
BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2024 年 6 月 25 日

在我们的 BMW M 赛车新闻中,我们定期为您提供精选照片以及有关全球各种锦标赛的赛车活动和 BMW M 赛车团队成功的简洁而翔实的概述。


BMW M 赛车运动部客户赛车主管 Björn Lellmann:


“我们正处于 24 小时经典赛的月中,我们的 GT 赛车在比赛中表现出色,并取得了成功。但除此之外,全球还有许多其他赛车系列,我们的赛车、车队和车手都在庆祝成功。在 NLS 中,即使没有 GT3 类参赛者,我们也展示了我们作为制造商的全部产品,并凭借来自不同时代的七辆赛车取得了级别冠军。BMW M4 GT3 和 BMW M4 GT4 也在意大利、美国、日本和比利时取得了胜利和领奖台位置。我祝贺所有参赛者的出色表现!现在我们期待 24 小时耐力赛和斯帕-弗朗科尔尚的 GT4 欧洲系列赛,我们将在那里展示有关 BMW M4 GT4 EVO 的更多细节。”



NLS(6 月 22):BMW M 赛车队庆祝七次级别胜利。


继本赛季的重头戏——24 小时耐力赛之后,纽伯格林耐力系列赛 (NLS) 于上周末继续进行,第 69 届 ADAC Westfalenfahrt 比赛于上周末举行。在 Nordschleife (GER) 的 4 小时耐力赛中,BMW M Motorsport 车队共获得七项级别冠军。来自 Team ST Racing 的 Samantha Tan (CAN) 和 Jon Miller (USA) 驾驶 BMW M4 GT4 赛车在 SP8T 级别中夺冠。BMW M2 CS Racing 和 BMW M240i Racing 分别参加了各自的杯赛级别比赛。Bonk Motorsport 旗下的 Hofor Racing 和 Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheels 夺得了冠军。在 VT3 级别中,Keeevin Sports and Racing 车队驾驶 BMW 335i 夺冠。 Desiree Müller、Tim Lukas Müller(均为德国人)和 Michael Fischer(奥地利)驾驶的 BMW 325i 赢得了 V4 类冠军,Ingo Oepen、Henrik Launhardt 和 Thorsten Köppert(均为德国人)驾驶的 BMW E46 赢得了 SP4 类冠军,Bernd Kleeschulte、Florian Quante 和 Andreas Schmidt(均为德国人)驾驶的 BMW M3 E92 GTR 赢得了 H4 类冠军。



意大利 GT 锦标赛(6 月 1516 日 ):Vallelunga 耐力赛开幕赛领奖台。


6 月中旬,在 Vallelunga (ITA) 举行的三小时比赛拉开了意大利 GT 锦标赛耐力杯赛季的序幕。对于宝马意大利 Ceccato 赛车队来说,再次有理由庆祝,因为在 Sprint Cup 比赛中,7 号宝马 M4 GT3 获得了总领奖台第三名。Stefano Comandini (ITA)、Francesco Guerra (ITA) 和 Philippe Denes (USA) 轮流驾驶。


三人组的赛车非常引人注目。作为 Ceccato Racing 和 BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION 合作的一部分,BMW M4 GT3 获得了独特的斑马设计的特殊涂装,该团队作为厂商队代表 BMW M Motorsport 参加汽车游戏比赛。美国人 Denes 除了在现实世界中的赛车生涯外,还是 BS+COMPETITION 的优秀模拟赛车手。除其他成就外,他还与 Bruno Spengler (CAN) 和 Kay Kaschube (GER) 一起赢得了 2022 年纽伯格林 iRacing 24 小时耐力赛。来自 BS+COMPETITION 团队的众多车手在 Vallelunga 现场为队友加油助威,近距离体验了激动人心的比赛和领奖台庆祝活动。BS+CECCATO 项目将持续到耐力赛季的剩余时间。


马可·卡萨拉 (Marco Cassarà)、弗朗西斯科·德·卢卡 (Francesco de Luca)(均来自意大利)和阿尔弗雷德·尼尔森 (Alfred Nilsson)(瑞典)驾驶宝马意大利 Ceccato Racing 车队的 8 号宝马 M4 GT3 参加了在瓦莱伦加举行的 Pro-Am 组比赛,但他们的赛车早早退赛。



