
BMW 与 Kith 继续合作,推出独家版 BMW XM

Kith 创始人、首席执行官兼创意总监 Ronnie Fieg 为 BMW M GmbH 首款电动高性能车型打造了限量版,并为历史悠久的 BMW M1 打造了独一无二的版本 +++ 2025 款 BMW XM Kith 概念车在迈阿密海滩巴塞尔艺术展上全球首发 +++


慕尼黑/迈阿密海滩。宝马和 Kith 正在推出他们成功合作的新版本。宝马 XM* 及其与传奇宝马 M1 的联系是这家豪华汽车制造商与 Ronnie Fieg 的世界知名生活方式品牌 Kith 第三次合作的重点。这款高性能插电式混合动力车将于明年作为 2025 款宝马 XM by Kith 上市,具有独特的外观和内饰设计。2025
款宝马 XM Kith 概念车首次展示了这款汽车,它将作为独一无二的车辆制造,并在 12 月 6 日至 8 日在迈阿密海滩会议中心举行的 2024 年巴塞尔迈阿密艺术展上展出,同时展出的另一件独特作品是 Ronnie Fieg 的 1981 款宝马 M1 E26。还将推出全新 Kith for BMW 服装和生活方式产品系列。

继 Ronnie Fieg 设计的基于 2020 年 BMW M4 竞赛型轿跑车* 和 2022 年 BMW i4 M50 xDrive* 的限量版汽车之后,BMW 和 Kith 再次将合作的最新篇章献给一款非凡的 BMW M 汽车。BMW XM 也是自 1978 年至 1981 年生产的 BMW M1 以来的第一款原创 BMW M 汽车,首次采用了新开发的 M HYBRID 驱动系统。BMW XM 具有引人注目的细节,其设计灵感来自传奇的中置发动机跑车,例如侧面装饰条、后部的两个 BMW 标志以及尾灯的百叶窗结构。

Kith 出品的 2025 款宝马 XM:47 辆、历史色彩、独特细节。

2025 款 Kith 宝马 XM 将限量生产 47 辆,以纪念宝马 M1 首次亮相以来的岁月。它将于 2025 年下半年交付给特别专属宝马 M 汽车的爱好者和收藏家。限量版车辆将采用宝马个性化冷冻科技紫罗兰金属漆面,该漆面也基于历史车型。这种漆面由 Kith 专门为 2025 款 Kith 宝马 XM 开发,将仅用于此限量版车型,宝马将永远不会再使用,这使得此限量版真正与众不同。此外,2025 款 Kith 宝马 XM 还提供宝马个性化冷冻黑色金属漆面(漆面代码 U91)。

油漆和众多特殊设计特征强调了现代运动型多功能车的特别动感比例以及 BMW XM 的富有表现力的线条。2025 款 Kith 宝马 XM 具有黑色侧窗图形和装饰条。前部、后部和侧面的车型铭文轮廓以及 Kith 徽标轮廓,以及限量版车辆后部的特色 M 条纹均采用 Techno Violet 金属色。2025 款 Kith 宝马 XM 标配 23 英寸 M 轻合金轮毂,星形辐条设计,喷黑色饰面。

在内饰方面,Kith 出品的 BMW XM 现代跑车驾驶舱与 Kith 品牌引人注目的美学设计中的独特细节相得益彰。发光门槛上印有特殊的“1/47”标志,表明每辆车是多么稀有。天鹅绒地垫和中控台上的控制中心都印有带 M 条纹的 Kith 标志。
在 M 多功能驾驶员和乘客座椅的头枕下方也可以看到发光版本。BMW Individual Merino 皮革饰面的座椅表面带有浮雕 Kith 字母图案,中控台的扶手也是如此。另一个细节可以在限量版车辆的控制显示屏上找到。一个特殊的小部件包括官方的 BMW XM by Kith 车辆名称、“1/47”标志和带 M 条纹的 Kith 标志。

