

+++ 在第三季度面临巨大挑战后展望未来。+++ 纯电动汽车大幅增长,第三季度销量份额达到 19.1%。+++ 截至 9 月,宝马品牌在欧洲的销量增长:+7.6%,领先地位进一步扩大。+++ 宝马在美国的销量和市场份额保持稳定。+++ 计划在第四季度大幅减少库存——预测汽车自由现金流已得到确认。+++ Zipse:“确保短期收益和长期成功”+++


慕尼黑。宝马集团预计 2024 年最后一个季度的交付量将环比增长。在此之前,第三季度与集成制动系统 (IBS) 相关的技术措施带来了巨大挑战。正如 9 月 10 日的临时公告所述,技术措施——加上中国市场需求疲软——抑制了 7 月至 9 月报告期内的销售和收入状况。此外,与 IBS 相关的额外保修义务拨备高达数亿欧元,这也影响了第三季度。因此,宝马集团调整了 2024 年的财务指导。


尽管如此,电动汽车的增长势头依然强劲,并在第三季度做出了积极贡献。宝马集团纯电动汽车交付量较上年大幅增长 10.1%,纯电动汽车的销量份额上升至 19.1%。


宝马集团在前九个月共交付了1,754,157 辆汽车(2023 年:1,836,563 辆/ -4.5%)。第三季度,这家豪华汽车制造商交付了540,881辆宝马、MINI 和劳斯莱斯汽车(2023 年:621,699 辆/ -13.0%)。


宝马集团受益于其全球影响力,能够平衡全球各主要地区的不同销售发展。宝马品牌在中国以外地区增长了 4%,全球市场份额增长了 0.1%,而高端品牌 MINI劳斯莱斯则受到车型变化的影响。


欧洲,宝马品牌在前九个月实现了+7.6%的温和增长。西班牙、英国、法国和意大利等个别市场的两位数增长是主要推动力。尽管美洲地区受到 IBS 问题和美国市场交付停止的显著影响,但宝马销量仍达到去年同期水平,并保持了稳定的市场份额。


该公司一直在努力更换 IBS 部件,并正在加快处理客户手中的车辆和库存车辆。大多数需要采取行动的库存车辆将在年底前得到处理和交付。


“在经历了第三季度的非凡挑战之后,我们开始展望未来:在第四季度,尽管计划的前期支出很高,但我们重回正轨,实现更高的盈利,以实现年度目标,”宝马集团董事会主席奥利弗·齐普策周三表示。“我们在确保短期盈利和长期成功之间取得了平衡:今年,我们在新产品、新技术和工厂方面的投资比以往任何时候都多,以便从明年开始,我们能够通过 NEUE KLASSE 继续续写宝马的成功故事。”


与IBS相关的交付停止和延迟对报告期内宝马集团的关键财务数据产生了重大影响:第三季度,宝马集团公布的营收324.06亿欧元(2023年:384.58亿欧元/ -15.7%;经货币换算影响调整后为-15.3%;9月迄今:1059.64亿欧元;2023年:1125.30亿欧元/ -5.8%;经货币换算影响调整后为-4.8%)。



宝马集团拥有稳健的资产负债表,这使得未来能够继续投资。正如之前宣布的那样,该公司预计在 2024 年研发和资本支出都将达到峰值。核心是在整个产品组合中推出 NEUE KLASSE,重点是其产品系列和结构的电气化、脱碳和数字化。


集团前九个月的研发支出总计66.42 亿欧元,大幅高于上年(2023 年:52.23 亿欧元/+27.2% 第三季度24.73 亿欧元 /+35.4% )。由于收入下降, 6.3%的研发比率也同比上升(2023 年:4.6%/ +1.7 个百分点;第三季度7.6%; 2.8 个百分点)。




43.52 亿欧元/ -61.0%;9 月迄今:96.27 亿欧元;2023 年:140.70 亿欧元/ -31.6%)。利率下降导致的负面公允价值计量效应导致集团财务业绩下降 8.58 亿欧元(2023 年第三季度:2.89 亿欧元;9 月迄今:7.66 亿欧元;2023 年:6.56 亿欧元)。因此,第三季度 集团税前利润下降至8.38 亿欧元(40.63 亿欧元/ -79.4%;9 月迄今:88.61亿欧元;2023 年:134.14 亿欧元/ -33.9%)。集团息税前利润率在 9 个月后分别 为2.6%和8.4%(2023 年第三季度:10.6%/ -8.0%-pts;2023 年:11.9%/ -3.5%-pts) 。


