
BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2024 年 7 月 22 日

在我们的 BMW M 赛车新闻中,我们定期为您提供精选照片以及有关全球各种锦标赛的赛车活动和 BMW M 赛车团队成功的简洁而翔实的概述。


BMW M 赛车运动部客户赛车主管 Björn Lellmann:


“上周末,BMW M Motorsport 车队再次以精彩的比赛和成功让我们激动不已。祝贺 Borusan Otomotiv Motorsport 车队的 Berkay Besler 和 Gabriele Piana,他们在霍根海姆举行的 GT4 欧洲系列赛中驾驶 BMW M4 GT4 为车迷们带来了精彩的比赛。在北美,本周末所有人的目光都集中在弗吉尼亚。在 GT 世界挑战赛美国站,ST Racing 和 Turner Motorsport 再次展示了 BMW M4 GT3 的潜力,Justin Rothberg 在 GT America 中首次获胜。在 GT4 和 TC America 中,车队证明了 BMW M4 GT4 和 BMW M2 CS Racing 始终是热门车型。周末的汽车游戏 iRacing 24h Spa-Francorchamps 也成为亮点,我们祝贺 BMW M 车队取得胜利和第三名。”


GT4 欧洲系列赛(7 月 20 日至 21 日):Berkay Besler 和 Gabriele Piana 取得了辉煌的胜利。


Berkay Besler(土耳其)和 Gabriele Piana(意大利)在 GT4 欧洲系列赛中取得了本赛季的首个辉煌胜利。在周六于霍根海姆赛道(德国)举行的比赛中,这对土耳其-意大利组合在出色回归后夺得了胜利。他们驾驶 12 号宝马 M4 GT4 从第 19 位起跑,在 30 圈的比赛中一路冲过终点线。在比赛结束前约两分钟,Piana 做出了决定性的超车动作,为 Borusan Otomotiv Motorsport 车队赢得了本系列赛的首场胜利。


在第二场比赛中,驾驶 12 号 BMW M4 GT4 的两人也登上了领奖台,在周日获得第三名,并在巴登-符腾堡州历史悠久的赛道上度过了一个精彩的周末。这一表现使 Borusan Otomotiv Motorsport 在车队积分榜上排名第二。


与此同时,里卡多·范德恩德(荷兰)和本杰明·莱森内斯(比利时)在霍根海姆举行的第四季赛事中获得了银牌车手积分榜第二名。周六和周日,两人驾驶 17 号宝马 M4 GT4 分别获得第七名和第五名。在 Pro-Am 组别中,宝马 M 赛车队还庆祝安东尼·德·巴恩和格雷戈里·吉尔弗特(均为法国人)在霍根海姆登上领奖台,周六,他们驾驶 317 号宝马 M4 GT4 从 CHAZEL Technologie Course 车队出发,获得第三名。


GT 世界挑战赛美国站(7 月 20 日至 21 日):ST Racing 在弗吉尼亚获得双领奖台。


由 AWS 赞助的 Fanatec GT 世界挑战赛美国站在美国奥尔顿的弗吉尼亚国际赛道举行了第四季赛事。宝马 M 车队车手 Neil Verhagen(美国)和 Samantha Tan(加拿大)驾驶 ST Racing 车队的 38 号宝马 M4 GT3 赛车在两场比赛中均获得 Pro-Am 组别第二名(总排名第六)。


第一场比赛尤其动荡。在多次安全车出动的比赛中,BMW M 车队车手 Robby Foley 和他的队友 Justin Rothberg(均为美国人)驾驶 Turner Motorsport 的 29 号 BMW M4 GT3 赛车,争夺 Pro-Am 领奖台。然而,与 Verhagen 的碰撞使 Foley 偏离了赛道,导致高速撞上轮胎墙。幸运的是,当天庆祝 28 岁生日的 Foley 没有受伤,但他的 BMW M4 GT3 受到严重损坏。Foley 和 Rothberg 在同级别中排名第七。在 Pro 组中,Bill Auberlen 和 Varun Choksey(均为美国人)驾驶 ST Racing 的 28 号 BMW M4 GT3 赛车,原本有望获胜,但却遭遇挫折,包括安全车出动和计划外的进站检查车辆等不幸事件,最终在同级别中排名第五(总排名第十)。


