
第2天- 年纳米比亚宝马摩托车国际 GS 杯赛-深入纳米比亚腹地

第二天回顾。地点:纳米比亚 Spitzkoppe 天气:晴天,12°C – 29 °C 路线:184 公里:Ai Aiba – Schwarze Spitzkoppe – Spitzkoppe 地形类型:柏油路面 0 公里,越野 184 公里 测试:SP1:Flying Boxer,SP2:SENA Rock Challenge 男子前三名队伍:1. 南非,2. 德国,3. 国际队 女子前三名队伍:1. 德国,日本,3. 比荷卢



在纳米比亚醒来有一种神奇的感觉,尤其是在狮子的吼叫声中,准备战斗的时候——或者至少,当听到将近 80 台水平对置引擎从露营地所在的山谷中驶出,宣告一天的开始,感觉就像这样。

第二天的骑行从 Ai Aiba 开始,Ai Aiba 是一座占地超过 5,000 公顷的旅馆,也是野生动物保护区的一部分。骑手们穿过这个广阔而令人印象深刻的保护区时,遇到了各种动物,包括长颈鹿等,感觉就像骑着 GS 摩托车进行了一次真正的狩猎之旅。

事实证明,这次骑行极具技术性,是迄今为止遇到的最具挑战性的赛道,背景是路边高耸的壮丽花岗岩山丘。然而,骑手们是否有时间欣赏美景则完全是另一回事。沿着深沙小径,真正的 GS 精神熠熠生辉,骑手们毫不犹豫地跳下摩托车去帮助他人。这种友爱精神正是 GS Trophy 的精髓所在。但让事情更具挑战性的是,没有风,导致尘土飞扬。


第 2 天,特别挑战 1:飞行拳击手。在这次试验中,骑手们必须展示他们将摩托车从一个悬崖拉到另一个悬崖的能力,模拟真实场景,例如峡谷上一座倒塌的桥。一辆摩托车悬在半空中,系在一根固定在坚固物体上的绳子上。骑手们需要冲到另一端,抓住两根绳子,将它们固定在摩托车上,然后将其从一个边缘拉到另一个边缘,创造出令人难以置信的奇观。

韩国女子队骑手 Sunghee Kim (301) 分享道:“看到这个练习后,我们决定用身体的重量来拉摩托车。我们有足够的信心,我们可以利用自己的力量和体重。我们也会尝试站在平坦的地面上。”在成功尝试后,她补充道:“我们练习的技术奏效了。我们直接走到壁架的平坦部分,然后从那里拉。这很有帮助,我们能够完成挑战。”

在前往第二场特别挑战赛的路上,骑手们经常怀疑这里是否真的有一条小路。在指定领队的带领下,他们安全抵达了当天第二阶段的比赛地点。穿过茂密的丛林和深沙,参赛者继续绕着 Ai Aiba 前进,甚至穿过了一条看起来像飞机跑道的地方——一条又长又直的硬土路,很容易被误认为是一条路。如果不是有直升机为医疗队提供支援,人们可能都不知道这是一条飞机跑道。

参赛者再次发现自己骑行在一块巨大的花岗岩上,在克服了非常陡峭的上坡之后(这对于 R 1300 GS 摩托车来说不成问题),他们到达了当天第二个特殊挑战的地点。

第 2 天,特别挑战 2:SENA 岩石挑战赛。 在这项挑战中,参赛者必须绕一块大花岗岩完成一圈,然后沿着摩托车道回到起跑线。每位骑手完成一圈,第一位骑手为其余两位骑手(或为女子队)设定一个参考时间。三位骑手越过终点线越近,得分越高。虽然不允许使用计时设备,但骑手可以使用 BMW 通讯系统来计时。

英国队的骑手史蒂文·弗格森(Steven Ferguson)(162)解释了该队的策略:“关于这次挑战,骑行部分是最简单的。我们让一名骑手计算三人的用时,尽量让他们的时间尽可能接近,而我则轻松地率先出发,我的时间就是其他两人必须匹配的时间。我认为我们非常接近了。”

上午的骑行在 Ai Aiba 旅馆附近结束,骑手们返回旅馆享用午餐,然后开始旅程的最后一段,继续向西前往 Spitzkoppe 旅馆。

骑行进入纳米比亚腹地。恢复体力后,骑手们继续向 Spitzkoppe 进发,Spitzkoppe 也被称为“纳米比亚的马特洪峰”。这组标志性的花岗岩山峰从平坦的沙漠地面陡然升起,形成了一个引人注目的地标,在几公里外就可以看到。从 Ai Aiba 到 Spitzkoppe 的路线完全是越野路线,有沙地、岩石露头和干涸的河床,为骑行带来各种挑战。

