
2024 年纳米比亚 BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 杯赛-回顾

2024 年 BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 杯赛 – GS 精神回归故里。


慕尼黑。2024年 BMW 摩托车国际 GS 杯赛重回非洲,纳米比亚成为这一传奇赛事第九届的惊艳背景。

在为期六天的时间里,来自世界各地的 22 支队伍(包括 16 支男子队和 6 支女子队)穿越了长达 1,350 公里的冒险路线,途经纳米比亚最具挑战性和最多样化的地形。

今年的活动不仅仅是一场比赛,更是对技巧、耐力和友谊的一次真正考验,体现了 GS 精神的精髓。

比赛以车队穿越广阔的干旱草原、高耸的峡谷、岩石小径和干涸的河床拉开序幕。每天都有独特的挑战,旨在挑战骑手和他们的机器的极限。参赛者面临一系列特殊赛段,考验他们的越野骑行能力、机械知识、导航技能、智慧和团队合作,同时展示 BMW R 1300 GS Trophy 竞赛摩托车的坚固多功能性。

GS Trophy 2024 是一场全球冒险摩托车盛会,来自 34 个国家的近 190 名参赛者(包括车手、赛事组织者、机械师、医疗团队和媒体代表)参加了此次比赛。比赛汇集了 120 辆摩托车和 32 辆支援车辆,生动展现了国际团结和共同的探索热情。

GS Trophy 于 2008 年首次在非洲举行,今年的比赛向自创办以来就一直秉持的冒险精神致敬。在前几届比赛中,GS Trophy 穿越了突尼斯、南非、巴塔哥尼亚、加拿大、泰国、蒙古、新西兰和阿尔巴尼亚等充满挑战的地形,今年的比赛回到了原点,领略了纳米比亚的崎岖之美。

年宝马摩托车国际 GS 杯赛的最后一天充满了激动人心的气氛,因为德国队即将取得非凡的成就。南非队在 2016 年、2018 年、2020 年和 2022 年连续四届夺冠,德国队渴望在该赛事的传奇历史上占据一席之地。

德国队曾于 2012 年夺得 GS 奖杯,对成功并不陌生。今年,他们带着新的决心重返赛场,准备在纳米比亚复杂多样的地形上展示他们的技术和团队合作。从充满挑战的汗河河床到崎岖的博苏阿山口,德国队以精准和坚韧应对每一个挑战,以稳定的表现脱颖而出。

回顾这次胜利, 克里斯托弗·米奇(181) 表达了全队的难以置信和喜悦:“这是一种难以形容的感觉。我们来到这里是为了尽最大努力,但实际上作为胜利者站在这里,这太不真实了。 ”

在整个比赛过程中,他们的战略方法和坚定不移的专注使他们稳步获得积分,最终确保了领先地位。“我们为这一刻训练了很久, ”尼科·韦克 (182)说 。“每一个特殊阶段,每一个障碍,我们都作为一个团队共同面对。南非队多年来一直设定着令人难以置信的高标准,达到这一里程碑真是令人难以置信。 ”

当最终结果公布时,全队激动不已。他们完成了既定目标,重新夺回了 GS 杯冠军。“这场胜利不仅仅是一座奖杯, ” Jan Stahl (183)回忆道。“这是我们所有努力的结晶。站在这里,知道自己成功了,这种感觉我们永远不会忘记。 ”



我激动极了!感觉就像梦想成真了, ” Małgorzata Jakubiak (321)在回忆他们的胜利时说道。“我们知道比赛会很艰难,但能以冠军的身份站在这里,我会永远珍惜。我们突破了自己的极限,一路上学到了很多东西。 ”

团队的策略和凝聚力是他们成功的关键,使他们能够在各个特殊赛段始终保持最高水平的表现。他们的胜利证明了他们准备的充分以及他们在整个赛事中给予彼此的支持。“我太高兴了! ”安娜·卡多娃 (322)说道。“我从未想过我们会走到这么远,能够以冠军的身份站在这里简直是太不真实了。这是我从未想过的荣誉,我很感激能成为这次不可思议的经历的一部分! ”


2024 年,BMW Motorrad 继续支持女性车手,为女子车队保留专门的比赛类别,六支双人车队将与男子车队一起挑战相同的赛道和挑战,争夺自己的奖杯。这真是一场令人难以置信的技能和精神展示。

这些女性无所畏惧,准备充分,她们在技能和耐力方面都证明了自己,她们对 BMW R 1300 GS Trophy 竞赛摩托车的驾驭令人印象深刻。这些参赛者站在女性冒险摩托车运动的前沿,她们的故事反映了女性 GS 场景的蓬勃发展。


第 1 天:米德加德至 Ai Aiba – 热烈欢迎。
第一天,GS Trophy 2024 以激动人心的米德加德至 Ai Aiba 骑行拉开序幕,让参赛者领略纳米比亚多样而富有挑战性的地形。

骑手们面临三项特殊挑战:纳米比亚欢迎赛,这是一处废弃铜矿附近的技术路段;AKRAPOVIČ 耐力赛,这是穿越沙质河床的惊险测试;以及摄影挑战,骑手们必须用一张照片捕捉当天的气氛。
重点挑战: AKRAPOVIČ 耐力赛。

