
BMW 概念 Skytop:动力、精准与工艺融于一体,打造奢华敞篷双座车

+++独特而充满异国情调的汽车设计+++最高水平的美学与动感结合+++参考历史悠久的宝马 Z8 和宝马 503 +++


慕尼黑/切尔诺比奥。宝马集团再次凭借其 BMW Concept Skytop 设计研究,将一款格外优雅、独一无二的汽车带到今年的 Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este,这是在科莫湖畔举行的古董车和摩托车年度选美大赛。这款敞篷双座车就像一个精心打造的汽车雕塑,流畅、运动的优雅与其运动、肌肉的姿态相得益彰。概念车的内饰和外观采用温暖的单色,将独家材料与传统工艺融为一体。

“BMW 概念 Skytop 的设计独一无二,充满异国情调,继承了 Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 的传统,”BMW 集团设计总监 Adrian van Hooydonk 说道。“它将驾驶动态和优雅的结合发挥到了极致,堪比 BMW Z8 或 BMW 503 等历史前辈。”

概念 Skytop 简洁的外观旨在激发人们的旅行欲望。其紧绷、肌肉感十足的表面由几条精确的线条定义,这些线条将车辆的体积引向后部。巧妙地集成到门肩的小翼取代了传统的门把手。带有精确薄板的轻合金车轮进一步增强了其独特的外观。

从鸟瞰视角看,突出的流线型引擎盖、标志性的 BMW 鲨鱼鼻设计(带照明的双肾格栅)和缩回式后部,都引人注目。传奇的 BMW Z8 敞篷跑车的设计经过精心挑选。特别引人注目的是明显的花键,从引擎盖延伸到内饰,再到后挡板上的铝制饰条,突出了轮廓的动态流动感。

大灯的和谐设计将高度复杂的细节融入到整体概念中。LED 单元安装在铣削铝制支架上,是专门为 BMW Concept Skytop 开发的,采用了最新的汽车大灯技术和设计,外形最纤薄。简洁、纯粹的设计使所有照明功能都集中在一个安装空间中。尾灯扁平而明确的形状与 BMW Concept Skytop 的整体外观相得益彰。

BMW Concept Skytop 两排座椅后面的皮革防滚架与 B 柱上的侧翼和可完全伸缩的后窗相结合。两个可拆卸的车顶部件也采用皮革制成,可存放在行李空间中的特殊隔间中。

无论车顶是打开还是关闭,配色方案都能确保从内部到外部的平滑过渡。在后部,车顶的红棕色调与外部油漆的柔和银色和镀铬阴影效果融为一体。技术精湛的色彩渐变是由 BMW 集团丁戈尔芬工厂经验丰富的油漆大师精心打造的。

内饰中的皮革座椅具有布洛克风格的装饰。表面的红棕色调创造了一致的配色方案,使整个内饰具有奢华和宽敞的感觉。水晶应用巧妙地嵌入驾驶舱,增加了整体印象。BMW Concept Skytop 的内饰表面采用 BMW 集团丁戈尔芬工厂的传统马具制作而成。

发动机型号也与 BMW Z8 相似。与传奇跑车一样,BMW Concept Skytop 也配备了 BMW 传动系统产品组合中最强大的 V8 发动机.

BMW Concept Skytop: Power, precision & craftsmanship combined in an open two-seater for luxurious travel.

+++ Unique and exotic car design +++ Combination of aesthetics and dynamics at the highest level +++ References to historic BMW Z8 and BMW 503 +++


Munich/Cernobbio. With its BMW Concept Skytop design study, the BMW Group is once again bringing an exceptionally elegant, one-of-a-kind vehicle to this year’s Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este, the annual beauty contest for historic cars and motorcycles held on the shores of Lake Como. The open two-seater resembles a meticulously crafted vehicle sculpture, with a flowing, sporty elegance that complements its athletic, muscular stance.The interior and exterior of the concept car feature warm monochromatic colours, blending exclusive materials with traditional craftsmanship.

“The BMW Concept Skytop is a truly unique and exotic design, in the tradition of the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este,” says Adrian van Hooydonk, head of BMW Group Design. “It offers a combination of driving dynamics and elegance at the highest level, comparable to its historic ancestors, like the BMW Z8 or BMW 503.”

Athletic proportions, organic body.
The clean exterior of the BMW Concept Skytop is designed to inspire a desire to travel. Its taut, muscular surfaces are defined by a few precise lines that direct the vehicle’s volume towards the rear. Winglets discreetly integrated into the door shoulders replace conventional door handles. Light-alloy wheels with precise lamellas further enhance its unique appearance.

From a bird’s eye perspective, the prominent, sweeping bonnet, the iconic BMW shark-nose design with illuminated kidney grille and retracted rear section, all catch the eye. References to the legendary BMW Z8 roadster were carefully chosen. Particularly striking is the pronounced spline that extends from the bonnet, through the interior, to an aluminium trim positioned on the tailgate, emphasising the dynamic flow of the silhouette.

The harmonious design of the headlights blends highly complex details into the overall concept. The LED units, positioned on milled aluminium carriers, were custom developed for the BMW Concept Skytop, utilising the latest technology and design for automotive headlights with the slimmest profile currently available. The clean, purist design allows all lighting functions to be consolidated in a single installation space. The flat and defined shape of the rear lights complements the BMW Concept Skytop’s overall appearance.

The leather-finished roll-over bar behind the BMW Concept Skytop’s two seats is combined with side fins on the B-pillar and a fully retractable rear window. The two removable roof parts, also finished in leather, can be stored in a special compartment in the luggage space.

The colour scheme ensures a smooth transition from interior to exterior, regardless of whether the roof is open or closed. In the rear section, the reddish-brown tone of the roof flows into the muted silver with chrome shadow effect of the exterior paintwork. The technically elaborate colour gradient was crafted by an experienced master painter at BMW Group Plant Dingolfing.

Brogue-style leather surfaces characterize the interior.
The leather seats in the interior feature brogue-style accents. The reddish-brown tone of the surfaces creates a consistent colour scheme that gives the whole interior a sense of luxury and spaciousness.Crystal applications are artfully embedded in the cockpit, adding to the overall impression. The interior surfaces of the BMW Concept Skytop were crafted in the traditional saddlery of the BMW Group plant in Dingolfing.

There are also similarities in engine variants with the BMW Z8. Like the legendary roadster, the BMW Concept Skytop also comes with the most powerful V8 engine in the BMW drive train portfolio.


BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2023 年 7月 24 日


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