
BMW M 赛车运动新闻2024 年 10 月 29 日

在我们的 BMW M 赛车新闻中,我们定期为您提供精选照片以及有关全球各种锦标赛的赛车活动和 BMW M 赛车团队成功的简洁而翔实的概述


BMW M 赛车运动部客户赛车主管 Björn Lellmann:


“2024 年赛车赛季即将进入最后冲刺阶段,对于我们的 BMW M 赛车车手和车队来说,他们要为 BMW M 运动奖杯颁奖典礼争取最后的关键积分。12 月,我们将延续 50 多年的传统,再次表彰 BMW M 运动奖杯中最成功的参赛者。此外,我们将在 2025 年启动一个令人兴奋的新项目,未来几周将公布更多信息。回顾过去的赛事,我向所有代表 BMW M 赛车队在世界各地取得胜利和登上领奖台的成功车队表示祝贺。”



意大利 GT 锦标赛(10 月 25 日至 27 日):两次登上领奖台,为本赛季画上圆满句号。


意大利 GT 锦标赛赛季于上周末随着蒙扎 (ITA) 耐力杯的落下帷幕。BMW Italia Ceccato Racing 车队凭借两辆 BMW M4 GT3 两次登上 Pro 和 Pro-Am 组的领奖台。在 Pro 组中,Stefano Comandini、Francesco Guerra(均为意大利人)和 Philippe Denes(美国)驾驶 7 号 BMW M4 GT3 获得总成绩第四名,同时也获得了 Pro 组领奖台的第三名。驾驶 8 号姊妹车的 Marco Cassarà、Francesco de Luca(均为意大利人)和 Alfred Nilsson(瑞典)三人在三个小时的比赛中从第 17 位强势回归至第六名。他们在 Pro-Am 组中获得了第二名,并登上了领奖台。在 Pro 组总排名中,Comandini、Guerra 和 Denes 获得了第三名。卡萨拉 (Cassarà)、德卢卡 (de Luca) 和尼尔森 (Nilsson) 最终在职业-业余组总排名中位列第六。



NLS(10 月 19 日):BMW M 赛车队获得七次级别胜利。


纽博格林耐力系列赛 (NLS) 在经过较长时间的休赛后恢复比赛,本赛季倒数第二场比赛 NLS 5 将进入 2024 年的最后冲刺阶段。BMW M 赛车队在各个级别中总共获得了七场胜利。


在锦标赛中,Sven Markert(德国)、Ranko Mijatovic(瑞士)和 Toby Goodman(英国)位居前列。他们再次驾驶 Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheels 的 650 号 BMW M240i Racing 赛车,夺得 BMW M 240i Racing Cup 组别冠军,并有望在 11 月 16 日的决赛中夺得总冠军


Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheels 也在竞争激烈的 VT2-R+4WD 级别中取得了成功,Daniel Zils、Philipp Leisen(均为德国人)和 Moran Gott(英国)驾驶 1 号宝马 330i。Jimmy Broadbent、Steve Brown(均为英国人)和 Manuel Metzger(瑞士)三人驾驶 150 号宝马 M4 GT4 再次赢得了 SP8T 级别。V4 级别的胜利属于 Romano Schultz 和 Florian Kramer(均为德国人),他们驾驶 731 号宝马 325i。在 VT3 级别中,Sebastian Tauber(德国人)和 Dominic Kulpovic(瑞士)驾驶 461 号宝马 M2 获得第一名。其他获胜者是 SP4 级别的 Ingo Oepen 和 Christian Kroger(均为德国人)以及宝马 M2 CS Cup 级别的 Thomas Leyherr 和 Alexander Becker(均为德国人)。


在 NLS 5 期间,新款入门级 BMW M2 赛车也首次亮相,该赛车将从 2026 赛季开始使用。两位 BMW M 车队车手 Max Hesse 和 Jens Klingmann(均为德国人)在赛车条件下对新车进行了成功的首次耐力测试,为进一步开发积累了重要见解。Hesse 和 Klingmann 以 301 号车开始比赛,由 FK Performance Motorsport 车队负责管理。



超级 GT 系列赛 (10 月 18 日至 20 日):BMW M Team Studie 重返 Autopolis,精彩亮相。


在 Autopolis(日本)举行的日本超级 GT 系列赛第七轮比赛中,BMW M 车队车手 Bruno Spengler(加拿大)和他的队友 Seiji Ara(日本)和 Niklas Krütten(德国)以精彩的回归让车迷们兴奋不已,他们仅获得第四名,与领奖台失之交臂。


