
BMW 锦标赛:一名球员获胜.数千名球童也同样获胜

+++宝马锦标赛帮助 3,300 名年轻人进入大学 +++Ilka Horstmeier:“教育是实现自主未来的关键,也是社会凝聚力的重要支柱” +++访问博尔德的埃文斯奖学金之家 +++为埃文斯学者基金会筹集了 5000 多万美元 +++


+++宝马锦标赛帮助 3,300 名年轻人进入大学 +++Ilka Horstmeier:“教育是实现自主未来的关键,也是社会凝聚力的重要支柱” +++访问博尔德的埃文斯奖学金之家 +++为埃文斯学者基金会筹集了 5000 多万美元 +++

丹佛。宝马锦标赛不仅是美巡赛上最负盛名、竞争最激烈的锦标赛之一。本周在科罗拉多州丹佛市的卡斯尔松树高尔夫俱乐部举行的季后赛也是赛事组织者西部高尔夫协会 (WGA) 运营的埃文斯学者基金会 (ESF) 最大的筹款活动。ESF 为全国各地学业成绩优异、但无力支付大学学费的优秀年轻球童提供全额学费和住宿奖学金。ESF 承担“埃文斯奖学金宿舍”的学费和住宿费用。自 2007 年以来,宝马锦标赛已为埃文斯学者基金会筹集了超过 5000 万美元,帮助超过 3300 名学生上大学并实现他们的梦想。

BMW 锦标赛期间,BMW 股份公司董事会成员、人物与地点事务负责人 Ilka Horstmeier 参观了位于科罗拉多州博尔德的科罗拉多大学埃文斯奖学金之家。

“我很高兴能与一些埃文斯奖学金获得者见面,并与他们讨论他们的目标和抱负,”伊尔卡·霍斯特迈尔说。“ESF 的价值观——卓越、尊重、领导力和社区——与宝马集团的价值观一致,我们很自豪能与宝马锦标赛一起支持这一伟大的举措。教育是年轻人自主决定未来的关键,也是我们社会凝聚力的重要支柱。”

目前,有 55 名埃文斯学者就读于科罗拉多大学,自 1967 年成立以来,已有 548 名埃文斯校友从该分会毕业。“我们非常感谢合作伙伴宝马集团的坚定支持,帮助我们将优秀的球童送入大学,”负责管理 ESF 的西部高尔夫协会总裁兼首席执行官 John Kaczkowski 说道。“自 2007 年我们开始合作以来,我们一直共同对来自科罗拉多州乃至全国各地的众多年轻学生的生活产生巨大影响。”

除了 BMW 锦标赛的全部收益外,职业选手还可以通过完美击球支持 ESF 的工作。BMW 集团将再次以首位在本周锦标赛期间在任意球洞打出一杆进洞的 PGA 巡回赛球员的名义,额外提供价值 125,000 美元的为期四年的埃文斯奖学金。这在 BMW 锦标赛历史上迄今为止已经发生过六次。在 Castle Pines 高尔夫俱乐部争夺冠军的 50 名世界级球员还有两轮比赛来获得另一项奖学金。即使这种情况没有发生,在周日的最后一杆推杆之后,人们将再次清楚地看到,在 BMW 锦标赛上,一名球员获胜,数千名球童也获胜。

BMW Championship: One player wins. Thousands of caddies do, too.

+++ BMW Championship sends 3,300 young people to college +++ Ilka Horstmeier: “Education is the key to a self-determined future and an important pillar for the cohesion of our society” +++ Visit to the Evans Scholarship House in Boulder +++ More than 50 million US dollars raised in support of the Evans Scholars Foundation +++


+++ BMW Championship sends 3,300 young people to college +++ Ilka Horstmeier: “Education is the key to a self-determined future and an important pillar for the cohesion of our society” +++ Visit to the Evans Scholarship House in Boulder +++ More than 50 million US dollars raised in support of the Evans Scholars Foundation +++

Denver. The BMW Championship is not only one of the most prestigious and competitive tournaments on the PGA TOUR. The playoff event, which is taking place this week at Castle Pines Golf Club (Denver, Colorado), is also the largest fundraising event for the Evans Scholars Foundation (ESF) run by tournament organiser Western Golf Association (WGA). The ESF awards full tuition and housing college scholarships to deserving young caddies across the nation who have excellent academic achievements but do not have the financial means to afford a college education. The ESF covers the tuition fees and accommodation costs in the “Evans Scholarship Houses”. Since 2007, the BMW Championship has raised more than $50 million in support of the Evans Scholars Foundation, helping over 3,300 students to attend college and follow their dreams.

During the BMW Championship, Ilka Horstmeier, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, People and Places, visited the University of Colorado Evans Scholarship House in Boulder, Colorado.

“I was very pleased to meet some of the Evans Scholars and talk with them about their goals and ambitions,” said Ilka Horstmeier. “The values of the ESF – excellence, respect, leadership, and community – align with those of the BMW Group, and we are proud to support this great initiative with the BMW Championship. Education is the key to a self-determined future for young people and an important pillar for the cohesion of our society.”

Currently, 55 Evans Scholars attend the University of Colorado, and there are 548 Evans Alumni who have graduated from the chapter since it was established in 1967. “We are grateful for the unwavering support of our partner BMW Group in helping us to send deserving caddies to college,” said John Kaczkowski, President and CEO of the Western Golf Association, which oversees the ESF. “Together, we have been making a huge impact on the lives of so many young students from across the state of Colorado – and across the country – since our partnership began in 2007.”

In addition to all proceeds from the BMW Championship, the pros can also support the work of the ESF with the perfect shot. The BMW Group will once again contribute an additional full four-year Evans Scholarship worth 125,000 US dollars in the name of the first PGA TOUR player to record a hole-in-one on any hole during tournament play this week. This has so far happened six times in the history of the BMW Championship. The 50 world-class players competing for victory at Castle Pines Golf Club still have two rounds left to secure another scholarship. Even if this does not happen, after the last putt on Sunday, it will once again be clear that while at the BMW Championship, one player wins, thousands of caddies do, too.


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