
第 35 届宝马国际公开赛:高尔夫球迷为兰格集团欢庆

+++ 第 35 届 BMW 国际公开赛在 13,000 名观众面前开场,激动人心 +++ 德国三人组 Bernhard Langer (-1)、Martin Kaymer (-3) 和 Marcel Siem (-1) 成为观众的焦点 +++ Matthis Besard (比利时,标准杆,T86) 打出了本届赛事的第一个一杆进洞 +++ David Micheluzzi 领先于包括 Patrick Reed (美国,-5) 在内的一组选手 +++ “Eagles for Education” 已经筹集了 16,000 欧元 +++


+++ 第 35届宝马国际公开赛在 13,000 名观众面前开场,激动人心+++ 德国三人组 Bernhard Langer (-1)、Martin Kaymer (-3) 和 Marcel Siem (-1) 成为观众的焦点 +++ Matthis Besard (比利时,标准杆,T86) 打出了本届赛事的第一个一杆进洞 +++ David Micheluzzi 领先于包括 Patrick Reed (美国,-5) 在内的一组选手 +++ “Eagles for Education” 已经筹集了 16,000 欧元 +++

慕尼黑。第 35 届宝马国际公开赛开球十分钟后,比赛时间到了。伯恩哈德·兰格与马丁·凯梅尔和马塞尔·西姆一起开始了他在 DP 世界巡回赛的告别赛,数百名观众欢迎、陪伴和庆祝了他们。在球迷的支持下,这三位德国选手在比赛中取得了良好的开局。兰格和西姆 (-1) 的成绩低于标准杆,处于中游位置,而德国宝马国际公开赛的唯一冠军凯梅尔 (-3) 在第一轮比赛后并列第 12 名,是参赛 17 名当地选手中最好的。

兰格显然很享受这场比赛,他说:“这真是太疯狂了,气氛真的很棒。早上 7:30 就有数百名观众陪我们打完了整整 18 洞,而且人数还在不断增加。和马丁和马塞尔一起打球非常有趣。我今天也是一名观众。看到这些家伙打得这么好,真是太有趣了。”

Kaymer 和 Siem 对他们的搭档印象非常深刻。两届大满贯冠军 Kaymer 表示:“上周获胜的 Marcel 充满活力,Bernhard 的冷静和自信令人惊叹。这群人充满活力。我真想再打几个洞。”

西姆在比赛开始时就遇到了麻烦,他补充道:“我不知道比赛开始时发生了什么。我其实并不紧张,我只是期待着比赛的开始。如果伯恩哈德不在场,我会有点生气,但后来我看着他,心想:‘不,不,不要生气。’然后我奋力反击,对最后的 -1 非常满意。”

澳大利亚选手大卫·米切鲁齐 (David Micheluzzi) 的首轮表现也十分令人满意。这位 27 岁的选手在第一天的比赛中以 66 杆 (-6) 的成绩领先世界级选手。仅落后一杆的有 2018 年大师赛冠军帕特里克·里德 (Patrick Reed)(美国)、南非选手贾维斯·凯西 (Jarvis Casey)、苏格兰选手埃文·弗格森 (Ewen Ferguson) 和英国选手弗兰克·肯尼迪 (Frank Kennedy)。总体而言,参赛选手实力非常接近,明天周五的晋级之战必将非常精彩。

不过,当天的最佳击球应归功于马蒂斯·贝萨德(比利时,T87)。这位比利时选手在第 12 洞打出一杆进洞,用 7 号铁杆将球从 147 米(161 码)处打入洞中。如果他在第 17 洞就取得这一成就,他将赢得今年的一杆进洞车——一辆全电动 BMW i5 Touring。“这场比赛的开局非常好。这无疑给了我良好的动力。感觉很棒,”贝萨德说。“只是可惜我没有车。我不确定我是否有时间庆祝。希望我明天能打出好成绩。也许在我去肯塔基州之前的周日晚上。”

尽管如此,一杆进洞不仅让他自己的记分卡受益,还帮助了​​一项慈善事业,因为在三杆洞打出一杆进洞同时也是一杆老鹰球,而比赛周期间每打出一杆老鹰球,宝马集团就会像去年一样向 JOBLINGE 和 Kick ins Leben 捐赠 1,000 欧元。这两家慕尼黑组织致力于教育公平和年轻人的平等机会。第一轮比赛结束后,捐款金额已经达到 16,000 欧元。

第 35 届宝马国际公开赛第二轮比赛将于周五上午 7:30 开始,由 Bernhard Langer、Martin Kaymer 和 Marcel Siem 组成的小组将于下午 12:40 在第一洞发球台发球,完整发球时间请参阅附件中的 PDF 文档。

35th BMW International Open: Golf fans celebrate Langer’s group.

