宜,使其成为各种车型的有吸引力的选择,并且具有很高的可扩展性。“DeepDrive 为未来的电力驱动制定了令人兴奋的愿景,”Virsik 说。“Startup Garage 让我们能够试验 DeepDrive,并研究下一代驱动器可能是什么样子。”

DeepDrive 现在还与其他制造商和主要供应商合作,例如大陆集团。 2024 年,他们的汽车概念荣获德国创新奖。DeepDrive 联合创始人兼联合首席执行官 Felix Pörnbacher 表示:“与宝马的合作为我们提供了跳板。它帮助我们驾驭复杂的企业世界,满足并超越汽车行业的严格标准。我们现在的目标是将其整合到生产模型中。”与初创公司的合作加速了宝马

BMW 创业车库作为风险投资客户,实施初创公司开发的突破性技术,并提升 BMW 集团在创新、可持续发展和运营绩效方面的能力。风险投资客户模式于 2015 年建立,BMW 充当客户并与年轻公司密切合作以开发其技术。“BMW 创业车库是与初创公司建立联系的绝佳机会。然后我们继续与其中最优秀的公司合作,”Virsik 说道。“初创公司对我们来说非常重要,因为他们的思维方式非常独特,突破常规。他们为我们提供了新的视角。”

BMW Startup Garage to road-test revolutionary e-drive by DeepDrive

+++ BMW Startup Garage accelerates drive innovation +++ Powerful, super-efficient electric drives with extensive range +++ Road-test after promising results on test rig +++


Munich. The BMW Startup Garage and the Munich-based company DeepDrive are set to road-test a revolutionary electric motor. The concept features dual rotor technology and is expected to enable super-efficient, powerful drives that offer plenty of range. After a successful pilot project with promising results on the test rig, the BMW Group and DeepDrive are now planning their first field test. Various versions of the new drive will be installed into BMW Group models and their handling tested out on the road.

DeepDrive’s innovative concept more or less melds two electric motors into a single unit, creating an extremely compact drive that’s energy-efficient and has a high torque density. In a conventional electric motor, the stator moves either an internal or an external rotor; with DeepDrive’s dual rotor concept, the stator drives both rotors simultaneously. The compact design and light weight of the unit allow for an in-wheel drive system, in which each wheel hub has its own electric motor. The technology can also be used in a traditional, centralised drive system, where a central motor block powers the vehicle.

BMW values the maturity level and scalability potential of the DeepDrive innovation.
BMW was the first major manufacturer to discover DeepDrive and has been intensifying collaborations with them since the IAA 2021. Their technology is already remarkably mature: “DeepDrive’s prototype parts largely exceeded our specifications,” says Karol Virsik, Head of Research Vehicle Concepts and Technologies at the BMW Group. “That’s really unusual at such an early stage and with a completely new technology.”

After a stint on the test rig, the proof of concept was deemed successful, delivering top results. The next step is to perform a real-world validation out on the road. The in-wheel motors will require less space and be more energy-efficient, lighter and less costly, making them an attractive option for a wide range of vehicle models and potentially highly scalable. “DeepDrive has developed an exciting vision for the electric drive of the future,” said Virsik. “The Startup Garage allows us to experiment with DeepDrive and work out what drives might look like in the generation after next.”

DeepDrive is now collaborating with other manufacturers and major suppliers as well, such as Continental. In 2024, their motor concept was honoured with the German Innovation Award. “Collaborating with BMW gave us a springboard really early on,” said Felix Pörnbacher, co-founder and co-CEO of DeepDrive. “It helped us navigate the complex corporate world and meet and exceed the rigorous standards of the automotive industry. Our goal now is to get it integrated into a production model.”

Collaborating with startups accelerates innovations at the BMW Group.
The BMW Startup Garage operates as a venture client, implementing groundbreaking technologies developed by startups and enhancing the BMW Group’s capabilities in innovation, sustainability and operational performance. The venture client model was established in 2015, with BMW acting as a customer and working closely with young companies to develop their technologies. “The BMW Startup Garage is an excellent opportunity to connect with startups. We then carry on working with the best of them,” said Virsik. “Startups are really important to us because they think unconventionally and out-of-the-box. They give us new perspectives.”


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