
BMW 摩托车推出新款 BMW C 400 GT 和 BMW C 400 X

EU-5+ 认证、显著扩展的标准设备以及新的可选设备和一系列配件。


慕尼黑。BMW Motorrad 凭借 BMW C 400 GT 和 BMW C 400 X 为摩托车中型踏板车市场提供了两款高端车型。在城市交通领域,BMW C 400 X 凭借突出的动态特性脱颖而出,而适合旅行的 Gran Turismo 版本 BMW C 400 GT 则以更高的舒适度给人留下了深刻印象。BMW Motorrad 现已对这两款摩托车中型踏板车进行了改进,除了技术改进外,还为其提供了新功能、新颜色和新配件。

强劲的单缸驱动装置,符合 EU-5+ 认证,标配 ABS Pro 和 DBC、DTC 和 MSR。
动力驱动装置仍为久经考验的单缸发动机,输出功率为 25 kW(34 hp),转速为 7,500 rpm,最大扭矩为 35 Nm,转速为 5,750 rpm。动力通过无级 CVT 变速箱和高扭转刚度的动力组摇臂传输。得益于最新的 EU-5+ 认证,新款 BMW C 400 X 和 BMW C 400 GT 仍然是动感、无忧无虑的踏板车乐趣的理想搭档。

BMW C 400 X 和 BMW C 400 GT 均标配 BMW Motorrad ABS Pro。得益于 ABS 倾斜角度辅助制动,即使在转弯时也能提供更高的安全性。ABS Pro 可防止车轮在快速按下制动杆时锁死,并减少转向力的突然变化,从而即使在冲击制动期间也不会出现不必要的车辆抬升。

此外,与 ABS Pro 相连的动态制动控制 (DBC) 功能提供了非常灵敏的响应以及高制动和驾驶稳定性,即使在转弯时也能实现最佳减速。一旦传感器盒在制动过程中提供一定的减速度值,就会将驾驶员同时提出的加速请求识别为不合理,并阻止节气门打开。因此,车辆保持稳定,制动距离缩短。如果达到规定的减速度,危险警示灯会自动亮起。

动态牵引力控制 (DTC) 和发动机阻力扭矩控制 (MSR) 也已作为标准配置。DTC 在加速时提供更高的安全性 — 即使在倾斜角度下,尤其是在湿滑路面条件下。使用 MSR,可以安全避免在滑行期间可能出现的不稳定驾驶条件或突然减少油门导致后轮过度制动滑动(打滑或踩踏)。在这些情况下,MSR 会打开节气门阀,以平衡阻力扭矩并稳定车辆。

连接性 — 标配的大型、清晰易读的 6.5 英寸 TFT 显示屏可提供丰富的信息和功能。两种车型均配备导航准备功能,BMW C 400 GT 还配备 10.25 英寸显示屏,作为工厂选配设备。BMW C 400 X 和 BMW C 400 GT 现在标配大型 6.5 英寸 TFT 显示屏。信息种类、显示质量以及用户友好性无与伦比。与 BMW Motorrad Connected 应用程序配合使用时,显示屏可连接到左侧车把组件上的多控制器,可快速、安全、方便地进行操作。作为 Connectivity Pro 选项的一部分,BMW C 400 GT 还可配备大型 10.25 英寸显示屏。

骑行时还可以方便地打电话、听音乐和导航。例如,如果智能手机和头盔通过蓝牙连接到 BMW Motorrad 通信系统,则可以使用 TFT 显示屏轻松访问媒体播放和电话功能。无需安装应用程序即可使用这些功能。如果与标准智能手机建立了有效的蓝牙连接,骑手可以在骑行时享受听音乐的乐趣,并在主动冷却的储物箱中为智能手机充电。此外,免费的 BMW Motorrad Connected 应用程序可直接通过 TFT 显示屏提供实用的箭头导航。

对于想要轻松应对日常交通或短途旅行而无需额外设备的骑手来说,这种基本导航尤其有吸引力。带有 BMW Motorrad Connected Ride Navigator 支架或 BMW Motorrad Connected Ride Cradle 的导航准备现在也可作为工厂安装设备提供(不与 10.25 英寸显示屏一起使用)。

扩大了通勤范围,提供更多存储空间。新配件包括 43.5 升顶箱、车身保护器和护手装置。BMW C 400 X 和 BMW C 400 GT 现在在座椅下方拥有更多存储空间,可以存放更多行李。BMW C 400 X 的储物空间增加了 3 升,BMW C 400 GT(包括前袋)的储物空间则增加了 12 升。BMW C 400 GT 现在标配手动可调挡风玻璃,并可在出厂时安装行李架作为选配设备。

