
兰博基尼在印度推出 Urus SE:首款插电式混合动力超级 SUV

日期: 2024 年 8 月 9 日 | 德里


全新设计,800 CV 功率,电动模式下续航里程超过 60 公里,性能一流,最高时速同级领先

德里,2024 年 8 月 9 日- 兰博基尼汽车公司推出印度首款插电式混合动力超级 SUV Urus SE [1],开启了其历史的新篇章。这款 PHEV(插电式混合动力汽车)版本采用全新设计、优化的空气动力学、前所未有的车载技术和 800 CV 混合动力系统,在舒适性、性能、效率、排放​​和驾驶乐趣方面均超越了 Urus S。得益于其“两颗心”,即热能和电力,扭矩和功率值达到了有史以来的最高水平,使 SE 在同类车型中占据独特地位,并将排放量减少了 80%。

“Urus SE 体现了我们品牌的 DNA,证明了我们在驾驶乐趣和动态性能方面对创新和卓越的不懈追求。我很自豪地向印度的所有客户和粉丝展示我们 SUV 系列中最强大的版本。新款 Urus SE 为电动化阶段超级 SUV 的进化时代奠定了基础,也是该品牌的一个重要里程碑。我相信 Urus SE 将延续 Urus 产品线在印度的成功故事,” 兰博基尼汽车亚太区区域总监 Francesco Scardaoni表示。


Urus SE 还通过插电式混合动力系统提供无与伦比的驾驶体验,这有助于提高车辆在任何路面和任何条件下的性能和动力:通过创新的技术解决方案,例如在两个车轴之间引入电动扭矩矢量系统和电子后差速器,可以在任何转速下提供更大的扭矩和功率。

双涡轮增压 4.0 V8 发动机经过重新设计,可与电动动力系统实现最佳协同作用。它可产生 620 CV 功率(456 kW)和 800 Nm 驱动扭矩;燃烧装置与电动动力系统相结合,可提供 192 CV(141 kW)和 483 Nm 扭矩。在提供最大输出时,主要重点是 ICE 和电动机之间的校准策略,总输出达到 800 CV,以确保在每种驾驶模式和每种路面上都能实现最佳功率曲线。25.9 kWh 锂离子电池位于载货地板下方和电子控制后差速器上方。

位于 8 速自动变速箱内的​​永磁同步电动机既可以作为 V8 内燃机的助推器,也可以作为牵引元件,使 Urus SE 成为一款 100% 电动四轮驱动汽车,在电动模式下可行驶超过 60 公里。

Urus SE 首次搭载了全新中央纵向电动扭矩矢量系统,该系统配备电控液压多片离合器,可在前后轴之间连续可变地分配驱动扭矩。分动箱与安装在后轴上的全新电子限滑差速器协同工作,使车辆“按需”过度转向,从而传达出纯正超级跑车的感觉。


Urus SE 是同类车型中独一无二的车型,在任何转速或驾驶条件下都能提供更大的扭矩和功率。该系统在 6000 rpm 时可产生 800 CV(588 kW)的总功率输出,在 1750 rpm 和最高 5750 rpm 时即可产生 950 Nm 的总扭矩,确保从各个角度都能提供一流的性能。这也要归功于进一步增强的重量功率比:3.13 kg/CV(而 Urus S 为 3.3)。Urus SE 从 0 加速到 100 km/h 仅需 3.4 秒(Urus S:3.5),从 0 加速到 200 km/h 仅需 11.2 秒(Urus S:12.5),最高时速可达 312 km/h(Urus S:305 km/h)。这些数据使 SE 成为有史以来最强大的 Urus 和同类车型中速度最快的量产车,为超级 SUV 类别树立了新的标杆。


Urus SE 重新定义了改变 SUV 设计范式的车型风格准则,同时其线条也进行了更新,明确目标是优化空气动力学效率。

设计突出了动感的造型,突出了车辆的运动感和肌肉感。前部采用悬浮式设计的全新引擎盖,没有了分界线,给人一种连续感,并放大了 Urus SE 的运动风格,让人想起 Revuelto 引入的某些新造型概念。其他新元素包括采用矩阵 LED 技术的前灯组,引入了受兰博基尼品牌公牛尾巴启发的全新灯光特征,以及重新设计的保险杠和前格栅。

车尾的货舱舱口经过了彻底的重新设计,采用了 Gallardo 风格的连续性设计,将 Y 形尾灯组和新的后扩散器连接在一起,使车身线条协调一致,赋予车辆更加运动的比例。与新的扰流板配合使用,扩散器在高速行驶时将后下压力比 Urus S 增加了 35%,进一步提高了车辆的稳定性。

