
2024 年 BMW M 赛车赛季回顾:215 场胜利、超过 1,000 场比赛、超过 1,000,000 公里

BMW M Motorsport 回顾了激烈的 2024 赛季,除了胜利、冠军和领奖台之外,还创造了其他一些令人印象深刻的数据。目前的三款赛车 BMW M Hybrid V8、BMW M4 GT3 和 BMW M4 GT4 共计赢得了 215 场胜利,完成了 1,000 多场比赛,行驶里程超过一百万公里


慕尼黑。BMW M Motorsport 回顾了紧张刺激的 2024 赛季,除了胜利、冠军和领奖台之外,还创造了其他一些令人印象深刻的数据。目前的三款赛车 BMW M Hybrid V8、BMW M4 GT3 和 BMW M4 GT4 共计赢得了 215 场胜利,完成了 1,000 多场比赛,行驶里程超过一百万公里。汽车游戏也值得庆祝 


凭借 BMW M Hybrid V8 原型车,BMW M 赛车队面临着全球赛车运动中最激烈的竞争。在国际汽联世界耐力锦标赛 (FIA WEC) 的首秀年和 IMSA WeatherTech 跑车锦标赛 (IMSA 系列) 的第二年,对工程师、车队和车手来说都是巨大的挑战。在最初的失望之后,出现了强劲的上升趋势,最终 BMW M Team RLL 在 IMSA 系列赛中首次获得 1-2 名,BMW M Team WRT 在国际汽联 WEC 中首次登上领奖台。辛勤的工作反映在数字上,总共 82,400 公里的比赛和测试里程,相当于 460 小时。


宝马 M4 GT3 在第三个赛季中获得了 50 场胜利和 10 个全球冠军。主要成就包括舒伯特赛车队在 DTM 中的团队冠军和由 AWS 提供支持的 Fanatec GT 世界挑战赛欧洲站的 WRT 车队冠军,以及查尔斯·维尔茨 (BEL) 在洲际 GT 挑战赛中的车手冠军。宝马 M4 GT3 在戴通纳 (美国)、纽伯格林 (德国)、勒芒 (法国) 和斯帕-弗朗科尔尚 (比利时) 等主要 24 小时耐力赛中均获得领奖台位置,尽管这次未能取得重大胜利。在澳门 (CHN) 举行的国际汽联 GT 世界杯上,该车在资格赛中获得了 1-2 名,在主要比赛中获得了第二名和第三名。在整个赛季中,GT3 旗舰车型累计行驶里程超过 380,000 公里。


BMW M4 GT4 在第二个赛季赢得了首个 SRO 全球 GT4 制造商冠军。该冠军由欧洲、亚洲、澳大利亚和美洲的 50 场赛事(共 95 场比赛)决出。2024 年,BMW M Motorsport 客户车队驾驶 BMW M4 GT4 参加了 770 场比赛,赢得了其中 164 场。BMW M Motorsport 三款现有赛车的成功,以及私人车队驾驶 BMW M2 CS Racing、BMW M240i Racing 和许多其他不同年代的自造 BMW 车型取得的无数胜利相得益彰。


2024 赛季对于 BMW M Motorsport 在汽车游戏领域也取得了圆满成功。BMW M Team Redline 在享有盛誉的电子竞技世界杯(ESL R1 赛车系列的总决赛)中取得了胜利,在团队积分榜和车手积分榜上均名列前茅。他的队友 Sebastian Job (GBR) 在 2024 年电子竞技奖上被评为“年度最佳模拟赛车手”。


Andreas Roos(BMW M 赛车运动负责人): “BMW M 赛车运动 2024 赛季的数据令人印象深刻,彰显了我们对赛车运动各个领域的坚定承诺。从顶级原型赛车到专业 GT3 运动、BMW M4 GT4 和许多其他汽车的纯客户赛车以及汽车游戏,BMW M 赛车运动是全球最大的竞争对手之一。我对这一强劲表现感到非常高兴,并祝贺所有能够在 2024 年驾驶 BMW M 赛车运动汽车庆祝成功的车队和车手。下个赛季,我们决心凭借 BMW M Hybrid V8 和我们 GT 汽车的进一步开发的 EVO 车型走得更远,力争在主要赛季亮点上登上领奖台的最高位置。”


Björn Lellmann(BMW M Motorsport 客户赛车主管): “祝贺并感谢所有 BMW M Motorsport 客户车队,他们为我们在 GT 领域的出色赛季成绩做出了贡献。几十年来,客户赛车一直是我们赛车计划的核心支柱之一,赛道上的成功和我们车队的忠诚证实了我们全力延续这一传统的决心。2025 年,BMW M4 GT3 EVO 和 BMW M4 GT4 EVO 将扮演主角,但我们也有新车即将面世,即入门级 BMW M2 Racing,我们正在为 2026 年的首秀赛季进行密集测试。我迫不及待地想在明年 1 月迪拜和代托纳的耐力赛中再次开始。”

BMW M Motorsport season review 2024: 215 wins, over 1,000 races, and over 1,000,000 kilometres.