Kith 2025 BMW XM 后部的 M Lounge 也为车内营造了个性化氛围。座椅表面压印有 Kith 字母组合,两个带有品牌标志的坐垫增添了个性化元素。再加上预设的紫色车内照明,营造出适合此款车型的特殊氛围。

标准配置包括一个 Kith 行李袋,由 Kith 专为该版车辆设计和制造,以时尚的方式容纳随附的充电线。

2025 款 BMW XM by Kith 将于 12 月 6 日下午 5 点(欧洲中部时间)在 上发布。感兴趣 的客户可以通过此链接表达购买意向。

迈阿密海滩全球首发:2025 款宝马 XM Kith 概念车。

BMW 和 Kith 将展示一款概念车,同样由 Ronnie Fieg 设计。2025 款 BMW XM Kith 概念车的外部和内饰由 Fieg 与 BMW 合作打造,以特别强烈的方式表达了高性能车型的独特个性和独特运动性。他摆脱了所有量产车认证的惯例,设计了一种精致的照明概念,其中紫色起着核心作用,与 BMW Individual Frozen Techno Violet 金属漆面相匹配。2025 款 BMW XM Kith 概念车的侧面装饰条由黑色背光条组成,每个条包含 363 个全彩 LED 单元,分布在其整个长度上。激活后,它们会在 Kith 字样周围产生动态动画紫色光芒。侧面板上的装饰元素还配有背光 Kith 标志。

前大灯也采用了 LED 单元,以打造紫色配色方案。Kith 徽标还可以通过近光灯的 LED 矩阵显示器显示在主大灯的玻璃盖上。2025 款 BMW XM Kith 概念车还配备了带紫色轮廓照明的 M 散热器格栅 Iconic Glow,以及富含紫色颜料的 23 英寸轻合金轮毂漆面。

为了向其赛车血统致敬,也为了向 M1 的设计致敬,2025 款 BMW XM Kith 概念车的前部降低了 30 毫米,后部降低了 35 毫米,而两个车轴的轮距加宽了 40 毫米。这要归功于使用特殊的弹簧和轮距垫片。

在概念车内部,M 碳纤维桶形座椅取代了 2025 BMW XM by Kith 的 M 多功能座椅。它们的表面还印有浮雕的 Kith 字母组合和发光的 Kith 标志,并在头枕区域搭配了 M 条纹。

重塑传奇:罗尼·菲格 (Ronnie Fieg) 设计的 1981 款宝马 M1 E26。

为了将概念车和 Kith 限量版 47 2025 BMW XM 置于历史背景中,另一款独特车型将在迈阿密海滩首次向公众展示。Ronnie Fieg 设计的 1981 BMW M1 E26 是一款经过广泛重建的独一无二的跑车,具有 Kith 品牌设计库中的具体细节。

该车标有车型名称、制造年份和内部车型系列代码以及 Kith 创始人的名字,这些都符合 Ronnie Fieg 的想法。Techno Violet 漆面(油漆代码 299)、后挡板上的 M 和 Kith 标志组合以及带有浮雕 Kith 字母的内饰,除了量产车设计的相似性之外,还为 Ronnie Fieg 的 1981 BMW M1 E26 和 2025 BMW XM Kith Concept 创造了新的设计相似之处。因此,它们在迈阿密海滩的联合亮相成为了公司 50 多年历史上第一款和最后一款专门作为 BMW M 开发和生产的车型之间的桥梁。

Kith for BMW:经典的宝马设计图案在新的时尚和生活方式系列中得到重新诠释。

在迈阿密海滩展示 Ronnie Fieg 设计的汽车的同时,还将推出全新 Kith for BMW 服饰和生活方式系列。该系列包括一系列产品,采用经典的 BMW 设计图案,并以 Kith 的标志性风格重新诠释。除了品牌标志和车型铭文外,在当前合作和之前的合作项目中使用过的 Techno Violet、Cinnabar Red 和 Vitality Green 等颜色也为该系列产品赋予了独特的外观。