汽车部门第三季度营收为 278.54 亿欧元(2023 年:320.96 亿欧元/-13.2%;经货币换算影响调整后为 -12.8%)(9 月迄今:908.63 亿欧元 (2023949.94亿欧元/-4.3%;经货币换算影响调整后为 -3.1%)。汽车销量下滑,产品组合受到负面影响——主要是由于中国需求疲软以及与 IBS 相关的高级车型交付停止。


同一报告期的财务业绩前利润 (EBIT)总计6.34 亿欧元 (2023 年第三季度:31.35 亿欧元/ -79.8%;9 月迄今:60.28 亿欧元 (2023 年:98.1 亿欧元/ -38.6%)。EBIT 利润率分别 下降至2.3%至 9 月迄今的6.6%(2023 年第三季度:9.8%/ -7.5%-pts; 2023 年:10.3%/ -3.7%-pts)。不包括 BBA 收购价格分配导致的折旧,汽车 EBIT 利润率在第三季度为3.5%, 9 月迄今为7.7%



由于交付停止和销售量下降,收益下降和库存增加对第三季度 汽车自由现金流产生了特别大的影响。营运资本在此期间变化了 193.4 万欧元, 33.11亿欧元的高资本支出 对自由现金流产生了压力。第三季度,该公司公布的自由现金流为24.8 亿欧元(2023 年:26.18 亿欧元;9 月迄今:1.91 亿欧元/ 2023 年:57.59 亿欧元)。随着 IBS 交易所后库存车辆的发布,该公司计划在第四季度将库存水平与去年同期持平。尽管进一步加大投资,但较低的库存水平和连续更高的业绩将为预测的自由现金流贡献 40 亿欧元以上


宝马集团首席财务官 Walter Mertl表示:“凭借严格的管理,宝马集团全年汽车自由现金流仍有望实现预期。” “第四季度,交付量连续增加和产品组合增强将为我们的盈利提供支持。尽管第三季度面临巨大压力,但我们仍坚持计划中的大规模投资。这是我们未来汽车产品组合的基础,也是我们未来几年盈利的基础。我们致力于未来,并正在全心全意塑造未来,”Mertl 表示。


第三季度的 资本支出率为6.7%;九个月后为 5.3%。预计全年资本支出率将超过 6% —— 与往年一样,第四季度也将出现季节性高资本支出。






金融服务部门,今年前九个月签订的新融资和租赁合同数量大幅增加至1,252,251 份(2023 年:1,112,817 份合同/ +12.5%)。该部门的 新业务量也大幅增长至 465.31 亿欧元(2023 年:409.73 亿欧元/ +13.6%)。渗透率 上升至42.3%(2023 年:37.7%;+4.6 个百分点)。


截至 9 月底的财年,该部门的息 税前利润21.46 亿欧元 (2023 年:24.51 亿欧元/-12.4% 。租赁期满车辆转售收入下降(主要由于全球二手车市场持续正常化)是业绩的主要拖累因素。在九个月期间,整个贷款组合的信用损失率为0.26% (2023 年:0.15%)。



第四季度,宝马集团将继续有重点、有紧迫感地实施 IBS 技术活动中概述的措施。因此,它打算将车辆移交给迄今为止被封锁的客户。在许多市场,宝马集团的高端汽车需求旺盛。


对于 2024 财年,宝马集团于 9 月 10 日确认了调整后的全年业绩预期:集团税前利润将大幅下降。汽车部门的车辆交付量 将略低于上一年。预计 2024 年息税前利润率将在6% 至 7%之间。资本使用回报率 ( RoCE ) 预计在 11%13%之间。


金融服务部门的股本回报率(RoE)预计在 15-18%之间,反映了目前业务发展的改善。

摩托车领域,面对充满挑战的市场和竞争环境,宝马集团预计客户交付量将与上一年持平。2024年的息税前利润率将在6% 至7%之间,资本使用回报率 ( RoCE ) 将在14%至 16%之间。这些目标将通过略微增加员工人数来实现 。






