
2024 年夏季宝马车型更新措施

+++ 为 BMW 2 系 Active Tourer、BMW X1 和 BMW X2 增加了额外的驱动系统变体并引入了专业停车助手 +++ BMW 智能个人助理可使用更多语言 +++ 新的车载游戏和额外的我的模式可从 BMW ConnectedDrive 商店下载 +++ 充电优化路线指引现提供更多信息 +++ BMW X5 和 BMW X6 的标准驾驶助手 +++ BMW XM 的新外部漆面、轻质合金轮毂和皮革内饰变体 +++


慕尼黑。2024年夏季,更广泛的驱动系统、更多标准和选装配置以及全新数字服务将为 BMW 车型系列带来全新选择和驾驶乐趣。BMW 2 系 Active Tourer、BMW X1 和 BMW X2 系列均将于 2024 年 7 月推出全新驱动系统版本。三款高端紧凑型车型现在还将配备专业停车助手。搭载 BMW 操作系统 8.5 或 BMW 操作系统 9 的车辆将提供更广泛的车载游戏选项和“我的模式”。还可以使用其他语言与 BMW 智能个人助理进行交互。当前搭载电动驱动系统的 BMW 车型的充电站搜索功能得到了进一步改进——无论是使用车辆自身的系统还是使用 My BMW 应用程序。

BMW X5 和 BMW X6 的标准配置也将从 2024 年夏季开始扩展,包括驾驶辅助系统。BMW XM Label Red 高性能车型(汽油和电力消耗 – 加权、综合:33.5 kWh/100 km 和 2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp];二氧化碳排放量 – 加权、综合:45 g/km(WLTP);电池放电时的燃油消耗:WLTP 循环中 12.9 l/100 km [21.9 mpg imp];二氧化碳等级:电池放电时 G;加权、综合 B)将提供新的外部漆面和皮革内饰变体。


BMW 2 系 Active Tourer、BMW X1 和 BMW X2 配备附加驱动系统版本和新设备选项。

从 2024 年 7 月起,BMW 2 系 Active Tourer 的驱动系统产品线中将增加第三款柴油发动机。新款 BMW 220d Active Tourer 的发动机(综合油耗:4.9 – 4.5 l/100 km [57.7 – 62.8 mpg imp];综合二氧化碳排放量:128 – 117 g/km(WLTP 循环),二氧化碳等级:D)最大输出功率为 120 kW/163 hp,峰值扭矩为 400 Nm (295 lb-ft),位于这款紧凑型全能车现有的两款柴油发动机之间。得益于 48V 轻度混合动力技术,2.0 升四缸发动机具有瞬时功率输出和高效率。驱动系统的电动机采用曲轴驱动的起动发电机的形式,集成在带双离合器的七速 Steptronic 变速箱中。它可产生额外的 15 kW/20 hp 功率,既可补充内燃机的输出,又可根据需要减轻内燃机的负荷。新款 BMW 220d Active Tourer 可在 8.3 秒内从静止加速至 100 公里/小时 (62 英里/小时),最高时速可达 220 公里/小时 (137 英里/小时)。

驾驶乐趣和燃油消耗之间的完美平衡已经使 120 kW/163 hp 柴油发动机成为 BMW X1 的热门选择,因为它将动力传输到四个车轮(得益于智能全轮驱动系统 BMW xDrive)。从 2024 年 7 月起,这款发动机也将在其先进的前轮驱动配置中用于紧凑型运动型多功能车。作为 BMW 集团最新一代模块化发动机的一员,它也将在 BMW X2 中首次亮相,同样驱动前轮。它为新款 BMW X1 sDrive20d(综合油耗:5.1 – 4.5 l/100 km [55.4 – 62.8 mpg imp];综合二氧化碳排放量:133 – 117 g/km(WLTP 循环),二氧化碳等级:D)和新款 BMW X2 sDrive20d(综合油耗:5.1 – 4.5 l/100 km [55.4 – 62.8 mpg imp];综合二氧化碳排放 量:133 – 119 g/km(WLTP 循环),二氧化碳等级:D)提供动力,可 8.5 秒内从 0 加速至 100 km/h (62 mph)。两款车型的最高时速均为 210 km/h (130 mph)。