抵达 Spitzkoppe 营地后,骑行者有机会为摩托车加油,并欣赏周边地区的壮丽景色。Spitzkoppe 不仅是一个地质奇迹,也是一个文化宝藏,其洞穴和悬崖之间隐藏着众多岩画遗址。

通往纳米比亚之路结论。三辆 BMW R 1300 GS Adventure 摩托车从德国出发,载着奖杯前往纳米比亚。还有什么比用这辆完美的 Adventure 摩托车运送这份梦寐以求的奖品更好的方式呢?骑手之一Nikki van der Spek分享道:“这是一次奇妙的旅程,最精彩的部分是可以看到野生动物。我们骑着它距离犀牛只有 20 米,还看到了长颈鹿、大象甚至狮子!”当被问及这辆摩托车时,Vasco Santos补充道:“它真的令人印象深刻。如果我只能用一个词来形容,那就是‘舒适’,尤其是在欧洲极长的骑行日里。我们几乎意识不到自己骑的是摩托车。自动换挡助手选项没有任何问题。在泥土上行驶时,我对它持怀疑态度,但我发现它又增加了一层舒适感。





2024 年宝马摩托车国际 GS 杯赛,纳米比亚。



  1. 南非,70分
  2. 德国,65
  3. 国际队,54
  4. 中国,52
  5. 比荷卢经济联盟,47
  6. 巴西,44
  7. 意大利,36
  8. 拉丁美洲,32
  9. 韩国,31
  10. 墨西哥,29
  11. 印度,25
  12. 中东、非洲, 23
  13. 日本,21
  14. 英国,20
  15. 法国,19
  16. 美国,18





3. 比荷卢三国 62



5. 国际团队,57


宝马集团旗下拥有宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车四个品牌,是全球领先的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高端金融和移动出行服务。宝马集团生产网络覆盖全球 30 多个生产基地,公司在全球 140 多个国家/地区拥有销售网络。

2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。


BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 Namibia. Day 2. Into the heart of Namibia.

Recap of Day 2. Location: Spitzkoppe, Namibia Weather: Sunny, 12°C – 29 °C Course: 184km: Ai Aiba – Schwarze Spitzkoppe – Spitzkoppe Terrain types: Tarmac 0km, off-road 184km Tests: SP1: Flying Boxer, SP2: The SENA Rock Challenge Top three teams male: 1. South Africa, 2. Germany, 3. International Team Top three teams female: 1. Germany, Japan, 3. Benelux



There’s something magical about waking up in Namibia, even more so when it’s under the roar of lions, ready for battle – or at least, that’s what it felt like listening to the nearly 80 boxer engines revving up as they emerged from the valley where the campground lay, signaling the start of the day.

Day 2 began with a loop on the premises of Ai Aiba, a lodge that spans over 5,000 hectares and is part of a game reserve. As the riders made their way through this vast and impressive reserve, they encountered various animals, including giraffes, and more, creating what felt like a true safari on GS motorcycles.

The ride proved to be extremely technical, presenting the most challenging trails encountered so far, all set against the backdrop of magnificent granite hills towering beside the road. However, whether the riders had time to enjoy the views was another matter entirely. Along the deep sandy trails, the true spirit of GS shined brightly, as riders leaped off their bikes to assist others without a second thought. This spirit of camaraderie is what the GS Trophy is all about. But to make matters more challenging, the absence of wind created extremely dusty conditions.

Namibia’s diverse terrain revealed itself just a few kilometers from the campsite. After navigating the technical ride, still surrounded by sand, the competitors suddenly found themselves on a massive granite rock the size of a small village, where the first special challenge of the day awaited. The solid ground provided a muchneeded break for the riders.

Day 2, Special Challenge 1: The Flying Boxer. In this trial, the riders had to demonstrate their ability to pull their motorcycles from one ledge to another, simulating a real-world scenario like a fallen bridge over a canyon. A motorcycle hung mid-air, attached to a rope anchored to sturdy objects. The riders needed to sprint to the opposite end, grab two ropes, secure them to the bike, and pull it from one edge to the other, creating an incredible spectacle.