IMSA 米其林飞行员挑战赛(6 月 22 日23 日 :特纳赛车队登上领奖台。


Turner Motorsport 的 95 号宝马 M4 GT4 在美国沃特金斯格伦举行的 IMSA 米其林 Pilot Challenge 两小时比赛中以第二名的成绩冲过终点线。Dillon Machavern 和 Robert Megennis(均为美国人)从第 13 位起步强势回归,并在燃油策略扑克中取得了重大进展。实际上,驾驶 CarBAhn Motorsports 宝马 M4 GT4 的 Sean McAlister 和 Jeff Westphal(均为美国人)原本有望登上领奖台,但他们在最后几圈燃油不足,跌落至第五名。Robby Foley 和 Francis Selldorff(均为美国人)驾驶 Turner Motorsport 的第二辆赛车获得第七名。



英国 GT 锦标赛(6 月 22 日23 ):GT4 级别冠军和 GT3 圈速记录。


英国 GT 锦标赛在 24 小时耐力赛开始前一周在斯帕-弗朗科尔尚赛道(比利时)举行。作为英国赛车系列赛在欧洲大陆的唯一一次客串亮相,Century Motorsport 车队的 BMW M4 GT4 赢得了组别冠军。Ian Gough 和 Tom Wrigley(均为英国人)驾驶 29 号 BMW M4 GT4 赛车,在经过 34 圈的比赛后率先冲过终点线,比赛因红旗而缩短。BMW M 厂队车手 Raffaele Marciello(瑞士)和 John Ferguson(英国)驾驶 RAM Racing 车队的 15 号 BMW M4 GT3 赛车,在轮胎故障和通过维修站处罚后排名第十,但仍然引人注目。他在 2 分 16 秒 190 的成绩上,在阿登新铺的沥青赛道上创造了 GT3 赛车的新单圈记录。下周末,马塞洛将代表 BMW M Team WRT 驾驶 BMW M4 GT3 在同一地点参加 24 小时耐力赛。



GTWC 亚洲/日本杯(6 月 22 日23):BMW M4 GT3 和 BMW M4 GT4 获得领奖台位置。


由 AWS 提供支持的 Fanatec GT 世界挑战赛亚洲站和日本杯上周末在富士(日本)举行了比赛。GT3 和 GT4 级别都有值得庆祝的理由。Cun Fan Ruan(中国)和 Maxime Oosten(荷兰)在第一场比赛中驾驶 Team KRC BMW M4 GT3 获得了 Sil-Am 级别的第三名。他们在第二场比赛中退赛。在日本杯上,YZ Racing BMW M4 GT4 的 Yuki Fujii 和 Masaki Kano(均为日本人)在 GT4 SA 级别中分别获得第四名和第二名。在总排名中,这对搭档以各 70 分位居第二。



GT4 法国:在斯帕-弗朗科尔尚赛道登上领奖台。


GT4 France 上周末在比利时 Spa-Francorchamps 赛道停了下来。在第二场比赛中,VSF Sports -Amplitude Automobiles 车队在 Am 组别中获得第二名。车手 Curson Faessel 和 Florian Teillais(均为法国人)驾驶 41 号 BMW M4 GT4 赛车表现出色,在各自组别中以第二名的成绩冲过终点线。



BTCC(6 月 22 日23):杰克·希尔 (Jake Hill) 取得总领先。


杰克·希尔 (Jake Hill)(英国)在英国房车锦标赛 (BTCC) 中继续保持最佳状态。在斯内特顿 (Snetterton)(英国)和斯鲁克斯顿 (Thruxton)(英国)各夺冠后,他在上周末的奥尔顿公园 (Oulton Park)(英国)登上了最高领奖台。在周日的第三场也是最后一场比赛中,他在最后一圈凭借强大的超车策略确保了第一名,从而在 BTCC 车手积分榜上领先。在前两场比赛中,希尔驾驶 Laser Tools Racing 赛车和 MB Motorsport BMW 330e M Sport 分别获得第五和第三名。来自宝马车队的亚当·摩根 (Adam Morgan)(英国)在第一场比赛中获得了本周末的最佳成绩,获得第四名,而他的队友科林·特金顿 (Colin Turkington)(英国)在第二场比赛中的最佳成绩不超过第七名。

BMW M Motorsport News, 25th June 2024.