从 2024 年夏季开始,BMW 2 系 Active Tourer、BMW X1 和 BMW X2 的标准配置将扩展,包括驾驶员和前排乘客座椅加热、M 高光影线饰条以及使用个人 eSIM 的选项。同时,专业停车助手已添加到选项列表中。它可以使用智能手机和 My BMW App 从车外自动进入和退出停车位。此选项还包括操控助手,它允许客户进行广泛的操控,每次操控距离可达 200 米——同样是在车外使用智能手机。还可以在控制方法之间快速切换,这意味着一旦开始停车或一般操控,可以随时停止,然后再次恢复,方法是使用车内的控制/操作系统,也可以使用车外的智能手机。

作为 BMW Digital Premium 的一部分,停车辅助专业版的功能也可以从 BMW ConnectedDrive Store 无线下载。这在配备 BMW 操作系统 9、BMW 停车辅助 Plus 和 Comfort Access 的车辆中是可能的。

此外,三款紧凑型车型可选的创新套件现在还包含驾驶助手,该助手借助限速信息功能、转向和车道控制助手、主动巡航控制和自动限速辅助功能优化了舒适性和安全性。可选的舒适套件已扩展,包括主动座椅和带记忆功能的电动座椅调节,供驾驶员和前排乘客使用。在配备 M 运动套件和 M 性能版 BMW X1 和 BMW X2 的汽车中,内后视镜和外后视镜套件在汽车入口区域包括 M 专属徽标投影。带无线充电选项的电话现在还将为 BMW 2 系 Active Tourer 配备一个发光的智能手机托盘。


带有 QuickSelect 的 BMW iDrive:进一步改进的数字控制功能。

2024 年夏季,宝马还将通过 QuickSelect 进一步优化 BMW iDrive 系统中的一系列控制功能。在搭载 BMW 操作系统 9 的车型中,BMW 智能个人助理将支持波兰语和荷兰语交流,搭载 BMW 操作系统 8.5 的车型还将支持瑞典语。同时,控制显示屏上描绘与车内乘客交流的图形将获得额外的转换符号。BMW 智能个人助理使用这些符号来表示它已经理解了自然语言给出的指令。现在,通过主页上相关小部件提供的预览图像还可以推荐指导视频,客户可以在汽车静止时观看这些视频以了解特定功能。

通过 AirConsole 平台,车内可用的游戏种类更加丰富。“谁想成为百万富翁?”、 “Starlit Kart”、“Starlit Adventures” 和 “Trivia Crack” 加入了休闲游戏的选择,这些游戏可以直接在控制显示屏上玩,也可以在汽车静止时使用智​​能手机作为控制器玩。

从 2024 年夏季起,客户还可以从 BMW ConnectedDrive 商店订购另一种新的 My Mode。新的静音模式适用于 BMW 7 系、BMW iX、BMW 5 系轿车和 BMW 5 系旅行车,作为 Connected Booster XL 套件的一部分。它还适用于通过 BMW Digital Premium 搭载 BMW 操作系统 9 的 BMW 2 系 Active Tourer、BMW X1 和 BMW X2。静音模式营造出一种宁静的驾驶舱氛围,纯粹适合专心驾驶。为了限制对驾驶员的其他影响,娱乐功能和控制显示屏上的视觉内容等潜在干扰将被停用。信息显示屏上的内容也减少到最低限度。在配备指定的座椅按摩功能和氛围照明的汽车中,这些功能将关闭,并且电动遮阳板(如果安装)将关闭。

在搭载 BMW 8.5 操作系统的汽车中,基于云的导航系统 BMW Maps 现在将在路线概览中提供沿途停车和休息区的信息。在纯电动和插电式混合动力车型中,还将显示充电站(包括其可用性状态)。由于升级的过滤功能,选择充电站现在变得更加容易,这意味着客户可以选择仅显示他们喜欢的运营商的充电站。

自 2024 年夏季起,车辆与 My BMW App 之间充电优化路线指引相关设置的同步也将得到进一步改善。此外,使用 BMW 后端收集的先前充电站数据进行分析可确保更精确地规划公共充电站路线。这使得记录的所有充电点中约三分之一的位置信息可以更精确地指定。