在第二场比赛中,Choksey 和 Auberlen 在 Pro 组别中排名第三,并在比赛结束前几分钟争夺总领奖台,但 Auberlen 与另一名竞争对手发生碰撞,导致通过维修区处罚,两人在组别中排名第五(总排名第十)。在 Pro-Am 组中,Verhagen 和 Tan 再次表现出色,登上领奖台第二名。由于 29 号宝马 M4 GT3 在周六的撞车事故中受损严重,Turner Motorsport 连夜准备了 GT America 的姊妹车。由于底盘更换,Foley 从后方出发,他取得了令人印象深刻的回归,他和 Rothberg 以微弱优势错失 Pro-Am 领奖台,排名第四(总排名第八)。


GT 美国(7 月 20 日至 21 日):贾斯汀·罗斯伯格首次获胜。


在弗吉尼亚国际赛道(美国)举行的 GT America 赛事中,特纳赛车队车手贾斯汀·罗斯伯格(美国)庆祝了他在系列赛中的首场胜利。他在练习赛中驾驶 29 号宝马 M4 GT3 赛车,速度最快,并在排位赛中取得杆位。尽管大雨倾盆,赛道条件极其恶劣,罗斯伯格仍以明显领先优势赢得了周六的比赛。在第二场比赛中,他再次为胜利而战,仅以 0.118 秒的差距登上领奖台第二名。


在 GT4 级别中,尼古拉斯·沙尼 (Nicholas Shanny)(美国)驾驶卡鲁斯·卡拉斯赛车队的 21 号宝马 M4 GT4 赛车在两场比赛中均获得第五名。此外,约瑟夫·卡塔尼亚 (Joseph Catania)(美国/Rigid Speed)在第二场比赛中驾驶 33 号宝马 M4 GT4 赛车获得第七名。


GT4 美国站(7 月 20 日至 21 日):弗吉尼亚州领奖台如潮。


在 GT4 America 赛事中,BMW M Motorsport 车队上周末在美国弗吉尼亚国际赛道庆祝六次登上领奖台。在周六的第一场比赛中,来自 AutoTechnic Racing 车队的 51 号 BMW M4 GT4 赛车手 Colin Garrett 和 Zac Anderson(均为美国人)获得了总成绩第二名和银牌组第二名。同时,James Clay 和 Charlie Postins(均为美国人)驾驶 36 号 BMW M4 GT4 赛车为 BimmerWorld 赢得了 Am 组冠军。


周日,Random Vandals Racing 车队的 Kevin Boehm 和 Kenton Koch(均为美国人)驾驶 97 号宝马 M4 GT4 获得总成绩第二名和银牌组第二名。紧随其后的是,Garrett 和 Anderson 驾驶 51 号宝马 M4 GT4 获得银牌组第三名,这是他们周末第二次登上领奖台。在 Pro-Am 组别中,Mark Brummond 和 Mike Skeen(均为美国人)登上了组别领奖台。来自 AutoTechnic Racing 的美国组合驾驶 53 号宝马 M4 GT4 获得 Pro-Am 组别第三名。在 Am 组别中,Random Vandals Racing 车队的 Paul Sparta 和 Kris Wilson(均为美国人)驾驶 98 号宝马 M4 GT4 获得第二名。


TC America(7 月 20 日至 21 日):沃尔什 (Walsh) 在弗吉尼亚继续参加大型系列赛。


克里斯·沃尔什(美国)在日历上的第四站 TC America 中继续保持令人印象深刻的成功势头。在弗吉尼亚国际赛道(美国)举行的本赛季第七轮和第八轮比赛中,沃尔什驾驶 104 号宝马 M2 CS 赛车登上了领奖台。在第一场比赛中,沃尔什在遇到问题后获得第二名。然而,在第二场比赛中,他再次无人能敌,卡鲁斯卡拉斯赛车队的车手利用他的杆位在第八场比赛中获得了本赛季的第七场胜利。


iRacing 24h Spa-Francorchamps(7 月 19 日至 21 日):BMW M 车队夺得冠军和第三名。


上周末,两支官方 BMW M 车队在年度最后一场 24 小时 iRacing Special 比赛中获胜,获得冠军和第三名。GT3 级别的虚拟比赛在著名的 Spa-Francorchamps 赛道举行。


