

日期: 2024 年 7 月 15 日 | 圣阿加塔博洛涅塞/切尔沃港



圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞/切尔沃港,2024 年 7 月 15 日—— 兰博基尼汽车公司连续第六年在切尔沃港打造了专属豪华休息室。今年夏天,位于波尔图韦基奥大街的切尔沃港兰博基尼休息室将欢迎前往翡翠海岸的兰博基尼车主,并在撒丁岛最美丽的道路上举办独家活动和驾驶活动,欣赏日落美景,迎接新客户。休息室将开放至 9 月 10 日,可预约进入,作为新款兰博基尼 Revuelto [1]和 Urus Performante [2]试驾中心,以及兰博基尼经销商举办独家活动的场所。

所有兰博基尼休息室,无论是永久性的(如纽约和东京的休息室)还是临时性的(如多哈或迪拜的休息室),都是兰博基尼 VIP 客户和宾客的参考点,将兰博基尼的生活方式与最新产品相结合,充分体现了品牌的 DNA。波尔图切尔沃休息室拥有 600 平方米的室内面积和额外的私人露台,通过多种元素提供身临其境的 360° 品牌体验,包括与合作伙伴 Living Divani 合作设计的家具、与 Culti Milano 共同开发的兰博基尼香水、与 Tod’s 共同设计的兰博基尼鞋类系列,以及受兰博基尼设计和色彩启发的 3T 自行车。

内饰方面,主角是两款最新来自圣亚加塔·波隆尼的超级跑车:首款V12插电式混合动力超级跑车Revuelto,以及“两颗心”的Urus SE [3]。新款兰博基尼Revuelto采用Ad Personam Grigio Artis(灰色),搭配Nero Ade和Rosso Andra(红色)撞色内饰,是兰博基尼首款V12超级跑车插电式混合动力HPEV(高性能电动汽车),代表了性能、运动性和驾驶乐趣方面的新典范,其采用前所未有的新架构、创新设计、最高效率的空气动力学和新的碳纤维框架概念。最近在北京亮相的首款插电式混合动力超级SUV Urus SE采用全新设计、车载技术和V8双涡轮增压发动机,与电动动力系统相结合,提供800CV的豪华高性能SUV体验。这款超级 SUV 采用 Arancio Egon(橙色)的发布色和 Arancio Apodis(橙色)的内饰组合。

休息室每个角落都弥漫着兰博基尼独特的香味,客人可以在品牌的意大利合作伙伴 Living Divani 布置的起居区享用最好的意大利 Lavazza 浓缩咖啡。在探索休息室时,客人会看到 Tod’s 角落,这里展示着品牌的 Gommini 和运动鞋,是意大利生活方式的体现。随后,客人可以仔细观看 3T 自行车 Racemax Boost x Automobili Lamborghini。这是一款完全意大利制造的电动自行车,灵感来自兰博基尼愿景概念车 Lanzador,碳纤维车架配备高效的 Mahle X-20 电机和平把车把,以实现更出色的操控性和舒适性。客人的体验仍在继续探索——Accessori Originali 专用区域——兰博基尼专门为每款兰博基尼车型提供售后配件的计划,Urus S 配备 Akrapovic 赛车排气管。

切尔沃港休息室的一个主要区域是季节性的 Ad Personam Studio:在这个专用区域,即使是最挑剔的兰博基尼客户也可以发挥创造力,配置他们梦想中的超级跑车。在种类繁多的样品中,兰博基尼产品专家可以在虚拟配置器中选择兰博基尼提供的大量外部颜色、内饰、饰面和细节。该品牌的主要 Ad Personam Studio 位于圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞,展示了其产品组合中的 400 多种颜色,为客户提供了在新款超级跑车中表达个性的无限可能性。


兰博基尼超级 SUV 的最新款和首款插电式混合动力版开启了该品牌历史的新篇章。SE 采用全新设计、优化的空气动力学、前所未有的车载技术和 800 CV 混合动力系统,PHEV(插电式混合动力汽车)版本在舒适性、性能、效率、排放​​和驾驶乐趣方面均超越 Urus S。得益于其“两颗心”,即热能和电力,扭矩和功率值达到有史以来的最高水平,使 SE 在其同类车型中独占鳌头,排放量减少了 80%。