第 2 天:从 Ai Aiba 到 Spitzkoppe – 深入纳米比亚腹地。
骑手们沿着 Ai Aiba 的野生动物保护区骑行,沿途遇到长颈鹿和斑马,然后前往标志性的 Spitzkoppe。他们接受了 Flying Boxer 挑战赛和 SENA Rock 挑战赛。
重点挑战赛: Flying Boxer。

第 3 天: Spitzkoppe 环路 – 石头和沙子的低语。
第 3 天,骑手们绕着 Spitzkoppe 骑行,穿越干涸的 Omaruru 河床及其周围的岩石地形。他们面临着骆驼刺树挑战、Omaruru METZELER 挑战、Spitzkoppe INSTA360 挑战和照片挑战的延续。
这项挑战设在 Omaruru 河的沙质河床中,要求团队快速高效地给轮胎补上东西——这是一个在压力下测试他们机械技能的真实场景。这是一个在纳米比亚令人惊叹但又严酷的环境中展示实用技能的独特机会。

第 4 天:从Spitzkoppe 到斯瓦科普蒙德 – 从沙漠到深蓝。
骑手们从 Spitzkoppe 向西骑行到大西洋海岸,从沙漠沙丘过渡到沿海小镇斯瓦科普蒙德,一路上风景大变。当天的比赛包括 ADVANTEC Pull Challenge 和 Rooi Tafel Trial。
重点挑战: Rooi Tafel Trial。
骑手们在 Khan River Valley 附近的岩石地形中穿越了一条技术试验赛道,赛道上有急转弯、深沙和陡峭的爬坡。令人惊叹的风景为这项艰巨的挑战增添了难度和壮观的场面。

第 5 天:斯瓦科普蒙德至米德加德——漫漫回家路。
这是赛事中最长、最丰富多彩的一天,骑手们从海岸返回米德加德,行程超过 400 公里,穿越纳米布沙漠和博苏阿山口。他们面临 LEATT 推力挑战、MPS 问卷和米德加德慢速试验。
重点挑战: LEATT 推力挑战。

第 6 天:米德加德环路 – 最后几公里。
最后一天的特色是一条短而技术性的 50 公里环路,环绕米德加德庄园,最后一个特殊挑战,即决赛,在小屋举行。这是对整个赛事中磨练的所有技能的真正考验。

经过六天的艰苦冒险,活动在纳米比亚的天空下以一场令人难忘的庆祝活动落下帷幕。最后一晚,骑手和工作人员齐聚一堂,参加闭幕式,欢声笑语、故事和友谊洋溢其中。当地 DJ 和乐队“Blikweg”为当晚的比赛提供了背景音乐,他们充满活力的表演让在场的每个人都精神抖擞。当晚的活动体现了 GS Trophy 精神,参赛者们翩翩起舞,分享经验,庆祝成就。这是史诗般旅程的完美结局,让每个人都对比赛和一路上建立的友谊留下了美好的回忆。

安全第一:GS Trophy 医疗团队。
首席医疗协调员David Rubel强调了 GS Trophy 对骑手安全的承诺。Rubel 先生说:“我们的主要目标是确保响应时间符合欧洲或美国标准,争取在 15 到 16 分钟内到达事故现场。 ”为了实现这一目标,该团队配备了“四辆医疗车,包括两名医生、六名护理人员,以及一架配备一名医生和一名护理人员的直升机。 ”

关于地形的挑战,大卫·鲁贝尔指出,“纳米比亚的地形非常险恶。无论是因气候干燥导致的脱水,还是因跌倒而可能造成的伤害,我们都必须做好应对一切的准备。 ”

在医疗队和卫星通信、精心准备的救援链等资源的支持下,GS Trophy 继续将参赛者的安全放在首位,同时又不损害冒险精神。

BMW R 1300 GS 奖杯比赛用摩托车。BMW
R 1300 GS 是参赛摩托车的官方摩托车,专为 GS 奖杯比赛的严苛要求而设计。其核心是全新的 1,300cc 风冷/液冷水平对置式发动机,能够在 7,750 rpm 转速下产生 143 马力,在 6,500 rpm 转速下产生 145 Nm 扭矩,提供强劲而流畅的动力输出。该车型显著减轻了重量,并重新设计了车架,提供更高的灵活性和更好的操控性。


  • 车把立管:让您在技术环节中能够站立得更舒适。
  • Enduro 脚踏板:更宽、更稳定,提供更好的抓地力和控制力。
  • 发动机防护杆和防滑板:对于保护发动机和下部框架免受岩石和碎片的伤害至关重要。
  • 带越野轮胎的十字辐条轮:专为在沙地和岩石条件下提供出色的牵引力和稳定性而设计。
  • 可调节的齿轮和刹车杆:允许骑手自定义控制装置以实现最佳的人体工程学。