+++ Exhilarating start to the 35th BMW International Open in front of 13,000 spectators +++ German trio Bernhard Langer (-1), Martin Kaymer (-3), and Marcel Siem (-1) as crowd pullers +++ Matthis Besard (BEL, Par, T86) achieves the first hole-in-one of the tournament +++ David Micheluzzi leads ahead of a group of players including Patrick Reed (USA, -5) +++ Already 16,000 euros for “Eagles for Education” +++


+++ Exhilarating start to the 35th BMW International Open in front of 13,000 spectators +++ German trio Bernhard Langer (-1), Martin Kaymer (-3), and Marcel Siem (-1) as crowd pullers +++ Matthis Besard (BEL, Par, T86) achieves the first hole-in-one of the tournament +++ David Micheluzzi leads ahead of a group of players including Patrick Reed (USA, -5) +++ Already 16,000 euros for “Eagles for Education” +++

Munich. Ten minutes after the first tee-off of the 35th BMW International Open, the time had come. Bernhard Langer started his farewell tournament from the DP World Tour together with Martin Kaymer and Marcel Siem, welcomed, accompanied, and celebrated by hundreds of spectators. With the support of the fans, the German trio managed a solid start to the tournament. Langer and Siem (-1) are in the midfield with under-par rounds, while the only German BMW International Open winner Kaymer (-3) is in tied 12th place after the first round, the best of 17 local players in the field.

Langer visibly enjoyed the round and said, “It was insane, really a fantastic atmosphere. Already at 7:30 a.m., there were hundreds of spectators who accompanied us for the whole 18 holes, and their numbers kept growing. It was a lot of fun to play with Martin and Marcel. I was also a spectator today. It was fun to see how well the guys play.”

Kaymer and Siem were more than impressed with their playing partners. The two-time major winner Kaymer said, “Experiencing the energy of Marcel, who won last week, and the calmness and confidence of Bernhard was great. There’s just a nice energy in the group. I would have liked to play a few more holes.”

Siem, who had problems at the beginning of the round, added, “I don’t know what was going on at the start. I wasn’t actually nervous, I was just looking forward to the round. If Bernhard hadn’t been there, I would have been a bit angry but then I looked over at him and thought, ‘No, no, don’t get upset.’ I then fought back well and am very satisfied with the -1 at the end.”

Australian David Micheluzzi can also be particularly pleased with his opening round. The 27-year-old leads the world-class field with a 66-round (-6) after the first day. Just one stroke behind are the 2018 Masters Champion Patrick Reed (USA), Jarvis Casey from South Africa, Ewen Ferguson from Scotland and Englishman Frank Kennedy. Overall, the field is very close together, and the battle for the cut on tomorrow’s Friday promises to be extremely exciting.

However, the shot of the day was credited to Matthis Besard (BEL, T87). The Belgian scored a hole-in-one at the 12th hole, circling the ball from 147 metres (161 yards) with a 7-iron into the hole. Had he achieved the feat at hole 17, he would have won this year’s hole-in-one vehicle, a fully electric BMW i5 Touring. „ It was a super start to the round. It definitely gave me good momentum. It was a great feeling,” said Besard. “Just a pity that I don’t get a car for it. I’m not sure if I’ll have the time to celebrate it. Hopefully, I play a good round tomorrow. Maybe on Sunday evening before I go to Kentucky.”

Nevertheless, the hole-in-one not only benefited his own scorecard but also helped a good cause because an ace at a par-3 hole is simultaneously an eagle, and for every eagle during the tournament week, the BMW Group donates 1,000 euros to JOBLINGE and Kick ins Leben, as in the previous year. The Munich organisations are committed to educational equity and equal opportunities for young people. After the first round, the donation amount already stands at 16,000 euros.

The second round of the 35th BMW International Open starts on Friday at 7:30 a.m. The group with Bernhard Langer, Martin Kaymer, and Marcel Siem is due at the first tee at 12:40 p.m. Please refer to the PDF document attached for the complete tee times.


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