
BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2024 年 8 月 6 日

在我们的 BMW M 赛车新闻中,我们定期为您提供精选照片以及有关全球各种锦标赛的赛车活动和 BMW M 赛车团队成功的简洁而翔实的概述。


BMW M 赛车运动部客户赛车主管 Björn Lellmann:


“我们仍然对上周五纽伯格林赛道围场发生的可怕事故感到震惊。我代表 BMW M Motorsport 祝愿所有受影响的人早日康复!我们在埃菲尔地区对 BMW M4 GT3 EVO 进行了首次 Nordschleife 测试。测试进展顺利,为我们 2025 赛季的比赛部署提供了宝贵的见解。周六,BMW M Motorsport 车队在 NLS 的同一地点取得了多项级别胜利。IMSA 系列赛和 GT4 澳大利亚赛也取得了强劲成绩。我向大家表示祝贺,尽管在这样的周末很难专注于比赛。”



BMW M4 GT3 EVO 测试(8 月 2):在 Nordschleife 赛道成功首发。


纽伯格林北环赛道 (GER) 不仅是 BMW M 所有量产车的终极耐力测试,也是 BMW M Motorsport 所有赛车的终极耐力测试。因此,BMW M4 GT3 EVO 于上周五在“绿色地狱”首次亮相,该车将从 2025 赛季开始取代 GT 赛车中的当前顶级车型。BMW M 车队车手 Jens Klingmann (GER) 和 Augusto Farfus (BRA) 完成了无数圈的测试并收集了宝贵的数据。克林曼得出了一个非常积极的结论:“纽博格林赛道因其独特的特性,对赛车提出了特殊的挑战。我们非常高兴,在对 BMW M4 GT3 EVO 进行首次测试后,我们已经能够提供非常积极的反馈。从第一圈开始,这辆车的基础就非常好,特别是在驾驶性能方面。作为一名车手,你会立刻对 BMW M4 GT3 EVO 充满信心。这些都是现在进行微调并进一步提高性能的最佳条件。我迫不及待地想在 2025 年驾驶新车首次亮相比赛。”



NLS(8 月 3):纽博格林北环赛道第四赛季运行。


经过数周的休赛,纽伯格林耐力系列赛 (NLS) 2024 赛季于上周末继续进行。今年的第四场赛车赛事因周五晚上发生的一起悲剧事件而蒙上了阴影,根据目前警方的报告,事故造成 29 人受伤,其中 4 人伤势严重。科布伦茨警察局表示,事故原因是维修站后面的一个压缩空气瓶爆炸,目前尚无进一步调查结果。整个 BMW M Motorsport 家族都与受影响的车队和亲属同在,祝愿所有伤者早日康复。


在本赛季第四场 NLS 比赛 ROWE 6h ADAC Ruhr-Pokal-Rennen 上,BMW M Motorsport 车队共获得八次组别冠军。由于 Hatzenbach 地区的大雨导致多辆汽车相撞,比赛不得不暂停一段时间。


在竞争激烈的 SP10 级别中,FK Performance Motorsport 车队重返北环赛道后夺得冠军。Leyton Fourie(南非)和 Joseph Warhurst(英国)轮流驾驶 187 号宝马 M4 GT4。SP10 领奖台上的第三名也属于宝马 M4 GT4,即 Walkenhorst Motorsport 的 191 号车,由 Tobias Wahl 和 Florian Weber(德国)驾驶。Jimmy Broadbent、Steve Brown(均为英国)和 Manuel Metzger(瑞士)三人驾驶 150 号宝马 M4 GT4 赢得了 SP8T 级别。


在同样竞争激烈的 VT2-R+4WD 级别中,SRS Team Sorg Rennsport 夺得了冠军,Piet-Jan Ooms (荷兰)、Kurt Strube (德国)、Kasparas Vingilis (立陶宛) 和 Francesco Bugane (意大利) 驾驶 504 号宝马 330i。V4 级别的冠军由 Romano Schultz 和 Florian Kramer (均为德国人) 驾驶 731 号宝马 325i 获得。在 VT3 级别中,Keeevin Sports and Racing 团队的车手 Jörg Schönfelder、Valentin Lachenmayer、Zoran Radulovic (均为德国人) 和 Guido Wirtz (瑞士) 驾驶 460 号宝马 335i 获得第一名。 H4 组别再次由 Hofor Racing 车队夺得,Michael Kroll、Alexander Prinz(均为瑞士人)和 Jürgen Lars Zander(德国人)驾驶 604 号 BMW M3 E46。BMW M2 CS Racing 和 BMW M240i Racing 分别参加了各自的杯赛组别。Hofor Racing 和 Bonk Motorsport 以及 Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheels 分别夺得了冠军。