宝马集团——概览:2024 年第三季度迄今 2024 年第三季度迄今 2023 年第三季度迄今 变化百分比
汽车1 单位 1,754,157 1,836,563 -4.5
其中:宝马 单位 1,583,503 1,621,267 -2.3
小型的 单位 166,684 210,741 -20.9
劳斯莱斯 单位 3,970 4,555 -12.8
摩托车 单位 163,436 164,908 -0.9
员工人数(截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日) 154,950
息税前利润率 汽车部门 百分比 6.6% 10.3% -3.7 个百分点
摩托车部门息税前利润率 百分比 9.5% 12.0% -2.5 个百分点
宝马集团2 的息税前利润率 百分比 8.4% 11.9% -3.5 个百分点
收入 百万欧元 105,964 112,530 -5.8
其中:汽车 百万欧元 90,863 94,994 -4.3
摩托车 百万欧元 2,563 2,571 -0.3
金融服务 百万欧元 28,598 26,723 7.0
其他实体 百万欧元 10 9 11.1
淘汰 百万欧元 -16,070 -11,767 36.6
财务业绩前利润(EBIT) 百万欧元 9,627 14,070 -31.6
其中:汽车 百万欧元 6,028 9,810 -38.6
摩托车 百万欧元 243 308 -21.1
金融服务 百万欧元 2,199 2,449 -10.2
其他实体 百万欧元 -13 -13 0.0
淘汰 百万欧元 1,170 1,516 -22.8
税前利润(EBT) 百万欧元 8,861 13,414 -33.9
其中:汽车 百万欧元 5,763 9,611 -40.0
摩托车 百万欧元 244 311 -21.5
金融服务 百万欧元 2,146 2,451 -12.4
其他实体 百万欧元 379 112
淘汰 百万欧元 329 929 -64.6
集团所得税 百万欧元 -2,729 -3,863 -29.4
纯利 百万欧元 6,132 9,551 -35.8
每股普通股收益 9.21 13.90 -33.7
优先股每股收益3 9.22 13.91 -33.7
3普通股/优先股。优先股每股收益的计算方法是,将支付每股 0.02 欧元额外股息所需的收益按比例分配到相应财政年度的各个季度。


宝马集团——概览:2024 年第三季度   2024 年第三季度 2023 年第三季度 变化百分比
汽车1 单位 540,881 621,699 -13.0
其中:宝马 单位 487,062 549,941 -11.4
小型的 单位 52,669 70,384 -25.2
劳斯莱斯 单位 1,151 1,374 -16.2
摩托车 单位 50,364 52,037 -3.2
员工人数(截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日) 154,950
息税前利润率 汽车部门 百分比 2.3% 9.8% -7.5 个百分点
摩托车部门息税前利润率 百分比 3.8% -0.6% +4.4 个百分点
宝马集团2 的息税前利润率 百分比 2.6% 10.6% -8.0 个百分点
收入 百万欧元 32,406 38,458 -15.7
其中:汽车 百万欧元 27,854 32,096 -13.2
摩托车 百万欧元 702 650 8.0
金融服务 百万欧元 9,331 9,102 2.5
其他实体 百万欧元 3 3 0.0
淘汰 百万欧元 -5,484 -3,393 -61.6
财务业绩前利润(EBIT) 百万欧元 1,696 4,352 -61.0
其中:汽车 百万欧元 634 3,135 -79.8
摩托车 百万欧元 二十七 -4
金融服务 百万欧元 760 740 2.7
其他实体 百万欧元 0 -8
淘汰 百万欧元 275 489 -43.8
税前利润(EBT) 百万欧元 838 4,063 -79.4
其中:汽车 百万欧元 433 3,043 -85.8
摩托车 百万欧元 二十八 -2
金融服务 百万欧元 665 747 -11.0
其他实体 百万欧元 -317 -5
淘汰 百万欧元 二十九 280 -89.6
集团所得税 百万欧元 -362 -1,132 -68.0
纯利 百万欧元 476 2,931 -83.8
每股普通股收益 0.64 4.20 -84.8
优先股每股收益3 0.64 4.20 -84.8
3普通股/优先股。优先股每股收益的计算方法是,将支付每股 0.02 欧元额外股息所需的收益按比例分配到相应财政年度的各个季度。








