

+++再次证明数字车辆访问领域的创新领导地位+++ CCC Digital Key™️证书旨在增强对安全性和可靠性的信任+++ 自 2018 年以来,宝马集团在数字车辆访问方面取得了突破性创新+++


慕尼黑。宝马集团是第一家获得汽车互联联盟颁发的 CCC 数字钥匙™️ 证书的汽车制造商 ,该证书用于其数字车辆访问。该认证基于 CCC 对安全和可互操作的车辆到设备访问的最高要求,并确认宝马数字钥匙符合这些要求。汽车互联联盟是一个跨行业标准化组织。它致力于进一步发展车辆与智能移动设备的互联互通,并在全球范围内推动这一发展。宝马集团自 2017 年起成为该联盟的成员。从一开始,该公司就一直与联盟内的合作伙伴一起领导跨行业技术和安全标准的开发和建立。除了众多汽车制造商外,CCC 成员公司还包括最重要的智能手机制造商、一级汽车供应商、半导体制造商和安全产品提供商。

“在我们努力提高采用率并在消费者和整个行业中建立信任的过程中,在车对设备生态系统的每个环节对数字钥匙解决方案进行认证至关重要。”汽车互联联盟总裁 Alysia Johnson 表示。“自 12 月首次启动认证计划以来,我们全体成员一直帮助我们朝着这一目标前进,我们很自豪地指定宝马成为第一家获得 CCC 数字钥匙™️ 认证的汽车制造商。”

“我们希望为客户提供最佳的整体体验,创新、便捷的车辆访问是这一体验的重要组成部分。我们的数字钥匙现在是第一个获得 CCC 数字钥匙™️ 认证的产品,这一事实凸显了我们在该领域的领导地位。”宝马集团中央控制单元开发、物理车辆网络和电源主管 Kai Barbehön 表示。“我们期待继续与 CCC 合作,并将 CCC 数字钥匙视为我们当前和未来车辆平台不可或缺的一部分。”

宝马集团不仅是首家获得认证的汽车制造商,也是数字车辆访问引入和实施的先驱。自 2018 年以来,宝马集团的客户可以通过近场通信 (NFC) 在智能手机上使用宝马数字钥匙方便地解锁、锁定和启动车辆。2021 年,宝马 iX 上市,同时推出了宝马数字钥匙 Plus,这是世界上第一个将超宽带技术 (UWB) 用于数字车辆访问的应用。数字钥匙 Plus 提供了附加功能、更高的安全性和更多的便利性,因为客户不再需要拿出智能手机来解锁、锁定和启动车辆。这项技术现在也进入了宝马紧凑级和新款 MINI 系列。此外,每个宝马集团的数字钥匙都可以使用传统的即时通讯服务跨平台与朋友和家人共享。基于 UWB 的数字车辆访问规范由宝马集团及其合作伙伴制定,并通过汽车连接联盟 (CCC) 共同确立为汽车行业的全球标准。宝马集团的目标是继续成为数字化车辆访问的推动力,并不断创新该领域的整个客户体验。

BMW Group is first automobile manufacturer to receive the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) Digital Key™️ certificate.

+++ Renewed proof of innovative leadership in digital vehicle access +++ CCC Digital Key™️ certificate intended to strengthen trust in safety and reliability +++ Groundbreaking innovations for digital vehicle access at BMW Group since 2018 +++


Munich. The BMW Group is the first automotive manufacturer to receive the CCC Digital Key™️ certificate from the Car Connectivity Consortium for its digital vehicle access. The certification is based on the CCC’s highest requirements for secure and interoperable vehicle-to-device access and confirms that the BMW Digital Key meets these requirements. The Car Connectivity Consortium is a cross-industry standardisation organisation. It dedicates its work to the further development of the connectivity of vehicles with intelligent mobile devices and drives this forward globally. The BMW Group has been a member of the consortium since 2017. From the outset, the company has been leading the development and establishment of cross-industry technologies and safety standards with its partners within the consortium. In addition to numerous automotive manufacturers, CCC member companies also include the most important smartphone manufacturers, tier one automotive suppliers, semiconductor manufacturers and providers of security products.

“Certifying digital key solutions at every point of the vehicle-to-device ecosystem is imperative as we work to increase adoption and build trust among consumers and the industry at large,” said Alysia Johnson, President, Car Connectivity Consortium. “Our entire membership has helped us progress towards this goal since we first launched the certification program in December, and we’re proud to designate BMW as the first automotive manufacturer to be CCC Digital Key™️ certified.”

“We want to offer our customers the best possible overall experience and innovative, convenient vehicle access is an important part of this experience. The fact that our digital key is now the first product to receive CCC Digital Key™️ certification underlines our claim to leadership in this area,” says Kai Barbehön, Head of Central Control Unit Development, Physical Vehicle Network and Power Supply BMW Group. “We are looking forward to continuing our collaboration with CCC and regard the CCC Digital Key as an integral part of our current and future vehicle platforms.”

BMW Group trailblazing by introducing the Digital Key and with continuous innovation impulses.
The BMW Group is not only the first automotive manufacturer to be certified, but also a pioneer in the introduction and implementation of digital vehicle access. Since 2018, BMW Group customers have been able to conveniently unlock, lock and start the vehicle using the BMW Digital Key on their smartphone via Near Field Communication (NFC). In 2021 the BMW iX was launched and simultaneously introduced the BMW Digital Key Plus as the world’s first application of ultra-wideband technology (UWB) for digital vehicle access. The Digital Key Plus offers additional functions, increased security and more convenience, as customers no longer have to take out their smartphone to unlock, lock and start the vehicle. The technology has now also made its way into the BMW compact class and the new MINI family. In addition, every BMW Group digital key can be shared with friends and family members across platforms using conventional messenger services. The specification for UWB-based digital vehicle access was developed by the BMW Group and its partners and established jointly as a global standard for the automotive industry through the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC). The BMW Group aims to continue to be a driving force in digital vehicle access and to keep innovating the entire customer experience in this area.


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