迪奥戈·平托(葡萄牙)在排位赛中取得令人印象深刻的第二名,为虚拟 BMW M Team Redline BMW M4 GT3 的成功奠定了基础。他与队友克里斯·卢勒姆(英国)、弗洛里安·勒比格尔(法国)和 F1 冠军马克斯·维斯塔潘(荷兰)一起,在比赛中长时间领先,最终获得了当之无愧的胜利。


BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION 从第七位发车,但车手 Ryan Barneveld(荷兰)、Phillippe Denes(美国)和 Rainer Talvar(美国东部标准时间)从发车伊始便表现出了极大的决心,“斑马”队迅速进入领先集团,并最终夺得第三名。

BMW M Motorsport News, 22nd July 2024.

In our BMW M Motorsport News, we regularly offer you a selection of photos as well as a compact and informative overview of the racing action in various championships worldwide and the successes of the BMW M Motorsport teams.


Björn Lellmann, Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport:


“Once again, this past weekend, BMW M Motorsport teams thrilled us with spectacular races and successes. Congratulations to Berkay Besler and Gabriele Piana from the Borusan Otomotiv Motorsport team, who provided fans with fantastic racing in the BMW M4 GT4 at the GT4 European Series at Hockenheim. In North America, all eyes were on Virginia this weekend. In the GT World Challenge America, ST Racing and Turner Motorsport once again showcased the potential of the BMW M4 GT3, added by Justin Rothberg’s first win in the GT America. In the GT4 and TC America, the teams demonstrated that the BMW M4 GT4 and BMW M2 CS Racing are always among the favourites. The weekend also featured a highlight in Automotive Gaming with the iRacing 24h Spa-Francorchamps, where we can congratulate the BMW M Teams on a victory and a third place.”


GT4 European Series (20th-21st July): Spectacular triumph for Berkay Besler and Gabriele Piana.


Berkay Besler (TUR) and Gabriele Piana (ITA) achieved a spectacular first season victory in the GT4 European Series. In the Saturday race at the Hockenheimring (GER), the Turkish-Italian duo triumphed after an outstanding comeback. Starting from 19th place in the #12 BMW M4 GT4, they fought their way through the field in the 30-lap race. About two minutes before the checkered flag, Piana made the decisive overtaking move, securing the first win of the year for the Borusan Otomotiv Motorsport team in this series.


In the second race, the duo in the #12 BMW M4 GT4 also made it to the podium, finishing third on Sunday and capping off a strong weekend at the historic circuit in Baden-Württemberg. This performance moved Borusan Otomotiv Motorsport to second place in the team standings.


Meanwhile, Ricardo van der Ende (NED) and Benjamin Lessennes (BEL) captured second place in the Silver Class driver standings at the fourth season event at Hockenheim. The duo finished seventh and fifth in the #17 BMW M4 GT4 on Saturday and Sunday. In the Pro-Am category, BMW M Motorsport also celebrated a podium finish at Hockenheim for Antoni de Barn and Gregory Guilvert (both FRA) who drove the #317 BMW M4 GT4 from Team CHAZEL Technologie Course to third place on Saturday.


GT World Challenge America (20th-21st July): Double podium for ST Racing in Virginia.


The Fanatec GT World Challenge America powered by AWS held its fourth season event at the VIRginia International Raceway in Alton (USA). BMW M works driver Neil Verhagen (USA) and Samantha Tan (CAN) secured second place in the Pro-Am class (sixth overall) in both races in the #38 BMW M4 GT3 from ST Racing.


The first race was particularly turbulent. In a race characterised by numerous safety car periods, BMW M works driver Robby Foley and his teammate Justin Rothberg (both USA) in the #29 BMW M4 GT3 from Turner Motorsport battled for the Pro-Am podium. However, contact with Verhagen sent Foley off the track, resulting in a high-speed crash into the tyre wall. Fortunately, Foley, celebrating his 28th birthday that day, was uninjured, but his BMW M4 GT3 sustained significant damage. Foley and Rothberg were classified seventh in class. In the Pro category, Bill Auberlen and Varun Choksey (both USA) in the #28 BMW M4 GT3 from ST Racing were on course for victory but faced setbacks, including bad luck with a safety car period and an unplanned pit stop to check the car, finishing fifth in class (tenth overall).