新的底盘通风口和改进的空气管道也提高了空气动力学效率,它们可以引导更多的气流来冷却机械和发动机部件:比原来的 Urus 增加了 15%。前部的新设计,加上空气动力学底部的优化,还改善了专用于制动系统的气流管理,空气冷却比以前的系统提高了 30%。


车舱经过更新,凸显了兰博基尼标志性的“飞行员般的感觉”设计 DNA,仪表板前部采用全新解决方案,并强调了 Revuelto 上已引入的轻量化感觉。

仪表板中央安装了一个更大的屏幕(现在为 12.3 英寸),配备了新版人机界面 (HMI),使用起来更加直观,图形也经过了更新,与 Revuelto 一致。兰博基尼 Centro Stile 设计师还将设计重点放在通风口、具有独特 Y 形的阳极氧化铝饰件以及新的面板、座椅和仪表板覆盖物上。机械按钮面板给人一种更触感的感觉。

驾驶员可以使用 12.3 英寸数字仪表盘和上述 12.3 英寸触摸屏显示屏,它们集成在仪表板中央和兰博基尼信息娱乐系统 (LIS) 的核心。它还包括 SE 专用的遥测系统和与驾驶辅助系统相关的新显示屏,可以更好地感知周围环境。


Urus SE 提供一系列在同类车型中无与伦比的定制选项。合金轮毂经过升级,采用 23 英寸 Galanthus 轮圈,并标配全新倍耐力 P Zero 轮胎。有三种专用 P Zero,尺寸从 21 英寸到 23 英寸,可满足客户对舒适性和运动性的不同要求。Scorpion Winter 2 轮胎适用于寒冷季节。所有这些产品均采用倍耐力 Elect 技术,该技术旨在增强首款电动 Urus 的特性。

颜色范围也得到了扩展,现在有 100 多种车身选择,包括推出时提供的两种新颜色:Arancio Egon(橙色)与 Arancio Apodis(橙色)内饰相结合,以及 Bianco Sapphirus(白色)与 Terra Kedros(赤陶色)内饰相结合。内饰选项包括 47 种颜色组合和四种刺绣(Q-citura 缝线),通过 Ad Personam 计划提供额外的潜力,使车主能够将他们的 Urus SE 打造成真正的独一无二。


在控制台的中央,“tamburo”选择器单元用于选择不同的驾驶模式。由于引入了混合动力系统,六种 Urus 驾驶模式与四种新的电动性能策略 (EPS) 相结合,总共有 11 种选择。Strada、Sport 和 Corsa 模式(用于公路和赛道)以及 Neve、Sabbia 和 Terra 模式(用于抓地力不同于沥青的路面)现在配有 EV Drive、Hybrid、Performance 和 Recharge 选项。

EV Drive 让驾驶员能够体验和充分利用电动潜力。它专为城市驾驶而开发和调校,可提供超过 60 公里的电动续航里程,最高时速超过 130 公里/小时。超过此速度时,V8 发动机会自动支持电动机,即使扭矩需求超过电动机的最大扭矩也是如此。

在 Strada 模式下可选择混合动力模式,该模式可提供最高的效率和舒适度,同时实现内燃机和电动机之间的最佳平衡,因此是日常驾驶中最通用的选择。在 Strada、Sport、Corsa 和 Neve 模式下可选择充电模式,可在保持最佳性能的同时为电池充电高达 80%。性能模式适合那些想要充分发挥 Urus SE 潜力的人,他们不仅希望在 Strada、Sport 和 Corsa 模式下,还希望在 Sabbia 和 Terra 模式下发挥其全部潜力,从而凸显超级 SUV 在柏油路面之外的动态品质。

根据所选的驾驶模式,车辆的空气弹簧会调整离地间隙,行程范围从 Corsa 的 15 毫米到启动升降系统时的 75 毫米。调整转向、驾驶性能和双涡轮 V8 发动机声音的参数也是可变的,这反映在 Urus SE 的“个性”中。

空气悬架系统的调校得到了特别的关注,以突出每种驾驶模式。对于 Strada,开发工作提高了 Urus S 本已很高的舒适度。运动模式为驾驶注入了更多乐趣,增强了新变速箱的特性,使漂移的开始和持续更加容易。在专为赛道驾驶设计的 Corsa 模式下,Urus SE 充分发挥了其动态潜力。这在一定程度上要归功于悬架 ECU/电子设备,它控制底盘运动(俯仰、偏航、侧倾和泵送),使车辆在赛道边缘之间以及困难和低抓地力的路面上非常稳定和灵敏,这要归功于 48v 电子系统管理的防倾杆。Neve、Sabbia 和 Terra 模式都经过了优化,以最大限度地提高车轮行程和地面力的一致性,从而在任何路面上获得最佳牵引力。


