

+++ 美巡赛前 50 名高尔夫球手将在丹佛(科罗拉多州)附近的 Castle Pines 高尔夫俱乐部展开角逐,争夺 30 张赛季决赛门票 +++ Gardner Heidrick Pro-Am 锦标赛将通过超级碗和斯坦利杯冠军为埃文斯学者基金会筹集善款 +++ 自 2007 年以来,宝马锦标赛已为大学奖学金筹集了 5000 万美元 +++ 新款宝马 M5 Touring 是今年的一杆进洞奖品 +++


+++ 美巡赛排名前 50 的高尔夫球手在丹佛(科罗拉多州)附近的卡斯尔松树高尔夫俱乐部争夺 30 张赛季决赛门票 +++ 加德纳·海德里克职业-业余配对赛通过超级碗和斯坦利杯冠军为埃文斯学者基金会筹集善款 +++ 自 2007 年以来,宝马锦标赛已筹集了 5000 万美元用于大学奖学金 +++ 新款宝马 M5 旅行车是今年的一杆进洞奖品 +++

丹佛。十年后,宝马锦标赛重返丹佛。今年的倒数第二场联邦快递杯季后赛将在落基山脚下的卡斯尔松树高尔夫俱乐部举行。2014 年,比利·霍舍尔(美国)在樱桃山高尔夫俱乐部夺冠。今年美巡赛排名前 50 的球员正在争夺下周赛季决赛的 30 张门票。一场高尔夫锦标赛几乎不可能比这更明星云集、竞争更激烈。其中包括世界排名第一、奥运会金牌得主斯科蒂·舍弗勒、世界排名第二、本赛季两届大满贯赛冠军赞德·谢奥菲勒(均来自美国)、宝马锦标赛和联邦快递杯卫冕冠军维克多·霍夫兰(挪威),以及世界排名第五、科罗拉多州本地人温德姆·克拉克(美国)。

加德纳海德里克职业-业余配对赛传统上于周三为宝马锦标赛揭幕,但同样星光熠熠。来自丹佛的三位体育传奇人物展示了他们的高尔夫球技:前足球运动员、NFL 名人堂成员佩顿·曼宁和约翰·埃尔韦(均来自美国),他们曾作为四分卫带领丹佛野马队夺得超级碗冠军;瑞典职业冰球运动员加布·兰德斯科格,科罗拉多雪崩队队长,两年前他与球队一起赢得了该队第三座斯坦利杯。乡村音乐的现任超级巨星之一卢克·布莱恩也参加了比赛,他于周二晚上为宝马锦标赛的职业-业余配对赛嘉宾举办了一场独家音乐会。

加德纳海德里克职业-业余锦标赛是丹佛地区体育爱好者的良好开端,但这项赛事对美国众多球童的未来意义更为重大。职业-业余锦标赛席位销售的所有利润以及锦标赛的所有收益都将捐赠给埃文斯学者基金会 (ESF),这是锦标赛主办方西部高尔夫协会的基金会。ESF 为来自全国各地的优秀年轻球童提供大学学费和住房奖学金。自 2007 年以来,宝马锦标赛已筹集了超过 5000 万美元,用于支持埃文斯学者基金会,帮助超过 3300 名学生上大学并实现他们的梦想。

目前,创纪录的 1,190 名球童以埃文斯学者的身份在 24 所一流大学就读。“我们非常自豪能够通过 BMW 锦标赛为如此多的学生带来成功的未来。这正是我们作为一家公司想要推广的举措,旨在让年轻人充分发挥他们的潜力,”BMW AG 管理委员会成员、人事与地点负责人 Ilka Horstmeier 说道。

本周,宝马将再次以第一位在任意球洞打出一杆进洞的美巡赛球员的名义,额外捐赠一笔为期四年的埃文斯奖学金。去年,在芝加哥举行的 2022 年宝马锦标赛上,维克多·霍夫兰打出一杆进洞,戴安娜·拉马斯因此被评为第六位宝马一杆进洞奖学金获得者。宝马还将继续其传统,向第一位在比赛期间在指定球洞打出一杆进洞的高尔夫球手奖励一辆新车。今年,第一个在第 16 洞打出三杆洞的选手将获得全新 BMW M5 Touring 的钥匙(综合能耗:2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp] 和 30.7 kWh/100 km;综合二氧化碳排放量:46 g/km;电池放电后油耗:10.9 l/100 km [25.9 mpg imp](WLTP 循环);综合二氧化碳等级:B,电池放电后 G)。这款车上周刚刚进行了全球首发。BMW 最具代表性的高性能品牌之一的最新版本现配备 717 马力的 BMW M 混合动力系统。

宝马锦标赛由西部高尔夫协会主办,是美巡赛赛程中历史最悠久的非大满贯赛事,可追溯到 1899 年,当时它以西部公开赛的形式首次亮相。宝马锦标赛不仅在体育价值和传统方面与大满贯赛事不相上下。去年,该赛事继 2008 年、2012 年、2013 年和 2014 年之后第五次被评为“年度美巡赛锦标赛”,充分证明了这一点。美巡赛特别认可了球迷和球员的优质体验,以及冠名合作伙伴宝马、赛事组织者和志愿者助手的承诺。



BMW M5 Touring:能量消耗,加权,综合:2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp] 和 30.7 kWh/100 km;二氧化碳排放量,加权,综合:46 g/km;电池放电后燃油消耗:10.9 l/100 km [25.9 mpg imp](WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级,加权,综合:B,电池放电后 G。 

US Superstars open BMW Championship on return to Denver.