在所有搭载全电动驱动和 BMW 操作系统 8.5 或 9 的车型中,充电优化路线指引现在可以更精确地根据个人需求进行调整。除了建议在中途停靠以实现最短的总行程时间外,现在还会列出沿途的备选充电站,并提供详细信息。这意味着驾驶员可以在必要时随时改变路线规划,而无需再次寻找带有充电设施的合适中途停靠站。然后,屏幕还将显示任何路线调整所需的额外驾驶时间信息。此外,驾驶员现在可以更精确地设置他们希望高压电池在到达目的地时的剩余电量。用户可以根据家庭住址或工作地点选择较低的首选剩余容量值,因为用户知道在那里可以找到可靠可用的充电点。


BMW X5 和 BMW X6 具有扩展的标准规格;BMW XM 具有新的个性化选项。

BMW X5 和 BMW X6 的标准配置清单增加了驾驶辅助功能,提高了日常使用和长途旅行的舒适性和安全性。从 2024 年夏季开始,这两款车型都将标配驾驶辅助系统。该系统的最新版本包括带主动车道返回的车道变换警告、带制动功能的后方交叉交通警告和出口警告。BMW X5 和 BMW X6 同样标配的车道偏离警告现在可对可能存在碰撞危险的迎面驶来的车辆做出反应。专业驾驶辅助系统还包括转向和车道控制助手等功能,现在将成为可选创新套件的一部分。

BMW XM 系列将推出新的外部和内饰个性化选项。这款高性能运动型多功能车的标准配置已经非常独特,现在可以更精确地根据客户的个人风格进行定制,例如采用星辐设计的 23 英寸 M 轻合金轮毂,现在将提供墨黑色饰面。BMW XM Label Red 是 BMW M GmbH 首款电动高性能车型中最强大的版本,现在可以订购九种额外的外部漆面,包括 BMW Individual 马恩岛绿金属色、BMW Individual 圣保罗黄色实心色和 BMW Individual Dravit 灰金属色。从 2024 年夏季起,希望增强 BMW XM Label Red 内饰定制豪华感的客户还可以选择 BMW Individual 美利奴皮革或带有独特元素的 BMW Individual 美利奴皮革,每种都有两种颜色可供选择。


一览:2024 年夏季新款 BMW 车型*
宝马X1 输出功率(千瓦/马力) 燃油消耗(WLTP) (升/100 公里) 二氧化碳 排放量WLTP(克/公里
宝马 X1 sDrive20d 120/163 5.1 – 4.5 133 – 117
宝马X2 输出功率(千瓦/马力) 燃油消耗(WLTP) (升/100 公里) 二氧化碳 排放量WLTP(克/公里
宝马 X2 sDrive20d 120/163 5.1 – 4.5 133 – 119
BMW 2 系旅行车 输出功率(千瓦/马力) 燃油消耗(WLTP) (升/100 公里) 二氧化碳 排放量WLTP(克/公里
宝马 220d Active Tourer 120/163 4.9 – 4.5 128 – 117


* 所有新车型将于 2024 年 7 月投入生产。



官方燃油消耗、二氧化碳排放量、电力消耗和电动续航里程数据是根据适用版本欧洲法规 (EC) 2007/715 规定的测量程序确定的。显示续航里程时,WLTP 数据会考虑任何可选附加装置的影响。


自 2021 年 1 月 1 日起进行型式试验的新车型仅提供基于 WLTP 程序的官方数据。此外,根据欧盟法规 2022/195,自 2023 年 1 月 1 日起,NEDC 值将不再包含在 EC 合格证书中。有关 WLTP 和 NEDC 测量程序的更多信息,还可在上找到。


有关新型乘用车官方燃油消耗数据和具体二氧化碳排放量的更多信息,请参阅以下指南:《Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch, die CO2-Emissionen und den Stromverbrauch neuer Personenkraftwagen》(电动汽车燃油经济性、二氧化碳排放量和排放指南)您可以从所有经销商处免费获得有关新乘用车功率消耗的统计数据(德语、英语和葡萄牙语),地址为 Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT),Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern-Scharnhausen 以及。




宝马集团旗下拥有宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车四个品牌,是全球领先的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高端金融和移动出行服务。宝马集团生产网络覆盖全球 30 多个生产基地,公司在全球 140 多个国家/地区拥有销售网络。


2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。





宝马 220d Active Tourer

综合油耗:4.9 – 4.5 l/100 km [57.7 – 62.8 mpg imp];综合二氧化碳排放量:128 – 117 g/km(WLTP 循环),二氧化碳等级:D


