
BMW M 赛车运动团队正在为电子竞技世界杯进行紧张的准备

汽车游戏领域的三支 BMW M Motorsport 车队——BS+COMPETITION、MOUZ 和 Redline——目前正在为 8 月 22 日至 25 日在利雅得 (KSA) 举行的 2024 年电子竞技世界杯 (EWC) 进行密集准备


慕尼黑。汽车游戏领域的三支 BMW M 赛车队——BS+COMPETITION、MOUZ 和 Redline——目前正在为 8 月 22 日至 25 日在利雅得 (KSA) 举行的 2024 年电子竞技世界杯 (EWC) 进行密集准备联合训练周是该计划的一个重要部分。来自位于迈萨赫 (GER) 的 BMW M 驾驶体验中心的车手驾驶五辆 BMW M4 竞赛型轿跑车(综合油耗 10.1 – 10.0 l/100 km [28.0 – 28.3 mpg imp];综合二氧化碳排放量:229 – 226 g/km(WLTP 循环),二氧化碳等级:G)前往位于维亚雷焦 (ITA) 的 Formula Medicine,在那里他们在运动医生 Riccardo Ceccarelli 博士的指导下锻炼身心健康。


在包括六场赛车比赛的 ESL R1 在线赛季中,车手们获得了参加 EWC 的资格,争夺总奖金 500,000 美元。比赛将在“Rennsport”模拟平台上举行。BMW M Team Redline 以 337 分的成绩在车队积分榜上排名第一,BMW M Team MOUZ 车手 Maximilian Benecke(德国)以卫冕冠军的身份参加 EWC。


联合准备周以在迈萨赫举行的 BMW M 驾驶体验拉开帷幕,该体验将真实驾​​驶体验与创新的 BMW M 混合现实体验相结合,令人兴奋不已。在教练的指导下,车手们有机会驾驶真正的 BMW M4 竞赛型双门轿跑车来测试和提高自己的技能。这一激动人心的开局之后是前往意大利的公路之旅,车队驾驶了五辆 BMW M4 竞赛型双门轿跑车。这次旅程增强了团队精神,创造了难忘的时刻。


抵达维亚雷焦后,宝马 M 公司的员工们也经常在这里接受训练,车手们在 Formula Medicine 接受了强化训练计划,其中包括心理和身体挑战。在 Mental Economy Gym® 进行的训练有助于车手提高神经效率,并通过减少能量消耗来提高表现。下午,车队轮流进行各种训练,包括心理物理训练、营养建议以及监测大脑和心率的模拟训练。Formula Medicine 的专家们还模拟了在现场大型舞台上比赛的特殊压力。海滩瑜伽和皮划艇、室内挑战等团队建设活动完善了整个计划,增强了团队精神。



您可以在以下链接中找到准备工作的视频片段,包括 BMW M 驾驶体验、BMW M 混合现实体验和 Formula Medicine 的培训课程:。


对 EWC 准备周的评论:


Timo Brückner(宝马 M 汽车游戏项目负责人): “我们与三支宝马 M 赛车队一起为电子竞技世界杯准备了一周,这真是太特别了。Formula Medicine 的心理和身体挑战相结合,帮助车手更好地了解自己的优势和劣势,并制定压力管理策略——就像我们为现实世界中的宝马 M 车手准备比赛一样。在迈萨赫,我们还体验了令人难以置信的宝马 M 驾驶体验,包括创新的宝马 M 混合现实体验,以及我们在意大利的公路旅行。车手有机会在各种情况下证明自己,这增强了团队精神,增强了他们对自己能力的信心。凭借这些经验和工具包中的新技术,车队现在正在接受 EWC 的挑战。车手不仅状态极佳,而且心理上也比以往任何时候都更强大、更高效。我相信他们将在本赛季的亮点上自豪地代表宝马 M 赛车队。”


Dr. Riccardo Ceccarelli(Formula Medicine 创始人): “我们组织的训练营是一次非常有趣的体验,它展示了电子竞技这项运动所达到的高专业水平。在为期三天的时间里,我们进行了一系列的例行训练和计划,这些训练和计划也适用于一级方程式赛车手和其他类别的职业车手。训练的重点是必要的‘软技能’,例如自我意识、灵活性、分析能力和情绪处理能力。此外,在压力室还进行了一次特别训练,为他们的现场比赛做准备。测试结果与一级方程式赛车手的测试结果处于同一水平。在某些情况下,汽车游戏玩家甚至能够更好地保持专注。我祝贺所有车手的奉献精神和取得的成绩。我们期待在利雅得的联合挑战。”