Rider Sunghee Kim (301) of Female Team South Korea shared, “After seeing the exercise, we decided to pull the bike with our weight. We have enough confidence that we can use our power and weight. We will also try to stand on a flat surface.” After a successful attempt, she added, “The technique we were practicing worked. We went straight for the flat part of the ledge and pulled from there. That helped a lot and we were able to complete the challenge.”.

On the way to the second Special Challenge, the riders often wondered if there was even an actual trail. Thanks to the guidance of their appointed Marshals, they arrived safely at the location for the second part of the day. Navigating through thick bushland and deep sand, the competitors continued around Ai Aiba, even crossing what seemed to be an airstrip – a long, straight stretch of hard-packed dirt that could easily be mistaken for a road. If it weren’t for the helicopter supporting the medical team, one might not realize it was used as a landing strip.

Again, the competitors found themselves riding on a massive granite rock, and after tackling a very steep uphill climb, which was no problem for the R 1300 GS bikes, they arrived at the location for the second special challenge of the day.

Day 2, Special Challenge 2: The SENA Rock Challenge. In this challenge, competitors had to complete a lap around a large granite rock and follow a bicycle trail back to the starting line. Each rider completed the loop, with the first rider setting a reference time for the remaining two riders (or one for the female teams). The closer the three riders crossed the finish line, the higher their score. While no timing devices were allowed, riders could use their BMW Communicator Systems to time their laps.

Rider Steven Ferguson (162) of Team UK explained the team’s tactic: “About this challenge, the riding part was the easiest. We had one rider counting the times of all three to try and be as similar as possible, and I had the easy job to go first, and my time was the time the other two had to match. I think we got pretty close.”

The morning concluded by closing the loop around the Ai Aiba lodge, where the riders returned for lunch before beginning the final part of their journey, heading further west towards the Spitzkoppe Lodge.

Riding into the heart of Namibia. With their energy restored, the riders pushed on towards Spitzkoppe, also known as the “Matterhorn of Namibia.” This iconic group of granite peaks rises dramatically from the flat desert floor, creating a striking landmark visible from many kilometers away. The route from Ai Aiba to Spitzkoppe was entirely off-road, featuring sandy tracks, rocky outcrops, and dry riverbeds that provided a variety of challenges.

Upon reaching Spitzkoppe Camp, riders had the opportunity to refuel their bikes and take in the breathtaking scenery of the surrounding area. Spitzkoppe is not only a geological marvel but also a cultural treasure, with numerous rock art sites hidden among its caves and overhangs.

The Road to Namibia conclusion. Three BMW R 1300 GS Adventure bikes began a journey from Germany, carrying the Trophies to Namibia. What better way to transport the coveted prize than on the perfect Adventure motorcycle? Nikki van der Spek, one of the riders, shared, “It was an amazing journey, with the highlight of it being the sighting of wildlife. We rode 20 meters away from rhinos, we got to see giraffes, a lot of elephants, and even lions!” When asked about the motorcycle, Vasco Santos added, “It is really impressive. If I could only use one word, it would be ‘comfort,’ especially during the extremely long riding days in Europe. We could barely realize we were on a motorcycle. The Automated Shift Assistant option had zero problems. While on the dirt, I was skeptical about it, I found out it added another layer of comfort.

The day concluded with a sense of accomplishment as riders settled in for the night under a full moon, surrounded by one of Namibia’s most iconic landscapes.


Rider Fernando Dias (103) of Team Brazil: “I really liked this day. I prefer riding this terrain. It was not so hard for me. Team Brazil did really well today and we’re very satisfied.”

Rider Francisco Leyva (112) of Team Mexico: “It was an amazing day. It started a little bit rough with the deep sand, but as the day progressed, we felt better and better with every kilometer. We kept a nice pace, and we had a great time.”

BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024, Namibia.

Day Two overall standings: 

Male Teams:

  1. South Africa, 70 points
  2. Germany, 65
  3. International Team, 54
  4. China, 52
  5. Benelux, 47
  6. Brazil, 44
  7. Italy, 36
  8. Latin America, 32
  9. South Korea, 31
  10. Mexico, 29
  11. India, 25
  12. Middle East, Africa, 23
  13. Japan, 21
  14. UK, 20
  15. France, 19
  16. USA, 18


Female Teams:

1. Germany, 71

2. Japan, 71

3. Benelux, 62

4. France, 58

5. South Korea, 57

5. International Team, 57


The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


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宝马摩托车 国际 GS Trophy 2022 东南欧:欢迎来到阿尔巴尼亚!