新车或二手车在交付给最终用户(也包括与宝马金融服务签订租赁合同的承租人)后即被记录为交付。在美国和加拿大,最终用户还包括 (1) 将车辆指定为服务借用车或展示车的经销商和 (2) 在拍卖会上购买公司车辆的经销商和其他第三方以及直接从宝马集团购买公司车辆的经销商。交付可能由宝马股份公司、其国际子公司之一、宝马集团零售店或独立第三方经销商进行。绝大多数交付(因此向宝马集团报告的交付)是由独立第三方经销商进行的。特定报告期内的零售车辆交付量与宝马集团在该特定报告期确认的收入没有直接关系。









EBIT 加上财务结果。


EBT 保证金







资本使用回报率 (RoCE)。汽车和摩托车部门的 RoCE 是根据相关部门的财务结果前利润和相关部门过去五个季度末的平均资本使用量来衡量的。资本使用相当于所有流动和非流动运营资产的总和,减去通常不产生利息的负债。



股本回报率 (RoE)。金融服务部门的股本回报率计算方法为部门税前利润除以过去五个季度末归属于金融服务部门的平均股本金额。




宝马集团旗下拥有宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车四个品牌,是全球领先的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高端金融和移动出行服务。宝马集团生产网络覆盖全球 30 多个生产基地,公司在全球 140 多个国家/地区拥有销售网络。


2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。



BMW Group confirms adjusted full year guidance

+++ Looking ahead after extraordinary challenges in Q3. +++ Significant BEV growth, with a sales share of 19.1% in Q3. +++ BMW brand increases sales volume in Europe as of September: +7.6%, leading position expanded. +++ BMW sales and market share stable in the US. +++ Significant inventory reduction planned in Q4 – forecast auto free cash flow confirmed. +++ Zipse: “Securing short-term earnings and long-term success” +++


Munich. The BMW Group expects sequentially increasing deliveries in the final quarter of 2024. This follows a third quarter in which technical actions linked to the Integrated Braking System (IBS) presented extraordinary challenges. As stated in the ad hoc announcement on September 10, the technical actions – together with weak demand in China – dampened the sales and revenue situation in the reporting period from July to September. Moreover, additional IBS-related provisions for warranty obligations in the high three-digit million-euro range impacted the third quarter. As a result, the BMW Group adjusted its 2024 financial guidance.


Nevertheless, the ramp-up in e-mobility remained strong and made a positive contribution in Q3. BMW Group BEV deliveries grew significantly by +10.1% compared to the previous year, and the share of sales of fully electric vehicles rose to 19.1% percent.


The BMW Group delivered a total of 1,754,157 automobiles in the nine-month period (2023:1,836,563 automobiles/ -4.5%). In the third quarter, the premium manufacturer delivered 540,881 BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce vehicles (2023: 621,699 automobiles/ -13.0%).


The BMW Group benefits from its global presence and was able to balance out the different sales developments in the major world regions. The BMW brand grew by +4% outside China and gained +0.1% points in global market share while the premium brands MINI and Rolls-Royce were affected by model changes.


In Europe, the BMW brand experienced moderate growth of +7.6% over the nine-month period. Double digit growth in individual markets such as Spain, UK, France and Italy was a key driver. Despite a notable impact of the IBS issue in the Americas region and delivery stops in the US market, BMW sales reached the previous year’s level and BMW maintained a stable market share.


The company has been working hard to replace the IBS components and is expediting the processing of vehicles in customer hands and those in stock. The majority of stock vehicles requiring action will be addressed and delivered before the end of the year.


“After the extraordinary challenges in the third quarter, we are looking ahead: In the fourth quarter, we are back on track for stronger earnings in order to achieve our annual targets, despite planned high upfront expenditures,” said the Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Oliver Zipse, on Wednesday. “We are striking a balance between securing short-term earnings and long-term success: This year we are investing more than ever in new products, technologies and our plants, so that we can continue the BMW success story with the NEUE KLASSE from next year onwards.”