GT4 澳大利亚(8 月 2日至4 日:BMW M 赛车队在昆士兰庆祝胜利。


GT4 澳大利亚的 BMW M Motorsport 车队在本赛季第三场赛事中驾驶 BMW M4 GT4 继续保持连胜势头。在昆士兰赛道 (澳大利亚),他们在 8 月的第一个周末庆祝了更多级别的胜利。


在 Pro-Am 组别中,Thunder Buddies Racing 车队的 Ryder Quinn 和 Steve Jakic(均为澳大利亚人)驾驶 3 号宝马 M4 GT4 赢得了周六的比赛。在周日的第二场比赛中,两人在该组别中排名第四。在 Am 组别中,Randall Racing 车队收获了更多奖杯。John Bowe 和 Jacob Lawrence(均为澳大利亚人)驾驶 32 号宝马 M4 GT4 在两场比赛中均获得该组别冠军。他们的队友 Jamie Augustine 和 Peter Lawrence(均为澳大利亚人)驾驶 33 号赛车在该组别领奖台上分别获得第二名和第三名。



日本超级 GT 系列赛 (8 月 2至 4 日) :布鲁诺·斯宾格勒 (Bruno Spengler) 重返日本赛场。


宝马 M 车队车手 Bruno Spengler(加拿大)上周末重返日本超级 GT 系列赛。在本赛季第四轮、富士(日本)350 公里的比赛中,他再次驾驶 Team Studie 7 号宝马 M4 GT3 赛车出战。他与 Niklas Krütten(德国)和 Seiji Ara(日本)轮流驾驶。三人从第十位发车,在 70 圈后排名第七。



IMSA 米其林飞行员挑战赛(8 月 2日至4 日 :Road America 上的三辆宝马 M4 GT4 进入前十名。


作为 IMSA Road America 赛事的一部分,IMSA 米其林 Pilot Challenge 也于上周末在美国埃尔克哈特湖附近的赛道举行。在两小时的比赛中,共有三辆 BMW M4 GT4 进入前十名。


第六名由 CarBahn Motorsports 车队的 Sean McAlister 和 Jeff Westphal(均为美国人)驾驶 39 号宝马 M4 GT4 获得。紧随其后的是 Turner Motorsport 车队的 Robby Foley 和 Francis Selldorff(均为美国人)获得第七名,并夺得方格旗。他们的队友 Dillon Machavern 和 Robert Megennis(均为美国人)在两小时的比赛后排名第九。



ESET 杯系列赛(8 月 2至 4):在大多数赛事周末中获得三项级别胜利。


ESET 杯系列赛中的 BMW M Motorsport 车队在 Most (CZE) 的比赛周末中进一步扩大了他们的成功记录。在耐力赛中,Gregor Zsigo (SVK) 和 Dennis Waszek (CZE) 驾驶 Trevor Racing 的 #24 BMW M6 GT3 获得总成绩第二名,并夺得 GT3 组冠军。此外,Antal Zsigo (SVK) 驾驶 BMW M6 GT3 在两场冲刺赛的第二场比赛中获得 GT3 组第三名。同时,在 GT4 组别中,Rudolf Beňo (SVK) 驾驶 Aries Racing 的 #444 BMW M4 GT4 领先。他在两场冲刺赛中均获得组别冠军。



BTCC(7 月 27 日28):科林·特金顿 (Colin Turkington) 达到 70 场胜利的里程碑。


七月的最后一个周末,科林·特金顿 (Colin Turkington) (英国) 被誉为英国房车锦标赛 (BTCC) 的“克罗夫特之王”,这位宝马车手再次证明了这一点。英国房车系列赛重返克罗夫特 (英国),特金顿不仅庆祝了他在这条赛道上的第 15 次胜利,还创下了 BTCC 总共 70 次胜利的辉煌里程碑。在三场比赛的第一场比赛中,这位四届冠军驾驶着宝马车队的 20 号宝马 330e M Sport 从杆位出发,包括最快的比赛圈,从头到尾毫无悬念地夺冠。另外两场比赛对特金顿来说更具挑战性,他分别获得第九名和第十四名。