[1]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令的约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型核准阶段

Lamborghini presents Urus SE in India: The first Plug-in Hybrid Super SUV

DATE: 09 Aug 2024   |   Delhi

New design, 800 CV of power, over 60km range in electric mode, with best-in-class performance and top speed in its category

Delhi, 9 August 2024 – Automobili Lamborghini opens a new chapter in its history with the launch of Urus SE[1], the first plug-in hybrid Super SUV in India. Featuring a new design, optimized aerodynamics, unprecedented on-board technology and an 800 CV hybrid powertrain, the PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) version moves on Urus S in terms of comfort, performance, efficiency, emissions and driving pleasure. Thanks to its “two hearts”, thermal and electric, the torque and power values are the highest ever, giving the SE a unique place in its category and boasting an 80% reduction in emissions.

“The Urus SE embodies our brand’s DNA and is a testament to our relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in both being fun to drive and dynamic performance. I am proud to present the most powerful version of our SUV lineup to all our customers and fans in India. The new Urus SE sets the stage for an era of Super SUV evolution in the electrification phase, and it is also a significant milestone for the brand. I am confident that the Urus SE will continue the success story of the Urus product line in India,” said Francesco Scardaoni, Region Director of Automobili Lamborghini Asia Pacific.

An unmatched driving experience

The Urus SE offers an unparalleled driving experience also thanks to the plug-in hybrid system, which helps to improve the vehicle’s performance and dynamics on any surface and in any condition: more torque and power at any rpm is provided by way of innovative technical solutions such as the introduction of the electric torque vectoring system between the two axles, and the electronic rear differential.

The twin-turbo 4.0 V8 engine has been re-engineered to work in optimal synergy with the electric powertrain. It develops 620 CV of power (456 kW) and 800 Nm of driving torque; the combustion unit is combined with an electric powertrain delivering 192 CV (141 kW) and 483 Nm of torque. In delivering maximum output the main focus has been on the calibration strategy between ICE and e-motor, reaching a total output of 800 CV to ensure an optimal power curve in every driving mode and on every surface. A 25.9-kWh lithium-ion battery is situated below the load floor and above the electronically controlled rear differential.

The permanent-magnet synchronous electric motor located inside the 8-speed automatic transmission can act as a boost for the V8 combustion engine but also as a traction element, making the Urus SE a 100% electric 4WD vehicle capable of traveling more than 60 km in EV mode.

Debuting on the Urus SE is the new centrally located longitudinal electric torque vectoring system with an electro-hydraulic multi-plate clutch, which distributes driving torque variably and continuously between the front and rear axles. The transfer case works in synergy with the new electronic limited-slip differential installed on the rear axle, giving the vehicle “on demand” oversteering to convey the feel of a purebred super sports car.

Both systems are designed and calibrated to best suit any type of grip condition and driving style, providing the maximum traction and agility whether driving on a racetrack or desert dunes, ice or dirt.

Unique in its category, the Urus SE offers greater torque and power at any rpm or driving condition. The system develops a total power output of 800 CV (588 kW) at 6000 rpm and a total torque of 950 Nm already available at 1750 rpm and up to 5750 rpm, ensuring best-in-class performance from every angle. This is also thanks to a further enhanced weight-to-power ratio: 3.13 kg/CV (compared to 3.3 in the Urus S). The Urus SE sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds (Urus S: 3.5) and from 0 to 200 km/h in just 11.2 seconds (Urus S: 12.5), reaching a top speed of 312 km/h (Urus S: 305 km/h). These figures make the SE the most powerful Urus ever and the fastest production car in the segment, setting a new benchmark in the Super SUV category.

Design and aerodynamics

The Urus SE redefines the stylistic canons of a model that shifted the paradigms of SUV design, while at the same time its lines have been updated with the express objective of optimizing aerodynamic efficiency.

The design highlights the dynamics of the form, accentuating the vehicle’s sportiness and muscularity. The front section features a new hood with a floating design, where the absence of the cut-off line gives a sense of continuity and amplifies the athletic style of the Urus SE, recalling certain new styling concepts introduced by the Revuelto. Other new elements include the headlight clusters that feature matrix LED technology, introducing a brand-new light signature inspired by the tail of the Lamborghini brand’s bull, along with a redesigned bumper and front grill.

At the rear, the cargo compartment hatch has been completely redesigned, introducing a Gallardo-inspired continuity that harmonizes the lines by connecting the taillight clusters with “Y” lights and the new rear diffuser, which gives the vehicle even sportier proportions. Together with the new spoiler, the diffuser increases rear downforce by 35% at high speeds compared to the Urus S, further enhancing the vehicle’s stability.