Maximilian Benecke(宝马 M 车队车手): “与宝马 M 车队一起度过的一周不仅非常有趣,而且非常有见地。Formula Medicine 的精神和身体挑战相结合,清楚地向我展示了我可以改进的领域——尤其是如何改进。与意大利公路之旅的联系使这一周成为一次独特的体验。我非常感谢宝马 M 赛车队信任我们这些车手,并允许我们驾驶五辆宝马 M4 竞赛型轿跑车在欧洲驾驶一周。第一天的宝马 M 驾驶体验当然很有帮助。最酷的部分当然是在小赛道上进行速度圈。电子竞技世界杯即将到来。通过意大利之行,我了解到这不仅关乎我的速度,还关乎我的效率。我学到的技巧现在已经成为我日常训练的自然组成部分。”


Kevin Siggy(宝马 M 车队 Redline 车手): “在意大利 Formula Medicine 的经历让我们有机会更好地了解我们在心理上如何应对某些需求。我们学会了如何在赛车比赛中更有效地管理压力。对于利雅得的 EWC,我们现在掌握了可以在即将到来的比赛中提高赛道表现的技巧。这是一次很棒的经历,我希望我们能和同一支队伍重复这样的经历。当然,我们也玩得很开心——尤其是驾驶宝马 M4 竞赛型轿跑车。”


Robbie Stapleford(BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION 车手): “与 BMW M Motorsport 从慕尼黑到维亚雷焦的旅程对我来说是一生难得的经历。从 BMW M 驾驶体验、我们的公路旅行和在 Formula Medicine 的训练到午餐、晚餐和驾驶 BMW M4,整个星期都令人难以置信。我享受每一刻。选择旅行中的亮点很难,因为一切都很好。在我第一次参加电子竞技世界杯之前,我确实感到有些压力和紧张。自 2023 年卡托维兹开幕赛以来,我还没有参加过任何线下赛事,但我觉得自己已经做好了充分的准备,以最佳状态应对比赛。我也很幸运有一支出色的团队在我身后给予我极大的支持。BMW M Motorsport 的准备工作绝对令人惊叹。”

BMW M Motorsport teams are intensively preparing together for the Esports World Cup.

The three BMW M Motorsport teams in Automotive Gaming – BS+COMPETITION, MOUZ, and Redline – are currently undergoing intensive preparation for the 2024 Esports World Cup (EWC) taking place from 22nd to 25th August in Riyadh (KSA).


Munich. The three BMW M Motorsport teams in Automotive Gaming – BS+COMPETITION, MOUZ, and Redline – are currently undergoing intensive preparation for the 2024 Esports World Cup (EWC) taking place from 22nd to 25th August in Riyadh (KSA). A key part of the programme was a joint training week. It took the drivers from the BMW M Driving Experience in Maisach (GER) on a road trip with five BMW M4 Competition Coupés (Fuel consumption, combined 10.1 – 10.0 l/100 km [28.0 – 28.3 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 229 – 226 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G) to Formula Medicine in Viareggio (ITA), where they worked on their mental and physical fitness under the guidance of sports doctor Dr. Riccardo Ceccarelli.


During the ESL R1 online season, which included six racing events, the drivers qualified for the EWC, competing for a total prize pool of 500,000 US dollars. The competition will be held on the “Rennsport”. Simulation platform. BMW M Team Redline finished the online season in first place in the team standings with 337 points, with BMW M Team MOUZ driver Maximilian Benecke (GER) entering the EWC as the reigning champion.


The joint preparation week began with a BMW M Driving Experience in Maisach, offering an exciting mix of real driving experience and the innovative BMW M Mixed Reality Experience. The drivers had the chance to test and improve their skills behind the wheel of real BMW M4 Competition Coupés under the guidance of instructors. This thrilling start was followed by a road trip to Italy, where the teams traveled with five BMW M4 Competition Coupés. This journey strengthened team spirit and created unforgettable moments.


