
新款 MINI Cooper S 5 门车:空间更大、驾驶乐趣十足

五门 MINI Cooper 以其独特的功能、创新的辅助系统和典型的 MINI 设计给人留下了深刻的印象。MINI Cooper 五门版独特的外观在 Favoured Trim 和品牌典型的 Multitone Roof 中尤为突出。高效的四缸汽油发动机功率为 150 kW/204 hp,可确保高水平的驾驶乐趣。


慕尼黑。MINI Cooper S 5 门版为乘客提供更多空间和舒适感。该车型比 MINI 三门版长 172 毫米,轴距加长 72 毫米。得益于紧凑的外部尺寸、短悬垂和 11.4 米的小转弯半径,这款五门版车型仍然是城市中的多功能车辆。由于轮胎直径增加到 625 毫米,MINI Cooper 5 门版看起来更具视觉冲击力。同时,这也提高了驾驶动力和驾驶舒适度。60:40 折叠式后排座椅使行李箱容积从 275 升增加到 925 升,并强调了 MINI 的普遍理念:小空间大空间。

Cooper S 5 门车型配备四缸发动机,功率为 150 kW/204 hp(综合油耗:6.8 — 6.3 l/100 km;综合 CO2 排放量:152 — 141 g/km(符合 WLTP;CO2 等级 E),最大扭矩为 300 Nm。该车可在 6.8 秒内加速至 100 km/h,最高时速可达 242 km/h。

轮距增加、轴距加长,再加上精确调校的悬架和减震系统,确保了高水平的舒适性和灵活的操控性。再加上 MINI 特有的精确转向感和强大的制动,这确保了日常生活中的高水平舒适性。车轴上高预应力的稳定轴承确保了动态转弯时车身行为的平衡,并提高了转向精度。

个性化表达的 Favoured Trim。
四种不同的装饰变体侧重于不同的车辆特征。在 Favoured Trim 中,前格栅框架和特定设计元素均以鲜艳的银色突出显示,并扩大了个性化表达。新款 MINI 设计的简约形式语言在冰冷阳光蓝中独树一帜。除了品牌典型的渐变色多色调车顶外,还有三种对比色以及相应的车辆颜色和总共十一种车身颜色可供选择。尺寸在 16 英寸和 18 英寸之间的空气动力学轮辋设计提供了更多外部设备选项。

织物表面是 MINI Cooper 内饰中令人愉悦的氛围的特色。专门开发的针织工艺创造了由再生聚酯制成的易于护理、用途广泛的织物结构。在高品质的 Favoured Trim 中,双色千鸟格图案装饰着仪表板的针织表面,并延伸到车门饰板。穿孔的 vescin 运动座椅有 Nightshade Blue 和 Beige 两种颜色,并配有传统的重点缝线。

新款 MINI Cooper 5 门车的驾驶舱让人想起经典 Mini 的纯粹设计。借助圆形 OLED 显示屏,所有车辆功能都可以通过触摸或语音操作。在上部区域,显示与车辆相关的信息。在 OLED 显示屏的底部,可以直接选择菜单项导航、媒体、电话和气候。


借助 12 个超声波传感器和 4 个环视摄像头,Parking Assistant Plus 可以更精确地识别停车位并独立启动空间受限的停车流程。MINI Digital Key Plus 将智能手机变成钥匙。只要驾驶员距离车辆三米以内,前灯和后灯的迎宾投影就会启动,车门会在不到一米半的距离内打开。数字钥匙可以转让给不同的用户,并取代传统车辆钥匙的转让,从而更轻松地共享汽车。



MINI Cooper S 5 门版(综合油耗:6.8 – 6.3 升/100 公里(WLTP 数据);综合二氧化碳排放量:152 – 141 克/公里;二氧化碳等级:E)

The new MINI Cooper S 5-door: More space and lots of driving fun.

The five-door MINI Cooper impresses with distinctive functionality, innovative assistance systems and its typical MINI design. The unmistakable appearance of the MINI Cooper 5-door is particularly well accentuated in Favoured Trim with the brand-typical Multitone Roof. An efficient four-cylinder gasoline engine with 150 kW/204 hp guarantees a high level of driving pleasure.


Munich. The MINI Cooper S 5-door offers passengers more space and comfort. The model is 172 mm longer than the MINI three-door model and has a 72 mm larger wheelbase. Thanks to compact external dimensions, short overhangs, and a small turning circle of 11.4 meters, the five-door model remains a versatile vehicle for the city. Thanks to the increased tire diameter to 625 mm, the MINI Cooper 5-door looks more visually present. At the same time, this improves driving dynamics and driving comfort. The 60:40 folding rear seats allow the volume in the luggage compartment to grow from 275 liters to up to 925 liters and underline the universal idea of MINI: Plenty of space in a small footprint.

Efficient gasoline engine for sporty mobility.
The MINI Cooper S 5-door model has a four-cylinder engine with 150 kW/204 hp (combined fuel consumption: 6.8 — 6.3 l/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 152 — 141 g/km in accordance with WLTP; CO2 class E) with a maximum torque of 300 Nm. It accelerates to 100 km/h in 6.8 seconds and reaches a top speed of 242 km/h.

The increased track width and longer wheelbase in combination with a precisely tuned suspension and damping system ensure a high level of comfort and lively handling. Combined with the precise steering feel typical of MINI and powerful brakes, this guarantees a high level of comfort in everyday life. Highly prestressed stabilizer bearings on the axles ensure balanced body behavior when dynamically cornering and increase steering precision.

Favoured Trim with individual expression.
Four different trim variants focus on different vehicle characteristics. In Favoured Trim, both the front grille frame and specific design elements are highlighted in vibrant silver and expand the individual expression. The reduced form language of the new MINI design comes into its own in the colour Icy Sunshine Blue. In addition to the brand typical Multitone Roof with a gradual colour gradient, there are three contrasting colours as well as the respective vehicle colour and a total of eleven body colours to choose from. Aerodynamic rim designs in sizes between 16 inches and 18 inches offer further exterior equipment options.

Minimalistic and innovative interior.
Textile surfaces characterize the feel-good atmosphere in the MINI Cooper interior. A specially developed knitting process creates the easy-care, versatile structure of the textile made from recycled polyester. In high-quality Favoured Trim, a two-tone houndstooth pattern adorns the knitted surface of the instrument panel and extends into the door trim. The perforated vescin sports seats are available in Nightshade Blue and Beige and with traditional accent stitching.

The cockpit of the new MINI Cooper 5-door is reminiscent of the puristic design of the classic Mini. With the round OLED display, all vehicle functions can be operated by touch or voice. In the upper area, vehicle-related information is displayed. At the bottom of the OLED display, the menu items Navigation, Media, Telephone and Climate can be selected directly.

The parking brake, gear selector, start/stop key, experience mode and volume control functions are directly accessible via the characteristic toggle switch strip. Instead of a gear selector, there is more storage space in the center console with an open shelf for smartphones. These can be charged via wireless charging and are always at hand.

New driver assistance systems make everyday life easier.
Thanks to 12 ultrasonic sensors and four surround view cameras, Parking Assistant Plus can identify parking spaces more precisely and independently initiate space-restricted parking processes. MINI Digital Key Plus turns the smartphone into a key. As soon as the driver is within three meters of the vehicle, the welcome projections of the front and rear lights start, and the doors open at a distance of less than one and a half meters. The digital key can be transferred to various users and replaces the transfer of the classic vehicle key for easier car sharing.



MINI Cooper S 5 Door (fuel consumption combined: 6.8 – 6.3 l/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 152 – 141 g/km; CO2-class: E)


BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2024 年 5 月 22 日




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