

+++ 新款 BMW M5 在 BMW 集团丁戈尔芬工厂下线 +++ 首次搭载电动传动系统 +++


丁戈尔芬。几天前,宝马 M GmbH 发布了新款宝马 M5(根据 WLTP,加权综合能耗为 1.7 – 1.6 l/100 km [166.2 – 176.6 mpg imp] 和 25.5 – 25.0 kWh/100 km;根据 WLTP,加权综合二氧化碳排放量为 39 – 37 g/km;根据 WLTP,电池放电后的燃油消耗为 10.3 – 10.2 l/100 km [27.4 – 27.7 mpg imp];二氧化碳等级:加权综合 B,电池放电后 G)并发布了首批官方图片。今天,这款新型高性能轿车在宝马集团丁戈尔芬工厂正式投产。第七代 BMW M5 是首款采用电动传动系统的车型:该车型专属的 M HYBRID 系统将 V8 发动机与电子驱动相结合,系统输出功率达 727 马力,使其仅需 3.5 秒即可从 0 加速至 100。该车的高压电池可用能量为 18.6 kWh,电动续航里程为 67 至 69 公里(WLTP),在同类车型中独树一帜。

“我们很自豪能够在丁戈尔芬生产最新一代标志性的 M5,”工厂总监 Christoph Schröder 说道。早在 20 世纪 80 年代,该工厂就已经为首批 BMW M5 车型交付了预装配车身,随后在加兴的 M GmbH 手工完成。从第二代开始——或者更确切地说是 1988 年——这款高性能跑车就完全在下巴伐利亚的工厂生产。

新款 BMW M5 的核心部件也在工厂内生产或由附近的部件工厂供应。Schröder 将此称为“屋顶下生产方法”。例如,专门为该车型量身定制的 BMW M5 底盘来自丁格芬 02.10 部件工厂,而高压电池则在隔壁的 02.20 工厂(电子驱动生产能力中心)组装。碳纤维车顶由 30 公里外的兰茨胡特工厂供应。

该汽车厂生产的一个独特方面是车身车间已经进行的改进。基于 BMW 5 系标准量产车身,BMW M5 采用了额外的措施来加强车身结构,并采用了带有喇叭形轮拱的特别加宽车身,从而还能够集成 M 专用的后轴。

在喷漆车间,客户可以为他们的新款 BMW M5 选择 10 种标准喷漆和 150 种特殊要求的喷漆。

新款 BMW M5 与其前代车型一样,与其他 BMW 5 系、BMW 4 系和 BMW M4 车型在同一生产线上组装,并配备特定的配置选项,例如 CFRP 后扰流板、M 方向盘和 M 多功能座椅。

在接下来的几周内,工厂的产量将逐渐增加到每天数十辆 BMW M5 汽车。新车型的欧洲市场发布计划于 2024 年 11 月 2 日开始。届时,另一款新车型将在丁戈尔芬工厂迎来首发:新款 BMW M5 Touring,它扩大了 BMW M GmbH 的产品线并完善了新款 BMW 5 系系列。



BMW M5:能量消耗,加权,综合:1.7 – 1.6 l/100 km [166.2 – 176.6 mpg imp] 和 25.5 – 25.0 kWh/100 km(根据 WLTP);二氧化碳排放量,加权,综合:39 – 37 g/km(根据 WLTP);电池放电完毕时的燃油消耗:10.3 – 10.2 l/100 km [27.4 – 27.7 mpg imp](根据 WLTP);二氧化碳等级:加权,综合 B, 电池放电完毕时 G.

Start of production for high-performance sedan

+++ New BMW M5 rolls off assembly line at BMW Group Plant Dingolfing +++ For the first time, with electrified drive train +++


Dingolfing. A few days ago, BMW M GmbH unveiled the new BMW M5 (Energy consumption, weighted, combined: 1,7 – 1,6 l/100 km [166.2 – 176.6 mpg imp] and 25,5 – 25,0 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions, weighted, combined: 39 – 37 g/km according to WLTP; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10,3 – 10,2 l/100 km [27.4 – 27.7 mpg imp] according to WLTP; CO2 classes: weighted, combined B, with discharged battery G) and released the first official pictures. Today, the new high-performance sedan celebrated its official start of production at BMW Group Plant Dingolfing. The seventh-generation BMW M5 is the first to come off the assembly line with an electrified drive train: The model-specific M HYBRID system combines a V8 engine with an e-drive to deliver a system output of 727 hp, enabling it to sprint from 0 to 100 in just 3.5 seconds. The vehicle’s high-voltage battery, with an available energy content of 18.6 kWh, offers an electric range of 67 to up to 69 kilometres (WLTP) that is unique among its competitors.

“We are proud to be building the latest generation of the iconic M5 here in Dingolfing,” says Plant Director Christoph Schröder. The site already delivered the pre-assembled bodies for the very first BMW M5 models, back in the 1980s, which were then completed by hand at M GmbH in Garching. Since the second generation – or, to be more exact, 1988 – the high-performance sports car has been built entirely at the plant in Lower Bavaria.

Central components for the new BMW M5 are also produced on site or supplied by nearby component plants. Schröder refers to this as an “under on roof production approach”. For example, the chassis of the BMW M5, specially tailored to the model, comes from Dingolfing component plant 02.10, while the high-voltage battery is assembled next door at plant 02.20, the Competence Centre for E-Drive Production. The carbon-fibre roof is supplied by the plant in Landshut, located 30 kilometres away.

A unique aspect of production at the vehicle plant is the modifications already made in the body shop. Based on the BMW 5 Series standard production body, the BMW M5 features additional measures to stiffen the body structure and a specially widened body with flared wheel arches, thus also enabling the integration of the M-specific rear axle.

In the paint shop, customers can choose between ten standard and 150 special-request finishes for their new BMW M5.

The new BMW M5, like its predecessor, is assembled alongside other BMW 5 Series, BMW 4 Series and BMW M4 models on the same production line, where it is completed with specific equipment options, such as the CFRP rear spoiler, M steering wheel and M multifunction seats.

Over the coming weeks, production at the plant will gradually ramp up to several dozen BMW M5 vehicles per day. The European market launch of the new model is scheduled to get underway from 2 November 2024. By then, another new model will already be celebrating its premiere at Plant Dingolfing: the new BMW M5 Touring, which expands the BMW M GmbH offering and completes the new BMW 5 Series range.


BMW M5: Energy consumption, weighted, combined: 1,7 – 1,6 l/100 km [166.2 – 176.6 mpg imp] and 25,5 – 25,0 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions, weighted, combined: 39 – 37 g/km according to WLTP; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10,3 – 10,2 l/100 km [27.4 – 27.7 mpg imp] according to WLTP; CO2 classes: weighted, combined B, with discharged battery G.


BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2023 年 10 月 3 日


品牌车型:20 世纪 40 年代劳斯莱斯银色黎明


宝马摩托车 2022 年东南欧国际 GS 奖杯- 第 4 天