BMW R 1300 GS 还引入了先进的电子设备,例如最新一代动态 ESA(电子悬架调节)和专业骑行模式,其中包括 Enduro 和 Enduro Pro 等设置,可在崎岖地形上实现量身定制的性能。其轻巧的结构和先进的功能使其成为驾驭纳米比亚具有挑战性的地形的完美工具。

BMW F 900 GS 奖杯元帅摩托车。
元帅摩托车 BMW F 900 GS 是一款多功能中型探险摩托车,专为灵活性和控制性而设计。它由 895cc 并列双缸发动机驱动,在 8,500 rpm 时输出 105 马力,在 6,750 rpm 时输出 92 Nm 扭矩,提供动力和易管理性的完美平衡。


  • 优化的重量分布:重新设计的车架,整体重量较上一代减轻14公斤,增强了其越野能力。
  • 动态 ESA:电子悬架系统,可快速适应不同的地形,确保最大的抓地力和舒适度。
  • 21 英寸前轮和长行程悬架:在崎岖地形上提供更好的稳定性和更好的减震效果。
  • 拉力赛式脚踏板和耐力赛护手:在越野路段增强对骑手的支撑和保护。

BMW F 900 GS 配备了集成连接选项的 TFT 显示屏,让赛事工作人员能够与骑手和支持团队保持联系。其先进的技术和灵活的性能使其成为穿越不可预测的地形并确保赛事顺利进行的理想伴侣。

BMW R 1300 GS 和 BMW F 900 GS 均体现了 BMW 摩托车致力于打造擅长冒险骑行的摩托车的决心,将尖端技术与世界上最具挑战性的越野赛事所需的强大性能融为一体。



纳米比亚面积约 825,615 平方公里,是非洲最大的国家之一。该国的地貌以沙漠为主,包括沿海的古老纳米布沙漠和东部广阔的卡拉哈里沙漠。首都温得和克所在的中部高原海拔超过 1,500 米,与埃龙戈山脉等山脉接壤。纳米比亚还拥有奥卡万戈河、赞比西河和宽多河等重要河道,这些河道将安哥拉降雨量大的地区的水流经卡拉哈里沙漠,为该国生物多样性最丰富的地区提供支持。

纳米比亚地广人稀,人口密度约为每平方公里 3.7 人。截至 2023 年,人口约为 280 万人。它是世界上人口密度最低的国家之一,大多数人居住在靠近主要水源的城市中心。首都温得和克是最大的城市,人口约为 477,000。

纳米比亚拥有丰富的文化遗产,受到各种群体的影响,包括科伊桑人、达马拉人和纳马人,以及 14 世纪左右迁入该地区的讲班图语的奥万博人和赫雷罗人。该国在 19 世纪末曾是德国的殖民地,后来由南非管理,直到 1990 年获得独立。这段殖民历史对该国的建筑、语言和文化机构产生了重大影响。



骑行背后的精神:来自 GS 奖杯的温馨故事。

家庭事务:父子二人创造 GS 杯历史。意大利队的
Andrea Gioia (151)和他的父亲Massimo Gioia (152)成为首对一起参加 GS 杯的父子二人组,他们以暖心的方式展示了 GS 精神 。当被问及抵达时的感受时,Massimo 说:“这是我与儿子 Andrea 一起度过的一段非常美好的经历。 ”显然,这次活动对他们来说不仅仅是另一场比赛;这是一次共同的冒险,加深了他们的联系。

对于安德里亚来说,与父亲一起骑行是一件很特别的事情。“我总是和父亲一起骑摩托车,但我以前从未和他一起做过这样的事情, ”他说,强调了一起参加如此重大活动的独特性。

他们为 GS Trophy 所做的准备是真正的家庭事务。“我们用耐力摩托车进行训练,并在意大利的宝马学院进行了一些训练, ”马西莫解释道。他们家与家乡仅相距 40 公里,因此可以经常一起练习。

忍受痛苦:安娜的 GS 奖杯之旅。
在 GS 奖杯赛开始前两个月,女子国际队的安娜·卡多娃 (322)从马上摔了下来,肩膀脱臼,这场痛苦的事故几乎让她的参赛梦想破灭。

我的肩膀关节脱臼了将近两个小时。恢复起来真的很困难,而且真的很疼, ”她分享道。尽管很疼,但安娜的决心从未动摇过。

事故发生后,她接受了五周的康复治疗。“我找到了一位很棒的理疗师,他让我做运动,不仅修复关节,还修复肩膀周围的所有肌肉和组织。 ”她对康复的决心坚定不移,每天锻炼四次。“这是必要的,因为我真的想留在这里, ”她强调道。

当她终于看到印有自己名字的 GS Trophy 摩托车时,挣扎和痛苦似乎都消失了。“这种感觉太棒了。这是独一无二的东西,世界上独一无二的,而且就在 GS Trophy 上, ”她满怀成就感地说。安娜的故事有力地提醒我们,只要有毅力和决心,任何挑战都是无法克服的。

截肢者的胜利:征服 GS 杯挑战赛。英国队的 MRP(媒体相关人员)
迈克·布斯 (160)没有让假肢阻碍他体验 GS 杯的刺激。“看待伤病有两种方式, ”他说。“你要么用它作为不做事的借口,要么用它作为再努力一点的理由。 ”怀着这种心态,他和竞争对手一样面对着同样艰苦的路线,走过沙地赛道、岩石峡谷,以及漫长而艰难的日子。

