

日期: 2024 年 12 月 4 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞/佛罗里达州迈阿密


2024 年前九个月创下纪录,佛罗里达州成为该公司全球最大市场的第二大销售地区

圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞/佛罗里达州迈阿密。2024 年 12 月 4 日——兰博基尼汽车公司在佛罗里达州开设了其最新展厅,展示了全系列混合动力车型,包括最近推出的 Huracán [1]继任者、Temerario [2]超级跑车、超过 1,000 马力的 V12 插电式 Revuelto [3] HPEV(高性能电动汽车)以及公司历史上最畅销车型的下一代 Urus SE [4]超级 SUV。昨晚的庆祝活动由意大利品牌的高管出席,包括兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann、首席营销和销售官 Federico Foschini 和兰博基尼美洲首席执行官 Andrea Baldi。

“2024 年是兰博基尼在全球范围内取得的又一个成功之年,前九个月的交付量、收入和营业利润均创下了纪录,”温克尔曼表示。“随着这一年即将结束,我们庆祝的最佳方式就是在佛罗里达州开设我们最新的展厅,佛罗里达州继续成为美国表现最好的市场,占第三季度美国总销售额的 20%。兰博基尼南达德展厅是佛罗里达州第七家展厅,展示了我们对阳光之州忠实客户的持续支持。”

兰博基尼南达德店位于佛罗里达州迈阿密南迪克西高速公路 17415 号,邮编 33157,采用意大利最优秀的汽车设计和工程技术,拥有市场上最新的超级跑车和超级 SUV。这家新展厅采用了兰博基尼最新的企业设计美学和最先进的技术,可提供更身临其境的品牌体验,配有 Collezione 和 Accessori Originali 时尚产品和 Ad Personam 定制室,客户可以使用几乎无限的定制颜色和材料来个性化他们的梦想之车。

此次展厅开业正值兰博基尼实现巨大增长之际,2024 年前 9 个月,兰博基尼在全球交付了 8,411 辆汽车,比 2023 年同期增长 8.6%,创造了 24.34 亿欧元的收入和 6.78 亿欧元的营业利润。这些出色的业绩为公司完成了 Direzione Cor Tauri 电气化计划的第三步,即全系车型的混合动力化奠定了坚实的基础。

出席开幕式的嘉宾有机会亲眼目睹全系列混合动力车型。全新 Temerario 总功率输出为 920 CV(907 马力),可在 2.7 秒内从 0 加速至 100 公里/小时(0-62 英里/小时)。这款车型加入了该品牌的首款 HPEV Revuelto,后者配备 6.5 升 V12 中置发动机、三个电动机和 8 速双离合变速箱,最高时速可超过 350 公里/小时(217 英里/小时),以及该品牌最畅销的超级 SUV 混合动力版 800 CV(789 马力)Urus SE。

[1]所有 Hurácan 车型的油耗和排放值;综合油耗:14.9-13.9 升/100 公里(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:338-328 克/公里(WLTP)

[2] 该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令的约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型核准阶段

[3] Revuelto 的消耗和排放值*:综合油耗:11.86 l/100km;综合功耗:10.1 kWh/100 Km;综合二氧化碳排放量:276 g/km;综合二氧化碳效率等级:G;电池放电后的综合油耗:17.8 l/100km;电池放电后的二氧化碳效率等级:G;[WLTP]

[4] Urus SE* 的消耗和排放值:综合油耗:2.08 l/100km;综合功耗:39.5 kWh/100 Km;综合二氧化碳排放量:51.25 g/km;综合二氧化碳效率等级:B;电池放电时的综合油耗:12.9 l/100km;电池放电时的二氧化碳效率等级:G;[WLTP]

Automobili Lamborghini Expands Retail Footprint in United States with New Showroom in South Dade, Florida

DATE: 04 Dec 2024   |   Sant’ Agata Bolognese/Miami, FL

Record first nine months for 2024, with Florida as the second largest sales region in the company’s largest global market

Sant’ Agata Bolognese/Miami, FL. 4 December 2024 – Automobili Lamborghini debuted its newest showroom in Florida with the full hybrid lineup on display, including the recently debuted Huracán[1] successor, the Temerario[2] super sports car, the over 1,000 horsepower V12 plug-in Revuelto[3] HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle), and the next-generation of the best-selling model in company history, the Urus SE[4] Super SUV. Last night’s celebratory event was attended by executives from the Italian marque, including Automobili Lamborghini Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Stephan Winkelmann, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer, Federico Foschini, and Lamborghini Americas Chief Executive Officer, Andrea Baldi.

“2024 has proven to be another successful year for Lamborghini on a global level with record-breaking results in terms of deliveries, revenues and operating profit in the first nine months,” said Winkelmann. “As the year comes to a close, we could not have asked for a better way to celebrate than with the opening of our latest showroom in Florida, which continues to be a top performing market in the United States representing 20% of total U.S. sales for Q3. Lamborghini South Dade is the seventh showroom in Florida, showcasing our continued support of our loyal customers in the Sunshine State.”

Located at 17415 S Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL 33157, Lamborghini South Dade features the best of Italian automotive design and engineering, with the latest super sports cars and super SUVs on the market. This new showroom features Lamborghini’s updated corporate design aesthetic and state-of-the-art technology that provides a more immersive brand experience, complete with Collezione and Accessori Originali fashion offerings and an Ad Personam customization room, where clients can personalize their dream cars with a nearly infinite array of bespoke colors and materials.

This showroom opening comes at a time of enormous growth for Lamborghini, with 8,411 cars delivered globally in the first nine months of 2024 – an 8.6% increase over the same period in 2023 – generating 2,434 million euros in revenue and an operating profit of 678 million euros. These exceptional results provide a strong foundation while the company completes the third step in its Direzione Cor Tauri electrification program with the hybridization of the entire model range.

Guests who attended the opening event had the opportunity to see the full hybrid lineup in person. The all-new Temerario has a total power output of 920 CV (907 horsepower) and can accelerate from 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) in 2.7 seconds. This model joins the brand’s first HPEV, the Revuelto, which features a 6.5-liter V12 mid-engine with three electric motors and 8-speed dual-clutch transmission capable of a top speed of more than 350 km/h (217 mph), along with the hybrid version of the brand’s best-selling Super SUV, the 800 CV (789 horsepower) Urus SE.

[1] Fuel consumption and emission values of all Hurácan models; Fuel consumption combined: 14,9-13.9 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 338-328 g/km (WLTP)

[2] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage

[3] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto*: Combined fuel consumption: 11,86 l/100km; Combined power consumption: 10,1 kWh/100 Km; Combined CO2 emissions: 276 g/km; Combined CO2 efficiency class: G; Combined fuel consumption with discharged battery: 17,8 l/100km; CO2 efficiency class with discharged battery: G; [WLTP]

[4] Consumption and emission values of Urus SE*: Combined fuel consumption: 2,08 l/100km; Combined power consumption: 39,5 kWh/100 Km; Combined CO2 emissions: 51,25 g/km; Combined CO2 efficiency class: B; Combined fuel consumption with discharged battery: 12,9 l/100km; CO2 efficiency class with discharged battery: G; [WLTP]


兰博基尼汽车在香港推出全新 Urus SE