双涡轮增压 4.0 V8 发动机经过重新设计,可与 SSUV 的电动动力系统实现最佳协同作用。内燃机可产生 620 CV 功率(456 kW)和 800 Nm 驱动扭矩;内燃机与电动动力系统相结合,可提供 192 CV(141 kW)和 483 Nm 扭矩。在提供最大输出时,主要重点是 ICE 和电动机之间的校准策略,总输出达到 800 CV,以确保在每种驾驶模式和每种路面上都能实现最佳功率曲线。25.9 kWh 锂离子电池位于载物地板下方和电子控制后差速器上方。

Urus SE 的设计突出了动感的外形,突出了车辆的运动感和肌肉感。前部采用全新的悬浮式引擎盖,没有了分界线,给人一种连续感,并放大了 Urus SE 的运动风格,让人想起 Revuelto 引入的某些新造型概念。其他新元素包括采用矩阵 LED 技术的前灯组,引入了受兰博基尼品牌公牛尾巴启发的全新灯光特征,以及重新设计的保险杠和前格栅。

Urus SE 在同级车型中独树一帜,得益于“tamburo”,在任何转速或驾驶条件下都能提供更大的扭矩和功率。该系统在 6000 rpm 时产生 800 CV (588 kW) 的总功率输出,在 1750 rpm 和最高 5750 rpm 时即可产生 950 Nm 的总扭矩,确保从各个角度实现同级最佳性能。这还要归功于进一步增强的重量功率比:3.13 kg/CV(Urus S 为 3.3)。Urus SE 从 0 加速到 100 km/h 仅需 3.4 秒(Urus S:3.5 秒),从 0 加速到 200 km/h 仅需 11.2 秒(Urus S:12.5 秒),最高时速可达 312 km/h(Urus S:305 km/h)。这些数据使 SE 成为有史以来最强大的 Urus 和同类车型中速度最快的量产车,为超级 SUV 类别树立了新的标杆。


Lamborghini Revuelto 是首款超级运动型 V12 混合动力插电式 HPEV(高性能电动汽车)。Revuelto 以其前所未有的新架构、创新设计、最高效率的空气动力学和新的碳纤维框架概念,在性能、运动性和驾驶乐趣方面定义了新的典范。全新内燃机与三台电动机的综合动力,加上首次在 12 缸 Lamborghini 上亮相的双离合变速箱,输出功率达到 1015 CV。

动力系统结合了高功率比元素:新款 128 CV/升内燃机与两台前轴向磁通电机协同工作,提供出色的重量功率比,径向磁通电机位于首款 8 速双离合变速箱上方,该变速箱首次亮相于 12 缸兰博基尼。三台电动机由锂离子高功率比(4500 W/kg)电池组供电,该电池组还支持全电动驱动模式。

碳纤维是这款超级跑车的主要结构元素,由圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞工厂的工匠手工制作而成,不仅用于单体机身和车架,还用于除车门和保险杠之外的所有车身部件。碳纤维和轻质材料的广泛使用,加上强大的发动机动力,使兰博基尼实现了历史上最佳的重量功率比:1.75 千克/CV。

Revuelto 将性能属性与出色的全新空气动力学设计相结合,提供同类车型中顶级的性能数据:0-100 公里/小时加速仅需 2.5 秒;0-200 公里/小时加速不到七秒;最高时速超过 350 公里/小时。这些数字与其出色的动态性能相得益彰,这要归功于电动扭矩矢量控制和全电动驱动模式下的四轮驱动,确保 Revuelto 超级跑车在赛道和日常驾驶中都能展现出其卓越的品质。

[1] Revuelto 的消耗和排放值;综合油耗:10.3 l/100km(WLTP);综合电耗:78.1 kWh/100 Km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:276 g/km(WLTP)

