
第6天-2024 年纳米比亚宝马摩托车国际 GS 杯赛-最后一公里,无尽的回忆

德国队(男子)和国际队(女子)赢得了 2024 年 BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 杯。第 6 天回顾。地点:纳米比亚米德加德天气:晴天,8°C – 32°C 路线:50 公里:米德加德 – 奥卡万戈三角洲 – 米德加德地形类型:柏油路面 0 公里,越野 50 公里测试:SP1:决赛路线男子前三名队伍:(决赛)1. 德国、2. 南非、3. 巴西女子前三名队伍:(决赛)1. 国际队、2. 日本、3. 法国


米德加德。   “当你出发前往伊萨卡岛时,希望你的路途漫长,充满冒险,充满发现。 ”这些话在最后一天的黎明回荡,抓住了骑手们来到这里的每一段旅程的精髓。他们来自遥远的国度,穿越了考验和地形,不仅仅是在纳米比亚,而且在他们自己的准备和毅力世界中。油门的每一次转动都是一个篇章,每个障碍都是一个教训,骑行的每一公里都是一个故事,铭刻在这次冒险的风景中。


时间到了,他们出发了!2024 年 BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 杯赛的最后一天比任何人想象的都要早。感觉就像昨天参赛者刚刚抵达米德加德,肺部没有一丝灰尘。现在,灰尘和冒险已成为他们日常生活的一部分,深深植根于骑手和机器之中。

今天的骑行可能只有 50 公里,但 BMW Motorrad 将最艰难的一段路程留到了最后。骑手们出发绕着庄园(靠近奥卡万戈三角洲的边缘)绕了一圈,然后返回旅馆,进行比赛的最后挑战。





令人惊讶的是,这项赛事最具技术性的赛道上沙土最少。这不仅是因为难度,还因为赛道长度之长,长达 50 多公里,挑战了骑手和摩托车的极限。


事实证明,BMW R 1300 GS 是这次旅程的完美伴侣,但现在是骑手们对它进行真正的最终考验的时候了。 来自 Female Team Benelux 的骑手 Karen Weckx (351)表示:“这条路线真的很棒。我玩得很开心。这是一次技术性的骑行。我无法用其他方式来形容它。这辆摩托车感觉非常舒适、动力十足、非常平稳。GS 无所不能!”

2024 年 BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 杯赛的最后一项特别挑战赛恰如其分地命名为“决赛”,旨在测试车手在整个比赛中磨练的每一项技能。与之前的挑战赛不同,这一次所有参赛者都聚集在一起,见证整个赛事的展开,就像他们在阿尔巴尼亚参加 2022 年 GS 杯赛时所做的那样。





当三名车手停下摩托车并举起双手时,挑战结束了。每次触地、越界和摩托车掉落都算作一次惩罚,这给车队增加了额外的压力,因为车队将自己推向了极限。当所有人聚集在一起时,气氛热烈,欢呼声和鼓励声响彻云霄,体现了 GS 友情的真正精神。这是一场令人难忘的冒险,令人激动、紧张的结局,不仅考验车手的技能,还考验他们的团队合作和耐力。

中东队骑手 安托万·萨阿德 (241)表示:“我们显然对这次挑战有策略。我们根据每个人的技能划分路线。我们的策略完美无缺。最具挑战性的部分是车库,因为我们三个人会同时到达那里,所以我们决定我们中的一个人必须烧毁它。我认为我们做得很好。”


随着最终得分的统计,德国队显然在2024 年 BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 杯赛中占据主导地位,获得了男子组的总冠军。南非 表现出色,获得了第二名,而 以勇气和决心著称的巴西队则获得了第三名,并以值得称赞的努力登上了领奖台。

女子队方面, 国际队夺得冠军,展现了出色的技术和团队合作精神。 日本队继续强劲表现,夺得第二名,法国队则获得第三名。

今年的比赛彰显了所有参赛者的非凡才华和韧性,每支队伍在整个赛事中都表现出色且团结友爱,使得本届 GS 杯成为迄今为止最令人难忘的一届。


每位骑手离开时都会带着终生难忘的故事,这些故事不是由分数或排名决定的,而是由勇气、欢笑和友爱交织在一起的冒险时刻决定的。当他们回顾这段不可思议的旅程时,他们会明白,这不仅仅关乎目的地,还关乎他们所走的路的丰富性。“如果你发现她很穷,伊萨卡不会欺骗你。随着你变得聪明,经验丰富,到那时你就会明白这些伊萨卡意味着什么。 ”




克里斯托弗·米奇(181): “我感觉棒极了!来到这里,参加这项令人惊叹的赛事,与我的队友一起赢得胜利,他们就像我的家人一样——这真是梦想成真。我仍然不敢相信这是真的。”

