
兰博基尼在第 73 届圆石滩优雅大赛上彰显卓越性能

全新 Temerario 在兰博基尼休息室和著名的概念草坪上展出

加利福尼亚州圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞/圆石滩,2024 年 8 月 19 日——在 2024 年蒙特雷汽车周期间,Automobili Lamborghini 邀请 VIP 嘉宾来到专属的蒙特雷兰博基尼休息室,这是一栋私人别墅,被改造成一个精心策划的品牌体验区,不仅反映了现代意大利传统,还致力于突破“超越人类”的界限。新推出的兰博基尼 Temerario[1]在兰博基尼展厅中展出了两种全新专用颜色,即 Blu Marinus(蓝色)和 Verde Mercurius(绿色),对于更喜欢赛道驾驶的客户,它们还将首次在发布会上提供“Alleggerita”(轻量级)套件。

Temerario 凭借其一流的性能成为超级跑车领域的新标杆。整个周末,在兰博基尼休息室,客人们都有机会深入了解新款 Temerario 如此独特的原因。混合现实 (MR) 沉浸式体验让他们能够看到实体汽车旁边的虚拟元素,包括空气动力学和令人印象深刻的发动机细节。

为了庆祝其卓越的性能,兰博基尼还展出了其最新车型,这些车型与 Temerario 一起完善了该品牌的混合动力产品线。Urus SE[2],首款 PHEV(插电式混合动力汽车)版本的豪华超级 SUV,以及 Revuelto[3],首款输出功率为 1015 CV 的 HPEV (高性能电动汽车) 混合动力超级跑车均在展会上亮相。来宾们体验了兰博基尼与意大利豪华音响品牌 Sonus faber 的新合作,为 Revuelto 进行了独家车载音响系统演示,展现了意大利艺术和高品质工艺。

Lamborghini Squadra Corse 展示了三款赛车模型,包括 SC63,这是今年早些时候在 FIA 世界耐力锦标赛和 IMSA WeatherTech 跑车锦标赛上首次亮相的首款 Lamborghini 混合动力赛车原型。与 SC63 一同亮相的还有 Huracán GT3 EVO2,后者由 Lamborghini Squadra Corse 基于 Huracán STO 设计和开发,以及 Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2,这是有史以来为单一品牌系列赛设计的最高性能版本。此外,与赛车界紧密相关的 Roger Dubuis 展示了其最新的超级腕表 Excalibur Spider Flyback Chronograph。这款腕表受到超级跑车工程学的启发,全速奔向超级钟表的未来,并向 Roger Dubuis 与 Lamborghini Squadra Corse 的长期合作伙伴关系致敬。为了庆祝这一时刻,罗杰杜彼为这款全新的 45 毫米腕表配上了与 SC63 赛车相同的 Verde Mantis 色调。

每年,圆石滩车展都会吸引数以千计的全球汽车爱好者和专家,他们重视汽车优雅的传统。在圆石滩概念草坪 35 周年之际,兰博基尼 Temerario 以其技术和风格创新脱颖而出,展示了最受期待的概念和未来梦想。最精美的收藏车也聚集在著名的圆石滩高尔夫球场第 18 球道上,争夺最佳展品的称号。兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann 和设计总监 Mitja Borkert 今年再次担任荣誉评委,参加周日的颁奖典礼。

[1]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94 EC 指令约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型批准阶段。

[2] Urus SE 的消耗和排放值:综合燃油消耗:2.08 l/100km;综合功耗:39.5 kWh/100 Km;综合二氧化碳排放量:51.25 g/km;综合二氧化碳效率等级:B;电池放电后的综合燃油消耗:12.9 l/100km;综合二氧化碳排放量和电池放电后的效率等级:G;[WLTP]。

[3] Revuelto 的消耗和排放值:综合燃料消耗:11,86 l/100km;综合功耗:10,1 kWh/100 Km;综合二氧化碳排放量:276 g/km;综合二氧化碳效率等级:G;电池放电后的综合燃料消耗:17,8 l/100km;综合二氧化碳排放量及电池放电后效率等级:G;[WLTP]。

