
第1天- 年纳米比亚宝马摩托车国际 GS 奖杯赛-干净的 GS 是一种肮脏的耻辱

第一天回顾。地点:纳米比亚 Ai Aiba 天气:晴天,14°C – 34 °C 路线:270 公里:Midgard – Okahandja – Omaruru – Ai Aiba 地形类型:柏油路面 30 公里,越野 240 公里 测试:SP1:纳米比亚欢迎赛、SP2:AKRAPOVIČ 耐力赛、SP3:摄影挑战赛 男子前三名队伍:1. 南非、2. 德国、3. 国际队 女子前三名队伍:1. 日本、2. 比荷卢三国、3. 法国


纳米比亚艾艾巴。第九届 BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 杯赛在非洲美丽的日出中拉开帷幕。撤营后,车手们将装备装进包里,然后运往下一个营地。按照传统,随机抽取 2 到 3 支队伍负责将行李装上运输卡车。丰盛的早餐过后,大家热切期待的时刻到来了。赛事高级项目经理 Stefanie Grund 挥舞着方格旗,标志着今年的冒险骑行赛事开始。当地时间上午 7:45,巴西队、国际女子队和日本女子队在观众的欢呼声中越过起跑线。

参赛者组成 7-9 辆摩托车的小组,在指定负责人的带领下,开始了第一天的第一次特别挑战。在距离 Midgard Country Estate Lodge 仅几公里的地方,骑手们仍然在其范围内,面临着他们的第一次特别挑战。第一天,特别挑战

1:纳米比亚欢迎赛。在一座废弃铜矿的废墟附近,参赛者将摩托车排列在起点。第一位骑手出发标志着挑战计时开始,其余两位骑手(或一位女子队骑手)在 5 秒间隔后跟上。骑手们沿着一条狭窄的短道穿过标记的大门,克服了沙地、台阶、下坡和急转弯。最后,他们将摩托车并排停放,冲向矿井关闭的入口,敲响铃铛。当第三位骑手敲响铃铛时,计时停止——这对团队和裁判来说都是理想的热身活动。


印度队车手Dev Venkatesh (202)表示:“这对我来说是一次特别挑战的最佳欢迎。这是我第一次骑 1300 GS 越野,感觉棒极了。顺滑如丝。挑战很短,但技术性很强。你没有进步的空间,你必须坚持自己的路线。但我们在试骑中没有犯任何错误,而且跑得非常干净,所以我们非常期待结果。”

韩国女子队车手Sunghee Kim (301)表示:“虽然这是一条简单的赛道,但我们还是遇到了一些困难。但我们没有摔倒摩托车,这很棒。我们感到非常受欢迎,”他引用了这项特殊挑战的名称。

离开这座历史庄园郁郁葱葱、宁静的斯瓦科普河沿岸,骑手们向西出发,斯瓦科普河以金合欢林、野生动物出没和风景秀丽而闻名。近 200 公里的骑行让骑手们真正热身,地形不断变化,从坚硬的泥土到松散的砾石和深沙。纳米比亚的壮丽景色开始展现,岩层的历史可追溯到近 7 亿年前。骑手们体验到一种与世隔绝的感觉,一路上几乎没有遇到车辆,但要时刻警惕自由漫步的牛群和野生动物。

纳米比亚的雨季通常始于 12 月,一直持续到 4 月,但去年的最后一场雨来得相当早,导致骑行环境尘土飞扬。风力不足也让骑行者和摩托车看起来就像刚刚经历了一场史诗般的冒险。这增加了危险因素,正如古老的 Enduro 谚语所警告的那样:“如果尘土飞扬,你看不到路,那么你面前就会有一块石头。”然而,尽管天气干燥,但大自然却蓬勃发展,树木在岩石上生长,这证明即使是一点点泥土也足以让种子发芽,这真是令人惊叹。

经过漫长而尘土飞扬的骑行,骑手们抵达了奥马鲁鲁,这座迷人的小镇以葡萄园、艺术氛围和文化遗产而闻名。奥马鲁鲁是当地酿酒厂的所在地,例如纳米比亚唯一的葡萄酒庄园 Kristall Kellerei,该庄园使用经过特别改良的葡萄品种酿造独特的葡萄酒。该镇还拥有艺术画廊和奥马鲁鲁艺术家之路,当地艺术家在这里展示和出售他们的作品。


第 1 天,特别挑战 2:AKRAPOVIČ 耐力赛挑战赛。这条小路通向一条干涸的河床——这河床的代名词就是:非常深的沙子。骑手们必须在一条沙质极其丰富的河床上穿行,并在计时赛中完成标记的路线。很快,他们就明白了为什么这场比赛被称为“AKRAPOVIČ 耐力赛挑战赛”,因为他们在沙地上疾驰,将引擎转速提高到极限,努力保持在摩托车上,避免被困在河床中。这当然不是热身运动,引擎的轰鸣声在几公里外都能听到。

