
罕见银云成为劳斯莱斯 2024 年古德伍德复古风盛会的焦点

在 9 月 6 日至 8 日举行的举世闻名的古德伍德复古风活动中,一辆罕见的银云定制版将成为劳斯莱斯汽车年度盛会的焦点


  • 劳斯莱斯汽车在古德伍德复古风尚展上推出 1965 款 Silver Cloud III Mulliner Park Ward
  • 基于 Silver Cloud III 底盘打造的罕见固定头轿跑车设计
  • 据了解,这是车身制造商 Mulliner Park Ward 打造的仅有的 100 辆之一
  • 车身采用布鲁斯特绿色,内饰为酒红色皮革装饰
  • 搭载手工打造的 6.2 升自然吸气 V8 发动机
  • 在著名的三月汽车工厂中展出
  • 忠实再现了伦敦梅菲尔区康杜伊特街的伯克利广场和劳斯莱斯展厅
  • 古德伍德复古风将于 9 月 6 日至 8 日举行

“古德伍德复古风是一场精彩绝伦、充满怀旧气息和魅力的盛会,旨在庆祝 20 世纪 40、50 和 60 年代的汽车、时尚和文化。在此期间,劳斯莱斯生产了其悠久历史中一些最令人难忘的车型,包括我们今年在 March Motor Works 展出的 Silver Cloud III。这是车身制造商艺术的罕见而美丽的典范,当时劳斯莱斯为​​客户提供了除标准车型之外的车身定制选项——这项服务在现代的古德伍德劳斯莱斯之家得到了复兴。我们很高兴再次成为这一非凡活动的一部分,尤其是在我们成立 120 周年之际。”
劳斯莱斯汽车公司关系与历史主管安德鲁·鲍尔 (Andrew Ball)

在 9 月 6-8 日举行的举世闻名的古德伍德复古风车展上,一辆罕见的银云车身定制版将成为劳斯莱斯汽车年度展品的焦点。

为庆祝劳斯莱斯 120 周年,该品牌设计了位于主赛道隧道内场末端的 March Motor Works,忠实复制了 1964 年伯克利广场和伦敦梅菲尔区 Conduit 街附近的劳斯莱斯展厅。

展出的是一辆保养得非常好的劳斯莱斯银云 III;据了解,这款时尚优雅的汽车是由传奇车身制造商 Mulliner Park Ward 在银云 III 底盘上打造的仅有的 100 辆固定顶置轿跑车 (FHC) 之一。它采用漂亮的布鲁斯特绿色涂装,搭配酒红色皮革内饰。引擎盖下是一台手工打造的 6.2 升自然吸气 V8 发动机,通过四速自动变速箱为后轮提供约 210 马力的动力。Silver

Cloud III 具有重要的历史意义,因为它是最后一款主要由车主驾驶的劳斯莱斯汽车,提供滚动底盘,客户可以在此基础上委托 Mulliner Park Ward 或其他专业车身制造商进行完全定制车身,也可以委托一辆完整的汽车。 (严格地说,Phantom VI 一直作为独立底盘生产,尽管数量很少,直到 1993 年,车身主要由 Mulliner Park Ward 提供,当时 Mulliner Park Ward 是劳斯莱斯的子公司。然而,这些都是设计为由司机驾驶的豪华轿车。)

当时,伯克利广场及其周边地区有几家豪华汽车展厅,包括 Jack Barclay。查尔斯·劳斯 (Charles Rolls) 出生于距此不远的梅菲尔区希尔街 (Hill Street),1904 年与亨利·莱斯 (Henry Royce) 建立合作关系后不久,他就在附近的康杜伊街 (Conduit Street) 建立了自己的展示厅:马奇汽车工坊 (March Motor Works) 向人们展示了 60 年后的工厂面貌。


A rare example of a coachbuilt Silver Cloud will form the centrepiece of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars’ annual presence at the world-famous Goodwood Revival, which takes place from 6-8 September.


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars presents 1965 Silver Cloud III Mulliner Park Ward at Goodwood Revival
Rare fixed-head coupé design built on the Silver Cloud III chassis
Understood to be one of only about 100 created by coachbuilder Mulliner Park Ward
Finished in Brewster Green with a Claret Red leather-trimmed interior
Powered by a hand-built 6.2-litre naturally aspirated V8 engine
Displayed in the ‘March Motor Works’ at the storied and celebrated event
Faithfully recreates Berkeley Square and Rolls-Royce showroom on Conduit Street in Mayfair, London
Goodwood Revival takes place 6-8 September
“Goodwood Revival is a wonderfully eccentric, nostalgic and glamorous celebration of the cars, fashions and culture of the 1940s, 50s and 60s. During this period, Rolls-Royce produced some of the most memorable models in its long history, including the Silver Cloud III we are displaying in the March Motor Works this year. It’s a rare and beautiful example of the coachbuilder’s art from a time when Rolls-Royce offered its clients a Coachbuild option alongside its standard models – a service that’s enjoyed its own revival at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood in the modern era. We’re delighted to be part of this remarkable event once again, particularly in our 120th anniversary year.”
Andrew Ball, Head of Corporate Relations & Heritage, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

A rare example of a coachbuilt Silver Cloud will form the centrepiece of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars’ annual presence at the world-famous Goodwood Revival, which takes place from 6-8 September.

For its 120th anniversary year, the marque has designed the March Motor Works, located at the infield end of the main circuit tunnel, as a faithful replica of Berkeley Square and the Rolls‑Royce showroom on nearby Conduit Street in London’s Mayfair in 1964.

On display will be a magnificently maintained Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud III; this sleek, elegant motor car is understood to be one of only around 100 examples of a fixed-head coupé (FHC) design ever built on the Silver Cloud III chassis by the legendary coachbuilder Mulliner Park Ward. It is finished in a handsome Brewster Green, with a Claret Red leather-trimmed interior. Under the bonnet is a hand-built, 6.2-litre, naturally aspirated V8 engine, delivering around 210bhp to the rear wheels via a four-speed automatic transmission.

The Silver Cloud III is historically important as the last predominantly owner-driven Rolls‑Royce to be offered as a rolling chassis, upon which clients could commission fully bespoke bodywork from Mulliner Park Ward or other specialist coachbuilders, as well as a complete motor car. (To be strictly accurate, Phantom VI remained in production as a separate chassis, albeit in small numbers, until 1993, with coachwork predominantly supplied by Mulliner Park Ward, which was by then a Rolls-Royce subsidiary. However, these were all limousines designed to be driven by a chauffeur.)

Berkeley Square and its environs were home to several luxury car showrooms at that time, including Jack Barclay. Charles Rolls was born a stone’s throw away in Hill Street, Mayfair, and would go on to establish his showroom in nearby Conduit Street, shortly after forming the partnership with Henry Royce in 1904: the March Motor Works showcases the premises as they would have appeared 60 years later.


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