尽管两年前在曼岛 TT 比赛中因严重撞车而失去了右腿,但迈克还是选择挑战自己的极限,而不是被极限所限制。“有些日子真的很难熬。沙地赛道被碾得粉碎,我想如果情况再恶化,我可能就得放弃了, ”他分享道,并反思了跟上激烈节奏所带来的身体和精神挑战。

即使在那些艰难的时刻,迈克的决心也从未动摇过。“我永远不会像以前那么好了,因为我的腿不会再长回来了, ”他说,“但如果你继续努力变得更好,保持健康,并尽可能地变得强壮,那么唯一的限制因素就是你的心态。 ”

对于迈克来说,GS 奖杯不仅仅是耐力的考验,更是人类克服逆境精神能力的证明。他的旅程有力地提醒了所有人:“只要你能,就勇敢地去尝试。 ”

年仅 21 岁的印度队选手萨达尔·沙汉·汗 (203)是今年 GS 杯赛最年轻的参赛者,他既年轻又有决心。“我一生中一半的时间都在越野, ”沙汉自豪地分享道。“我家里有三辆 GS,一半的里程都是在越野。 ”

这不是他第一次尝试获得参赛资格。早在 2020 年,他就参加了祖国印度的 GS 杯预选赛,但因没有驾照而无法参赛。“那时我 17 岁。我跑出了最好的成绩,但因为还没有驾照而无法参赛, ”他回忆道。一满 18 岁,沙汗第二天就申请了驾照,并继续严格训练。尽管以微弱优势错失了 2022 年杯赛的参赛席位,但他仍然没有气馁,与他的朋友和导师德夫·文卡特什 (202)和 阿南德·达雷桑 (201)一起训练。他的坚持得到了回报,因为他最终进入了 2024 年 GS 杯赛,不仅作为一名参与者,而且作为印度队的一员。

对于沙汉来说,GS Trophy 只是一个开始。他计划参加教练课程,探索专业拉力赛。“也许有一天我会成为最年轻的拉力赛主持人, ”他笑着说。显然,对于沙汉来说,这次冒险只是漫长而充满希望的旅程的开始。

幕后花絮:GS Trophy 的制作。2024年国际 GS Trophy
高级项目经理 Stefanie Grund分享了组织如此大规模赛事的复杂性。“你可以完美地准备一切,但必须为任何变化做好准备, ”她说,反映了赛事策划的不可预测性。

每届 GS 奖杯赛都面临着独特的挑战。“总有一个主题对组织者来说特别困难, ”她提到,并强调纳米比亚的直升机物流是今年的一个主要问题。

斯蒂芬妮还解释了纳米比亚繁琐的许可流程:“我们必须为所有相关人员获得大量许可,例如无人机许可证、跟踪许可证和工作签证。 ”当地电影制作机构的支持对于克服这些挑战至关重要。


2024 年宝马摩托车国际 GS 杯赛,纳米比亚。

1. 德国,283 分
2. 南非,223 分
3. 巴西,177 分
4. 法国,153 分
5. 英国,150 分
6. 拉丁美洲,147 分
7. 意大利,145 分
8. 国际队,140 分
9. 中国,139分
10. 印度,134 分
11. 比利时、荷兰、卢森堡,125 分
12. 韩国,117 分
13. 日本,112 分
14. 墨西哥,107 分
15. 美国,94 分
16. 中东,93 分

1. 国际队,278
2. 日本队,273
3. 法国队,267
4. 德国队,263
5. 韩国队,249

BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 奖杯。

2024 男:德国,女:国际队
2022 男:南非,女:南非
2020 南非
2018 南非
2016 南非
2014 CEEU(中东欧联盟)
2012 德国
2010 英国
2008 美国

BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 杯赛。

2024 纳米比亚
2022 阿尔巴尼亚
2020 新西兰
2018 蒙古
2016 泰国
2014 加拿大
2012 巴塔哥尼亚(智利、阿根廷)
2010 南部非洲(南非、斯威士兰、莫桑比克)
2008 突尼斯

BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 奖杯。

2024 R 1300 GS
2022 R 1250
GS 2020 F 850
GS 2018 R
1200 GS 2016 R 1200 GS 2014
1200 GS 2012 F 800 GS
2010 F 800 GS、R 1200 GS
2008 F 800 GS、R 1200 GS



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2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。


BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 Namibia. Recap.

The BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 – The Spirit of GS Returned Home.


Munich. The BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 returned to its roots in Africa, with Namibia serving as the breathtaking backdrop for this ninth edition of the legendary event.

Over the course of six days, 22 teams from around the world—comprising 16 men’s and 6 women’s teams—traversed an adventurous 1,350-kilometer route through some of Namibia’s most challenging and diverse terrains.

This year’s event was not merely a competition but a true test of skill, endurance, and camaraderie, reflecting the essence of the GS spirit.