BMW M Motorsport looks back on an intense 2024 season that, in addition to victories, titles, and podium finishes, has produced some other impressive figures. The three current race cars, the BMW M Hybrid V8, the BMW M4 GT3, and the BMW M4 GT4, together celebrated 215 wins, completed more than 1,000 races, and covered over one million kilometres.


Munich. BMW M Motorsport looks back on an intense 2024 season that, in addition to victories, titles, and podium finishes, has produced some other impressive figures. The three current race cars, the BMW M Hybrid V8, the BMW M4 GT3, and the BMW M4 GT4, together celebrated 215 wins, completed more than 1,000 races, and covered over one million kilometres. There was also cause for celebration in automotive gaming .


With the BMW M Hybrid V8 prototype, BMW M Motorsport faced the toughest competition in global motorsport. Its debut year in the FIA World Endurance Championship (FIA WEC) and its second year in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship (IMSA series) posed significant challenges for engineers, teams, and drivers. After initial disappointments, a strong upward trend emerged, culminating in the first 1-2 finish for BMW M Team RLL in the IMSA series and the first podium for BMW M Team WRT in the FIA WEC. The hard work is reflected in the numbers, with a total of 82,400 racing and testing kilometres, equivalent to 460 hours.


The BMW M4 GT3, in its third season, secured 50 victories and ten global titles. Key achievements include team titles for Schubert Motorsport in the DTM and Team WRT in the Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe powered by AWS, as well as the driver’s title for Charles Weerts (BEL) in the Intercontinental GT Challenge. The BMW M4 GT3 secured podium positions at the major 24-hour races at Daytona (USA), Nürburgring (GER), Le Mans (FRA), and Spa-Francorchamps (BEL), although failing to score a big win this time. At the FIA GT World Cup in Macau (CHN), the car achieved a 1-2 in the qualification race and second and third places in the main race. Over the season, the GT3 flagship accumulated more than 380,000 racing kilometres.


The BMW M4 GT4, in its second season, won the first-ever SRO global GT4 Manufacturer’s title. The title was determined over 50 events with 95 races across Europe, Asia, Australia, and America. In 2024, BMW M Motorsport customer teams raced the BMW M4 GT4 in 770 races, winning 164 of them. Successes with the three current BMW M Motorsport race cars were complemented by numerous triumphs for private teams with the BMW M2 CS Racing, BMW M240i Racing, and many other self-built BMW models from various generations.


The 2024 season was also a complete success for BMW M Motorsport in automotive gaming. BMW M Team Redline triumphed at the prestigious Esports World Cup, the grand finale of the ESL R1 racing series, both in the team standings and with Kevin Siggy (SLO) in the driver’s standings. His teammate Sebastian Job (GBR) was named “Sim Racer of the Year” at the 2024 Esports Awards.


Andreas Roos (Head of BMW M Motorsport): “The figures for the 2024 season of BMW M Motorsport are impressive and underline our strong commitment to various areas of motorsport. From the top class in prototype racing to professional GT3 sport, pure customer racing with the BMW M4 GT4 and many other cars, as well as automotive gaming, BMW M Motorsport is one of the biggest competitors worldwide. I am very pleased with this strong performance and congratulate all the teams and drivers who were able to celebrate successes in BMW M Motorsport cars in 2024. Next season, we are determined to go even further with the BMW M Hybrid V8 and the further developed EVO models of our GT cars, aiming for the top step of the podium at the major season highlights.”


Björn Lellmann (Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport): “Congratulations and thank you to all BMW M Motorsport customer teams that contributed to our impressive season figures in the GT sector. Customer racing has been one of the central pillars of our racing programme for decades, and the successes on the track and the loyalty of our teams confirm our commitment to continue this tradition with full force. In 2025, the BMW M4 GT3 EVO and the BMW M4 GT4 EVO will play the leading roles, but we also have our newcomer in the pipeline, the entry-level BMW M2 Racing, which we are preparing for its debut season in 2026 with intensive testing. I can’t wait for it to start again in January with the first endurance highlights in Dubai and at Daytona.”


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