尼科·韦克尔(182): “这太不可思议了。我们训练了一年半,每天都在为这一刻努力拼搏,现在我们终于实现了这个目标,我高兴极了。这场胜利对我们来说意味着一切。”

Jan Stahl (183): “我们的心怦怦直跳,等着看我们的名字是否会出现在公告牌上。当它终于出现时,我们感到无比的欣慰和自豪。这真的超出了我们的想象。”



马格扎塔·雅库比亚克 (321): “我激动极了!感觉就像梦想成真了,我为我们共同取得的成就感到无比自豪。来到这里,代表我们的团队参加这种水平的比赛,是一种难以置信的荣誉,我将永远珍惜。”

安娜·卡多娃 (322): “我太高兴了!我从未想过我们会走到这么远,能够以获胜者的身份站在这里简直是太不可思议了。这是我从未想到过的荣誉,我很感激能成为这次不可思议经历的一部分!”


2024 年宝马摩托车国际 GS 杯赛,纳米比亚。 








6. 拉丁美洲,147

7. 意大利,145


9. 中国,139

10. 印度,134

11. 比荷卢三国 125

12. 韩国,117

13. 日本,112

14. 墨西哥,107







3. 法国,267


5. 韩国,249



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2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。


BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 Namibia. Day 6. Final kilometer. Endless memories.

Team Germany (Male) and International Team (Female) win the BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024. Recap of Day 6. Location: Midgard, Namibia Weather: Sunny, 8°C – 32 °C Course: 50km: Midgard – Okavango Delta – Midgard Terrain types: Tarmac 0km, off-road 50km Tests: SP1: Final Course Top three teams male: (final) 1. Germany, 2. South Africa, 3. Brazil Top three teams female: (final) 1. International Team, 2. Japan, 3. France


Midgard.  “As you set out for Ithaka, hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery.” These words echo across the dawn of the final day, capturing the essence of every journey that brought the riders here. From distant lands, they have traversed trials and terrains, not just in Namibia but in their own worlds of preparation and perseverance. Each twist of the throttle has been a chapter, each obstacle a lesson, and every kilometer ridden, a story etched into the landscape of this adventure.

Now, as they stand on the brink of the last challenge, they know that the true treasure of this journey is not the podium but the friendships forged, the limits surpassed, and the moments that have become memories. Like Odysseus on his path to Ithaka, they’ve come to realize that the greatest victories are the ones found along the road, not just at its end.

The time had come, and they were off! The last day of the BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 arrived sooner than anyone had imagined. It felt like just yesterday that the competitors were arriving here in Midgard, with no speck of dust in their lungs. Now, dust and adventure are part of their every day, ingrained in both rider and machine.

Today’s ride may only be 50 kilometers, but BMW Motorrad has saved one of the toughest for last. The riders departed for a loop around the estate, near the fringes of the Okavango Delta, before returning to the Lodge for the final challenge of the event.

The light morning breeze brought hopes for a less dusty ride, but by now, the dust didn’t matter. The riders, their gear, and the bikes had seen so much of it, they had become one with the earth, carrying the Namibian dust as a badge of honor.

The first part of the loop seemed deceptively easy. Hardpacked trails provided traction, and the riders made good progress despite the loose rocks scattered across the steep uphills. But the respite was short-lived. Soon, loose, large rocks covered the trail, forcing the riders to constantly adjust their lines while the rolling uphills seemed endless. It became clear that BMW had indeed saved the best for last. The motorcycles were at the mercy of the terrain, and only the most experienced riders could navigate these challenges.

The trail was unforgiving. Thorny bushes lined the narrow path, leaving no room for errors. Just like yesterday’s special challenge, the wheels had to keep moving, or the riders would find themselves in deep trouble.

Switchback after switchback, the constant elevation gain meant only one thing: what goes up must come down. And not just once but multiple times, as if they were riding from peak to peak. When the downhills ended, they gave way to sandy, dry creek crossings—not as frequent as in previous days, but enough to remind the riders that they were still very much in Namibia.

It was astonishing to see that the most technical trail of the event had the least amount of sand. It wasn’t just the difficulty but the relentless length of it, stretching over 50 kilometers, pushing the limits of both riders and bikes.

The trail wound its way through the rugged ridges for hours, and after the grueling loop, the riders finally returned to base camp, just in time for lunch and some much-needed rest before the last stage, which would take place within the camp’s premises.

The BMW R 1300 GS has proven to be the perfect companion on this journey, but now it’s time for the riders to put it through the real and final test. Rider Karen Weckx (351) of Female Team Benelux, said: “This trail was really fantastic. I was really having fun. It was a technical ride. I cannot describe it otherwise. The bike felt really comfortable, really powerful and really smooth. The GS can do anything!”

