
兰博基尼汽车公司在 2024 年迈阿密海滩巴塞尔艺术展期间推出受迈阿密启发的 Urus SE

日期: 2024 年 12 月 5 日 | 圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞/佛罗里达州迈阿密


独特的设计彰显了兰博基尼 Ad Personam 定制计划的无限可能性,该计划为全球交付的首款 Urus SE 提供定制化服务

圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞/佛罗里达州迈阿密2024 年 12 月 5 日——昨天晚上,兰博基尼汽车公司在迈阿密海滩的一场私人活动中自豪地发布了一款特别版 Ad Personam Urus SE [1] ,其灵感来自迈阿密充满活力、色彩缤纷的文化。得益于兰博基尼设计中心 Centro Stile 的艺术视野以及兰博基尼 Ad Personam 定制团队的指导,这款运动型 Urus SE 的涂装得到了提升。Urus SE 于今年早些时候在北京推出,是该品牌最畅销的超级 SUV 的首款 PHEV(插电式混合动力汽车)版本,拥有 800 CV 混合动力系统。

这款以迈阿密为灵感的 Urus SE 拥有令人惊叹的细节,在正常的工业过程中需要额外 230 个小时的喷漆和测试,这展示了客户可以选择的几乎无穷无尽的 Ad Personam 定制选项,以增强其车辆的非凡个性。

“通过这件真实的艺术品,我们为 Urus 创造了有史以来最精致的涂装,以图形激发客户的灵感,这些图形突显了汽车出色的比例和标志性设计。我们完美再现了我们对充满活力的迈阿密生活方式及其多样性的完美愿景, ”兰博基尼汽车设计总监 Mitja Borkert 说道。

这款 Urus SE 独特的外观采用引人注目的蓝色 Glauco 亮点,与灰色和黑色的组合形成鲜明对比,营造出一种向这座城市的文化、风格和艺术气息致敬的涂装。Nero Noctis 的前唇以明亮的蓝色 Glauco 细节为特色。Grigio Telesto 双色后视镜盖搭配蓝色 Glauco 细条纹,增添一丝优雅,而 Nero Noctis 后扩散器则采用匹配的蓝色 Glauco 亮点进行精确细节处理。Urus SE 的豪华内饰采用单色皮革内饰以及专用的踢脚板和仪表板,在抛光碳纤维上用“MIAMI”细节来纪念这一时刻。

出席在迈阿密海滩举行的独家揭幕仪式的高管包括兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann、首席营销和销售官 Federico Foschini、设计总监 Mitja Borkert、首席技术官 Rouven Mohr 和兰博基尼美国公司首席执行官 Andrea Baldi。

“我们一直很高兴能为迈阿密带来真正的创新和艺术,尤其是在这个城市充满了鼓舞人心的创意人士、设计师和艺术家的时代,”温克尔曼说道。“随着兰博基尼汽车的需求达到历史最高水平,我对这款特殊的 Urus SE 感到非常自豪,它彰显了我们 Ad Personam 计划的无限定制可能性。”

出席活动的嘉宾还有机会观看新款兰博基尼 Temerario [2],它采用双涡轮增压 V8 混合动力系统,重新定义了性能、驾驶乐趣和舒适度。作为传奇 Huracán [3]的继任者,Temerario 总功率输出为 920 CV,仅需 2.7 秒即可从 0 加速至 100 公里/小时(0 加速至 62 英里/小时)。

迈阿密庆祝活动举行之际,兰博基尼汽车公司宣布,在短短 18 个月内推出三款新车型后,2024 年前三个季度的业绩创下了历史新高。与 2023 年同期相比,2024 年全球汽车交付量增长 8.6%,达到 8,411 辆。兰博基尼车型系列已达到完全混合动力化的里程碑,为品牌的未来奠定了坚实的基础。

兰博基尼汽车公司致力于利用 2024 年实现的增长势头,实现 2025 年的积极预测。这一愿景由公司的目标驱动,并通过持续投资支持,专注于改进产品并确保持续改进。

[1] Urus SE 的油耗和排放值:综合油耗:2.08 l/100 km。综合能耗:39.5 kWh/100 km。综合二氧化碳排放量:51.25 g/km。综合二氧化碳排放效率等级:B。低电量时的综合油耗:12.9 l/100 km。低电量时的二氧化碳效率等级:G;WLTP
[2]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令的约束。油耗和排放量数据处于型式核准阶段
[3]所有 Hurácan 车型的油耗和排放值;综合油耗:14.9-13.9 l/100km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:338-328 g/km(WLTP)