宝马 X1 sDrive20d

综合油耗:5.1 – 4.5 l/100 km [55.4 – 62.8 mpg imp];综合二氧化碳排放量:133 – 117 g/km(WLTP 循环),二氧化碳等级:D


宝马 X2 sDrive20d 

综合油耗:5.1 – 4.5 l/100 km [55.4 – 62.8 mpg imp];综合二氧化碳排放量:133 – 119 g/km(WLTP 循环),二氧化碳等级:D


宝马 XM 标签红色

汽油和电力消耗 – 加权、综合:33.5 kWh/100 km 和 2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp];二氧化碳排放量 – 加权、综合:45 g/km(WLTP);电池放电后的燃油消耗:12.9 l/100 km [21.9 mpg imp](WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级:电池放电后 G;加权、综合 B

BMW model update measures for summer 2024.

+++ Additional drive system variants and introduction of the Parking Assistant Professional for the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer, BMW X1 and BMW X2 +++ BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant can be used with more languages +++ New in-car games and additional My Mode available for download from the BMW ConnectedDrive Store +++ Charging-optimised route guidance now with additional information +++ Driving Assistant standard for the BMW X5 and BMW X6 +++ New exterior paint finishes, light-alloy wheels and leather trim variants for the BMW XM +++


Munich. An expanded range of drive systems, additional items of standard and optional equipment, and new digital services will bring fresh breadth of choice and driving pleasure to the BMW model line-up in summer 2024. The BMW 2 Series Active Tourer, BMW X1 and BMW X2 ranges will all welcome a new drive system variant in July 2024. And the three premium compact models will now also be available with the Parking Assistant Professional. Vehicles equipped with BMW Operating System 8.5 or BMW Operating System 9 will offer a wider selection of in-car gaming options and My Modes. It will also be possible to interact with the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant in additional languages. And the charging station search function for current BMW models with an electrified drive system has been further improved – both when using the car’s own systems and with the My BMW App.

Standard specification for the BMW X5 and BMW X6 will also be expanded from summer 2024 to include the Driving Assistant system. And the BMW XM Label Red high-performance model (petrol and electric power consumption – weighted, combined: 33.5 kWh/100 km and 2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions – weighted, combined: 45 g/km (WLTP); fuel consumption with discharged battery: 12.9 l/100 km [21.9 mpg imp] in the WLTP cycle; CO2 classes: with discharged battery G; weighted, combined B) will be available with new exterior paint finishes and leather trim variants.


BMW 2 Series Active Tourer, BMW X1 and BMW X2 with additional drive system variant and new equipment options.

A third diesel engine will be added to the drive system line-up for the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer from July 2024. With its maximum output of 120 kW/163 hp and peak torque of 400 Nm (295 lb-ft), the engine for the new BMW 220d Active Tourer (fuel consumption, combined: 4.9 – 4.5 l/100 km [57.7 – 62.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 128 – 117 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: D) is positioned between the two diesel units already available for the compact all-rounder. Thanks to 48V mild hybrid technology, the 2.0-litre four-cylinder engine stands out with both its instantaneous power delivery and high efficiency. The drive system’s electric motor takes the form of a crankshaft-driven starter generator integrated into the seven-speed Steptronic transmission with double clutch. Generating an extra 15 kW/20 hp, it can either supplement the output of the combustion engine or ease the load on it, as the situation demands. The new BMW 220d Active Tourer accelerates from to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 8.3 seconds, and on to a top speed of 220 km/h (137 mph).

A particularly fine balance between driving pleasure and fuel consumption has already made the 120 kW/163 hp diesel engine a popular choice in the BMW X1 when channelling its power through all four wheels (courtesy of the intelligent all-wheel-drive system BMW xDrive). And from July 2024 this unit will be available for the compact Sports Activity Vehicle in its cutting-edge front-wheel-drive configuration too. A member of the BMW Group’s latest generation of modular engines, it will also make its debut in the BMW X2, likewise driving the front wheels. It powers both the new BMW X1 sDrive20d (fuel consumption, combined: 5.1 – 4.5 l/100 km [55.4 – 62.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 133 – 117 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: D) and new BMW X2 sDrive20d (fuel consumption, combined: 5.1 – 4.5 l/100 km [55.4 – 62.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 133 – 119 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: D) from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 8.5 seconds. The top speed of the two models is 210 km/h (130 mph).

