
BMW 锦标赛为埃文斯学者基金会筹集了 1020 万美元,并第六次被评为“年度最佳锦标赛”

+++ 2024 年宝马锦标赛将在科罗拉多州丹佛市的卡斯尔松树高尔夫俱乐部举行,为教育做出创纪录的贡献 +++ 自 2007 年以来,这项季后赛赛事已为大学奖学金捐款超过 6000 万美元 +++ 宝马锦标赛成为首个六次被评为“年度最佳锦标赛”的 PGA 巡回赛赛事 +++


+++ 2024 年宝马锦标赛将在科罗拉多州丹佛市的卡斯尔松树高尔夫俱乐部举行,为教育做出创纪录的贡献 +++ 自 2007 年以来,这项季后赛赛事已为大学奖学金捐款超过 6000 万美元 +++ 宝马锦标赛成为首个六次被评为“年度最佳锦标赛”的 PGA 巡回赛赛事 +++

慕尼黑。今年 8 月,在丹佛附近的 Castle Pines 高尔夫俱乐部举行的 2024 年宝马锦标赛吸引了超过 138,000 名观众,他们在风景如画的环境中体验了顶级运动和壮观的高尔夫球场。基根布拉德利 (美国) 在联邦快递杯季后赛倒数第二场比赛中夺得了他的第二个冠军。此外,宝马锦标赛还筹集了 1020 万美元,用于支持埃文斯学者基金会。这笔创纪录的捐款是宝马锦标赛有史以来最大的捐款,加强了锦标赛为年轻球童提供教育机会的承诺。自 2007 年以来,宝马锦标赛已向基金会捐款 6020 万美元,在此期间帮助为 3,600 多名球童提供全额学费和住房大学奖学金。

比赛周期间,宝马集团董事、人物和地点事务董事 Ilka Horstmeier 参观了位于博尔德的科罗拉多大学埃文斯奖学金中心,并与埃文斯奖学金获得者进行了炉边谈话。今年,全国 24 所顶尖大学共招收了 1,190 名球童,创下了历史新高。

Horstmeier 表示:“宝马集团很荣幸能与西部高尔夫协会建立长期合作伙伴关系,也很高兴看到宝马锦标赛对众多学者的生活产生了巨大影响。作为一家具有前瞻性思维的公司,我们特别关心年轻人的机会。教育是实现自主生活的关键,也是社会凝聚力的重要支柱。我们很荣幸能支持埃文斯学者基金会及其推动变革的出色努力。”


“今年的很多精彩瞬间都会留在我们心中,但真正令人印象深刻的是科罗拉多州的高尔夫球迷们如何与我们的合作伙伴宝马、卡斯尔松树高尔夫俱乐部和美巡赛一起为青少年球童做出如此巨大的贡献,”WGA 锦标赛高级副总裁文斯·佩莱格里诺说道。“这项贡献意味着数百名值得帮助的年轻男女将有机会改善自己的生活。”

在创纪录重返科罗拉多之后,美巡赛将 2024 年宝马锦标赛评为“年度最佳锦标赛”。宝马锦标赛连续第二年赢得这一令人垂涎的奖项,成为首个六次(2008 年、2012 年、2013 年、2014 年、2023 年、2024 年)被评为年度最佳锦标赛的赛事。

“能以这种方式获得认可是一种荣幸,因为每年我们都为宝马锦标赛倾尽全力,”宝马北美首席营销官马库斯·凯西 (Marcus Casey) 表示。“锦标赛周是一次宝贵的机会,让我们在国际舞台上展示我们的品牌,同时以有意义的方式与球迷互动。感谢美巡赛授予我们这一荣誉,也感谢宝马车队、我们的合作伙伴、志愿者和球迷,他们每年都为宝马锦标赛注入活力。如果没有你们的承诺、奉献和热情,这一非凡的赛事就不可能实现。”

2024 年宝马锦标赛推出了“终极球迷体验”,重点关注观众入场、通行和交通,穿越卡斯尔松树的独特地形,提供无缝的球迷体验和近距离观看巡回赛顶级球员的最佳视角。


明年,2025 年宝马锦标赛将于 8 月 1217 日在马里兰州奥因斯米尔斯的洞穴谷高尔夫俱乐部举行。

BMW Championship raises $10.2 million for the Evans Scholars Foundation and is named “Tournament of the Year” for the sixth time.