Aerodynamic efficiency is also improved by new under-body air vents and revamped air ducts, which channel more airflow to cool the mechanical and engine components: a 15% increase over the original Urus. The new design of the front section, combined with an optimization of the aerodynamic underside, has also improved the management of airflows dedicated to the braking system, with a 30% improvement in air cooling over the previous system.


The cabin has been updated to highlight Lamborghini’s signature “feel like a pilot” design DNA, featuring new solutions throughout the front section of the dashboard and accentuating the lightweight feeling already introduced on the Revuelto.

A larger screen – now 12.3 inches – installed in the center of the dashboard features a new version of the Human Machine Interface (HMI) that is even more intuitive to use with updated graphics, consistent with that of the Revuelto. The Lamborghini Centro Stile designers also directed their design focus on the air vents; the anodized aluminum trim elements with the unmistakable Y shape; and the new panel, seat, and dashboard coverings. The mechanical pushbutton panel gives a more tactile feel.

The driver can make use of the 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster and the aforementioned 12.3-inch touchscreen display, integrated into the center of the dashboard and the heart of the Lamborghini Infotainment System (LIS). It also includes a dedicated telemetry system for the SE and new displays related to the driving assistance system that allow for better perception of the surrounding environment.


The Urus SE offers a range of customization options that is unrivaled in its category. The alloy wheels are updated with the introduction of 23” Galanthus rims paired as standard with new Pirelli P Zero tyres. There are three dedicated P Zeros, from 21″ to 23″, to meet customers’ different requirements for comfort and sportiness. Scorpion Winter 2 tyres are available for the cold season. All these products feature Pirelli Elect technology, developed to enhance the characteristics of the first electrified Urus.

The color range has also been expanded, with more than 100 bodywork options now available, including two new colors offered at launch: Arancio Egon (orange), in combination with an interior in Arancio Apodis (orange), and Bianco Sapphirus (white) with interior in Terra Kedros (terracotta).The interior options include an array of 47 color combinations and four types of embroidery (Q-citura stitching), with the additional potential offered via the Ad Personam program, which enables owners to make their Urus SE a true one-of-a-kind.

Four different personalities

In the center of the console, the “tamburo” selector unit is used for choosing the different driving modes. Thanks to the introduction of the hybrid powertrain, the six Urus driving modes are combined with four new Electric Performance Strategies (EPS), for a total of eleven options. The Strada, Sport, and Corsa modes (for road and track use), and the Neve, Sabbia, and Terra modes (for surfaces with a different grip than asphalt) are now accompanied by the EV Drive, Hybrid, Performance, and Recharge options.

EV Drive allows the driver to experience and exploit the electric potential at its best. Especially developed and calibrated for urban driving, it delivers over 60 km in electric range as well as reaching a maximum speed of over 130 km/h. Above this speed the V8 engine automatically supports the electric motor, likewise if the torque demands exceed the maximum available from the electric motor.

Hybrid, which can be selected when driving in Strada mode, provides the maximum efficiency and comfort along with optimal balance between combustion engine and the electric motor, and is therefore the most versatile option for everyday driving. Recharge, which can be selected in Strada, Sport, Corsa and Neve modes, recharges up to 80% of the battery while maintaining optimal performance. The Performance option is the experience for those who want to appreciate the full potential of the Urus SE not only in Strada, Sport and Corsa modes but also in Sabbia and Terra, highlighting the dynamic qualities of the Super SUV even beyond the asphalt.

Depending on the driving mode selected, the vehicle’s air springs adjust for ground clearance, with travel ranging from 15 mm in Corsa up to 75 mm when the lifting system is activated. The parameters that adjust steering, drivability and the sound of the twin-turbo V8 are also variable, reflected in the “personality” of the Urus SE.

Special attention was given to the calibration of the air suspension system to highlight each driving mode. For Strada, the development work improved the already high level of comfort of the Urus S. Sport mode injects even more fun into driving, enhancing the characteristics of the new transmission to facilitate the start and continuation of drift. In Corsa, the mode designed expressly for track driving, the Urus SE expresses its full dynamic potential. This is thanks in part to the suspension ECU/electronics, which controls the chassis movements (pitch, yaw, roll and pumping) to make the vehicle extremely stable and responsive between the curbs of a racetrack, as well as on difficult and low-grip surfaces thanks to the anti-roll bars managed by the 48v electronic system. The Neve, Sabbia, and Terra modes have all been optimized to maximize wheel travel and the consistency of ground forces for the best traction on any surface.


[1] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data are in the type approval stage


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