+++ The top 50 golfers of the PGA TOUR compete at Castle Pines Golf Club near Denver (Colorado) for just 30 tickets to the season final +++ Gardner Heidrick Pro-Am benefits the Evans Scholars Foundation with Super Bowl and Stanley Cup champions +++ Since 2007, the BMW Championship has generated $50 million for college scholarships +++ The new BMW M5 Touring is this year’s hole-in-one prize +++


+++ The top 50 golfers of the PGA TOUR compete at Castle Pines Golf Club near Denver (Colorado) for just 30 tickets to the season final +++ Gardner Heidrick Pro-Am benefits the Evans Scholars Foundation with Super Bowl and Stanley Cup champions +++ Since 2007, the BMW Championship has generated $50 million for college scholarships +++ The new BMW M5 Touring is this year’s hole-in-one prize +++

Denver. After ten years, the BMW Championship is returning to Denver. This year’s penultimate FedExCup playoff tournament will be played at the Castle Pines Golf Club at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, following Billy Horschel’s (USA) win at the Cherry Hills Golf Club in 2014. The top 50 players of this year’s PGA TOUR are vying for just 30 tickets to next week’s season finale. A golf tournament can hardly be more star-studded and competitive. Among others, world number one player and Olympic Gold Medallist, Scottie Scheffler, world number-two player and two-time major winner this season, Xander Schauffele (both USA), BMW Championship and FedExCup defending champion Viktor Hovland (NOR), as well as world number-five player, Wyndham Clark (USA), a Colorado native.

The Gardner Heidrick Pro-Am, which traditionally opens the BMW Championship on Wednesday, was no less star-studded. Three sports legends from Denver showcased their golfing skills: former footballers and NFL Hall-of-Famers Peyton Manning and John Elway (both USA), who led the Denver Broncos to Super Bowl victories as quarterbacks, and Swedish hockey pro Gabe Landeskog, captain of the Colorado Avalanche, with whom he won the club’s third Stanley Cup two years ago. One of country music’s reigning superstars Luke Bryan also participated, after giving an exclusive concert for the Pro-Am guests of the BMW Championship on Tuesday evening.

The Gardner Heidrick Pro-Am was a fitting start for the sports-enthusiastic Denver area, but the event is much more significant for the future of numerous caddies in the USA. All profits from the sale of Pro-Am spots – as well as all proceeds from the tournament – benefit the Evans Scholars Foundation (ESF), a foundation of tournament host Western Golf Association. The ESF awards college tuition and housing scholarships for inspiring young caddies from across the country. Since 2007, the BMW Championship has raised more than $50 million in support of the Evans Scholars Foundation, helping over 3,300 students to attend college and follow their dreams.

Currently, a record 1,190 caddies are enrolled in 24 leading universities as Evans Scholars. “We are very proud to be able to contribute to a successful future for so many students with the BMW Championship. This is exactly the kind of initiative that we as a company want to promote to enable young people to realise their full potential,” says Ilka Horstmeier, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, People and Places.

BMW will once again contribute an additional full four-year Evans Scholarship in the name of the first PGA TOUR player to record a hole-in-one on any hole during tournament play this week. Diana Llamas was named the sixth BMW Hole-in-One Scholar at last year’s event in Chicago as a result of Viktor Hovland’s ace during the 2022 BMW Championship in Delaware. BMW will also continue its tradition of awarding a new car to the first golfer to record a hole-in-one on a designated hole during a competition round. This year, the first player to ace the par-three 16th hole will walk away the keys to the all-new BMW M5 Touring (energy consumption, weighted, combined: 2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp] and 30.7 kWh/ 100 km; CO2 emissions, weighted, combined: 46 g/ km; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10.9 l/100 km [25.9 mpg imp] in the WLTP cycle; CO2 classes, weighted, combined: B, with discharged battery G), which just made its World Premiere last week. The latest iteration of one of BMW’s most iconic high-performance nameplates now features a 717-horsepower BMW M Hybrid drive system.

Hosted by the Western Golf Association, the BMW Championship is the oldest non-major on the PGA TOUR schedule, dating back to 1899 when it debuted as the Western Open. Not only in terms of sporting value and tradition, the BMW Championship is on par with the majors. This was underscored by the event being named “PGA TOUR Tournament of the Year” for the fifth time after 2008, 2012, 2013, and 2014 last year. The PGA TOUR particularly recognised the premium experience for fans and players, as well as the commitment of the title partner BMW, the tournament organision, and the volunteer helpers.




BMW M5 Touring: Energy consumption, weighted, combined: 2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp] and 30.7 kWh/ 100 km; CO2 emissions, weighted, combined: 46 g/ km; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10.9 l/100 km [25.9 mpg imp] in the WLTP cycle; CO2 classes, weighted, combined: B, with discharged battery G.


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