The event kicked off with teams navigating vast dry savanna areas, towering canyons, rocky trails, and dry riverbeds. Each day presented unique challenges designed to push the limits of both the riders and their machines. Participants faced a series of special stages that tested their off-road riding capabilities, mechanical knowledge, navigation skills, intelligence, and teamwork, all while demonstrating the rugged versatility of the BMW R 1300 GS Trophy Competition Bike.

With nearly 190 participants—including riders, marshals, mechanics, medical teams, and media representatives – from 34 nations, the GS Trophy 2024 was a global celebration of adventure motorcycling. It brought together 120 motorcycles and 32 support vehicles, creating a vivid tableau of international unity and shared passion for exploration.

Returning to Africa, where the GS Trophy first began in 2008, this year’s edition paid homage to the spirit of adventure that has defined the event since its inception. After traveling through the challenging terrains of Tunisia, Southern Africa, Patagonia, Canada, Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, and Albania in previous editions, the GS Trophy came full circle, embracing Namibia’s rugged beauty.

Team Germany Reclaims the Trophy.
The final day of the BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 was charged with excitement as Team Germany stood on the brink of an extraordinary achievement. With South Africa having claimed the last four editions—in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022 – Germany was eager to carve their own place in the event’s storied history.

Having previously won the GS Trophy in 2012, Team Germany was no stranger to success. This year, they returned with renewed determination, ready to showcase their skill and teamwork on Namibia’s demanding and diverse terrain. From the challenging riverbed of the Khan River to the rugged ascents of Bosua Pass, the German team met every challenge with precision and resilience, distinguishing themselves through their consistent performance.

Reflecting on their victory, Christopher Michi (181) expressed the team’s disbelief and joy: “It’s an indescribable feeling. We came here to give our best, but actually to stand here as winners, it’s surreal.

Throughout the competition, their strategic approach and unwavering focus allowed them to steadily gain points, ultimately securing their lead. “We’ve trained for this moment for so long,” said Niko Wecker (182). “Every special stage, every obstacle, we faced it together as a team. South Africa has set the bar incredibly high for so many years, and to reach this milestone is just incredible.

When the final results were announced, the team’s excitement was undeniable. They had accomplished what they set out to do, reclaiming the GS Trophy title. “This victory is more than just a trophy,” Jan Stahl (183) reflected. “It’s the culmination of everything we’ve worked for. The feeling of standing here, knowing we’ve made it—it’s something we’ll never forget.

The Rise of Team International: A New Milestone for the Female Riders.
After six days of relentless competition through Namibia’s challenging terrains, the Female International Team emerged victorious.

From the outset, the team demonstrated a remarkable blend of skill, teamwork, and determination. Each special stage was met with enthusiasm and grit as they navigated through the dunes, rocky passes, and technical trails that defined this year’s course. Their journey was not just about the competition; it was about the bond they shared and the passion they brought to every challenge.

I am beyond thrilled! This feels like a dream come true,” said Małgorzata Jakubiak (321), reflecting on their victory. “We knew the competition would be tough, but to stand here as winners is something I will cherish forever. We’ve pushed our limits and learned so much along the way.

The team’s strategy and cohesion were key to their success, allowing them to consistently perform at the highest level across the various special stages. Their victory was a testament to the strength of their preparation and the support they gave each other throughout the event. “I am over the moon!” said Anna Cárdova (322). “I never imagined we would come this far, and to be standing here as winners is just surreal. It’s an honor I never expected, and I’m so grateful to be a part of this incredible experience!

This victory is not just a win for Team International; it is a celebration of the growing presence and impact of female riders in the world of adventure motorcycling.

In 2024, BMW Motorrad continues to champion female riders by maintaining dedicated competition categories for the women’s teams, featuring six two-person teams tackling the same course and challenges as the men’s teams, competing for their own Trophy. And what an incredible display of skill and spirit it has been.

Fearless and remarkably prepared, these women have proven themselves in terms of both skills and endurance, and their mastery of the BMW R 1300 GS Trophy Competition Bike has been impressive. These competitors stand at the forefront of a growing movement of women embracing adventure motorcycling, and their stories reflect the vibrant evolution of the female GS scene.

The Adventure Unfolded: Day-by-Day Triumphs and Trials.

Day 1: Midgard to Ai Aiba – A Warm Welcome.
At day 1 the GS Trophy 2024 kicked off with an exhilarating ride from Midgard to Ai Aiba, introducing participants to the Namibian landscape’s diverse and challenging terrain.

The riders faced three special challenges: the Namibia Welcome Trial, a technical section near an abandoned copper mine; the AKRAPOVIČ Enduro Challenge, a thrilling test through a sandy riverbed; and the Photo Challenge, where riders had to capture the spirit of the day in a single image.
Highlighted Challenge: AKRAPOVIČ Enduro Challenge.
Set in the sandy riverbed of Omaruru river, this challenge tested the riders’ endurance and control as they navigated the soft sand and unpredictable terrain. It was a demanding start that quickly reminded everyone why they were there—to push their limits and embrace the adventure.