IBS-related delivery stops and delays significantly impacted the BMW Group key financial figures in the reporting period: In Q3, the BMW Group posted revenues of €32,406 million (2023: €38,458 million/ -15.7%; adjusted for currency translation effects -15.3%; Sep YTD: €105,964 million; 2023: €112,530 million/ -5.8%; adjusted for currency translation effects -4.8%).


R&D spending and capital expenditure to secure future competitiveness

The BMW Group has a solid and robust balance sheet which enables continued investments in the future. As previously announced, the company expects to post peak figures for both research & development and capital expenditure in 2024.At the core is the roll-out of NEUE KLASSE across the whole portfolio focused on electrification, decarbonisation and digitalisation of its product line-up and structures.


Group research and development expenditure for the first nine months totalled €6,642 million and was significantly higher than the previous year (2023: € 5,223 million/ +27.2%; in Q3 2,473 million+35.4%). The R&D ratio of 6.3% was also higher year-on-year due to declining revenues (2023: 4.6%/+1.7 percentage points; in Q37.6%+2.8 percentage points).


Impact on Group and Automotive Segment financial figures

Group operating profit (EBIT) in the third quarter was €1,696 million (Q3 2023:

€4,352 million/ -61.0%; Sep YTD: €9,627 million; 2023: €14,070 million/ -31.6%). Negative fair value measurement effects resulting from falling interest rates contributed significantly to the decline in the Group financial result of €-858 million (Q3/2023: €-289 million; Sep YTD: €-766 million; 2023: €-656 million). As a result, Group earnings before tax in the third quarter declined to €838 million (€4,063 million/ -79.4%; Sep YTD: €8,861 million; 2023: €13,414 million/ -33.9%). The Group EBT margin came in at 2.6% respectively at 8.4% after nine months (Q3/ 2023: 10.6%/ -8.0%-pts.; 2023: 11.9%/ -3.5%-pts.)


The Automotive Segment posted revenues of €27,854 million (2023€32,096 million /-13.2%;adjusted for currency translation effects -12.8%) in the third quarter (Sep YTD: €90,863 million (2023: €94,994 million/-4.3%; adjusted for currency translation effects -3.1%). Vehicle sales declined and product mix was negatively impacted – mainly due to weaker demand in China and IBS-related delivery stops of higher-class vehicle models.


Earnings before financial result (EBIT) in the same reporting period totalled  634 million (Q3 2023: €3,135 million/ -79.8%; Sep YTD: €6,028 million (2023: €9,810 million/ -38.6%). The EBIT margin decreased to 2.3% respectively to 6.6% in Sep YTD (Q3 2023: 9.8%/ -7.5 %-pts.; 2023: 10.3%/ -3.7%-pts). Excluding the depreciation resulting from the purchase price allocation of BBA, the Automotive EBIT margin came in at 3.5% for the third quarter and 7.7% for September YTD.


Free cash flow impacted by capital expenditure and inventory

Lower earnings and increased inventory – resulting from delivery stops and lower sales volumes – had a particular impact on Q3 auto free cash flowWorking capital changed by €-1.934 million over the period and high capital expenditure of €3,311 million weighed on free cash flow. In the third quarter, it posted €-2,480 million (2023: €2,618 million; Sep YTD: €-191 million/ 2023: €5,759 million). With the release of stock vehicles following IBS exchange, the company is aiming for inventory levels at the previous year’s level in the fourth quarter. Lower inventory levels and a sequentially higher result will contribute to the forecast free cash flow of >€4 billion despite further high investments.


“With stringent management, the BMW Group remains on track for the forecast auto free cash flow for the full year”, said BMW Group Chief Financial Officer Walter Mertl. “In the fourth quarter, sequentially higher deliveries and a stronger product mix will support our earnings. Despite the extraordinary pressures in Q3, we are adhering to our planned extensive investments. These are the basis for our future automotive portfolio, for our profit generation in the coming years. We are committed to our future and are shaping it today with focus”, said Mertl.


Capex ratio in the third quarter was 6.7%; after nine months and stood at 5.3%. A capex ratio of > 6% is expected for the year as a whole — as in previous years, the fourth quarter will also show seasonally high capital expenditure.


The BMW Group has consistently continued its share buyback program: The third tranche of the current second share buyback programwas successfully completed on October 25, 2024.

