
2024 年前六个月,兰博基尼汽车销量增长

日期: 2024 年 7 月 29 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞


圣亚加塔·博洛涅塞,2024 年 7 月 29 日——得益于目前在圣亚加塔·博洛涅塞工厂生产的三款车型的商业成功,兰博基尼汽车公司 2024 年前六个月在交付量、收入和营业收入方面取得了创纪录的成绩:Revuelto [1]、Urus [2]和 Huracán [3]。具体来说,交付了 5,558 辆汽车,创造了 16.21 亿欧元的收入:比 2023 年同期增长 14.1%,营业利润增至创纪录的 4.58 亿欧元。

兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann 表示:“我们对 2024 年上半年取得的业绩感到非常自豪。我们正处于一个关键阶段,公司获得了历史上最大的一笔投资,主要目标是扩大我们的产品供应。这个过程需要大量资源,但这些努力对于维持我们的增长以及确保兰博基尼汽车公司继续创新并引领豪华超级跑车领域至关重要。”


兰博基尼汽车公司董事总经理兼首席财务官 Paolo Poma 表示:“我们很高兴看到我们的增长之路再次得到巩固。积极的趋势和强劲的订单量增强了信心,因此,即使在向混合动力汽车过渡的一年里,我们也可以确认关键财务和业务指标的增长,这反映了该品牌在豪华和超级跑车领域的实力。 ”

交付量方面,三大地区的汽车分布继续保持均衡,欧洲、中东和非洲地区、美洲和亚太地区分别交付了 2,498 辆、1,849 辆和 1,211 辆汽车。就各个市场而言,美国仍然处于领先地位(交付了 1,621 辆汽车),其次是德国(595 辆)、英国(514 辆)、日本(354 辆)、中国大陆、香港和澳门(337 辆)和意大利(268 辆)。订单量保持稳健,Revuelto 预计等待时间超过两年。对于 Huracán 来说,订单涵盖了整个生产周期,直到 12 月预计的生产线关闭。Urus SE [4]于 4 月底在北京国际汽车展览会上亮相,也得到了客户的广泛好评,订单覆盖了约一年的生产量。

这些结果证明了兰博基尼 Direzione Cor Tauri 计划所概述的战略的成功,该计划体现了该公司对持续脱碳的承诺,并且正在 2024 年进入其最重要的阶段之一。随着 Huracán 继任者的发布,另一个里程碑即将到来:8 月 16 日在蒙特雷汽车周上:去年 Lanzador 概念车在同一场地首次亮相,这是首款全电动车型的预览。这款全新的 HPEV(高性能电动汽车)超级跑车将标志着兰博基尼系列混合动力过程的完成,配备全新的双涡轮增压 V8 发动机与混合动力系统搭配,可提供一流的性能和驾驶体验。

[1] Revuelto 的消耗和排放值;综合油耗:10.3 l/100km(WLTP);综合电耗:78.1 kWh/100 Km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:276 g/km(WLTP)

[2]所有 Urus 车型的油耗和排放量值;综合油耗:14.1-12.7 升/100 公里(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:325-320 克/公里(WLTP)

[3]所有 Hurácan 车型的油耗和排放值;综合油耗:14.9-13.9 升/100 公里(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:338-328 克/公里(WLTP)

[4]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令的约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型核准阶段

Numbers increase for Automobili Lamborghini in the first six months of 2024

DATE: 29 Jul 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

Best-ever results for deliveries, revenues, and operating income

Sant’Agata Bolognese, July 29, 2024 – Automobili Lamborghini’s first six months of 2024 show record results in terms of deliveries, revenues and operating income, thanks to the commercial success of the three models currently produced at the Sant’Agata Bolognese plant: Revuelto[1], Urus[2] and Huracán[3]. In detail, 5,558 cars were delivered, generating revenues of €1,621 million: an increase of 14.1% over the same period of 2023 with operating profit rising to a record €458 million.

Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, remarked: “We are extremely proud of the results we achieved in the first half of 2024. We are going through a pivotal phase, supported by the largest investment in the company’s history, with the main objective of expanding our product offering. This process demands significant resources, yet these efforts are essential to sustain our growth and ensure that Automobili Lamborghini continues to innovate and lead in the luxury super sports car sector.”

Profitability reached 28.2%, demonstrating the success of the company’s strategy and the better balance between deliveries and financial parameters.

Paolo Poma, Managing Director and CFO of Automobili Lamborghini, commented: “We are pleased that our growth path has been consolidated once again. The positive trend and strong order bank bolster confidence so that, even in a year marked by the transition to hybrid, we can confirm growth of the key financial and business metrics, reflecting the brand’s strength in the luxury and super sports segment.”

In terms of deliveries, distribution of cars across the three macro-areas continues to be evenly balanced, with EMEA, Americas and APAC registering 2,498, 1,849 and 1,211 vehicles delivered, respectively. Regarding the individual markets, the United States remains in the lead (1,621 cars delivered), followed by Germany (595), the United Kingdom (514), Japan (354), the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao (337), and Italy (268). The order bank remains solid, with the Revuelto projecting a wait of more than two years. For the Huracán, orders cover the entire production run until the expected line closure in December. The Urus SE[4], unveiled at the end of April at the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, has also been met with a widespread positive response from customers, with orders covering around one-year’s production.

These results testify to the success of the strategy outlined by Lamborghini’s Direzione Cor Tauri program, which encapsulates the company’s commitment to continuous decarbonization, and which is undergoing one of its most important phases in 2024. Another milestone will soon be reached with the unveiling of the successor to the Huracán on August 16 at Monterey Car Week: the same venue that last year saw the debut of the Lanzador concept car, a preview of the first full-electric model. This new HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle) super sports car will mark the completion of the hybridization process of the Lamborghini range, featuring an all-new twin-turbo V8 engine paired with a hybrid system for best-in-class performance and driving experience.

[1] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP)

[2] Fuel consumption and emission values of all Urus models; Fuel consumption combined: 14,1-12,7 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 325-320 g/km (WLTP)

[3] Fuel consumption and emission values of all Hurácan models; Fuel consumption combined: 14,9-13.9 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 338-328 g/km (WLTP)

[4] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage


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