Automobili Lamborghini unveils Miami-inspired Urus SE during Art Basel Miami Beach 2024

DATE: 05 Dec 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese/Miami, FL

Unique design highlights endless possibilities of Lamborghini’s Ad Personam customization program for first Urus SE delivered globally

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Miami, FL December 5, 2024 – Automobili Lamborghini proudly unveiled a special Ad Personam Urus SE[1] at a private event in Miami Beach yesterday evening, inspired by Miami’s vibrant, colorful culture. The livery of this sporty Urus SE has been elevated thanks to the artistic vision of the Lamborghini design center, Centro Stile, and the direction of Lamborghini’s Ad Personam customization team. The Urus SE, launched earlier this year in Beijing, is the brand’s first PHEV (Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle) version of the best-selling Super SUV boasting an 800 CV hybrid powertrain.

The dramatic details of the Miami-inspired Urus SE, that required an additional 230 hours of painting and testing over the normal industrial process, showcase the nearly endless range of Ad Personam customization options available for customers to enhance their vehicle’s extraordinary individuality.

“With this authentic piece of art, we have created the most sophisticated livery ever seen on the Urus, to inspire our customers with graphics that underline the outstanding proportions and the iconic design of the car. We have reproduced our perfect vision of the vibrant Miami lifestyle and its diversity,” said Mitja Borkert, Design Director of Automobili Lamborghini.

The unique exterior of this Urus SE was brought to life with striking highlights of Blu Glauco, contrasted by a combination of greys and black, to create a livery that pays an homage to the city’s mix of culture, style and artistic flair. The front lip in Nero Noctis is accented by a bright Blu Glauco detail. Bicolor mirror caps in Grigio Telesto with a Blue Glauco pinstripe add a touch of elegance while the rear diffuser in Nero Noctis is precisely detailed with matching Blu Glauco highlights. The Urus SE’s luxurious interior features unicolor leather upholstery as well as dedicated kick plates and a dashboard that commemorates the occasion with “MIAMI” detailed on the polished carbon fiber.

In attendance for the exclusive unveiling in Miami Beach were executives including Automobili Lamborghini Chairman and CEO Stephan Winkelmann; joined by Chief Marketing and Sales Officer Federico Foschini; Design Director Mitja Borkert; Chief Technical Officer Rouven Mohr; and Automobili Lamborghini America Chief Executive Officer, Andrea Baldi.

“We are always excited to bring true innovation and artistry to Miami, especially during this moment when the city is filled with inspiring creatives, designers and artists,” remarked Winkelmann. “With demand for Lamborghini vehicles at an all-time high, I am very proud of this special Urus SE which highlights the infinite customization possibilities of our Ad Personam program.”

Guests who attended the event also had the chance to view the new Lamborghini Temerario[2] with a twin-turbo V8 hybrid powertrain that redefines performance, driving pleasure and comfort. The successor to the legendary Huracán[3], the Temerario has a total power output of 920 CV and can accelerate 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) in just 2.7 seconds.

The celebration in Miami comes just as Automobili Lamborghini announced record breaking results for the first three quarters of 2024, following the introduction of three new models in just 18 months. Global vehicle deliveries are up 8.6% in 2024 at 8,411, compared to the same nine-month period in 2023. The Lamborghini model range has reached the milestone of becoming fully hybridized, providing a strong foundation upon which to usher in the future of the brand.

Automobili Lamborghini is committed to pursuing the positive projections for 2025, leveraging the growth momentum achieved in 2024. This vision is driven by the goals of the company and supported by continuous investments, focused on enhancing the products and ensuring sustained improvement.

[1] Urus SE consumption and emission values: Combined fuel consumption: 2.08 l/100 km. Combined energy consumption: 39.5 kWh/100 km. Combined CO2 emissions: 51.25 g/km. Combined CO2 emission efficiency class: B. Combined fuel consumption with low battery: 12.9 l/100 km. CO2 efficiency class with low battery: G; WLTP
[2] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage
[3] Fuel consumption and emission values of all Hurácan models; Fuel consumption combined: 14,9-13.9 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 338-328 g/km (WLTP)


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