
兰博基尼汽车公司连续第四年支持 Movember

日期: 2024 年 11 月 4 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞


随着迈阿密的“奔牛节”活动正式拉开 Movember 纪念月的序幕,这家总部位于圣阿加塔·博洛尼亚的公司推出了多项活动来支持该协会

圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞,2024 年 11 月 4 日——对于兰博基尼汽车公司来说,十一月是 Movember 的代名词,这是一个致力于提高人们对男性健康的认识的月份。连续第四年,该公司制定了各种计划,吸引客户和爱好者关注慈善组织,为预防和治疗经常被忽视的男性健康问题做出贡献。

Movember 于 2003 年在伦敦成立,旨在支持提高人们对男性健康意识的活动,关注前列腺癌、睾丸癌、心理健康和自杀等重要问题。该协会邀请任何希望支持这些事业的人,即使是象征性地,在 11 月留胡子,以表示团结。如今,Movember 已成为该领域的领先慈善机构,在全球开展了 1,320 多个项目。

兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann 表示:“自 2021 年以来,我们一直支持 Movember,与世界各地的经销商合作,提高客户对男性健康的认识。我们对这一合作伙伴关系感到非常自豪,它让我们能够就经常被忽视的话题发声。通过我们的贡献,我们致力于提高人们对 Movember 和这些重要主题的认识,使该组织能够继续在支持全球男性健康方面发挥关键作用。”

11 月 2 日,兰博基尼汽车公司在迈阿密举办了首届 Movember 主题活动,来自佛罗里达州七家经销商的 150 多辆兰博基尼汽车在迈阿密街头游行,参加“奔牛节”活动。“奔牛节”是兰博基尼标志性的拉力赛,由五大洲的多家经销商举办。这些汽车的引擎盖上贴着醒目的胡子贴纸,穿过迈阿密风景最优美的几个地方,传播 Movember 的信息,最后在标志性的迈阿密海滩结束旅程。

除了让世界各地的客户和经销商参与进来,兰博基尼汽车公司还在整个月内开展了一系列活动,以最大限度地提高 Movember 的知名度。今年的亮点包括在兰博基尼博物馆举办的互动装置。沿着博物馆入口处的“胡子小径”,游客将到达一个专门的区域,那里有一辆装饰着胡子的兰博基尼和一个装满坚果的容器。通过向 Movember 自愿捐款,游客可以参与游戏,试着猜出容器中坚果的确切数量。猜对或最接近正确数字的游客将赢得一个兰博基尼汽车公司背包。

创新是兰博基尼汽车公司的标志,也将在其中发挥作用。直到 11 月 14 日,Gameloft 开发的热门赛车视频游戏 Asphalt Legends Unite 的玩家都可以为 Revuelto 购买带有小胡子的 Movember 主题特殊涂装[1]和 Huracán STO[2]直接从游戏内商店购买模型,该模型是专门为此计划创建的。


[1] Revuelto 的油耗和排放值:综合油耗:11.86 l/100 km。综合能耗:10.1 kWh/100 km。综合二氧化碳排放量:276 g/km。综合二氧化碳排放效率等级:G。低电量时的综合油耗:17.8 l/100 km。低电量时的二氧化碳效率等级:G;WLTP

[2] Huracán STO 的燃油消耗和排放值;综合燃油消耗:13.9 升/100 公里(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:331 克/公里(WLTP)

Automobili Lamborghini renews its support for Movember for the fourth consecutive year

DATE: 04 Nov 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

With the “Bull Run” in Miami marking the official start of the month dedicated to Movember, the Sant’Agata Bolognese-based company has launched various initiatives in support of the association

Sant’Agata Bolognese, November 4, 2024 – For Automobili Lamborghini, November is synonymous with Movember, a month dedicated to raising awareness about men’s health. For the fourth consecutive year, the company has developed various initiatives, engaging customers and enthusiasts to draw attention to the charitable organization, contributing to the prevention and treatment of often overlooked male health issues.

Movember was founded in London in 2003 with the goal of supporting activities raising awareness of men’s health around important issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide. The association invites anyone wishing to support these causes, even symbolically, to grow a moustache during November as a gesture of solidarity. Today, Movember stands as the leading charity in this field, with over 1,320 projects carried out globally.

Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, says, “Since 2021, we have supported Movember by engaging our dealers worldwide and raising awareness about men’s health among our customers. We are extremely proud of this partnership, which allows us to give voice to often under-discussed topics. Through our contribution, we are committed to building greater awareness of Movember and these essential topics, allowing the organization to continue playing a crucial role in supporting men’s health worldwide.”

The first Movember-themed event by Automobili Lamborghini took place on November 2 in Miami, where over 150 Lamborghinis belonging to customers from seven Florida dealers paraded the city’s streets as part of the “Bull Run,” an iconic Lamborghini rally held by various dealers across five continents. With unmistakable mustache decals on the hoods, the cars traveled through some of the city’s most scenic locations, spreading the Movember message and ending the route in iconic Miami Beach.

In addition to involving customers and dealerships worldwide, Automobili Lamborghini has developed a range of activities throughout the month to maximize Movember’s visibility. This year’s highlights include an interactive installation hosted at the Lamborghini Museum. Following a “moustache trail” from the museum entrance, visitors will reach a dedicated area featuring a Lamborghini adorned with a moustache and a container filled with nuts. By making a voluntary donation to Movember, visitors can participate in the game, trying to guess the exact number of nuts in the container. The visitor who guesses correctly or gets closest to the correct number will win an Automobili Lamborghini backpack.

Innovation, a hallmark of Automobili Lamborghini, will also play a role. Until 14 November, players of Asphalt Legends Unite, the popular racing video game developed by Gameloft, can purchase a special Movember-themed livery with a moustache for the Revuelto[1] and Huracán STO[2] models directly from the in-game store, created specifically for this initiative.

A month filled with international initiatives and events for Automobili Lamborghini and its global dealers, dedicated to promoting men’s health and well-being on a global scale, increasing awareness of crucial issues.

[1] Revuelto consumption and emission values: Combined fuel consumption: 11.86 l/100 km. Combined energy consumption: 10.1 kWh/100 km. Combined CO2 emissions: 276 g/km. Combined CO2 emission efficiency class: G. Combined fuel consumption with low battery: 17.8 l/100 km. CO2 efficiency class with low battery: G; WLTP

[2] Fuel consumption and emission values of Huracán STO; Fuel consumption combined: 13.9 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 331 g/km (WLTP)


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