+++ The 2024 BMW Championship 2024 at Castle Pines Golf Club (Denver, Colorado) makes a record-setting contribution for education +++ Since 2007, the playoff event has contributed more than $60 million for college scholarships +++ BMW Championship becomes first PGA TOUR event to be named “Tournament of the Year” six times +++


+++ The 2024 BMW Championship 2024 at Castle Pines Golf Club (Denver, Colorado) makes a record-setting contribution for education +++ Since 2007, the playoff event has contributed more than $60 million for college scholarships +++ BMW Championship becomes first PGA TOUR event to be named “Tournament of the Year” six times +++

Munich. The 2024 BMW Championship at Castle Pines Golf Club near Denver thrilled more than 138,000 spectators in August this year, who were able to experience top-class sport and a spectacular golf course in a picturesque setting. Keegan Bradley’s (USA) claimed his second title at the penultimate event of the FedExCup Playoffs. Moreover, the BMW Championship raised $10.2 million in support of the Evans Scholars Foundation. The record-setting contribution is the largest ever for the BMW Championship, reinforcing the tournament’s commitment to providing educational opportunities to youth caddies. The BMW Championship has contributed $60.2 million to the Foundation since 2007, helping award full tuition and housing college scholarships to more than 3,600 caddies during that time.

During tournament week, Ilka Horstmeier, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, People and Places, visited the University of Colorado Evans Scholarship House in Boulder and participated in a fireside chat with Evans Scholars. This year, a record 1,190 caddies are enrolled as Evans Scholars at 24 leading universities nationwide.

“The BMW Group is proud of our longstanding partnership with the Western Golf Association, and of the great impact the BMW Championship makes in the lives of so many scholars,” said Horstmeier. “As a forward-thinking corporation, opportunities for young people are matters particularly close to our heart. Education is the key to a self-determined life and an important pillar for the cohesion of our society. We are proud to support the Evans Scholars Foundation and their fantastic efforts in driving change.”

Evans Scholars Foundation was named the National Scholarship Providers Association’s Scholarship Provider of the Year in October.

“So many moments from this year will stay with us, but what really stands out is how the golf fans of Colorado joined with our partners at BMW, Castle Pines Golf Club and the PGA TOUR to make such a tremendous difference for youth caddies,” said Vince Pellegrino, WGA Senior Vice President of Tournaments. “This contribution means hundreds of deserving young men and women will have an opportunity to change their lives for the better.”

In the wake of a record-setting return to Colorado, the PGA TOUR named the 2024 BMW Championship the “Tournament of the Year”. In winning the coveted award for the second consecutive year, the BMW Championship became the first event to be named Tournament of the Year six times (2008, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2023, 2024).

“It’s an honor to be recognized in this way because each year we truly give the BMW Championship everything we’ve got,” said Marcus Casey, Chief Marketing Officer, BMW of North America. “Tournament week is an invaluable opportunity to showcase our brand on an international stage while engaging with fans in a meaningful way. Thank you to the PGA TOUR for this honor, and to the BMW team, our partners, the volunteers, and fans who bring the BMW Championship to life each year. This extraordinary event would not be possible without your commitment, dedication, and passion.”

The BMW Championship delivered the “Ultimate Fan Experience” in 2024, focusing on spectator entry, access, and transportation across the unique terrain of Castle Pines to provide a seamless fan experience and the best vantage points to watch the TOUR’s top players up close.

“We set high expectations for our return to Colorado, and I think we delivered the best possible experience for the players, caddies, corporate partners and – most importantly – our incredible fans,” Pellegrino said. “This is a tremendous honor and a testament to everyone who worked so hard to make this tournament happen, especially our title sponsor BMW.”

Next year, the 2025 BMW Championship will take place from 12th to 17th August at Caves Valley Golf Club in Owings Mills, Maryland.


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