

+++ 宝马集团雷根斯堡汽车工厂在著名的工业竞赛中荣获“优秀大批量装配”类别的奖项 +++ 评委认为整个工厂在决策中具有很高的灵活性 +++


+++ 宝马集团雷根斯堡汽车工厂在著名的工业竞赛中荣获“优秀大批量装配”类别的奖项 +++ 评委认为整个工厂在决策中具有很高的灵活性 +++

雷根斯堡。 宝马集团雷根斯堡工厂荣获 2024 年“年度最佳工厂”称号,属于“优秀大批量装配”类别。该奖项被视为德国最负盛名的工业竞赛之一。宝马集团雷根斯堡工厂是宝马集团全球 30 多个生产基地之一。每个工作日,多达 1,400 辆 BMW X1 和 BMW X2 车型下线,销往世界各地的客户。不同类型的传动系统在一条生产线上灵活生产,从内燃机汽车到插电式混合动力汽车,再到全电动车型。

这是管理咨询公司科尔尼第 33 次与 Süddeutscher Verlag events 和行业报纸“Produktion”合作,表彰那些在克服当前生产挑战方面表现出色的公司。评委们解释了他们决定将宝马集团雷根斯堡工厂评为“优秀大批量装配”类别的理由:“雷根斯堡工厂与全体员工一起实施向 iFactory 转型的创新能力和活力令人印象深刻。特别是,工厂设置和员工方面的灵活性堪称典范,是德国成功生产的灵感来源,”科尔尼董事兼竞赛项目经理 Daniel Stengel 解释道。

宝马集团雷根斯堡工厂负责人 Armin Ebner 表示:“宝马集团雷根斯堡工厂处于非常有利的地位,这要归功于我们高度专业、积极进取的团队。被独立专家评审团评为‘年度最佳工厂’对我们来说既是一项重大成就,也是激励的源泉。我要感谢整个雷根斯堡工厂团队的非凡灵活性、对质量的承诺和出色的表现。我们一起为获得‘年度最佳工厂’称号而感到自豪。”



“年度工厂”颁奖典礼将于 2025 年春季同名大会期间举行。



宝马集团雷根斯堡汽车厂自 1986 年开始运营,是宝马集团全球 30 多个生产基地之一。每个工作日,雷根斯堡工厂共生产出多达 1,400 辆 BMW X1 和 BMW X2 车型,销往世界各地的客户。不同类型的传动系统在一条生产线上灵活生产,从内燃机汽车到插电式混合动力汽车,再到全电动车型。

雷根斯堡生产的电动车型的高压电池也在当地生产,就在汽车厂附近。它们在 2021 年在莱布尼茨大街工厂开业的电动零部件生产工厂组装。
瓦克斯多夫宝马创新园也属于雷根斯堡工厂。这座占地 55 公顷的园区建于 1980 年代,最初是作为核再处理设施。宝马集团在那里生产驾驶舱,并为海外工厂供应零部件。除了宝马作为最大的雇主外,其他几家公司也位于瓦克斯多夫创新园。共有约 2,500 名员工在那里工作。

位于巴伐利亚东部雷根斯堡和瓦克斯多夫工厂的宝马集团核心员工约有 9,250 名,其中包括 300 多名学徒。

BMW Group Plant Regensburg wins “Factory of the Year”

+++ Prestigious industrial competition recognises BMW Group’s Regensburg vehicle plant in category “excellent large-series assembly” +++ Judges cite high flexibility of entire plant in decision +++


+++ Prestigious industrial competition recognises BMW Group’s Regensburg vehicle plant in category “excellent large-series assembly” +++ Judges cite high flexibility of entire plant in decision +++

Regensburg. The BMW Group’s vehicle plant in Regensburg is “Factory of the Year” 2024 in the category “excellent large-series assembly”. The award is regarded as one of Germany’s most prestigious industrial competitions. BMW Group Plant Regensburg is one of more than 30 BMW Group production locations worldwide. Up to 1,400 BMW X1 and BMW X2 models come off the production line every workday – destined for customers all over the world. Different types of drive trains are flexibly manufactured on a single production line – from vehicles with internal combustion engines to plug-in hybrids, to fully-electric models.

This is the 33rd time management consultants Kearney, in collaboration with Süddeutscher Verlag events and the trade newspaper “Produktion”, have honoured companies that excel in overcoming current production challenges. The judges justified their decision to recognise BMW Group Plant Regensburg in the category “excellent large-series assembly” as follows: “The innovative strength and dynamism with which the Regensburg plant is implementing the transformation to iFactory together with the entire workforce is impressive. In particular, the flexibility both in the factory setup and on the part of the employees is exemplary and an inspiration for successful production in Germany,” explained Daniel Stengel, a director at Kearney and project manager for the competition.

Armin Ebner, head of BMW Group Plant Regensburg: “BMW Group Plant Regensburg is in an exceptionally strong position – thanks to our highly professional, motivated team. Being named ‘Factory of the Year’ by an independent panel of expert judges is both a significant achievement and a source of motivation for us. I would like to thank the entire Plant Regensburg team for their exceptional flexibility, commitment to quality and outstanding performance. Together, we can take great pride in earning the title ‘Factory of the Year’.”

The BMW Group plant in Regensburg also scored points with the use of the latest digital tools including artificial intelligence (AI), which unlocks potential in terms of productivity, quality and resilience.

The winners of the “Factory of the Year” competition are selected in a two-stage process. After submitting a detailed application form with key figures, an experienced Kearney audit team visits the leading group of companies participating. The judges, comprising renowned experts from industry and academia, then select the winners.

The award ceremony for “Factory of the Year” will take place during the congress of the same name in spring 2025.


BMW Group Plants Regensburg and Wackersdorf

The BMW Group has viewed itself for decades as the benchmark for production technology and operational excellence in vehicle construction – including at its locations in Regensburg and Wackersdorf.
The BMW Group vehicle plant in Regensburg has been in operation since 1986 and is one of more than 30 BMW Group production locations worldwide. A total of up to 1,400 vehicles of the BMW X1 and BMW X2 models come off the production line at Plant Regensburg every workday – destined for customers all over the world. Different types of drive trains are flexibly manufactured on a single production line – from vehicles with internal combustion engines to plug-in hybrids, to fully-electric models.

High-voltage batteries for the electric models built in Regensburg are also produced locally, in direct proximity to the vehicle plant. They are assembled at the electric component production facility, which opened in 2021 at the Leibnizstrasse location.
BMW Innovation Park Wackersdorf also belongs to the Regensburg site. The 55-hectare campus built in the 1980s was originally intended as a nuclear reprocessing facility. The BMW Group has located its cockpit production there, as well as its parts supply for overseas plants. In addition to BMW as the largest employer, several other companies are also based at Innovation Park Wackersdorf. A total of around 2,500 employees work there.

The BMW Group core staff at the Regensburg and Wackersdorf locations in eastern Bavaria is made up of around 9,250 employees, including more than 300 apprentices.


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