德国女子队骑手马里恩·林德 (331)表示:“这是一次非常艰巨的挑战。沙子很深,但我们真正体验到了非洲风情。事实上,我甚至咬住了沙子。”


当天的最后一项挑战是,骑手们绕道穿过一片壮观的吉普车道,沿途有松散的岩石和深沙覆盖的具有挑战性的上坡,最终到达艾艾巴岩画旅馆。该营地坐落在埃龙戈山脉山脚下雄伟的花岗岩巨石之间,历史悠久。这些古老的岩层是约 1.3 亿年前火山群侵蚀后的遗迹,因无数岩画遗址而闻名,使艾艾巴成为探索大自然的神秘之地。




南非队车手Ruhan De Villiers (233) :“第一天的比赛非常愉快。碎石路很不错,中间夹杂着沙地。我认为我们作为一个团队在两个挑战中表现不错,而且从我看来,明天的比赛只会更具挑战性。我们来这里的最后一段路绝对是当天的亮点。在家乡,我有一辆 R 1200 GS Rallye,我很喜欢 1300。我想我回来后会试着买一辆。”

比荷卢女子队骑手Karen Weckx (351) :“这是美妙的一天。虽然很艰难,但很精彩。风景优美,赛道优美,尤其是在下午,骑行技术性更强,穿越干涸的河流,我很喜欢。我们的团队在第一次挑战中表现得非常好,但在第二次挑战中我们遇到了很多困难。所以我们对结果很好奇。”

2024 年宝马摩托车国际 GS 杯赛,纳米比亚。







3. 比荷卢三国 30

5. 意大利,22


7. 墨西哥,19

8. 中国,17

9. 法国,16



11. 日本,13

11. 印度,13

14. 美国,10

15. 中东、非洲,8

15. 英国,8




2. 比荷卢三国 37

3. 法国,36

4. 国际队, 31

5. 德国,26


宝马集团旗下拥有宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车四个品牌,是全球领先的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高端金融和移动出行服务。宝马集团生产网络覆盖全球 30 多个生产基地,公司在全球 140 多个国家/地区拥有销售网络。

2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。


BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 Namibia. Day 1. A clean GS is a dirty shame.

Recap of Day 1. Location: Ai Aiba, Namibia Weather: Sunny, 14°C – 34 °C Course: 270km: Midgard – Okahandja – Omaruru – Ai Aiba Terrain types: Tarmac 30km, off-road 240km Tests: SP1: Namibia Welcome Trial, SP2: The AKRAPOVIČ Enduro Challenge, SP3: Photo Challenge Top three teams male: 1. South Africa, 2. Germany, 3. International Team Top three teams female: 1. Japan, 2. Benelux, 3. France


Ai Aiba, Namibia. The 9th BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy began with a beautiful African sunrise. After breaking camp, the riders packed their gear into bags, which were later transported to the next camp. As is tradition, 2 or 3 teams were randomly selected to handle the task of loading the bags onto the transportation truck. After a hearty breakfast, the moment everyone had been eagerly anticipating arrived. Stefanie Grund, Senior Project Manager of the event, waved the checkered flag, signaling the start of this year’s adventure riding event. At 7:45 am local time, Team Brazil, the International Female Team, and Female Team Japan crossed the start line to cheers from the crowd.

The competitors formed groups of 7-9 motorcycles and, guided by their appointed Marshals, embarked on the first day and first Special Challenge. Only a few kilometers away from the Midgard Country Estate Lodge, still within its perimeter, the riders faced their first Special Challenge. Day 1, Special Challenge

1: The Namibia Welcome Trial. Near the ruins of an abandoned copper mine, the participants lined up their bikes at the starting point. The first rider’s departure marked the start of the timing for the challenge, with the other two riders (or one for a female team) following after a 5-second interval. Navigating a narrow, short trail through marked gates, the riders tackled sand, steps, drops, and tight turns. At the end, they parked their bikes side by side and rushed to the mine’s closed entrance to ring a bell. The timer stopped when the third rider hit the bell – an ideal warm-up for both the teams and the Marshals.

Although the trial seemed easy initially, many riders were caught by surprise by its narrow passes. Rider Yasuhiro Maehara (212) from Team Japan said before the start of the challenge, “I think it’s very easy, and we’re really excited to get in there!” After completing the challenge with only a few deductions, he added, “I’m sorry. It was not so easy. I had to put my foot down a few times. The short corner and the deep sand caught me off-guard.”

Rider Dev Venkatesh (202) of Team India, said: “This was the best welcome for a special challenge for me. It is the first time I ride the 1300 GS off-road and it felt incredible. Smooth like butter. The challenge was short but very technical. You don’t have room for improvement, you have to stick to your lines. But we completed the trial without any mistakes and did a clean run, so we’re very excited to learn about the results.”