该服装系列包括意大利皮革、双面羊毛和丝质绒面革制成的高级夹克,以及联名套头衫、连帽衫、橄榄球衫、裤子和一系列复古风格的 T 恤。该系列还包括一系列高级生活配饰,包括帽子、钥匙扣和车牌、皮革驾驶手套、超细纤维毛巾和靠垫、地垫和地毯,以及 BMW 和 Kith 品牌的卡片盒、马克杯、托盘、雨伞和滑雪板。

Kith 打造的 2025 款 BMW XM 1:18 比例模型是该系列的一大亮点。除了 BMW Individual Frozen Techno Violet 金属车身颜色外,这款微型模型还具有许多其他基于该款车型的细节,包括 M 散热器格栅上的模型字样和紫色饰边以及后门、门槛和座椅上的 Kith 标志。

新版汽车的比例模型也将限量生产,并可从BMW Lifestyle Shop独家订购。完整的 Kith for BMW 系列将于 12 月 6 日在全球所有 Kith 商店发售,包括迈阿密海滩的 Kith for BMW Showcase 快闪店,以及欧洲中部时间下午 5 点在www.kith.com上在线发售。

* 消耗和排放数据: BMW XM:综合燃油消耗量(l/100 km(62 英里):1.9 WLTP;综合功耗(kWh/100 km(62 英里):33.6 WLTP;综合二氧化碳排放量(g/km):43 WLTP;电池放电后燃油消耗量(l/100 km(62 英里):12.9;二氧化碳等级:综合加权 B,电池放电后 G。BMW M4 Competition Coupé:综合燃油消耗量(l/100 km(62 英里):9.9 – 9.8 WLTP;综合二氧化碳排放量(g/km):223 – 221 WLTP;二氧化碳等级:综合加权 G。BMW i4 M50 xDrive:综合功耗(kWh/100 km(62 英里):21.9 WLTP;二氧化碳等级:A。

燃油消耗、二氧化碳排放量、功耗和续航里程数据均指德国汽车市场上的车辆。所有数据均已根据新的 WLTP 测试循环计算得出。消耗和排放数据参考德国乘用车能源标签法规 (EnVKV)。

BMW and Kith continue their cooperation and present the BMW XM in an exclusive edition.

Kith Founder, CEO and Creative Director, Ronnie Fieg creates limited edition of the first electrified high-performance model from BMW M GmbH and a unique one-off of the historic BMW M1 +++ World premiere of 2025 BMW XM Kith Concept at Art Basel Miami Beach +++


Munich/Miami Beach. BMW and Kith are launching a new edition of their successful collaboration. The BMW XM* and its links to the legendary BMW M1 are the focus of the third collaboration between the premium car manufacturer and Ronnie Fieg’s world-renowned lifestyle brand, Kith. The high-performance plug-in hybrid will be available next year as the 2025 BMW XM by Kith, with exclusive exterior and interior designs.
The 2025 BMW XM Kith Concept offers a first look at the car, which will be manufactured as a one-of-one vehicle and presented at Art Basel Miami 2024, taking place from December 6-8 at the Miami Beach Convention Center, alongside another unique piece, Ronnie Fieg’s 1981 BMW M1 E26. A new Kith for BMW collection of apparel and lifestyle products will also be launched.

Following the edition vehicles designed by Ronnie Fieg based on the BMW M4 Competition Coupé* from 2020 and the BMW i4 M50 xDrive* from 2022, BMW and Kith are once again dedicating the latest chapter of their partnership to an exceptional BMW M automobile. The BMW XM, which is also the first original BMW M automobile since the BMW M1 produced from 1978 to 1981, features the newly developed M HYBRID drive system for the first time. The BMW XM features striking details inspired by the design of the legendary mid-engined sports car, such as the side accent strips, the two BMW emblems at the rear and the louvre structure of the rear lights.