Autopolis 赛道的状况绝非易事。由于大雨和浓雾,自由练习赛不得不取消。后来,一场暴雨和暴风雨天气导致排位赛因安全原因被推迟到周日上午。宝马 M Team Studie 的 7 号宝马 M4 GT3 赛车的三名车手只能排在队伍最后,屈居第 22 名。然而,在这场包括四次安全车出动的三小时激战中,斯彭格勒、阿拉和克鲁滕一路奋战,最终升至第四名。


“真是一场精彩的比赛!我们从第 22 位起跑,最终获得第四名。BMW M Team Studie 全体成员以及我的队友 Seiji 和 Niklas 表现非常出色。我们还为团队排名收集了许多重要积分,”Spengler 说道。在还剩两场比赛的情况下,BMW M Team Studie 仅落后团队排名领先者 26 分,仍有机会夺冠。



GT4 澳大利亚(10 月 18 日至 20 日):在悉尼赛车公园取得成功。


GT4 澳大利亚队在悉尼赛车公园 (AUS) 举行了本赛季的第五场比赛。BMW M 赛车队和 BMW M4 GT4 取得了进一步的成功。John Bowe 和 Jacob Lawrence(均为澳大利亚人)驾驶 Randall Racing 的 32 号 BMW M4 GT4 赢得了周六的比赛,并在周日再次登上领奖台,获得同级别第二名。在 Pro-Am 组中,Ryder Quinn 和 Steve Jakic(均为澳大利亚人)驾驶 Thunder Buddies Racing 的 3 号 BMW M4 GT4 在周六的领奖台上获得第三名。



IMSA 米其林飞行员挑战赛(10 月 11 日至 12 日):CarBahn Motorsports 重回领奖台。


在 IMSA 米其林飞行员挑战赛 (IMPC) 中取得期待已久的首场胜利几周后,CarBahn Motorsports 车队又有了一个值得庆祝的理由。在作为小勒芒 (Petit Le Mans) 的一部分在亚特兰大路 (美国) 举行的赛季决赛中,Sean McAlister 和 Jeff Westphal (均来自美国) 驾驶 39 号宝马 M4 GT4 再次登上领奖台,在今年的最后一场比赛中获得第三名。Turner Motorsport 车队在本赛季排名前十,Dillon Machavern 和 Robert Megennis (美国) 驾驶 95 号宝马 M4 GT4 排名第十。



VP Racing 跑车挑战赛(10 月 11 日至 12 日):帕特里克·威尔莫特 (Patrick Wilmot) 和 Split Decision Motorsports 在锦标赛中获得第二名。


VP Racing SportsCar Challenge 的最后一季比赛也在亚特兰大赛道的 Petit Le Mans 赛场上举行。在 GSX 级别比赛中,来自 Split Decision Motorsports 车队的 Patrick Wilmot(美国)以双领奖台结束了这一赛季。在第一场比赛中,他驾驶 88 号 BMW M4 GT4 以第二名的成绩冲过终点线,在第二场比赛中,他获得了第三名。这使 Wilmot 和车队在 GSX 级别的车手和车队锦标赛中均获得了第二名。

BMW M Motorsport News, 29th October 2024.

In our BMW M Motorsport News, we regularly offer you a selection of photos as well as a compact and informative overview of the racing action in various championships worldwide and the successes of the BMW M Motorsport teams.


Björn Lellmann, Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport:


“The 2024 motorsport season is entering the home stretch – and for our BMW M Motorsport drivers and teams, it’s about securing the last crucial points for the BMW M Sports Trophy Awards. In December, we will continue our tradition of more than 50 years and once again honour the most successful participants in the BMW M Sports Trophy. In addition, we will launch a new exciting project in 2025, for which there will be more information in the coming weeks. Looking back at the past racing events, I congratulate all the successful crews who have represented for BMW M Motorsport around the world with their victories and podium finishes.”



Italian GT Championship (25.-27.10.): Two podium finishes to conclude the season.


The Italian GT Championship season came to an end last weekend with the finale of the Endurance Cup at Monza (ITA). The BMW Italia Ceccato Racing team celebrated two podium finishes in the Pro and Pro-Am classes with its two BMW M4 GT3s. In the Pro category, Stefano Comandini, Francesco Guerra (both ITA), and Philippe Denes (USA) drove the #7 BMW M4 GT3 to fourth overall, which also meant third place on the Pro podium. In the #8 sister car, the trio of Marco Cassarà, Francesco de Luca (both ITA), and Alfred Nilsson (SWE) mounted an impressive comeback from 17th on the grid to sixth place over the course of the three-hour race. They were able to celebrate their second-place finish in the Pro-Am class on the podium. In the overall Pro category standings, Comandini, Guerra, and Denes finished the season in third place. Cassarà, de Luca, and Nilsson ended up sixth in the Pro-Am overall standings.



