
兰博基尼汽车亮相 2024 年 Auto e Moto d’Epoca

日期: 兰博基尼 Polo Storico 在其官方展台上展示了​​一辆正在修复的 1968 年 Miura S 和一辆保存完好的 1994 年 Diablo SE 30

圣亚加塔·博洛涅塞,2024 年 10 月 24 日——兰博基尼汽车公司连续第二年参加博洛尼亚展览中心举办的 Auto e Moto d’Epoca 车展。兰博基尼 Polo Storico 部门将代表圣亚加塔·博洛涅塞之家在专用展台展出,该部门负责保存和推广该品牌的历史,管理公司档案、进行车辆修复,并为经典兰博基尼(直至 Diablo 系列)提供认证。Polo Storico 部门是来自世界各地的爱好者和收藏家的重要参考点,它展示了正在修复的 1968 年 Miura S 车身和 1994 年 Diablo SE。这两款车型本身就是兰博基尼的标志,也是 Polo Storico 工作的重要典范。目前正在修复的 Miura 为人们提供了一个独特的视角来观察修复过程,因为前部的钣金已经完成,而后部仍处于未完成状态,没有车身。另一方面,Diablo SE 则保持了原始状态,几个月前刚从美国一位私人收藏家手中运来,接受检查,随后获得了 Polo Storico 的真品认证。

“继去年我们在修复工作开始时展示了一辆 Espada 之后,今年我们再次回到 Auto e Moto d’Epoca,带来一辆代表我们工作重要阶段的汽车,” Automobili Lamborghini 售后总监 Alessandro Farmeschi 说道。“Miura S 的钣金加工工作正在进行中,而 Diablo SE 正在接受分析,以获得 Polo Storico 的认证,这让参观者有机会亲眼欣赏两款非凡而罕见的车型,并欣赏兰博基尼认证修复的价值。”

在博洛尼亚展出的 Miura S 于 1968 年 12 月 13 日完工,准备运往罗马。该车外观为白色,内饰为芥末色,车架和“蒙皮”(指车身覆盖物的技术术语)修复后展出。车架已重新粉刷成原来的黑色,而蒙皮仍为裸露的金属,等待最后的喷漆准备。Miura S 是改写豪华超级跑车历史并开创“超级跑车”概念的汽车的第二版,于 1968 年 11 月在都灵车展上首次亮相,展示了技术和车架的改进、改进的装饰,以及与速度已经令人难以置信的上一代系列相比更高的动力和速度。

展出的 Diablo SE 30 是限量生产 150 辆中的第 99 辆。这款车型由兰博基尼于 1993 年 9 月为庆祝公司成立 30 周年而推出,其特点是专为此版车型设计的外观颜色,即被称为“Lambo Thirty”的亮紫色。在博洛尼亚展出的 Diablo SE 30 于 1994 年生产,并于 1995 年 4 月交付德国。它配备了带 CD 播放器的收音机、四点式安全带、灭火器和灰色皮革方向盘中央插件。SE 30 系列的特点是重量显著减轻了 125 公斤,这是通过大量使用碳纤维作为镶板和镁合金轮毂实现的。其主要特点包括重新设计的发动机罩、功能齐全的可调节后扰流板以及特殊合金轮毂。通过引入可以从驾驶舱调整的创新扭力杆,底盘得到了改进,而发动机的电子管理系统以及专门开发的气缸盖和进气歧管将功率输出提高到 7000 rpm 时的 525 CV。

兰博基尼汽车展台位于博洛尼亚展览中心 31 号展馆 A9 展台。展会将于 10 月 24 日至 27 日举行,开放时间为上午 9 点至下午 6 点(10 月 25 日和 26 日为上午 9 点至下午 7 点)。2024 年 10 月 24 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞

Automobili Lamborghini stars at Auto e Moto d’Epoca 2024

DATE: 24 Oct 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

Lamborghini Polo Storico displays a 1968 Miura S under restoration and a well-preserved 1994 Diablo SE 30 on its official stand

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 24 October 2024 – For the second consecutive year Automobili Lamborghini attends the Auto e Moto d’Epoca show at the Bologna Fairgrounds. Representing the House of Sant’Agata Bolognese with a dedicated stand will be Lamborghini Polo Storico, the department responsible for preserving and promoting the brand’s history by managing the company archives, carrying out vehicle restoration, and certifying classic Lamborghinis up to the last series of Diablo. An important point of reference for enthusiasts and collectors from around the world, Polo Storico is showing the body of a 1968 Miura S undergoing restoration, and a 1994 Diablo SE. Lamborghini icons in their own right, these two models are also significant examples of the work of Polo Storico. The Miura, currently under restoration, offers a unique view of the restoration process, as the sheet-metaling of the front part has already been completed while the rear part is still in its unfinished state without bodywork. The Diablo SE, on the other hand, is preserved in its original condition and arrived from a private collector in the United States just a few months ago to be inspected and subsequently granted the certification of authenticity from Polo Storico.

“After last year’s extraordinary debut, when we displayed an Espada at the beginning of restoration, this year we are back at Auto e Moto d’Epoca with a car that represents a significant phase of the work we carry out,” said Alessandro Farmeschi, Automobili Lamborghini After Sales Director. “The Miura S, with its sheet-metaling currently in process, and the Diablo SE, under analysis to receive certification from Polo Storico, gives visitors the opportunity to admire two extraordinary and rare models at first hand, and appreciate the value of a restoration certified by Lamborghini.”

The Miura S displayed in Bologna was completed on 13 December 1968, destined to be sent to Rome. Produced with a white exterior and mustard color interior, the car is on show following the restoration of its frame and the “skins” (a technical term that indicates the body coverings). The frame has already been repainted in its original black color while the skins are still in bare metal, waiting to be prepared for final painting. The Miura S, the second version of the car that rewrote the history of luxury super sports cars and inaugurated the concept of “supercar”, was presented for the first time at the Turin Motor Show in November 1968, exhibiting technical and frame improvements, improved trims, and greater power and speed compared to the already incredibly fast previous series.

The Diablo SE 30 on display is number 99 of the limited production of just 150 units. The model was unveiled by Lamborghini in September 1993 to celebrate the company’s 30th anniversary, characterized by the exterior color created for this edition, a bright purple known as the “Lambo Thirty”. The Diablo SE 30 on display in Bologna was produced in 1994 and delivered to Germany in April 1995. It is equipped with a radio with CD player, four-point harness seat belts, extinguisher, and central insert of the steering wheel in gray leather. The SE 30 series is distinguished by its significant weight reduction of 125 kg, achieved by the extensive use of carbon fiber for the paneling and the wheels in magnesium alloy. Its main features include a redesigned engine hood, a functional adjustable rear spoiler, and special alloy wheels. The chassis was improved with the introduction of innovative torsion bars that could be adjusted from the cockpit, while the electronic management system of the engine, with specifically developed cylinder heads and intake manifolds, increased the power output to 525 CV at 7000 rpm.

The Automobili Lamborghini stand is located in Pavilion 31 at the Bologna Fairground, stand A9. The show will be held October 24-27, with opening hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Oct. 25 and 26).


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