
Balenciaga | 兰博基尼汽车 25 秋季合作款

日期: 2024 年 12 月 2 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞/巴黎



圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞/巴黎,2024 年 12 月 2 日——巴黎世家 | 兰博基尼汽车合作系列在巴黎世家 25 秋季系列中首次亮相,庆祝对前沿创新的共同承诺,将汽车美学与品牌的理念融为一体。

Balenciaga 由西班牙出生的时装设计师 Cristóbal Balenciaga 于 1917 年创立,并于 1937 年在巴黎成立,通过形式和技术上的创新彻底改变了现代时装。自 2015 年以来,在 Demna 的艺术指导下,该品牌通过不断突破界限的系列不断重新定义奢华。如今,Balenciaga 涵盖了女装和男装成衣、配饰和艺术品,将其悠久的传统与前沿的现代风格完美融合。

12 月 2 日,Balenciaga 将推出此次合作的独家产品——一件白色、宽大的长袖 T 恤,上面印有 2025 年兰博基尼 Temerario,这是该公司的第二款混合动力超级跑车。全球限量 630 件,将在部分 Balenciaga 商店和Balenciaga.com上发售。

此次独家发布是 Balenciaga 与 Automobili Lamborghini 合作系列的预告,该系列包括皮革飞行员夹克、赛车夹克、T 恤、运动裤、珠宝、旅行杯,以及 Balenciaga 标志性 Rodeo 和 Hourglass 包的新版本,饰有盾牌徽章、皮革行李牌和 clochettes。此次合作的灵感来自 Automobili Lamborghini 的汽车标志和线条,以该品牌对流线型、超级跑车风格的设计的不断探索为基础,这些设计也体现了该品牌一些最独特的鞋类和服装。

Balenciaga | Automobili Lamborghini 完整系列将于2025 年春季在 Balenciaga 精选商店和balenciaga.com上发售。

Balenciaga | Automobili Lamborghini Fall 25 Collaboration

DATE: 02 Dec 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese/Paris

When couture meets speed: the Balenciaga | Automobili Lamborghini collaboration redefines luxury and innovation through supercar-inspired designs

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Paris, 2 December 2024 – The Balenciaga | Automobili Lamborghini collaboration, debuting in the Balenciaga Fall 25 collection, celebrates a shared commitment to cutting-edge innovation, blending automotive aesthetics with the House’s codes.

Founded by Spanish-born couturier Cristóbal Balenciaga in 1917 and established in Paris in 1937, Balenciaga revolutionized modern couture with innovations in form and technique. Since 2015, under the artistic direction of Demna, the house has continued to redefine luxury through boundary-pushing collections. Today, Balenciaga encompasses women’s and men’s ready-to-wear, accessories, and objets d’art, seamlessly blending its storied heritage with cutting-edge modernity.

On December 2, Balenciaga will unveil an Exclusive Release from the collaboration—a white, boxy, long-sleeve t-shirt featuring the 2025 Lamborghini Temerario, the company’s second hybrid super sports car. Limited to 630 pieces worldwide, it will be available in select Balenciaga stores and on

The exclusive release serves as a teaser for the complete Balenciaga | Automobili Lamborghini collaboration, which includes leather bombers, racing jackets, t-shirts, sweatpants, jewelry, travel mugs, and new versions of Balenciaga’s iconic Rodeo and Hourglass bags, adorned with the Shield emblem, leather luggage tags, and clochettes. Inspired by Automobili Lamborghini’s automotive iconography and lines, the collaboration builds on the House’s continual exploration of streamlined, supercar-inspired designs, which have informed some of its most distinctive footwear and apparel.

The complete Balenciaga | Automobili Lamborghini collection will be available in select Balenciaga stores and on in Spring 2025.


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