Upon arrival in Viareggio, where BMW M works drivers from real motorsport also regularly train, the drivers underwent an intensive training programme at Formula Medicine, which included mental and physical challenges. Sessions in the Mental Economy Gym® helped the drivers to improve their neural efficiency and enhance their performance by reducing energy expenditure. In the afternoons, the teams rotated through various stations, including psychophysical training, nutritional advice, and sim sessions where brain and heart rate were monitored. The experts at Formula Medicine also simulated the particular stress of competing on a large stage at a live event. Yoga on the beach and team-building activities such as kayaking and indoor challenges completed the programme and strengthened team spirit.


Note :

Under the following link you find video clips of the preparation including the BMW M Driving Experience, the BMW M Mixed Reality Experience and the training sessions at Formula Medicine:


Comments on the EWC preparation week:


Timo Brückner (Project Lead BMW M Automotive Gaming): “Our preparation week with the three BMW M Motorsport teams for the Esports World Cup was truly special. The combination of mental and physical challenges at Formula Medicine helped the drivers understand their strengths and weaknesses better and develop stress management strategies – just as we prepare the BMW M works drivers from the real world for their races. This was complemented by an incredible BMW M Driving Experience in Maisach, including the innovative BMW M Mixed Reality Experience, and during our road trip through Italy. The drivers had the opportunity to prove themselves in various scenarios, which strengthened team spirit and boosted their confidence in their abilities. With these experiences and new techniques in their toolkit, the teams are now taking on the EWC challenge. The drivers are not only in top form but also mentally stronger and more efficient than ever before. I am confident they will represent BMW M Motorsport proudly at the season highlight.”


Dr. Riccardo Ceccarelli (Founder of Formula Medicine): “The training camp we organised was a very interesting experience that demonstrated the high professional level that the discipline of Esports has reached. Over the course of three days, we went through routines and programmes that we also apply to Formula 1 and professional drivers in other categories. The focus was on essential ‘soft skills’ such as self-awareness, flexibility, analytical abilities, and dealing with emotions. This was complemented by a special session in a stress room in preparation for their live event. The test results were on the same level as those of Formula 1 drivers. In some cases, the automotive gamers were even able to maintain their focus better. I congratulate all the drivers on their commitment and their results. We look forward to the joint challenge in Riyadh.”


Maximilian Benecke (Driver BMW M Team MOUZ): “The week spent with the BMW M teams was not only incredibly fun but also very insightful. The combination of mental and physical challenges at Formula Medicine clearly showed me the areas I can improve in – and especially how to do so. The connection with the road trip to Italy made the week a unique experience. I am very grateful to BMW M Motorsport for trusting us drivers and allowing us to drive across Europe for a week with five BMW M4 Competition Coupés. The BMW M Driving Experience on the first day certainly helped. The coolest part was, of course, the pace laps on the small race track. The Esports World Cup is now just around the corner. Through the trip to Italy, I learned that it’s not only about how fast I am but also about how efficient I can be. The techniques I learned are now a natural part of my daily training.”


Kevin Siggy (Driver BMW M Team Redline): “Our time at Formula Medicine in Italy gave us the opportunity to better understand how we mentally respond to certain demands. We learned how to manage stress more effectively during our racing events. For the EWC in Riyadh, we now have techniques that will improve our performance on the track at the upcoming event. It was a great experience, and I hope we can repeat it with the same group. Of course, we also had a lot of fun – especially driving the BMW M4 Competition Coupés.”


Robbie Stapleford (Driver BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION): “The trip with BMW M Motorsport from Munich to Viareggio was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. The whole week, from the BMW M Driving Experience, our road trip, and training at Formula Medicine to the lunches, dinners, and driving the BMW M4s, was simply incredible. I enjoyed every single moment. Choosing the highlight of the trip is difficult as everything was so good. Before my first appearance at the Esports World Cup, I do feel some pressure and nerves. I haven’t competed at a LAN event since the opener in Katowice 2023, but I feel as prepared as possible to tackle the event in top form. I’m also lucky to have a fantastic team behind me that is incredibly supportive. The preparation with BMW M Motorsport has definitely been amazing.”


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