[2] Urus Performante 的燃油消耗和排放值;综合燃油消耗:14.1 升/100 公里(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:320 克/公里(WLTP)

[3]该车尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型核准阶段。

Lamborghini’s home away from home

DATE: 15 Jul 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese/Porto Cervo

Lamborghini Lounge Porto Cervo opens its doors for the 6th summer in a row

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Porto Cervo, July 15, 2024 – Automobili Lamborghini has created an exclusive and luxurious Lounge in Porto Cervo for the sixth summer in a row. This summer, the Lamborghini Lounge Porto Cervo, located on Promenade du Port in via Porto Vecchio, will welcome Lamborghini owners traveling to Costa Smeralda as well as greet new customers at exclusive events and driving activities on some of Sardinia’s most beautiful roads under extraordinary sunsets. The lounge will remain open until September 10th, accessible by appointment, serving as the hub for test drive opportunities of the new Lamborghini Revuelto[1] and Urus Performante[2] and location for exclusive events organized by Lamborghini dealers.

All Lamborghini Lounges, whether permanent (such as those in New York and Tokyo) or temporary (such as in Doha or Dubai), are a point of reference for Lamborghini VIP customers and guests, combining the lifestyle of Lamborghini with the latest products and embracing at fullest the brand’s DNA. The Lounge Porto Cervo, with its 600-square-meter inside area and additional private patio, offers an immersive 360° brand experience through several elements, with furnishings designed in collaboration with partners Living Divani, Lamborghini scent developed together with Culti Milano, the Lamborghini footwear collection designed with Tod’s, and the 3T bike inspired to Lamborghini design and colors.

Inside, the main stars are two of the most recent super sports cars from Sant’Agata Bolognese: Revuelto the first super sports V12 hybrid plug-in and the “two hearted” Urus SE[3]. The new Lamborghini Revuelto, showcased in Ad Personam Grigio Artis (grey) color featuring Nero Ade and Rosso Andra (red) contrast interiors, is the marque’s first V12 super sports plug-in hybrid HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle) and represents a new paradigm in terms of performance, sportiness and driving pleasure from its unprecedented new architecture; innovative design; maximum-efficiency aerodynamics; and a new carbon frame concept. The recently presented in Beijing, Urus SE, the first Plug-in Hybrid Super SUV, featuring new design, on-board technology and a V8 twin turbo engine that together with the electric powertrain offers a luxurious and high-performance SUV experience with 800 CV. The Super SUV is showcased in Arancio Egon (orange) launch color in combination with Arancio Apodis (orange) interiors.

Guests are welcomed by the distinctive Lamborghini scent in every corner of the lounge and can enjoy the finest Italian Lavazza espresso in the living area furnished by the brand’s Italian partner Living Divani. While exploring the lounge, guests will be embraced by Tod’s corner that is showcasing the branded Gommini and Sneakers – expression of Italian lifestyle. The guests can then take a closer look at the 3T bike Racemax Boost x Automobili Lamborghini. A fully made-in-Italy e-bike inspired by Lanzador, the Lamborghini vision concept car, with a carbon frame equipped with the efficient Mahle X-20 motor and a flat bar handlebar for a more excellent handling and comfort. The experience for the guests continues exploring – dedicated areas to Accessori Originali – the Lamborghini dedicated program to After Sales accessories specific for each Lamborghini model with Akrapovic racing exhausts for Urus S.

A key area of the Lounge Porto Cervo is the seasonal Ad Personam Studio: the dedicated area where even the most demanding Lamborghini customers can release their creativity to configure the super sports car of their dreams. In a vast assortment of samples, a plentitude of exterior colors, interior upholsteries, finishes, and details available at Lamborghini can be selected in the virtual configurator with a Lamborghini product specialist. The brand’s main Ad Personam Studio, located in Sant’Agata Bolognese, showcases more than 400 colors in its portfolio, offering customers infinite possibilities to express their personality in their new super sports cars.