The final special challenge of the BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024, aptly named the “Final Course,” was designed to test every skill the riders had honed throughout the competition. Unlike the previous challenges, this time all participants gathered around to witness the event unfold in its entirety, just as they had done in Albania for the 2022 GS Trophy.

The course, though relatively short, brought a unique twist to the competition. It featured three distinct paths, each designed to challenge the riders in different ways. Teams had to strategize and assign each rider to one of the paths based on their strengths, before coming together for a final challenge that would require seamless coordination.

The first path was a steep off-camber climb, leading to a narrow ledge that the rider had to carefully navigate around a flag. The uneven terrain and the incline demanded precise throttle control and balance. The second path, similar to the first, also involved off-camber sections but with two flags to navigate, making it a test of agility and concentration over a shorter but more technical course.

The third path, positioned centrally, was a slalom course marked by a series of tightly spaced cones. This section was all about finesse and control, as riders weaved their way through the cones with precision.

Once each rider had completed their assigned path, they regrouped at the far end of the course for the final segment. Together, they faced another steep off-camber section, and then entered the “garage”—a tight maze of turns that required sharp handling and coordination. The final task was to navigate through the same slalom course as the third rider had, before racing back to the starting point.

The challenge ended when all three riders stopped their bikes and raised their hands in the air. Every dab, out-of-bounds, and bike drop was counted as a penalty, adding an extra layer of pressure as the teams pushed themselves to the limit. With everyone gathered together, the atmosphere was electric, as cheers and encouragement rang out, embodying the true spirit of GS camaraderie. It was a thrilling, nail-biting conclusion to an unforgettable adventure, testing not just the riders’ skills but their teamwork and endurance.

Rider Antoine Saad (241) of Team Middle East, said “We obviously had a tactic for this challenge. We divided the paths according to everyone’s skills. And our strategy worked flawlessly. The most challenging part was the garage, because all three of us would have arrived there at the same time, we decided that one of us would have to burn it. I think we did well.”

And the winner is…

As the final scores were tallied, it became clear that Team Germany had dominated the BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024, securing the overall victory in the men’s category. Team South Africa delivered an impressive performance, earning them a strong second place, while Team Brazil, known for their grit and determination, took third place, rounding out the podium with a commendable effort.

For the Female teams, the International Team emerged as the champions, showcasing exceptional skill and teamwork. Team Japan continued their strong showing by claiming second place, while Team France secured third.

This year’s competition highlighted the remarkable talent and resilience of all participants, with each team demonstrating outstanding performance and camaraderie throughout the event, making this edition of the GS Trophy one of the most memorable to date.

And as the sun set on the final day, the riders gathered with their hearts full and their spirits lifted by the journey they had shared. They have ridden through sand and stone, braved the winds and heat, and stood shoulder to shoulder against every challenge Namibia has thrown their way. The thrill of victory may belong to a few, but the true rewards are carried by all—the strength discovered, the friendships forged, and the awe-inspiring landscapes etched into their memories.

Each rider will leave with stories that will last a lifetime, not defined by scores or rankings but by the moments of courage, laughter, and camaraderie that have woven this adventure together. And as they reflect on this incredible journey, they will understand that it was never about the destination alone, but the richness of the path they traveled. “And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you. Wise as you will have become, so full of experience, you’ll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.



Male Winner Team Germany:

Christopher Michi (181): “I feel absolutely incredible! To be here, part of this amazing event, and to win alongside my teammates who have become like family to me—it’s a dream come true. I still can’t believe it’s real.”

Niko Wecker (182): “It’s unbelievable. We’ve been training for one and a half years, pushing ourselves every day for this exact moment, and now that we’ve achieved it, I’m overwhelmed with happiness. This victory means everything to us.”

Jan Stahl (183): “Our hearts were racing, waiting to see if our names would appear on that board. When it finally did, the sense of relief and pride was overwhelming. This is truly beyond anything we could have imagined.”


Female Winner International Team: 

Małgorzata Jakubiak (321): “I am beyond thrilled! This feels like a dream come true, and I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished together. Being here, representing our team and competing at this level, is an incredible honor that I will cherish forever.“

Anna Cárdova (322): “I am over the moon! I never imagined we would come this far, and to be standing here as winners is just surreal. It’s an honor I never expected, and I’m so grateful to be a part of this incredible experience!”


BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024, Namibia. 

Final standings: 

Male Teams:

1. Germany, 283 points

2. South Africa, 223

3. Brazil, 177

4. France, 153

5. UK, 150

6. Latin America, 147

7. Italy, 145

8. International Team, 140

9. China, 139

10. India, 134

11. Benelux, 125

12. South Korea, 117

13. Japan, 112

14. Mexico, 107

15. USA, 94

16. Middle East, 93


Female Teams:

1. International, 278

2. Japan, 273

3. France, 267

4. Germany, 263

5. South Korea, 249

The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


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