2025 BMW XM by Kith: 47 units, historic colour, exclusive details.

The 2025 BMW XM by Kith will be produced in a limited edition of 47 units, reflecting the number of years that have passed since the debut of the BMW M1. It will be delivered in the second half of 2025 to enthusiasts and collectors of particularly exclusive BMW M automobiles. The edition vehicles will be offered with BMW Individual Frozen Techno Violet metallic paint finish, which is also based on historical models. This paint finish, specially developed by Kith for the 2025 BMW XM by Kith, will only ever be used for this limited edition model and will never be used by BMW again, making this edition truly special. Alternatively, BMW Individual Frozen Black metallic paint finish (paint code U91) is also available for the 2025 BMW XM by Kith.

The paintwork and numerous special design features emphasise the particularly dynamic proportions of a modern Sports Activity Vehicle and the expressive lines that characterise the BMW XM. The 2025 BMW XM by Kith features black side window graphics and accent strips. The outline of the model inscriptions on the front, rear and side, as well as the outline of the Kith logo, combined with the characteristic M stripes on the rear of the edition vehicles, are finished in Techno Violet metallic. The 2025 BMW XM by Kith comes as standard with 23-inch M light-alloy wheels in star-spoke design with Jet Black finish.

In the interior, the modern sports car cockpit of the BMW XM by Kith is complemented by exclusive details in the striking aesthetics of the Kith label. The illuminated door sills feature the special “1/47” insignia, denoting how rare each car is. The velour floor mats and the control centre on the centre console all feature the Kith logo with the M stripes.
An illuminated version can also be seen under the headrests of the M multifunction driver and passenger seats. The seat surfaces in the BMW Individual Merino leather finish feature an embossed Kith monogram pattern, as does the armrest of the centre console. Another detail can be found in the control display of the edition vehicles. A special widget includes the official BMW XM by Kith vehicle name, the “1/47” insignia and the Kith logo with the M stripes.

The M Lounge in the rear of the 2025 BMW XM by Kith also creates a personal atmosphere in the vehicle. Embossed Kith monogram on the seat surfaces and two cushions with the label’s logo add to the personal touch. Together with the pre-set purple interior lighting, a special atmosphere is created that is appropriate for the edition vehicle.

A Kith duffle bag, designed and manufactured exclusively by Kith for the edition vehicles, is included as standard to stylishly accommodate the included charging cables.

The 2025 BMW XM by Kith will be launched on December 6th at 5 PM CET on Interested customers can use this link to express their purchase intent.

World premiere in Miami Beach: The 2025 BMW XM Kith Concept.

BMW and Kith will present a concept car, also designed by Ronnie Fieg. The exterior and interior of the 2025 BMW XM Kith Concept have been created by Fieg in collaboration with BMW to express both the distinctive character and exclusive sportiness of the high-performance model in a particularly intense way. Free from all the conventions of production car homologation, he designed a sophisticated lighting concept, in which the colour purple plays a central role, matching the BMW Individual Frozen Techno Violet metallic paint finish. The 2025 BMW XM Kith Concept’s side accent strips consist of black backlit strips, each of which contains 363 full-color LED units distributed along its entire length. When activated, these create a dynamically animated purple glow around the Kith lettering. The decor elements on the side panels also feature a backlit Kith logo.

LED units are also used in the headlights to create a purple colour scheme. The Kith logo can also be displayed on the glass covers of the main headlights using LED matrix displays for the low beam headlights. The 2025 BMW XM Kith Concept also features an M radiator grille Iconic Glow with purple contour lighting and a paint finish enriched with purple colour pigments for the 23-inch light-alloy wheels.

As a nod to its motorsport lineage, and to pay homage to the M1’s design, the 2025 BMW XM Kith Concept has been lowered by 30 millimetres at the front and 35 millimetres at the rear, while the track on both axles has been widened by 40 millimetres. This was accomplished thanks to the use of special springs and wheel spacers.