From summer 2024, standard equipment for the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer, BMW X1 and BMW X2 will expand to include seat heating for the driver and front passenger, M High-gloss Shadow Line trim and the option of using the Personal eSIM. Meanwhile, the Parking Assistant Professional has been added to the options list. It enables automated entry into and exit from parking spaces from outside the car as well using a smartphone and the My BMW App. This option also includes the Manoeuvre Assistant, which allows the customer to carry out extensive manoeuvres covering a distance of up to 200 metres each – again from outside the car with a smartphone. It is also possible to quickly switch between control methods, meaning that once a parking or general manoeuvre has commenced, it can be halted at any time and then resumed again either from inside the car using its control/operation system or from outside with a smartphone.

The functionality of the Parking Assistant Professional can also be downloaded over the air from the BMW ConnectedDrive Store as part of BMW Digital Premium. This is possible in cars specified with BMW Operating System 9, BMW Parking Assistant Plus and Comfort Access.

In addition, the Innovation package available as an option for the three compact models will now also contain the Driving Assistant, which optimises comfort and safety with the help of the Speed Limit Info function, the Steering and Lane Control Assistant, Active Cruise Control and the automatic Speed Limit Assist. The optional Comfort package has been expanded to include active seats and electrically operated seat adjustment with memory function for the driver and front passenger. In cars specified with the M Sport package and the M Performance variants of the BMW X1 and BMW X2, the interior and exterior mirror package includes an M-specific logo projection in the entrance area to the car. The telephony with wireless charging option will now include an illuminated smartphone tray for the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer as well.


BMW iDrive with QuickSelect: further improved digital control functions.

Summer 2024 will also bring further optimisation for a host of control functions grouped within the BMW iDrive system with QuickSelect. In cars equipped with BMW Operating System 9, the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant will enable communication in Polish and Dutch, with Swedish also added to the line-up of languages in models with BMW Operating System 8.5. At the same time, the graphic on the control display depicting exchanges with the car’s occupants will gain additional transformation symbols. The BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant uses these symbols to show it has understood an instruction given in natural language. Preview images available via the relevant widgets on the home page will now also allow it to suggest instruction videos the customer can watch when the car is stationary to learn about specific functions.

The array of games available in the car via the AirConsole platform is now even broader. “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Starlit Kart”, “Starlit Adventures” and “Trivia Crack” have joined the selection of casual games that can be played directly on the control display or using a smartphone as a controller when the car is at rest.

Customers will also be able to order another new My Mode from the BMW ConnectedDrive Store from summer 2024. The new Silent Mode is available for the BMW 7 Series, BMW iX, BMW 5 Series Sedan and BMW 5 Series Touring as part of the Connected Booster XL package. It is also offered for the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer, BMW X1 and BMW X2 with BMW Operating System 9 via BMW Digital Premium. Silent Mode creates a peaceful cockpit ambience geared purely to concentrated driving. In order to limit other influences on the driver, potential distractions such as entertainment functions and visual content on the control display are deactivated. Content on the information display is also reduced to a minimum. In cars with the seat massage function and ambient lighting specified, these functions are turned off and the electrically operated sun shades (if fitted) are closed.

In cars with BMW Operating System 8.5, the cloud-based navigation system BMW Maps will now provide information on parking and rest areas along the planned journey in the route overview. In all-electric and plug-in hybrid models, charging stations (including their availability status) will also be shown. Selecting a charging station is now even easier thanks to the upgraded filter function, which means that customers can choose to only be shown stations from their preferred operators.

Synchronisation between the car and My BMW App of the relevant settings for charging-optimised route guidance will also be further improved from summer 2024. Added to which, analysis using data on previous charging stops collected in the BMW backend ensures even more precise routing to public charging stations. This has allowed the location information for around a third of all recorded charging points to be specified more precisely.

In all models with all-electric drive and BMW Operating System 8.5 or 9, charging-optimised route guidance can now be adapted even more precisely to personal requirements. In addition to the mid-journey stops recommended to achieve the shortest possible overall travel time, alternative charging stations will now be listed along the route, complete with detailed information. This means the driver can vary their route planning on the spur of a moment, if necessary, and without needing to search again for a suitable mid-journey stop with charging facilities. The screen will then also show information on the additional driving time required by any route adjustments. Furthermore, it will now be possible for the driver to set the remaining charge they would like the high-voltage battery to have on arrival at their destination even more precisely. A lower value for the preferred remaining capacity can be selected for the user’s home address or workplace, where they know they will find a reliably available charging point.


