

+++宝马集团打造合作空间+++卡尔·施万泽、扎哈·哈迪德和维也纳建筑团队 Coop Himmelb(l)au 的标志性作品+++6 月 29 日至 30 日的建筑日+++


+++宝马集团打造合作空间+++卡尔·施万泽、扎哈·哈迪德和维也纳建筑团队 Coop Himmelb(l)au 的标志性作品+++6 月 29 日至 30 日的建筑日+++

慕尼黑。 位于慕尼黑的宝马集团总部、毗邻的宝马世界和宝马集团莱比锡工厂有一个共同点:它们是三座屡获殊荣的建筑地标,美学和功能形成了成功的对话。它们的内部和外部都令人惊叹和愉悦,并表明商业公司的建筑也意味着责任——对在建筑物中工作的人们以及塑造建筑物的城市景观。在慕尼黑,集团总部与宝马世界一起成为巴伐利亚州首府的标志性建筑。

“在宝马集团,人与环境密不可分。在规划新建筑时,我们始终从整体角度考虑。各个区域需要什么样的空间结构、我们的员工需要什么样的环境才能进行良好的团队合作以及如何高效利用空间都是需要考虑的核心方面。建筑创造了持久的东西。在宝马集团,我们认为为我们的员工和环境做出有价值的贡献是我们社会责任的一部分,”宝马集团董事会成员 Ilka Horstmeier 说道。 人才、房地产和劳资关系总监。

6 月 29 日至 30 日的建筑日是宝马集团参观其标志性建筑并展示建筑如何创造创新空间和现代工作方式的机会。




宝马集团总部设在慕尼黑,其独特的四缸发动机享誉全球。这座地标建筑于 1972 年竣工,由奥地利建筑师卡尔·施万泽教授设计,在当时是大胆而富有远见的。单是建筑本身——从上到下采用悬挂结构——就曾经和现在都十分壮观。这座建筑成为该公司建筑理念的跳板,至今仍然适用:一种精确、永恒和自信的设计语言代表着集团向外界展示的形象,同时打造出一种建筑结构,在内部创造会议场所和功能空间,以实现高效的工作流程。



建筑创造相遇场所的理念在宝马世界得到了一贯贯彻,宝马世界于 2007 年在集团慕尼黑总部开业。在这里,宝马集团品牌——宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车——充满活力,来自不同国家的人们在这里相聚,未来的话题也变得清晰可见。这座未来主义风格的建筑由维也纳建筑设计团队 Coop Himmelb(l)au 设计,通过一座动态跨度桥连接公司总部和宝马博物馆,每年吸引数百万游客。如果没有被列为文物保护建筑的宝马世界(即公司的橱窗),慕尼黑的城市景观将难以想象。这座建筑无论内部还是外部都令人惊叹不已,参观过后人们会永远记住它。



宝马集团莱比锡工厂也跻身建筑标志行列。该建筑由伦敦的扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所设计,于 2005 年投入使用,是建筑如何支持交流和相遇的另一个例子。这座荣获德国建筑奖的建筑具有最大的透明度:制造出来的汽车漂浮在一条 600 米长的开放式传送线上,穿过大楼,每个人都可以看到,甚至从食堂也能看到。在这座建筑中工作的特点是生产区域之间的距离短、工作流程透明高效,以及专业领域之间的高度沟通和合作。



工作环境在变化,工作要求也发生了变化。在宝马集团,员工以跨主题和跨职能团队的形式一起工作;鼓励开会和知识共享。建筑为这种面向未来的工作创造了空间:工作场所使用灵活,有会议区可以进行自发和低门槛的会议,此外,休息空间允许集中工作。设计超越了纯粹的功能要求:建筑有潜力设计出让员工感到舒适并促进创新思维和创造性交流的地方。宝马集团正在通过 ConnectedWorkplace 推行这种方法,并正在全球所有现有和新地点实施它。



现代化的人才园区目前正在慕尼黑的集团基地建设中,将成为宝马集团新的培训和继续教育中心,它很好地展示了建筑如何创造协作空间,同时又丰富了环境。这座现代化的建筑采用透明设计,配有大窗户,未来慕尼黑的 40,000 多名员工将在这里接受培训和继续教育,房间是开放的,可以以多种方式使用。房间布局可以随时调整或改造,使建筑具有特别的可持续性。重新设计的绿色空间成为生产和社区之间的交汇点,公共咖啡馆邀请游客交流想法。建筑也与时俱进:虽然由铸铝工艺制成的四缸立面元素引人注目,但人才园区采用木结构。可再生原材料营造出自然效果和温馨的房间氛围,让您乐于学习。



员工们也在处理内容方面的新主题。数字化和电动汽车需要新的工作环境。距离集团总部不远的慕尼黑宝马集团母厂的重组表明了这一变化有多么深刻。母厂正在进行重新设计,这是公司历史上最大的投资项目,旨在未来生产全电动 Neue Klasse。在这里,内容转型和建筑开发齐头并进。再一次,富有远见的想法即将破土动工:作为建筑竞赛的一部分,来自鹿特丹的两家建筑公司 OMA 和来自哥本哈根的 3XN 创造了使技术和员工联网的愿景。从长远来看,目标是在工厂场地与社区和城市之间建立联系。这一点在这里尤为重要,因为主工厂位于城市环境中。

Architecture sets the tone

+++ BMW Group creates spaces for collaboration +++ Iconic works by Karl Schwanzer, Zaha Hadid and the Vienna architect team Coop Himmelb(l)au +++ Architecture Day on 29 and 30 June +++


+++ BMW Group creates spaces for collaboration +++ Iconic works by Karl Schwanzer, Zaha Hadid and the Vienna architect team Coop Himmelb(l)au +++ Architecture Day on 29 and 30 June +++

Munich. The BMW Group headquarters in Munich, the neighbouring BMW Welt and the BMW Group Plant Leipzig have one thing in common: they are three award-winning architectural landmarks where aesthetics and functionality form a successful dialogue. They amaze and delight both inside and out, and demonstrate that the architecture of a commercial corporation also means responsibility — for the people who work in the buildings and for the cityscape that shapes them. In Munich, the Group headquarters, together with BMW Welt, have become a figurehead of the Bavarian state capital.