杰克·希尔 (Jake Hill)(英国 / Laser Tools Racing 车队,MB Motorsport 车队)分别获得第六、第十六和第五名,在克罗夫特比赛周末后位居车手积分榜第二位。来自宝马车队的亚当·摩根 (Adam Morgan)(英国)在三场比赛中分别获得第十三、第十七和第九名。

BMW M Motorsport News, 6th August 2024.

In our BMW M Motorsport News, we regularly offer you a selection of photos as well as a compact and informative overview of the racing action in various championships worldwide and the successes of the BMW M Motorsport teams.


Björn Lellmann, Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport:


“We are all still shocked by the terrible accident last Friday in the Nürburgring paddock. On behalf of BMW M Motorsport, I wish all those affected a speedy recovery! We were on site in the Eifel area to conduct the first Nordschleife test with the BMW M4 GT3 EVO. That went well and provided us with valuable insights for the race deployment for the 2025 season. On Saturday, the BMW M Motorsport teams achieved numerous class victories at the same place in the NLS. There were also strong results in the IMSA series and GT4 Australia. I congratulate everybody, even though it is difficult to focus on sport on such a weekend.”



BMW M4 GT3 EVO Test (2nd August): Successful premiere on the Nordschleife.


The Nürburgring-Nordschleife (GER) is not only the ultimate endurance test for all BMW M production vehicles but also for all BMW M Motorsport race cars. For this reason, the BMW M4 GT3 EVO, which will replace the current top model in GT racing from the 2025 season, made its debut last Friday in the “Green Hell.” BMW M works drivers Jens Klingmann (GER) and Augusto Farfus (BRA) completed numerous laps and collected valuable data. Klingmann drew a very positive conclusion: “The Nordschleife, due to its unique characteristics, poses particular challenges to a race car. We are all the more pleased that we can already provide very positive feedback after our first test with the BMW M4 GT3 EVO. The car’s base was extremely good from the first lap, especially in terms of drivability. As a driver, you immediately have full confidence in the BMW M4 GT3 EVO. These are optimal conditions to now move on to fine-tuning and thereby further improve performance. I can hardly wait for the first race appearances in 2025 with the new car.”



NLS (3rd August): Fourth season run on the Nürburgring-Nordschleife.


After a several-week break, the 2024 season of the Nürburgring Endurance Series (NLS) continued last weekend. The fourth racing event of the year was overshadowed by a tragic incident on Friday evening, in which, according to current police reports, 29 people were injured, four of them seriously. The cause of the accident, according to the Koblenz police headquarters pending further investigation results, was the explosion of a compressed air bottle behind a pit box. The entire BMW M Motorsport family’s thoughts are with the affected teams and relatives, wishing all the injured a speedy recovery.


In the fourth NLS run of the season, the ROWE 6h ADAC Ruhr-Pokal-Rennen on Saturday, BMW M Motorsport teams secured a total of eight class victories. The race had to be interrupted for some time after heavy rain in the Hatzenbach area caused an accident involving several vehicles.


In the fiercely contested SP10 class, the FK Performance Motorsport team claimed victory on its return to the Nordschleife. Leyton Fourie (RSA) and Joseph Warhurst (GBR) alternated in the #187 BMW M4 GT4. Third place on the SP10 podium also went to a BMW M4 GT4, the #191 from Walkenhorst Motorsport, driven by Tobias Wahl and Florian Weber (GER). The trio of Jimmy Broadbent, Steve Brown (both GBR), and Manuel Metzger (SUI) won the SP8T class with the #150 BMW M4 GT4.