Urus SE

The lastly presented and the first hybrid plug-in version of the Lamborghini Super SUV, opens a new chapter in the history of the marque. The SE features a new design, optimized aerodynamics, unprecedented on-board technology and an 800 CV hybrid powertrain, the PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) version moves on Urus S in terms of comfort, performance, efficiency, emissions and driving pleasure. Thanks to its “two hearts”, thermal and electric, the torque and power values are the highest ever, giving the SE a unique place in its category and boasting an 80% reduction in emissions.

The twin-turbo 4.0 V8 engine has been re-engineered to work in optimal synergy with the electric powertrain of the SSUV. The Internal Combustion Engine develops 620 CV of power (456 kW) and 800 Nm of driving torque; the combustion unit is combined with an electric powertrain delivering 192 CV (141 kW) and 483 Nm of torque. In delivering maximum output the main focus has been on the calibration strategy between ICE and e-motor, reaching a total output of 800 CV to ensure an optimal power curve in every driving mode and on every surface. A 25.9-kWh lithium-ion battery is situated below the load floor and above the electronically controlled rear differential.

The design of Urus SE highlights the dynamics of the form, accentuating the vehicle’s sportiness and muscularity. The front section features a new hood with a floating design, where the absence of the cut-off line gives a sense of continuity and amplifies the athletic style of the Urus SE, recalling certain new styling concepts introduced by the Revuelto. Other new elements include the headlight clusters that feature matrix LED technology, introducing a brand-new light signature inspired by the tail of the Lamborghini brand’s bull, along with a redesigned bumper and front grill.

Unique in its category, the Urus SE offers greater torque and power at any rpm or driving condition thanks also to “tamburo”. The system develops a total power output of 800 CV (588 kW) at 6000 rpm and a total torque of 950 Nm already available at 1750 rpm and up to 5750 rpm, ensuring best-in-class performance from every angle. This is also thanks to a further enhanced weight-to-power ratio: 3.13 kg/CV (compared to 3.3 in the Urus S). The Urus SE sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds (Urus S: 3.5) and from 0 to 200 km/h in just 11.2 seconds (Urus S: 12.5), reaching a top speed of 312 km/h (Urus S: 305 km/h). These figures make the SE the most powerful Urus ever and the fastest production car in the segment, setting a new benchmark in the Super SUV category.


The Lamborghini Revuelto is the first super sports V12 hybrid plug-in HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle). Revuelto defines a new paradigm in terms of performance, sportiness, and driving pleasure from its unprecedented new architecture, innovative design, maximum-efficiency aerodynamics, and a new carbon frame concept. An output of 1015 CV is delivered from the combined power of an entirely new combustion engine together with three electric motors, alongside a double-clutch gearbox that makes its debut on a 12-cylinder Lamborghini for the first time.

The powertrain combines high specific power elements: the new 128 CV/liter combustion engine works synergistically with two front axial flux motors that deliver an outstanding weight-to-power ratio, with a radial flux electric motor positioned above the first eight-speed double-clutch gearbox debuting on a 12-cylinder Lamborghini. The three electric motors are powered by a lithium-ion high specific power (4500 W/kg) battery pack that also supports a fully electric drive mode.

Carbon fiber, produced via artisan craftsmanship in the Sant’Agata Bolognese factory, is the principal structural element within the supercar, used not only in the monofuselage and frame but also in all elements of the bodywork apart from the doors and bumpers. The extensive use of carbon fiber and lightweight materials, combined with the potent engine power, contributes to achieving the best weight-to-power ratio in the history of Lamborghini: 1.75 kg/CV.

Revuelto combines the performance attributes with outstanding new aerodynamic design to deliver performance figures at the peak of its segment: acceleration from 0-100 km/h in only 2.5 seconds; 0-200 km/h in less than seven seconds; and a top speed of more than 350 km/h. These numbers fit with its exceptional dynamism thanks to the introduction of electric torque vectoring and four-wheel drive available also in fully electric drive mode, ensuring the Revuelto super sports car expresses its amplified qualities both on track and in daily driving.

[1] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP)

[2] Fuel consumption and emission values of Urus Performante; Fuel consumption combined: 14,1 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 320 g/km (WLTP)

[3] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage.


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