Based on the authorization of the Annual General Meeting on May 11, 2022, BMW AG acquired a total of 6.19% of the share capital as of September 30, 2024.


Financial Services Segment sees significant growth in new business

In the Financial Services Segment, the number of new financing and leasing contracts concluded in the first nine months of the year rose significantly to 1,252,251 (2023: 1,112,817 contracts/ +12.5%). The segment’s volume of new business also grew significantly to €46,531 million (2023: €40,973 million/ +13.6%). The penetration rate increased to 42.3% (2023: 37.7%; +4.6 %-pts.).


For the year to the end of September, the segment reported an EBT of  2,146 million (2023: €2,451 million/ -12.4%). Lower revenues from the resale of end-of-lease vehicles, that resulted largely from the continuing normalisation of global used car markets, primarily weighed on the result. During the nine-month period, the credit loss ratio was 0.26% across the entire loan portfolio (2023: 0.15%).


Adjusted guidance confirmed

In the fourth quarter, the BMW Group will continue to implement the measures outlined in the IBS technical campaigns with focus and urgency. Accordingly, it intends to hand over vehicles to customers that have been blocked to date. In many markets, the BMW Group is experiencing robust demand for its premium vehicles.


For the fiscal year 2024, the BMW Group is confirming its adjusted full-year guidance as of September 10: Group earnings before taxes will decrease significantly. Vehicle deliveries in the Automotive Segment will be slightly lower than the previous year. The EBIT margin for 2024 is forecast to be within the range of 6% to 7%. The return on capital employed (RoCE) is expected to be between 11% and 13%.


Return on equity (RoE) in the Financial Services Segment is projected to be between 15-18%, reflecting the current improvement in business development.

In the Motorcycles Segment, faced with a challenging market and competitive landscape, the BMW Group expects customer deliveries to be on a par with the previous year. The EBIT margin for 2024 will be in the range of 6% to 7%, with a return on capital employed (RoCE) of between 14% and 16%. These targets will be achieved with slightly higher employee numbers.


This guidance assumes that geopolitical and macroeconomic conditions will not deteriorate. Given the many uncertainties surrounding the existing risks and opportunities, the BMW Group’s actual business performance may deviate from current expectations.


The BMW Group continues to fully leverage its young and attractive product portfolio and its proven approach of technology openness. Thanks to its flexibility, the balance across key global regions and a strong balance sheet, it is able to adapt to dynamic market changes while consistently pursuing its long-term business success.


The BMW Group – an overview: YTD Q3 2024 YTD Q3 2024 YTD Q3 2023 Change in %
Deliveries to customers
Automotive1 units 1,754,157 1,836,563 -4.5
thereof: BMW units 1,583,503 1,621,267 -2.3
MINI units 166,684 210,741 -20.9
Rolls-Royce units 3,970 4,555 -12.8
Motorcycles units 163,436 164,908 -0.9
Employees (as of 31 Dec. 2023) 154,950
EBIT margin Automotive Segment percent 6.6% 10.3% -3.7 %-points
EBIT margin Motorcycles Segment percent 9.5% 12.0% -2.5 %-points
EBT margin BMW Group2 percent 8.4% 11.9% -3.5 %-points
Revenues € million 105,964 112,530 -5.8
thereof: Automotive € million 90,863 94,994 -4.3
Motorcycles € million 2,563 2,571 -0.3
Financial Services € million 28,598 26,723 7.0
Other Entities € million 10 9 11.1
Eliminations € million -16,070 -11,767 36.6
Profit before financial result (EBIT) € million 9,627 14,070 -31.6
thereof: Automotive € million 6,028 9,810 -38.6
Motorcycles € million 243 308 -21.1
Financial Services € million 2,199 2,449 -10.2
Other Entities € million -13 -13 0.0
Eliminations € million 1,170 1,516 -22.8
Profit before tax (EBT) € million 8,861 13,414 -33.9
thereof: Automotive € million 5,763 9,611 -40.0
Motorcycles € million 244 311 -21.5
Financial Services € million 2,146 2,451 -12.4
Other Entities € million 379 112
Eliminations € million 329 929 -64.6
Group income taxes € million -2,729 -3,863 -29.4
Net profit € million 6,132 9,551 -35.8
Earnings per share of common stock 9.21 13.90 -33.7
Earnings per share of preferred stock3 9.22 13.91 -33.7
1Deliveries include the joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., Shenyang
Ratio of Group earnings before taxes to Group revenues.
3 Common/preferred shares. Earnings per share of preferred stock are calculated by distributing the earnings required to cover the additional dividend of € 0.02 per preferred share proportionally over the quarters of the corresponding financial year.