In the also highly competitive VT2-R+4WD class, SRS Team Sorg Rennsport prevailed, with Piet-Jan Ooms (NED), Kurt Strube (GER), Kasparas Vingilis (LTU), and Francesco Bugane (ITA) at the wheel of the #504 BMW 330i. Victory in the V4 class went to Romano Schultz and Florian Kramer (both GER) in the #731 BMW 325i. In the VT3 class, the Keeevin Sports and Racing team with drivers Jörg Schönfelder, Valentin Lachenmayer, Zoran Radulovic (all GER), and Guido Wirtz (SUI) in the #460 BMW 335i took first place. The H4 class once again went to the Hofor Racing team, with Michael Kroll, Alexander Prinz (both SUI), and Jürgen Lars Zander (GER) at the wheel of the #604 BMW M3 E46. The BMW M2 CS Racing and the BMW M240i Racing each competed in their own Cup classes. The victories were claimed by Hofor Racing by Bonk Motorsport and the Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheels.



GT4 Australia (2nd-4th August): BMW M Motorsport teams celebrate victories in Queensland.


BMW M Motorsport teams in GT4 Australia continued their winning streak with the BMW M4 GT4 at the third racing event of the season. At the Queensland Raceway (AUS), they celebrated further class victories on the first weekend of August.


In the Pro-Am class, Ryder Quinn and Steve Jakic (both AUS) in the #3 BMW M4 GT4 from Thunder Buddies Racing won the Saturday race. In the second run on Sunday, the duo finished fourth in the class. In the Am class, the Randall Racing team collected more trophies. John Bowe and Jacob Lawrence (both AUS) celebrated class victory in both races with the #32 BMW M4 GT4. Their teammates Jamie Augustine and Peter Lawrence (both AUS) in car #33 achieved a second and a third place on the class podium.



Japanese Super GT Series (2nd-4th August): Bruno Spengler back in action in Japan.


BMW M works driver Bruno Spengler (CAN) was back in action in the Japanese Super GT Series last weekend. At the fourth round of the season, the 350-kilometre race in Fuji (JPN), he once again started in the Team Studie #7 BMW M4 GT3. He alternated at the wheel with Niklas Krütten (GER) and Seiji Ara (JPN). The trio started the race from the tenth position and finished, after 70 race laps, in seventh place.



IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge (2nd-4th August): Three BMW M4 GT4s at Road America in the top ten.


As part of the IMSA Road America event, the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge also made a stop at the racetrack near Elkhart Lake (USA) last weekend. In the two-hour race, a total of three BMW M4 GT4s finished within the top ten.


Sixth place went to Sean McAlister and Jeff Westphal (both USA) in the #39 BMW M4 GT4 from CarBahn Motorsports. Right behind them, Robby Foley and Francis Selldorff (both USA) from Turner Motorsport was seventh to take the checkered flag. Their teammates Dillon Machavern and Robert Megennis (both USA) finished ninth after two hours of racing.



ESET Cup Series (2nd-4th August): Three class victories at the Most racing weekend.


BMW M Motorsport teams in the ESET Cup Series further expanded their success record at the racing weekend at Most (CZE). In the endurance race, Gregor Zsigo (SVK) and Dennis Waszek (CZE) in the #24 BMW M6 GT3 from Trevor Racing finished second overall and secured the win in the GT3 class. Additionally, Antal Zsigo (SVK) finished third in the GT3 class in the second of the two sprint races with the BMW M6 GT3. Meanwhile, in the GT4 category, Rudolf Beňo (SVK) in the #444 BMW M4 GT4 from Aries Racing led the way. He won his class in both sprint races.



BTCC (27th-28th July): Colin Turkington reaches the milestone of 70 wins.


That Colin Turkington (GBR) is rightly known as the “King of Croft” in the British Touring Car Championship (BTCC) was proved once again by the BMW driver on the last weekend of July. The British touring car series returned to Croft (GBR), and Turkington not only celebrated his 15th win on this track but also reached the impressive milestone of a total of 70 BTCC wins. In the first of the three races, the four-time champion in the Team BMW #20 BMW 330e M Sport drove from pole position, including the fastest race lap, to an unchallenged start-to-finish victory. The other two races were more challenging for Turkington, where he finished ninth and fourteenth.


Jake Hill (GBR / Laser Tools Racing with MB Motorsport) achieved positions six, 16, and five and is in second place in the drivers’ standings after the Croft race weekend. Adam Morgan (GBR) from Team BMW finished the three races in 13th, 17th, and ninth places.


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