Lamborghini spotlights excellence in performance during 73rd annual Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance


DATE: 19 Aug 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese/Pebble Beach, California

The all-new Temerario showcased at the Lamborghini Lounge and on the famed Concept Lawn

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Pebble Beach, California, 19 August 2024 – For Monterey Car Week 2024, Automobili Lamborghini welcomed VIP guests to the exclusive Lamborghini Lounge Monterey, a private villa transformed into a curated brand experience that not only reflects modern Italian heritage but embraces pushing boundaries in “driving humans beyond”. The newly unveiled Lamborghini Temerario[1] was featured at the Lamborghini Lounge in two new dedicated colors, Blu Marinus (blue) and Verde Mercurius (green), which for the first time will also be available at launch with the ‘Alleggerita’ (lightweight) package for customers more inclined to track driving.

The Temerario represents the new benchmark in the super sports car segment, thanks to its best-in-class performance. Throughout the weekend at the Lamborghini Lounge, guests had the opportunity to dive deeper into why the new Temerario is so unique. A mixed reality (MR) immersive experience enabled them to see virtual elements alongside the physical car, including aerodynamics and the impressive engine detail.

To celebrate excellence in performance Lamborghini also exhibited its latest models that together with Temerario, complete the hybridization of the brand’s line-up. The Urus SE[2], the first PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) version of the luxury Super SUV, and the Revuelto[3], the first HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle) hybrid super sports car delivering 1015 CV were both on view. Guests experienced Lamborghini’s new collaboration with the luxury Italian audio brand Sonus faber, delivering an exclusive in-car sound system demonstration for the Revuelto featuring Italian artistry and high-quality craftsmanship.

Lamborghini Squadra Corse showcased three motorsports models including the SC63, the first Lamborghini hybrid racecar prototype that debuted earlier this year in both FIA World Endurance Championship and IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship. The SC63 was accompanied by the Huracán GT3 EVO2, designed and developed by Lamborghini Squadra Corse based on the Huracán STO, and the Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2, the most high-performance version ever designed to race in the one-make series. Additionally, Roger Dubuis, which is closely aligned with the world of racing, presented their latest super charged timepiece, the Excalibur Spider Flyback Chronograph. Inspired by supercar engineering, the timepiece races at full speed toward the future of Hyper Horology and a tribute to Roger Dubuis long-lasting partnership with Lamborghini Squadra Corse. For the occasion, Roger Dubuis has adorned the new 45mm timepiece in the same Verde Mantis shade that’s on the SC63 racecar.

Each year the Pebble Beach Concours draws together thousands of the world’s automotive enthusiasts and experts who value the tradition of elegance in automobiles. On the 35th anniversary of the Pebble Beach Concept Lawn, which showcases the most anticipated concepts and dreams of tomorrow, the Lamborghini Temerario stood out to the crowd with its technical and stylistic innovation. The finest collector cars also gather on the 18th fairway of the renowned Pebble Beach Golf Links to compete to be named Best in Show. Both Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, along with Design Director, Mitja Borkert, returned again this year as Honorary Judges to serve in Sunday’s ceremonies.

[1] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94 EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data are in the type of approval stage.

[2] Consumption and emission values of Urus SE: Combined fuel consumption: 2,08 l/100km; Combined power consumption: 39,5 kWh/100 Km; Combined CO2 emissions: 51,25 g/km; Combined CO2 efficiency class: B; Combined fuel consumption with discharged battery: 12,9 l/100km; Combined CO2 emissions and discharged battery efficiency classes: G; [WLTP].

[3] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto: Combined fuel consumption: 11,86 l/100km; Combined power consumption: 10,1 kWh/100 Km; Combined CO2 emissions: 276 g/km; Combined CO2 efficiency class: G; Combined fuel consumption with discharged battery: 17,8 l/100km; Combined CO2 emissions and discharged battery efficiency classes: G; [WLTP].


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