
BMW M Motorsport 开发了新的入门级赛车模型,供 2026 赛季使用

目前,BMW M Motorsport 工程师正在开发一款新车,该车将作为赛车运动的入门级车型完善客户赛车产品组合


慕尼黑。在 BMW M Motorsport,凭借 BMW M235i Racing、BMW M240i Racing 和 BMW M2 CS Racing,经济实惠且技术先进的入门级赛车已成为传统。它们是迈向更高级别的 GT4 和 GT3 级别的完美垫脚石。目前,BMW M Motorsport 工程师正在开发一款新车,该车将作为赛车运动的入门级车型,完善客户赛车产品组合。


有关 BMW M Motorsport 入门级汽车的更多详细信息将于稍后公布。


BMW M Motorsport 客户赛车主管 Björn Lellmann 表示: “贴近客户是 BMW M Motorsport 奉行的准则之一。从我们的角度来看,这还包括为草根赛车提供一款车队和赛车新手都能负担得起的赛车,同时为他们提供最高水平的 BMW M Motorsport 技术。因此,我们很高兴能够在此时宣布 BMW M235i Racing、BMW M240i Racing 和 BMW M2 CS Racing 的后续车型。我们的工程师已经在开发的早期阶段投入了大量精力,以便为客户使用做好最佳准备。”

BMW M Motorsport develops new entry-level model for racing for use from the 2026 season.

Currently, BMW M Motorsport engineers are working on the development of a new car that will complete the portfolio of customer racing cars as an entry-level model into motorsport.


Munich. With the BMW M235i Racing, BMW M240i Racing and BMW M2 CS Racing, at BMW M Motorsport, affordable and technically sophisticated entry-level cars into racing are a tradition. They are the perfect stepping stones to the higher GT4 and GT3 classes. Currently, BMW M Motorsport engineers are working on the development of a new car that will complete the portfolio of customer racing cars as an entry-level model into motorsport.


Further details about the entry-level car from BMW M Motorsport will be announced at a later date.


Björn Lellmann, Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport: “Proximity to our customers is one of the maxims we pursue at BMW M Motorsport. From our point of view, this also includes offering a car for grassroots racing that teams and newcomers to racing can afford and that at the same time offers them BMW M Motorsport technology at the highest level. Accordingly, we are delighted to be able to announce a successor model to the BMW M235i Racing, BMW M240i Racing, and BMW M2 CS Racing at this point. Our engineers are already working intensively at this early stage of development to optimally prepare the car for customer use.”


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