BMW X5 and BMW X6 with extended standard specification; new individualisation options for the BMW XM.

The additions to the standard equipment rosters for the BMW X5 and BMW X6 increase comfort and safety in everyday use and over longer journeys. Both models will feature the Driving Assistant as standard from summer 2024. The latest version of the system comprises Lane Change Warning with active lane return, rear crossing traffic warning including braking function, and exit warning. The likewise standard Lane Departure Warning in the BMW X5 and BMW X6 now reacts to oncoming traffic that presents a potential collision hazard. The Driving Assistant Professional, which additionally includes features such as the Steering and Lane Control Assistant, will now be part of the optional Innovation package.

New individualisation options for the exterior and interior will be introduced for the BMW XM range. Already highly distinctive in standard form, the high-performance Sports Activity Vehicle can now be tailored even more precisely to the customer’s personal style with items such as 23-inch M light-alloy wheels in star-spoke design, which will now be offered in a Jet Black finish. The BMW XM Label Red – the most powerful version of the first-ever electrified high-performance model from BMW M GmbH – can now be ordered in nine additional exterior paint finishes, including BMW Individual Isle of Man Green metallic, BMW Individual Sao Paulo Gelb solid and BMW Individual Dravit Grey metallic. From summer 2024, customers seeking to enhance the feel of bespoke luxury inside their BMW XM Label Red will also be able to opt for BMW Individual Merino Leather or BMW Individual Merino Leather with exclusive elements, each in a choice of two colours.


At a glance: The new BMW models for summer 2024*
BMW X1 Output (kW/hp) Fuel consumption WLTP (l/100 km) CO2 emissions
WLTP (g/km)
BMW X1 sDrive20d 120/163 5.1 – 4.5 133 – 117
BMW X2 Output (kW/hp) Fuel consumption WLTP (l/100 km) CO2 emissions
WLTP (g/km)
BMW X2 sDrive20d 120/163 5.1 – 4.5 133 – 119
BMW 2 Series Active Tourer Output (kW/hp) Fuel consumption WLTP (l/100 km) CO2 emissions
WLTP (g/km)
BMW 220d Active Tourer 120/163 4.9 – 4.5 128 – 117


* All new models due to enter production in July 2024
All figures relating to fuel/electric power consumption and emissions are provisional.

All of the stated model variants, equipment features, technical data and fuel/electric power consumption and emissions figures relate to the offering in the German market.


Official fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, electric power consumption and electric range figures were determined based on the prescribed measurement procedure in accordance with European Regulation (EC) 2007/715 in the version applicable. Where a range is shown, the WLTP figures take into account the impact of any optional extras.


Only official figures based on the WLTP procedure are available for new models that have been type tested since 01.01.2021. In addition, according to EU Regulation 2022/195, the NEDC values will no longer be included in the EC certificates of conformity as of 01.01.2023. Further information on the WLTP and NEDC measurement procedures can also be found at


Further information on official fuel consumption figures and specific CO2 emission values of new passenger cars is included in the following guideline: ‘Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch, die CO2-Emissionen und den Stromverbrauch neuer Personenkraftwagen ‘ (Guide to the fuel economy, CO2 emissions and electric power consumption of new passenger cars), which can be obtained free of charge from all dealerships, from Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT), Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern-Scharnhausen and at


The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.


In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.


The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.



BMW 220d Active Tourer

Fuel consumption, combined: 4.9 – 4.5 l/100 km [57.7 – 62.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 128 – 117 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: D


BMW X1 sDrive20d

Fuel consumption, combined: 5.1 – 4.5 l/100 km [55.4 – 62.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 133 – 117 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: D


BMW X2 sDrive20d 

Fuel consumption, combined: 5.1 – 4.5 l/100 km [55.4 – 62.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 133 – 119 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: D


BMW XM Label Red

Petrol and electric power consumption – weighted, combined: 33.5 kWh/100 km and 2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions – weighted, combined: 45 g/km (WLTP); fuel consumption with discharged battery: 12.9 l/100 km [21.9 mpg imp] in the WLTP cycle; CO2 classes: with discharged battery G; weighted, combined B


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