Rider Sunghee Kim (301) of Female Team South Korea, said: “Although it was an easy course, we had a little bit of hard time. But we didn’t drop the bike, which was great. And we feel very welcome,” quoting the name of the special challenge.

Leaving behind this historic estate’s lush, serene landscape along the Swakop River, known for its acacia woodlands, wildlife sightings, and scenic views, the riders headed west. The nearly 200-kilometer ride offered a real warm-up, with constantly changing terrain from hardpacked dirt to loose gravel and deep sand. The magnificence of Namibia began to unfold, with rock formations dating back nearly 700 million years. The riders experienced a sense of isolation, encountering little traffic along the way while staying alert for freely roaming cattle and wildlife crossings.

Namibia’s rainy season typically begins in December and can last until April, but this past year, the last rain fell quite early, making the riding conditions extremely dusty. The lack of wind didn’t help, leaving both riders and motorcycles looking as though they’d been on an adventure of epic proportions. This added an element of danger, as the old Enduro saying warns: “If there is dust and you can’t see the road, there will be a rock right in front of you.” However, it was remarkable to see nature thriving despite the dry conditions, with trees growing on rocks, proving that even a little dirt is enough for a seed to sprout.

After the long and dusty ride, the riders arrived in Omaruru, a charming town known for its vineyards, art scene, and cultural heritage. Omaruru is home to local wineries, such as Kristall Kellerei, Namibia’s only wine estate, which produces unique wines from specially adapted grape varieties. The town also boasts art galleries and the Omaruru Artist’s Trail, where local artists display and sell their work.

After a much needed refueling and lunch break, the riders were ready for their first true taste of Africa. Just a few kilometers from their afternoon stop, the second special challenge awaited them.

Day 1, Special Challenge 2: The AKRAPOVIČ Enduro Challenge. The trail led to a dry riverbed – synonymous with one thing: very deep sand. The riders had to navigate an extremely sandy riverbed and complete a marked course while being timed. It soon became clear why it was called “the AKRAPOVIČ Enduro Challenge,” as they blasted through the sand, revving their engines to their limit, struggling to stay on their bikes and avoid getting stuck in the river bed. This was certainly no warm-up exercise and the roaring of the engines could be heard for many kilometers away.

Rider Marion Linder (331) of the Female Team Germany, said: “This was a very demanding challenge. The sand was very deep, but we got a real taste of Africa. In fact I even got it between my teeth.”

Rider Francisco Leyva (112) of Team Mexico, after a phenomenal performance in the deep sand, was asked how many years of sand training the team had, and he said: “Four days. That’s all the time we got with this bike. We don’t know and we don’t care about the results. Me and my friends are smiling, and that’s the best outcome.”

The day’s final challenge took the riders on a detour through a phenomenal cluster of jeep tracks with challenging uphills covered by loose rocks and deep sand, leading them to the Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge. The camp, nestled amid imposing granite boulders at the foothills of the Erongo Mountain range, is rich in history. These ancient rock formations are the eroded remains of a volcanic complex around 130 million years old and are famous for countless rock painting sites, making Ai Aiba a mystical exploration of nature.

During today’s route, the riders had also the chance to take pictures for the third Special Challenge, the Photo Challenge. This year, their pictures will be judged by BMW officials, and the scores will count towards tomorrow’s results.

Competitors and crew were rewarded with a beautiful African sunset as they waited for the day’s results


Rider Ruhan De Villiers (233) Team South Africa: “This was a very nice first day. Nice gravel roads with sandy bits in between. I think the two challenges went well for us as a team, and from what I can see, it will only get more challenging from tomorrow. Definitely the last section on our way here, was the highlight of the day. Back home, I have an R 1200 GS Rallye, and I love the 1300. I think I will try to buy one when I return.”

Rider Karen Weckx (351), Female Team Benelux: “It was a fantastic day. It was tough, but it was fantastic. Beautiful scenery, beautiful tracks, especially in the afternoon, the more technical riding and that dry river crossing, I loved it. Our team did really well during the first challenge, but we struggled a lot in the second. So we’re curious about the results.”

BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024, Namibia.

Day One overall standings:

Male Teams:

1. South Africa, 41 points

2. Germany, 31

3. International Team, 30

3. Benelux, 30

5. Italy, 22

6. Brazil, 21

7. Mexico, 19

8. China, 17

9. France, 16

10. Latin America, 15

11. South Korea, 13

11. Japan, 13

11. India, 13

14. USA, 10

15. Middle East, Africa, 8

15. UK, 8


Female Teams:

Japan, 41 points

2. Benelux, 37

3. France, 36

4. International Team, 31

5. Germany, 26

5. South Korea, 26


The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


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