Inside the concept car, M Carbon bucket seats replace the M multifunction seats of the 2025 BMW XM by Kith. They also feature surfaces with embossed Kith monogram and illuminated Kith emblems combined with the M stripes in the area of the headrests.

Reconstructing a legend: 1981 BMW M1 E26 by Ronnie Fieg.

To place both the concept car and the limited edition of 47 2025 BMW XM by Kith in a historical context, another unique model will be presented to the public for the first time in Miami Beach. The 1981 BMW M1 E26 by Ronnie Fieg is an extensively reconstructed one-of-one example of the sports car with specific details from the design repertoire of the Kith label.

The car, which bears the model designation, year of manufacture and internal model series code as well as the name of the Kith founder was according to Ronnie Fieg’s ideas. A Techno Violet paint finish (paint code 299), the combined M and Kith emblem on the tailgate and an interior with embossed Kith lettering create new design parallels between Ronnie Fieg’s 1981 BMW M1 E26 and the 2025 BMW XM Kith Concept, in addition to the similarities in the design of the production vehicles. Their joint appearance in Miami Beach thus forms a bridge between the first and the last model to be developed and produced exclusively as a BMW M in the more than 50 years of the company’s history.

Kith for BMW: Classic BMW design motifs reinterpreted in a new fashion and lifestyle collection.

The presentation of the vehicles designed by Ronnie Fieg in Miami Beach will be accompanied by the launch of a new Kith for BMW apparel and lifestyle collection. The collection includes a wide range of products that take classic BMW design motifs and reinterpret them in Kith’s signature style. In addition to the brand emblems and model inscriptions, the colours Techno Violet, Cinnabar Red and Vitality Green, which are used in the current cooperation and in previous joint projects, give the products in the collection an unmistakable look.

The apparel range includes premium jackets in Italian leather, double-sided wool and silky suede, as well as co-branded jumpers, hoodies, rugby shirts, trousers and a range of vintage-inspired T-shirts. The collection also includes a range of premium lifestyle accessories including caps and hats, key fobs and licence plates, leather driving gloves, microfibre towels and cushions, floor mats and carpets, as well as BMW and Kith branded card cases, mugs, trays, umbrellas and snowboards.

A 1:18 scale model of the 2025 BMW XM by Kith is a particular highlight of the collection. In addition to the BMW Individual Frozen Techno Violet metallic body colour, the miniature features numerous other details based on the edition vehicle, including model lettering on the M radiator grille with purple trim and Kith logos on the rear doors, door sills and seats.

The scale model of the new edition vehicle will also be produced in a limited edition and can be ordered exclusively from the BMW Lifestyle Shop. The complete Kith for BMW collection will be available on December 6th at all Kith shops worldwide, including the Kith for BMW Showcase pop-up in Miami Beach, as well as online at 5 PM CET on

*Consumption and emission figures:
BMW XM: Fuel consumption in l/100 km (62 miles) combined: 1.9 WLTP; power consumption in kWh/100 km (62 miles) combined: 33.6 WLTP; CO2 emissions in g/km combined: 43 WLTP; fuel consumption with discharged battery in l/100 km (62 miles) combined: 12.9; CO2 classes: combined weighted B, with discharged battery G.
BMW M4 Competition Coupé: Fuel consumption in l/100 km (62 miles) combined: 9.9 – 9.8 WLTP; CO2 emissions in g/km combined: 223 – 221 WLTP; CO2 classes: combined weighted G.
BMW i4 M50 xDrive: Power consumption in kWh/100 km (62 miles) combined: 21.9 WLTP; CO2 class: A.

The data on fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, power consumption and range refer to vehicles on the automotive market in Germany. All figures have already been calculated based on the new WLTP test cycle. Consumption and emission data refer to the German Passenger Car Energy Labelling Regulation (EnVKV).




BMW 锦标赛:一名球员获胜.数千名球童也同样获胜