新款顶箱的储物空间为 43.5 升,不仅比以前多出 13.5 升的容量,而且有效载荷也从之前的 5 公斤增加到 10 公斤。它还配备了内部照明和 USB 充电端口等电气化功能。新款顶箱还提供靠背垫和喷漆侧板作为选配。它通过减震行李架固定在车辆上。新款 BMW Motorrad 原装配件(如车身保护器和护手装置)完善了产品范围。

BMW C 400 X 具有新的前部设计和新的“Rugged”车型,作为出厂时的选配。
除了基本的 Blackstorm 金属版(配有黑/灰座椅、黑色轮辋和前部制动钳)外,BMW C 400 X 还配备了新的、更具动感的前部设计,还有新的“Rugged”车型可供选择。

在此版本中,BMW C 400 X 采用 Kalamata 金属哑光车身颜色,同时看起来既令人兴奋又动感十足。红色轮辋、胶带和越野设计的轮胎与金色制动卡钳在前部相遇。深色挡风玻璃、红黑色座椅、不锈钢脚踏板插件和护手(作为可选配件提供)完善了坚固的外观。脚踏板插件以及阳极氧化车把末端配重块是
BMW C 400 X 和 BMW C 400 GT 的原装 BMW Motorrad 配件。

BMW C 400 GT 地面可达性经过优化,新款“Exclusive”车型出厂时作为选配设备。BMW C 400 GT 的地面可达性经过优化,可提供更高的舒适度和更好的人体工程学。

除了配备黑色座椅、黑色轮辋和黑色前部制动卡钳的基本款 Blackstorm 金属版外,BMW C 400 GT 还有新款“Exclusive”车型。

在这一款车型中,车身颜色为 Diamondwhite 金属色的 BMW C 400 GT 看起来优雅而独特。金色轮辋、胶带和带有轮辋颜色刺绣徽章的黑色座椅与前部的金色制动钳和略带颜色的挡风玻璃相得益彰。带有 BMW 徽标投影的地板灯和不锈钢脚踏板插件完善了这一选装设备车型的范围。

全新特殊设备和原装 BMW Motorrad 配件。


Connectivity Pro 大型 10.25 英寸 TFT 显示屏,具有连接、分屏和地图导航功能。(宝马 C 400 GT)

防盗报警系统 当点火开关关闭或通过遥控器关闭时自动启动。

行李架 专门针对新型电动 43.5 升顶箱而设计。


顶箱容量为 43.5 升,配有内部照明和 USB 连接。


宝马集团旗下拥有宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车四个品牌,是全球领先的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高端金融和移动出行服务。宝马集团生产网络覆盖全球 30 多个生产基地,公司在全球 140 多个国家/地区拥有销售网络。

2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。


BMW Motorrad presents the new BMW C 400 GT and BMW C 400 X.

EU-5+ homologation, significantly expanded standard equipment as well as new optional equipment and a range of accessories.


Munich. With the BMW C 400 GT and BMW C 400 X, BMW Motorrad offers two premium vehicles for the mid-size scooter segment. In the area of urban mobility, the BMW C 400 X stands out with emphasized dynamic characteristics, while the BMW C 400 GT, a Gran Turismo version suitable for touring, impresses with an increased range of comfort. BMW Motorrad has now sharpened the two mid-size scooters and, in addition to technical improvements, has also provided them with new features, colors and accessories.

Powerful single-cylinder drive with EU-5+ homologation and ABS Pro with DBC, DTC and MSR as standard.
The powerdrive remains the proven single-cylinder engine with an output of 25 kW (34 hp) at 7,500 rpm and a maximum torque of 35 Nm at 5,750 rpm. Power is transmitted via a continuously variable CVT transmission and a powerset swing arm with high torsional rigidity. Thanks to the latest EU-5+ homologation, the new BMW C 400 X and
BMW C 400 GT remain ideal partners for dynamic, carefree scooter fun.

Both the BMW C 400 X and BMW C 400 GT are equipped with BMW Motorrad ABS Pro as standard. Thanks to ABS-assisted braking at a lean angle, it offers more safety even when braking in a corner. ABS Pro prevents the wheels from locking even when the brake lever is pressed quickly and reduces abrupt changes in steering force, thus the unwanted raising of the vehicle even during shock braking.

In addition, the Dynamic Brake Control (DBC) function linked to the ABS Pro offers a very sensitive response and high braking and driving stability with the best possible deceleration even when cornering. As soon as the sensor box delivers a certain deceleration value during braking, a simultaneous acceleration request by the driver is identified as implausible and the throttle valve is prevented from opening. As a result, the vehicle remains stable and the braking distance is reduced. If a defined deceleration force is reached, the hazard lights automatically switch on.

Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) and Engine Drag Torque Control (MSR) are also already on board as standard. DTC offers even more safety when accelerating — even at a lean angle and especially in slippery road conditions. With MSR, unstable riding conditions that can occur during coasting or abrupt throttle reduction causing excessive brake slip on the rear wheel (slipping or stamping) can be safely avoided. In these cases, MSR opens the throttle valves so far as to equalize the drag torque and stabilize the vehicle.

Connectivity — outstanding variety of information and functionality in the form of a large, perfectly readable 6.5-inch TFT display as standard. Navigation preparation for both models and a 10.25” display for the BMW C 400 GT as factory optional equipment.
The BMW C 400 X and BMW C 400 GT now come with a large 6.5-inch TFT display as standard. The variety of information, display quality and, last but not least, user friendliness are unmatched. In conjunction with the BMW Motorrad Connected app, the display is linked to the multi-controller on the left handlebar assembly and can be operated quickly, safely and conveniently. As part of the Connectivity Pro option, the
BMW C 400 GT can also be equipped with a large 10.25” display.

Convenient calling, listening to music and navigating while riding are also possible. If, for example, a smartphone and helmet are connected to the BMW Motorrad communication system via Bluetooth, media playback and telephone functions can be easily accessed using the TFT-display. These functions can be used without installing an app. If there is an active Bluetooth connection to a standard smartphone, the rider can enjoy listening to music while riding and charge the smartphone in the actively cooled storage compartment. In addition, the free BMW Motorrad Connected app offers practical arrow navigation directly via the TFT display.

This basic navigation is particularly attractive for riders who want to comfortably handle everyday traffic or short trips without additional equipment. Navigation preparation with a holder for the BMW Motorrad Connected Ride Navigator or the BMW Motorrad Connected Ride Cradle is now also available as factory-fitted equipment (not in conjunction with the 10.25” display).

Expanded commuting offering with more storage space. New accessories such as 43.5 l top case, body protector and hand guard.
The BMW C 400 X and BMW C 400 GT now have more storage space under the seat allowing to store even more luggage. With the BMW C 400 X the storage volume increased by 3 liters, with the BMW C 400 GT, including the front pockets, by as much as 12 liters. The BMW C 400 GT now comes with a manually adjustable windshield as standard and can be factory-fitted with a luggage rack as part of the optional equipment.

With 43.5 l of storage space, the new top case not only offers 13.5 l more volume than before, but also 10 kg instead of the previous 5 kg payload. It also has electrification in the form of interior lighting and a USB charging port. A back cushion and painted side panels are also available as options for the new top case. It is attached to the vehicle via a vibration-decoupled luggage rack. New original BMW Motorrad accessories, such as body protectors and hand guards, round off the range of offers.

BMW C 400 X with new front design and new “Rugged” model variant as optional equipment ex-factory.
In addition to the basic Blackstorm metallic version with a black/grey seat, black rims and brake calipers at the front, the BMW C 400 X, equipped with a new and more dynamically designed front area, is also available in the new “Rugged” model variant.

In this version, the BMW C 400 X features the Kalamata metallic matt body color and appears exciting and dynamic at the same time. Red rims, tapes and tires with off-road design meet golden brake calipers at the front. A heavily tinted windshield, a red-black seat bench, stainless steel footboard inserts, and hand guards available as an optional accessory complete the robust look. The footboard inserts, as well as anodized handlebar end weights, are available as original BMW Motorrad accessories for both the
BMW C 400 X and BMW C 400 GT.

BMW C 400 GT with optimized ground accessibility and in the new “Exclusive” model variant as optional equipment ex-factory.
The BMW C 400 GT’s ground accessibility has been optimised to provide even greater comfort and improved ergonomics.

In addition to the basic Blackstorm metallic version with black seat, black rims and black brake calipers at the front, the BMW C 400 GT is also available in the new “Exclusive” model variant.

In this variant, the BMW C 400 GT in the body color Diamondwhite metallic looks decidedly elegant and exclusive. Golden rims, tapes and a black seat bench with embroidered emblem in the rim color complement the golden brake calipers at the front and a slightly tinted windshield. A floor lighting with a BMW logo projection and stainless steel footboard inserts round off the scope of this optional equipment variant.

New special equipment and original BMW Motorrad accessories.

  Individual special equipment.

  Connectivity Pro                 Large 10.25” TFT display with
connectivity, split screen and map
navigation. (BMW C 400 GT)

  Anti-theft alarm system     Automatic activation when the ignition is
switched off or via the remote control.

  Luggage rack                     Tailored to the new electrified 43.5 l top

  Original BMW motorcycle accessories.

  • Top case 43.5 l with interior lighting and USB connection.
  • Body protection protector.
  • Footboard inserts.
  • Anodized handlebar end weights.
  • Hand guards.


The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


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