

日期: 2024 年 7 月 5 日 | 瑞士卢加诺


开业一周年,兰博基尼卢加诺举办生日派对庆祝成功:Urus SE 超级 SUV 成为明星嘉宾之一

瑞士卢加诺,2024 年 7 月 5 日——兰博基尼卢加诺工厂在过去 12 个多月里一直致力于照顾和欢迎品牌的客户和朋友,兰博基尼董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann 与兰博基尼卢加诺跑车销售与服务股份公司的代表在俯瞰卢加诺湖的 Villa Heleneum 与公司客户一起庆祝了这一周年纪念日。此次活动也是 Urus SE [1]在瑞士上市的契机。

“我很荣幸能与我们的客户一起在这个杰出的地方庆祝兰博基尼卢加诺一周年纪念日,” Stephan Winkelmann 表示。“过去的十二个月对我们来说是巨大的成功,不仅在瑞士,而且在整个领域都是如此。我们可以回顾 HPEV Revuelto 的成功推出以及最近推出的 Urus SE 超级 SUV,这是同类车型中最强大的汽车。凭借这两款混合动力车型,我们实现了 Direzione Cor Tauri 的重要目标。同时,我们收到的订单表明,我们的客户非常欣赏我们为未来带来奢华和性能所采取的方法。”

Urus SE 配备全新的 800 CV 混合动力系统,空气动力学经过改进,设计新颖,技术解决方案前所未有。在舒适性、性能、效率、排放​​和驾驶乐趣方面,它凭借“双心脏”超越了 Urus S。通过内燃机和电动机的组合,它实现了惊人的扭矩和性能值,使其在同类车型中独占鳌头,同时使排放量减少了 80%。

现场,蓝宝石白的 Urus SE 迎来了瑞士首发。兰博基尼还向来宾们展示了 1015 马力的 Revuelto,这是该品牌的首款 V12 超级运动插电式混合动力 HPEV。第二辆 Revuelto 则漂浮在湖面上的木筏上,在山水的映衬下,尽情展现着它的美。

Villa Heleneum 是 Bally 基金会的一部分,举办了这场精彩绝伦的盛会,是其历史上唯一一次汽车盛会。约 100 名 VIP 宾客在别墅及其公园内,以真正的兰博基尼生活方式庆祝卢加诺经销商的周年纪念日。

[1]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令的约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型核准阶段

Lamborghini celebrates the first anniversary of its Lugano representation

DATE: 05 Jul 2024   |   Lugano, Switzerland

A year since opening, Lamborghini Lugano celebrates its success with a birthday party: one of the star guests is the Urus SE Super SUV

Lugano, Switzerland, 5 July 2024 – Lamborghini Lugano has been looking after and welcoming customers and friends of the brand for more than 12 months, and Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Lamborghini, with representatives of Lamborghini Lugano Sports Cars Sales & Service AG, marked this anniversary with the company’s customers at Villa Heleneum overlooking Lake Lugano. The event was also the occasion of the Urus SE[1]’s market launch in Switzerland.

“It is a great honor for me to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Lamborghini Lugano together with our customers at this outstanding location,” stated Stephan Winkelmann. “The last twelve months have been a great success for us, not only in Switzerland but overall. We can look back on the successful launch of the HPEV Revuelto and the recently-presented Urus SE Super SUV, the most powerful car in its segment. With these two hybrid models we have realized important objectives of the Direzione Cor Tauri. At the same time, the orders we have received show us our customers really appreciate the approach we are taking to bring luxury and performance into the future.”

Matching the new 800 CV hybrid powertrain, the Urus SE features revised aerodynamics, a fresh design, and unprecedented technological solutions. In terms of comfort, performance, efficiency, emissions and driving pleasure, it surpasses the Urus S thanks to its “two hearts”. With the combination of a combustion engine and an electric motor, it achieves sensational torque and performance values that give it a unique position in its segment and at the same time enable an 80 percent reduction in emissions.

On site, the Urus SE in Bianco Sapphirus celebrated its Swiss premiere. Lamborghini also presented its guests with the 1015 hp Revuelto, the brand’s first V12 super sports plug-in hybrid HPEV. A second Revuelto was displayed on the lake floating on a raft, showing off its full beauty with a mountain and water backdrop.

Villa Heleneum is part of the Bally Foundation and hosted the only automotive event in its history with this exquisite event. Around 100 VIP guests commemorated the anniversary of the Lugano dealership in a true Lamborghini lifestyle celebration in the villa and its park.

[1] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage


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