Day 2: Ai Aiba to Spitzkoppe – Into the Heart of Namibia.
Riders embarked on a scenic loop around Ai Aiba’s game reserve, encountering giraffes and zebras along the way before heading towards the iconic Spitzkoppe. They tackled the Flying Boxer Challenge, and the SENA Rock Challenge.
Highlighted Challenge: Flying Boxer.
Riders had to pull a suspended motorcycle across a canyon using ropes, a visually stunning challenge that required strength, coordination, and teamwork. It was a spectacular sight, showcasing both the riders’ ingenuity and the breathtaking Namibian landscape.

Day 3: Spitzkoppe Loop – Whispers of Stone and Sand.
Day 3 saw riders navigating a loop around the Spitzkoppe, traversing the dry Omaruru Riverbed and its surrounding rocky terrain. They faced the Camel Thorn Tree Challenge, the Omaruru METZELER Challenge, and the Spitzkoppe INSTA360 Challenge and a continuation of the Photo Challenge.
Highlighted Challenge: Camel Thorn Tree Challenge.
Set in the sandy riverbed of the Omaruru River, this challenge required teams to plug a tire quickly and efficiently—a real-world scenario that tested their mechanical skills under pressure. It was a unique opportunity to showcase practical skills in the stunning yet harsh Namibian environment.

Day 4: Spitzkoppe to Swakopmund – From the Desert to the Deep Blue.
The riders journeyed westward from Spitzkoppe to the Atlantic coast, experiencing a dramatic change in scenery as they transitioned from desert dunes to the coastal town of Swakopmund. The day included the ADVANTEC Pull Challenge and the Rooi Tafel Trial.
Highlighted Challenge: Rooi Tafel Trial.
Riders navigated a technical trial course featuring tight turns, deep sand, and steep climbs in the rocky terrain near the Khan River Valley. The breathtaking landscape added to the difficulty and spectacle of this demanding challenge.

Day 5: Swakopmund to Midgard – The Long Way Home.
This was the longest and most varied day of the event, with riders covering over 400 km from the coast back to Midgard, traversing the Namib Desert and Bosua Pass. They faced the LEATT Push Challenge, MPS Questionaire and the Midgard Slow Trial.
Highlighted Challenge: LEATT Push Challenge.
Simulating a real-world scenario where a motorcycle needed to be jump-started, this challenge required teams to push the bike until it started, testing their coordination, strength, and ability to work under pressure. It was a unique and practical test of their skills.

Day 6: Midgard Loop – The Final Kilometers.
The final day featured a short but technical 50 km loop around the Midgard estate, with the last special challenge, the Final Course, taking place at the lodge. It was a true test of all the skills honed throughout the event.
Highlighted Challenge: Final Course.
Riders had to navigate a complex series of off-camber turns, tight corners, and a slalom section, with the entire course designed to push their technical abilities to the limit. It was a fitting conclusion to a week of intense competition and camaraderie.

After six grueling days of adventure, the event concluded with an unforgettable celebration under the Namibian sky. The final night was filled with laughter, stories, and friendship as the riders and crew gathered for the closing ceremony. A local DJ and the band “Blikweg” provided the soundtrack for the evening, their energetic performances lifting the spirits of everyone present. The night reflected the GS Trophy spirit, with participants dancing, sharing their experiences, and celebrating their accomplishments. It was a fitting end to an epic journey, leaving everyone with cherished memories of both the competition and the friendships forged along the way.

Safety at the Forefront: The GS Trophy Medical Team.
David Rubel, the Lead Medical Coordinator, emphasized the GS Trophy’s commitment to rider safety. “Our main goal was to ensure the response time is on par with European or U.S. standards, aiming for a maximum of 15 to 16 minutes to reach an accident site,” said Mr. Rubel. To achieve this, the team was well-equipped with “four medical cars, including two doctors, six paramedics, and a helicopter staffed with a doctor and a paramedic.

Regarding the challenges of the terrain, David Rubel noted, “The landscape here in Namibia is unforgiving. Whether it’s dehydration due to the dry climate or potential injuries from falls, we have to be prepared for anything.

With the support of the medical team and resources like satellite communication and a well-prepared rescue chain, the GS Trophy continues to prioritize the safety of its participants without compromising the spirit of adventure.

The BMW R 1300 GS Trophy Competition Bike.
The BMW R 1300 GS, the official bike for the competitors, was engineered specifically for the rigors of the GS Trophy. Its heart is the new 1,300cc air/liquid-cooled boxer engine, capable of producing 143 horsepower at 7,750 rpm and 145 Nm of torque at 6,500 rpm, offering a robust yet smooth power delivery. This model featured significant weight reductions and a redesigned frame, providing greater agility and improved handling.

The bike came equipped with a range of off-road enhancements, including:

  • Handlebar Risers: For a more comfortable standing position during technical sections.
  • Enduro Foot Pegs: Wider and more stable, offering better grip and control.
  • Engine Protection Bars and Skid Plate: Essential for safeguarding the engine and lower frame from rocks and debris.
  • Cross-spoke wheels with Off-Road Tires: Designed for superior traction and stability in sandy and rocky conditions.
  • Adjustable Gear and Brake Levers: Allowing riders to customize the controls for optimal ergonomics.