The BMW Group – an overview: in Q3 2024   IN Q3 2024 IN Q3 2023 Change in %
Deliveries to customers  
Automotive1 units 540,881 621,699 -13.0
thereof: BMW units 487,062 549,941 -11.4
MINI units 52,669 70,384 -25.2
Rolls-Royce units 1,151 1,374 -16.2
Motorcycles units 50,364 52,037 -3.2
Employees (as of 31 Dec. 2023) 154,950
EBIT margin Automotive Segment percent 2.3% 9.8% -7.5 %-points
EBIT margin Motorcycles Segment percent 3.8% -0.6% +4.4 %-points
EBT margin BMW Group2 percent 2.6% 10.6% -8.0 %-points
Revenues € million 32,406 38,458 -15.7
thereof: Automotive € million 27,854 32,096 -13.2
Motorcycles € million 702 650 8.0
Financial Services € million 9,331 9,102 2.5
Other Entities € million 3 3 0.0
Eliminations € million -5,484 -3,393 -61.6
Profit before financial result (EBIT) € million 1,696 4,352 -61.0
thereof: Automotive € million 634 3,135 -79.8
Motorcycles € million 27 -4
Financial Services € million 760 740 2.7
Other Entities € million 0 -8
Eliminations € million 275 489 -43.8
Profit before tax (EBT) € million 838 4,063 -79.4
thereof: Automotive € million 433 3,043 -85.8
Motorcycles € million 28 -2
Financial Services € million 665 747 -11.0
Other Entities € million -317 -5
Eliminations € million 29 280 -89.6
Group income taxes € million -362 -1,132 -68.0
Net profit € million 476 2,931 -83.8
Earnings per share of common stock 0.64 4.20 -84.8
Earnings per share of preferred stock3 0.64 4.20 -84.8
1Deliveries include the joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., Shenyang
Ratio of Group earnings before taxes to Group revenues.
3 Common/preferred shares. Earnings per share of preferred stock are calculated by distributing the earnings required to cover the additional dividend of € 0.02 per preferred share proportionally over the quarters of the corresponding financial year.


GLOSSARY – explanatory comments on key performance indicators



Battery Electric Vehicle.


Deliveries to customers

A new or used vehicle is recorded as a delivery once it is handed over to the end user (which also includes leaseholders under lease contracts with BMW Financial Services). In the US and Canada, end users also include (1) dealers when they designate a vehicle as a service loaner or demonstrator vehicle and (2) dealers and other third parties when they purchase a company vehicle at auction and dealers when they purchase company vehicles directly from the BMW Group. Deliveries may be made by BMW AG, one of its international subsidiaries, a BMW Group retail outlet, or independent third-party dealers. The vast majority of deliveries – and hence the reporting of deliveries to the BMW Group – is made by independent third-party dealers. Retail vehicle deliveries during a given reporting period do not correlate directly to the revenues that the BMW Group recognises in respect of that particular reporting period.



Profit before financial result. Profit before financial result comprises revenues less cost of sales, less selling and administrative expenses and plus/minus net other operating income and expenses.


EBIT margin

Profit/loss before financial result as a percentage of revenues.



EBIT plus financial result.


EBT Margin

Profit/loss as a percentage of revenues.



Plug-in-hybrid electric vehicle.



Return on capital employed (RoCE). RoCE in the Automotive and Motorcycles segments is measured on the basis of relevant segment profit before financial result and the average amount of capital employed – at the end of the last five quarters – in the segment concerned. Capital employed corresponds to the sum of all current and non-current operational assets, less liabilities that generally do not incur interest.



Return on equity (RoE). RoE in the Financial Services segment is calculated as segment profit before taxes, divided by the average amount of equity capital – at the end of the last five quarters – attributable to the Financial Services segment.


The BMW Group


With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.


In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.


The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


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