“At the BMW Group, people and places go hand in hand. When planning new buildings, we always take a holistic view. What spatial structure the respective areas require, what environment our employees need for good teamwork and how we use space efficiently are central aspects to be considered. Architecture creates something lasting. At the BMW Group, we see it as part of our social responsibility to make a valuable contribution to our employees and our environment,” says Ilka Horstmeier, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, People and Real Estate, and Labour Relations Director.

Architecture Day on 29 and 30 June is an occasion for the BMW Group to take a look at its iconic buildings and show how architecture creates spaces for innovation and modern ways of working.

At the BMW Group, real estate and personnel development are closely interlinked. Employees, their respective competencies and required space work together and determine building structures. Sustainable and optimal space planning, particularly in light of energy consumption, is just as important as creating a positive and pleasant room atmosphere in which employees feel comfortable. Successful interior design is based on the needs of the people who work there. It promotes efficiency, interactions and creativity. It is when a brilliant and fitting idea is consistently and confidently implemented in command of what is possible. This corporate culture is a recurring thread throughout the BMW Group’s architectural statements.


A landmark shapes the BMW Group’s architectural language

The BMW Group headquarters in Munich, the distinctive four-cylinder engine, has achieved world fame. The landmark completed in 1972, planned by Austrian architect Professor Karl Schwanzer, was bold and visionary at the time. The construction alone — from top to bottom using a suspended structure — was and is spectacular. The building became the springboard for the company’s architectural philosophy, which still applies today: a precise, timeless and self-confident design language represents the Group to the outside world and at the same time forges a building structure that creates meeting places and functional spaces for efficient work processes inside.


BMW Welt: Architecture enhances experience 

The approach that architecture creates places of encounter was consistently implemented with BMW Welt, which opened in 2007 at the Group location in Munich. Here, the BMW Group brands — BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad — come alive, people from all nations meet, future topics become visible. Designed by the Viennese team of architects Coop Himmelb(l)au, the futuristic building, which is connected to the corporate headquarters and the BMW Museum via a dynamically spanned bridge, attracts an audience of millions of every year. It is impossible to imagine Munich’s cityscape without the listed BMW Welt, the company’s shop window, as it were. It is a building that wows people — both inside and outside — and whose visit lives long in the memory.


Transparency at BMW Group plant in Leipzig 

The BMW Group plant in Leipzig also joins the ranks of architectural icons. The building, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects of London and opened in 2005, is another example of how architecture supports communication and encounter. The building, which was awarded the German Architecture Prize, works with maximum transparency: the manufactured cars float on a 600-metre-long, open conveyor line through the building, visible to everyone, even from the canteen. Working in the building is characterised by short distances between production areas, transparent and efficient work processes, and a high level of communication and cooperation across specialist areas.


Architecture creates spaces for new ways of working

Working environments are changing, job requirements have changed. At the BMW Group, employees work together in cross-thematic and cross-functional teams; meetings and knowledge-sharing are encouraged. Architecture creates the spaces for this future-oriented work: workplaces are used flexibly, there are meeting areas that enable spontaneous and low-threshold meetings, and in addition, retreat spaces allow concentrated work. Design goes beyond purely functional requirements: architecture has the potential to design places where employees feel comfortable and promote innovative thinking and creative exchange. The BMW Group is pursuing this approach with ConnectedWorkplace and is implementing it at all existing and new locations worldwide.


Talent Campus as a meeting place 

The modern Talent Campus, which is currently being built at the Group site in Munich and is becoming the BMW Group’s new training and continuing education hub, is a good example of how architecture creates spaces for collaboration and at the same time how a building enriches its environment. In the modern structure, which is transparently designed with large windows and in which the more than 40,000 employees in Munich will receive training and continuing education in the future, the rooms are open and can be used in variable ways. The room layout can be adjusted or retrofitted at any time, making the construction particularly sustainable. The redesigned green spaces become a meeting point between production and the neighbourhood, and a public café invites visitors to exchange ideas. The construction also moves with the times: while in the four-cylinder façade elements made from cast aluminium processes were the eye-catcher, the Talent Campus is a wooden structure. The renewable raw material creates a natural effect and a warm room atmosphere that invites you to learn.


Parent plant in Munich: Working environments allow networking

Employees are also dealing with new topics in terms of content. Digitalisation and electric mobility require a new working environment. The restructuring of the BMW Group parent plant in Munich, not far from the Group headquarters, shows just how profound this change is. The parent plant is being redesigned as the largest investment project in the company’s history to produce the all-electric Neue Klasse in the future. This is where content transformation and architectural development go hand in hand. Once again, visionary thinking is about to break ground: as part of the architecture competition, the two architecture firms OMA from Rotterdam and 3XN from Copenhagen have created visions that enable technologies and employees to be networked. In the long term, the aim is to create a connection between the plant site and the neighbourhood and city. This is of particular importance here, as the main plant is located in an urban environment.


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