The BMW R 1300 GS also introduced advanced electronics, such as the latest generation of Dynamic ESA (Electronic Suspension Adjustment) and Pro Riding Modes, which include settings like Enduro and Enduro Pro for tailored performance on rough terrain. Its lightweight construction and advanced features made it the perfect tool for navigating Namibia’s challenging landscapes.

The BMW F 900 GS Trophy Marshal Bike.
The marshals’ bike, the BMW F 900 GS, is a versatile mid-weight adventure bike designed for agility and control. It is powered by an 895cc parallel-twin engine, delivering 105 horsepower at 8,500 rpm and 92 Nm of torque at 6,750 rpm, offering a perfect balance of power and manageability.

Key features tailored for the event included:

  • Optimized Weight Distribution: A redesigned frame and a reduction in overall weight by 14 kg compared to its predecessor, enhancing its off-road prowess.
  • Dynamic ESA: Electronic suspension system for quick adjustments to varying terrain, ensuring maximum grip and comfort.
  • 21-inch Front Wheel and Long-Travel Suspension: Providing improved stability over rough terrain and better shock absorption.
  • Rally-Style Foot Pegs and Enduro Hand Guards: For increased rider support and protection during off-road sections.

The BMW F 900 GS was equipped with a TFT display featuring integrated connectivity options, allowing marshals to stay in contact with the riders and support team. Its advanced technology and nimble performance made it an ideal companion for navigating unpredictable terrains and ensuring the smooth running of the event.

Both the BMW R 1300 GS and BMW F 900 GS demonstrated BMW Motorrad’s dedication to crafting motorcycles that excel in adventure riding, blending cutting-edge technology with the rugged capability needed for the world’s most challenging off-road event.

Namibia. “The Land of Many Faces“.
Namibia is a country of stunning diversity, both in its landscapes and its people. Situated in southwestern Africa, it is bordered by Angola and Zambia to the north, Botswana to the east, South Africa to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

The country is known for its arid climate, being the driest in sub-Saharan Africa, and its vast, rugged terrains.

Namibia spans an area of about 825,615 square kilometers, making it one of the largest countries in Africa. Its landscapes are dominated by deserts, including the ancient Namib Desert along the coast and the vast Kalahari Desert in the east. The central plateau, where the capital city Windhoek is located, rises to over 1,500 meters above sea level and is bordered by mountain ranges such as the Erongo Mountains. Namibia also has significant watercourses like the Okavango, Zambezi, and Kwando rivers, which carry water from high-rainfall areas in Angola across the Kalahari, supporting some of the most biodiverse areas in the country​.

Namibia is sparsely populated, with a population density of about 3.7 people per square kilometer. The population is approximately 2.8 million people as of 2023. It is one of the least densely populated countries in the world, with most people living in urban centers near major water sources. Windhoek, the capital, is the largest city, with a population of around 477,000​.

History and Culture.
Namibia has a rich cultural heritage influenced by various groups, including the Khoisan, Damara, and Nama people, as well as the Bantu-speaking Ovambo and Herero people who migrated into the area around the 14th century. The country was a German colony in the late 19th century and was later administered by South Africa  until it gained independence in 1990. This colonial history has significantly impacted the country’s architecture, language, and cultural institutions.

The Namib Desert, which extends along the entire western coast of Namibia, is one of the oldest deserts in the world and features iconic landscapes such as the towering sand dunes of Sossusvlei. The Etosha Pan, a vast salt pan in the north, turns into a shallow lake during the rainy season and supports a diverse array of wildlife. In the south, the Fish River Canyon is one of the largest canyons in the world, showcasing spectacular geological formations​.

Namibia’s unique blend of desert landscapes, towering mountains, and vibrant cultures make it a truly remarkable country, offering both the harsh beauty of its arid terrains and the resilience of its people.

The Spirit Behind the Ride: Heartwarming Tales from the GS Trophy.

A Family Affair: Father and Son Make GS Trophy History.
In a heartwarming display of the GS Spirit, Andrea Gioia (151) and his father, Massimo Gioia (152) of Team Italy, have become the first father and son duo to compete together in the GS Trophy. When asked about their feelings upon arrival, Massimo shared, “This is a very beautiful experience with my son, Andrea.” It’s clear that this event is not just another competition for them; it’s a shared adventure that has deepened their bond.

For Andrea, riding alongside his father is something special. “I always use a motorbike with my father, but I never did something like this with him before,” he said, emphasizing the uniqueness of participating in such a significant event together.

Their preparation for the GS Trophy was a true family affair. “We trained with the enduro motorbike and had some sessions with BMW Academy in Italy,” Massimo explained. Being just 40 kilometers apart back home allowed them to practice together often.

Riding Through Pain: Anna’s Journey to the GS Trophy.
Two months before the GS Trophy, Anna Cárdova (322) of the Female International Team was thrown off her horse, dislocating her shoulder in a painful accident that nearly derailed her dreams of competing.

I had the joint out of the shoulder for almost two hours. It was really difficult to get it back, and it was really painful,” she shared. Despite the pain, Anna’s resolve never wavered.

