
Urus SE 首次亮相古德伍德速度节,在山上疾驰

日期: 2024 年 7 月 12 日 | 英国古德伍德/圣阿加塔·波隆尼塞


兰博基尼休息室举办了一场专门的 Ad Personam Revuelto

古德伍德,英国/圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞 2024 年 7 月 12 日——首款高性能电动汽车 (HPEV)兰博基尼 Revuelto [1]和新款 Urus SE [2] PHEV 超级 SUV 在今年的古德伍德速度节兰博基尼休息室中占据首要位置,并在超级跑车和 First Glance 级别的比赛中“冲上坡路”,吸引了数千名观众的观看。

“古德伍德速度节为兰博基尼提供了与车主和爱好者见面的完美环境,他们喜欢有机会近距离接触我们展出的汽车,也喜欢亲眼目睹我们的超级跑车的激情体验,”兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官斯蒂芬·温克尔曼说。 “兰博基尼继续走混合动力道路,在古德伍德展出的新款 Revuelto 和 Urus SE 都是我们成功产品战略的重要例子,延续了品牌的美学和情感吸引力,并提供了标杆技术和性能。”

在兰博基尼休息室展出的这款独一无二的 Revuelto 由兰博基尼 Ad Personam 部门精心打造,旨在庆祝这一意大利品牌出席速度节,同时也展示了新款兰博基尼几乎无限的个性化潜力。这款极具运动感的 Revuelto 外部采用灰色 Grigio Acheso 搭配红色 Rosso Mimir 细条纹和细节,保险杠、门槛和车门尾翼等处大量采用轻质碳纤维,搭配黑色 Nero Nemesis 车顶、哑光黑色排气管和黑色 22 英寸轮毂。前引擎盖上的 Nero Nemesis 条纹搭配 Rosso Mimir 细条纹,与车顶线、分流器、后视镜和汽车下半部分的红色细条纹细节相得益彰。内饰与外部规格一致,采用黑色 Nero Ade 内饰和红色 Rosso Alala 座椅滚边以及座椅和车门板上的缝线;红色安全带;以及包括方向盘和仪表板在内的碳纤维内饰。右驾版 Revuelto 将交付给一位英国客户。

在兰博基尼 Squadra Corse 车手的驾驶下,Revuelto 进入了 Supercar Paddock,Urus SE 也在英国 First Glance 级别中首次亮相。PHEV Urus SE 于今年早些时候在北京车展上亮相,其混合动力系统可提供 800 CV 的功率,其全新设计融合了改进的空气动力学和新技术解决方案:其内燃机和电动机的“双心”组合实现了惊人的扭矩和性能值,与 Urus S 相比,排放量减少了 80%。Urus SE 将于 2025 年在全球上市,与 Revuelto 一样,订单已经覆盖了生产的前 24 个月。

和 Revuelto 一起进入超级跑车围场的还有一辆 Huracán Tecnica、一辆采用特殊 Diablo 30 周年纪念紫色的 Huracán EVO Spyder 以及一辆 Huracán Sterrato:备受期待的 Huracán 继任者将于今年晚些时候亮相,速度节让 V10 超级跑车及其粉丝有机会在 1.16 英里(1.86 公里)的古德伍德山地赛道上庆祝 Huracán 独特的设计和自然吸气发动机。

应英国 11 家经销商的邀请,兰博基尼休息室将在为期四天的速度节活动期间接待超过 500 名车主,他们将前往苏塞克斯郡的古德伍德朝圣。

[1] Revuelto 的消耗和排放值;综合油耗:10.3 l/100km(WLTP);综合电耗:78.1 kWh/100 Km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:276 g/km(WLTP)

[2]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型核准阶段。

First dynamic appearance of Urus SE, running ‘up the hill’ at Goodwood Festival of Speed

DATE: 12 Jul 2024   |   Goodwood, UK/Sant’Agata Bolognese

The Lamborghini Lounge hosts a dedicated Ad Personam Revuelto

Goodwood, UK/Sant’Agata Bolognese 12 July 2024 – The Lamborghini Revuelto[1], the first High Performance Electrified Vehicle (HPEV) and new Urus SE[2], the PHEV Super SUV, took prime position in this year’s Lamborghini Lounge at Goodwood Festival of Speed, as well as running ‘up the hill’ in the Supercar and First Glance classes, watched by thousands of spectators.

“Goodwood Festival of Speed provides Lamborghini with the perfect environment in which to meet owners and enthusiasts, who love the opportunity to get close to our cars on display as well as the emotive experience of witnessing our super sports models in action,” says Automobili Lamborghini Chairman and CEO Stephan Winkelmann. “Lamborghini continues on its hybridization path, with the new Revuelto and Urus SE shown in Goodwood both important examples of our successful product strategy, continuing the aesthetic and emotional appeal of the brand as well as delivering benchmarking technology and performance.”

The one-off Revuelto displayed at the Lamborghini Lounge was created by Lamborghini’s Ad Personam department especially to celebrate the Italian marque’s presence at the Festival of Speed, as well as demonstrate the virtually limitless potential for personalization of a new Lamborghini. With an exterior crafted in grey Grigio Acheso with red Rosso Mimir pinstripes and detailing, the very sporty Revuelto features extensive lightweight carbon fiber including bumpers, sills and door fins, with a black Nero Nemesis roof, matt black tailpipes and black 22” rims. A Nero Nemesis livery stripe on the front hood with Rosso Mimir pinstripe is complemented by the red pinstripe detailing on the roofline, splitters, wing mirrors and lower part of the car. The interior reflects the exterior specification with black Nero Ade upholstery and red Rosso Alala seat piping and stitching on seats and door panels; red seatbelts; and interior carbon fiber features including the steering wheel and dashboard. The right-hand drive Revuelto will be delivered to a UK client.

Piloted by Lamborghini Squadra Corse drivers, the Revuelto in the Supercar Paddock is joined by the Urus SE making its UK dynamic debut in the First Glance class. Unveiled at the Beijing auto show earlier this year, the PHEV Urus SE delivers 800 CV from its hybrid powertrain, with a fresh design incorporating revised aerodynamics and new technological solutions: its ‘two hearts’ combination of combustion engine and electric motor achieves sensational torque and performance values, and an 80 percent reduction in emissions compared to the Urus S. The Urus SE arrives in markets worldwide from 2025 with, like the Revuelto, orders already covering the first 24 months of production.

Joining the Revuelto in the Supercar Paddock is a Huracán Tecnica; a Huracán EVO Spyder in a special Diablo 30th anniversary viola colour; and a Huracán Sterrato: with the much-anticipated successor to the Huracán due to be unveiled later this year, the Festival of Speed gives the V10 super sports cars and their fans the opportunity to celebrate the Huracáns’ inimitable design and naturally-aspirated engines on the 1.16-mile (1.86 km) Goodwood hill run.

The Lamborghini Lounge will host over 500 owners over the four-day Festival of Speed event, making the pilgrimage to Goodwood, Sussex, at the invite of the eleven-strong UK dealer network.

[1] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP)

[2] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage.


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