NLS (19.10.): Seven class victories for BMW M Motorsport teams.


The Nürburgring Endurance Series (NLS) resumed after a longer break with the penultimate race of the season, NLS 5, heading into the final stretch of 2024. The BMW M Motorsport teams secured a total of seven victories in various classes.


In the championship race, Sven Markert (GER), Ranko Mijatovic (SUI), and Toby Goodman (GBR) are among the front runners. They once again claimed victory in the BMW M 240i Racing Cup class with the #650 BMW M240i Racing from the Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheels, keeping their chances alive to celebrate the overall title at the finale on 16th November.


The Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheels was also successful in the highly competitive VT2-R+4WD class, with Daniel Zils, Philipp Leisen (both GER), and Moran Gott (GBR) driving the #1 BMW 330i. The trio of Jimmy Broadbent, Steve Brown (both GBR), and Manuel Metzger (SUI) won the SP8T class again with the #150 BMW M4 GT4. The victory in the V4 class went to Romano Schultz and Florian Kramer (both GER) in the #731 BMW 325i. In the VT3 class, Sebastian Tauber (GER) and Dominic Kulpovic (SUI) in the #461 BMW M2 took first place. The other winners were Ingo Oepen and Christian Kroger (both GER) in the SP4 class and Thomas Leyherr and Alexander Becker (both GER) in the BMW M2 CS Cup class.


During NLS 5, the new entry-level BMW M2 Racing car, which will be used from the 2026 season, also made its racing debut. The two BMW M works drivers Max Hesse and Jens Klingmann (both GER) put the new car through a successful first endurance test under racing conditions, gathering important insights for further development. The deployment, which saw Hesse and Klingmann start with number 301, was managed by the FK Performance Motorsport team.



Super GT Series (18.-20.10.): BMW M Team Studie excites with a comeback at Autopolis.


At the seventh round of the Japanese Super GT Series at Autopolis (JPN), BMW M works driver Bruno Spengler (CAN) and his teammates Seiji Ara (JPN) and Niklas Krütten (GER) thrilled fans with a fantastic comeback, narrowly missing the podium in fourth place.


The Autopolis conditions were anything but easy. Free practice had to be cancelled due to rain and dense fog. Later, a thunderstorm with heavy rain and stormy conditions led to the postponement of qualifying to Sunday morning for safety reasons. The trio in the #7 BMW M4 GT3 from BMW M Team Studie had to settle for 22nd place at the back of the field. However, in the turbulent three-hour race, which included four safety car periods, Spengler, Ara, and Krütten consistently worked their way up to fourth place.


“What a race! We started in 22nd place and finished fourth. The whole of BMW M Team Studie and my teammates Seiji and Niklas did a fantastic job. We also collected many important points for the team standings,” said Spengler. With two races remaining, BMW M Team Studie is only 26 points behind the leaders in the team standings, keeping their title chances alive.



GT4 Australia (18.-20.10.): Successes at Sydney Motorsport Park.


The GT4 Australia visited Sydney Motorsport Park (AUS) for its fifth event of the season. There were further successes for the BMW M Motorsport teams and the BMW M4 GT4. John Bowe and Jacob Lawrence (both AUS) won the Saturday race with the #32 BMW M4 GT4 from Randall Racing, and on Sunday they stepped onto the podium again as second in their class. In the Pro-Am category, Ryder Quinn and Steve Jakic (both AUS) in the #3 BMW M4 GT4 from Thunder Buddies Racing took third place on the podium on Saturday.



IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge (11.-12.10.): CarBahn Motorsports back on the podium.


Just a few weeks after their long-awaited first victory in the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge (IMPC), the CarBahn Motorsports team had another reason to celebrate. At the season finale, held as part of the Petit Le Mans at Road Atlanta (USA), Sean McAlister and Jeff Westphal (both USA) in the #39 BMW M4 GT4 climbed onto the podium again, securing third place in the last race of the year. The Turner Motorsport team finished the season in the top-10 when  Dillon Machavern and Robert Megennis (USA) came in tenth in the #95 BMW M4 GT4.



VP Racing SportsCar Challenge (11.-12.10.): Patrick Wilmot and Split Decision Motorsports second in the championship.


The final season races in the VP Racing SportsCar Challenge also took place as part of Petit Le Mans at Road Atlanta. In the GSX class, Patrick Wilmot (USA) from the Split Decision Motorsports team finished the year with a double podium. In the first race, he crossed the finish line in second place with the #88 BMW M4 GT4, and in the second race, he came in third. This secured Wilmot and the team the second place in both the drivers’ and team championships in the GSX class.


BMW 摩托车推出全新 BMW 摩托车服装系列 2024




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