In the second race, Choksey and Auberlen were in third place in the Pro class and fighting for the overall podium until a few minutes before the end, but contact between Auberlen and another competitor resulted in a drive-through penalty, placing the duo fifth in class (tenth overall). In the Pro-Am class, Verhagen and Tan once again gave a strong performance, finishing second on the podium. Turner Motorsport prepared the sister car from GT America overnight after the #29 BMW M4 GT3 was too damaged from Saturday’s crash. Starting from the back due to the chassis change, Foley made an impressive comeback, and he and Rothberg narrowly missed the Pro-Am podium, finishing fourth (eighth overall).


GT America (20th-21st July): First victory for Justin Rothberg.


In the GT America races at the VIRginia International Raceway (USA), Turner Motorsport driver Justin Rothberg (USA) celebrated his first win in the series. He was the fastest in the #29 BMW M4 GT3 during practice and secured pole position in qualifying. Despite heavy rain and extremely challenging conditions, Rothberg won the Saturday race with a significant lead. In the second race, he fought for the win again, finishing second on the podium with only a 0.118-second gap.


In the GT4 class, Nicholas Shanny (USA) finished fifth in both races in the #21 BMW M4 GT4 from the Carrus Callas Racing Team. Additionally, Joseph Catania (USA / Rigid Speed) was seventh in the #33 BMW M4 GT4 in the second race.


GT4 America (20th-21st July): Podium deluge in Virginia.


In GT4 America, the BMW M Motorsport teams celebrated six podium finishes at the VIRginia International Raceway (USA) last weekend. In the first race on Saturday, Colin Garrett and Zac Anderson (both USA) in the #51 BMW M4 GT4 from AutoTechnic Racing finished second overall and second in the Silver Class. Simultaneously, James Clay and Charlie Postins (both USA) won the Am category for BimmerWorld in the #36 BMW M4 GT4.


On Sunday, Kevin Boehm and Kenton Koch (both USA) in the #97 BMW M4 GT4 for Random Vandals Racing secured second place overall and second in the Silver Class. Behind, Garrett and Anderson finished third in the Silver Class in the #51 BMW M4 GT4, securing their second podium finish of the weekend. In the Pro-Am category, Mark Brummond and Mike Skeen (both USA) reached the class podium. The American duo from AutoTechnic Racing drove the #53 BMW M4 GT4 to third place in the Pro-Am category. In the Am category, Paul Sparta and Kris Wilson (both USA) in the #98 BMW M4 GT4 from Random Vandals Racing finished second.


TC America (20th-21st July): Walsh continues mega series in Virginia.


Chris Walsh (USA) continued his impressive success streak in the TC America at the fourth race stop on the calendar. In both rounds seven and eight of the season at the VIRginia International Raceway (USA), Walsh in the #104 BMW M2 CS Racing made it to the podium. In the first race, Walsh finished second after encountering a problem. However, in the second race, he was unbeatable once again, the Carrus Callas Racing Team driver using his pole position to secure his seventh win in the eighth race of the season.


iRacing 24h Spa-Francorchamps (19th-21st July): Victory and third place for BMW M Teams.


Last weekend, two official BMW M Teams triumphed at the final 24-hour iRacing Special of the year, securing a victory and a third-place finish on the podium. The virtual race in the GT3 class took place on the famous Spa-Francorchamps track.


Diogo Pinto (POR) laid the foundation for the success of the virtual BMW M Team Redline BMW M4 GT3 with an impressive second place in qualifying. Together with his teammates Chris Lulham (GBR), Florian Lebigre (FRA), and F1 champion Max Verstappen (NED), he led the race for extended periods and ultimately claimed a well-deserved victory.


BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION started from seventh position, but drivers Ryan Barneveld (NED), Phillippe Denes (USA), and Rainer Talvar (EST) showed great determination from the start. The ‘Zebras’ quickly moved into the leading group and secured third place in the end.


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