Following the accident, she underwent five weeks of rehabilitation. “I found an amazing physiotherapist who gave me exercises to fix not just the joint but all the muscles and things around the shoulder.” Her dedication to recovery was unwavering, exercising four times a day. “It was necessary because I really wanted to be here,” she emphasized.

When she finally saw her GS Trophy bike with her name on it, the struggle and pain seemed to fade. “The feeling is amazing. It’s something exceptional, the only one in the world, and it’s here at the GS Trophy,” she said, with a sense of accomplishment. Anna’s story is a powerful reminder that with resilience and determination, no challenge is insurmountable.

An Amputee’s Triumph: Conquering the GS Trophy Challenge.
Mike Booth (160), MRP (Media Related Person) for Team UK, didn’t let his prosthetic leg hold him back from experiencing the thrill of the GS Trophy. “There’s two ways of looking at an injury,” he said. “You either use it as an excuse not to do things, or you use it as a reason to just try a bit harder.” With this mindset, he faced the same grueling routes as the competitors, covering the sandy tracks, rocky canyons, and long, demanding days.

Despite losing his right leg in a severe crash at the Isle of Man TT two years ago, Mike chose to push his limits rather than be defined by them. “Some days were really hard. The sandy tracks were so churned up, I thought if this gets any harder, I might have to throw in the towel,” he shared, reflecting on the physical and mental challenge of keeping up with the intense pace.

Even in those tough moments, Mike’s determination never wavered. “I’m never going to be as good as I was before because my leg isn’t going to grow back,” he said, “but if you keep trying to get better, stay healthy, and try to be as strong as you possibly can, then the only limiting factor is your mindset.

For Mike, the GS Trophy was more than just a test of endurance; it was a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to overcome adversity. His journey serves as a powerful reminder to all: “Just get out there and do it if you can.

A New Generation Rises: A Young Competitor’s Story.
At just 21 years old, Sardar Shahan Khan (203) of Team India is the youngest participant in this year’s GS Trophy, embodying both youth and determination. “I’ve been off-roading for half of my life,” Shahan proudly shared. “I have three GSs at home, and half of their mileage is off-road.

This was not his first attempt to qualify. Back in 2020, he competed in the qualifier of his home country, India, for the GS Trophy but couldn’t proceed due to not having a driver’s license. “I was 17 back then. I got the best time but couldn’t compete because I didn’t have my driver’s license yet,” he recalled. As soon as he turned 18, Shahan applied for his license the very next day and continued to train rigorously. Despite narrowly missing out on a spot in the 2022 Trophy, he remained undeterred, training alongside his friends and mentors, Dev Venkatesh (202) and Anand Dharesan (201). His persistence paid off as he finally made it to the GS Trophy 2024, not just as a participant but as a member of Team India.

For Shahan, the GS Trophy is just the beginning. He plans to take on an instructor course and explore rallying professionally. “Maybe I’ll be the youngest marshal someday,” he said with a smile. It’s clear that for Shahan, this adventure is only the start of a long and promising journey.

Behind the Scenes: The Making of the GS Trophy.
Stefanie Grund, Senior Project Manager for the International GS Trophy 2024, shared insights into the complexity of organizing such a large-scale event. “You can prepare everything perfectly but have to be ready for any change,” she stated, reflecting on the unpredictable nature of the event planning.

Each GS Trophy comes with unique challenges. “There’s always one topic which is especially difficult for the organization,” she mentioned, highlighting the helicopter logistics in Namibia as a major issue this year.

Stefanie also explained the extensive permitting process in Namibia: “We had to get a lot of permits like drone permits, track permits, and work visas for everyone involved.” Support from a local film production agency was crucial in navigating these challenges.


BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024, Namibia.
Final standings:

Male Teams:
1. Germany, 283 points
2. South Africa, 223
3. Brazil, 177
4. France, 153
5. UK, 150
6. Latin America, 147
7. Italy, 145
8. International Team, 140
9. China, 139
10. India, 134
11. Benelux, 125
12. South Korea, 117
13. Japan, 112
14. Mexico, 107
15. USA, 94
16. Middle East, 93

Female Teams:
1. International Team, 278
2. Japan, 273
3. France, 267
4. Germany, 263
5. South Korea, 249

BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy.
Winners year-by-year.

2024 Male: Germany, Female: International Team
2022 Male: South Africa, Female: South Africa
2020 South Africa
2018 South Africa
2016 South Africa
2014 CEEU (Central Eastern European Union)
2012 Germany
2010 UK
2008 USA

BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy.
Hosting regions year-by-year.

2024 Namibia
2022 Albania
2020 New Zealand
2018 Mongolia
2016 Thailand
2014 Canada
2012 Patagonia (Chile, Argentina)
2010 Southern Africa (South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique)
2008 Tunisia

BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy.
Motorcycle models used year-by-year.

2024 R 1300 GS
2022 R 1250 GS
2020 F 850 GS
2018 R 1200 GS
2016 R 1200 GS
2014 R 1200 GS
2012 F 800 GS
2010 F 800 GS, R 1200 GS
2008 F 800 GS, R 1200 GS


The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


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