In our BMW M Motorsport News, we regularly offer you a selection of photos as well as a compact and informative overview of the racing action in various championships worldwide and the successes of the BMW M Motorsport teams.


Björn Lellmann, Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport:


“We are in the midst of the month of the great 24-hour classics, where we are prominently and successfully represented with our GT cars. But besides that, there are numerous other racing series worldwide in which our cars, teams, and drivers are celebrating successes. In the NLS, even without a participant in the GT3 category, we demonstrated our full range as a manufacturer and achieved class victories with seven cars from various generations. The BMW M4 GT3 and BMW M4 GT4 have also achieved victories and podium places in Italy, the USA, Japan, and Belgium. I congratulate all participants on their outstanding performances! Now we look forward to the 24-hour race and the GT4 European Series at Spa-Francorchamps, where we will present further details about the BMW M4 GT4 EVO.”



NLS (22nd June): BMW M Motorsport Teams celebrate seven class victories.


Following the season highlight, the 24-hour race, the Nürburgring Endurance Series (NLS) season continued last weekend with the 69th ADAC Westfalenfahrt. At the 4-hour race on the Nordschleife (GER), BMW M Motorsport teams celebrated seven class victories. In the BMW M4 GT4, Samantha Tan (CAN) and Jon Miller (USA) from Team ST Racing triumphed in the SP8T class. The BMW M2 CS Racing and the BMW M240i Racing each competed in their own Cup classes. Victories went to Hofor Racing by Bonk Motorsport and the Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheels. In the VT3 class, Team Keeevin Sports and Racing triumphed in a BMW 335i. The BMW 325i of Desiree Müller, Tim Lukas Müller (both GER), and Michael Fischer (AUT) won the V4 category, the BMW E46 of Ingo Oepen, Henrik Launhardt, and Thorsten Köppert (all GER) the SP4 class, and the BMW M3 E92 GTR of Bernd Kleeschulte, Florian Quante, and Andreas Schmidt (all GER) the H4 category.



Italian GT Championship (15th-16th June): Podium at the Vallelunga Endurance opener.


The three-hour race at Vallelunga (ITA) in mid-June opened the season in the Italian GT Championship Endurance Cup. For Team BMW Italia Ceccato Racing, there was reason to celebrate again as in the Sprint Cup races the #7 BMW M4 GT3 secured third place on the overall podium. Stefano Comandini (ITA), Francesco Guerra (ITA), and Philippe Denes (USA) took turns at the wheel.


The trio’s race car was a real eye-catcher. As part of a collaboration between Ceccato Racing and the BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION, which competes in automotive gaming for BMW M Motorsport as a works team, the BMW M4 GT3 received a special livery in a unique zebra design. The American Denes, alongside his racing career in the real world, is also an excellent sim racer for BS+COMPETITION. Among other achievements, he won the iRacing 24-hour race at the Nürburgring in 2022 together with Bruno Spengler (CAN) and Kay Kaschube (GER). Numerous drivers from the BS+COMPETITION team supported their teammate on-site at Vallelunga and experienced the exciting race and podium celebration up close. The BS+CECCATO project will continue for the rest of the Endurance season.


With the #8 BMW M4 GT3 from BMW Italia Ceccato Racing, Marco Cassarà, Francesco de Luca (both ITA), and Alfred Nilsson (SWE) competed at Vallelunga in the Pro-Am class, however their car retired early.



IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge (22nd-23rd June): Turner Motorsport on the podium.


The #95 BMW M4 GT4 from Turner Motorsport crossed the finish line in second place at the 2-hour race of the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge at Watkins Glen (USA). Dillon Machavern and Robert Megennis (both USA) made a strong comeback from 13th on the grid and made significant progress in the fuel strategy poker. Actually, Sean McAlister and Jeff Westphal (both USA) in the CarBAhn Motorsports BMW M4 GT4 were on course for the podium, but they ran low on fuel in the final laps and fell back to fifth place. Robby Foley and Francis Selldorff (both USA) finished seventh in the second Turner Motorsport car.



British GT Championship (22nd-23rd June): GT4 class win and GT3 lap record.


The British GT Championship visited Spa-Francorchamps (BEL) a week before the 24-hour race. At the only guest appearance of the British racing series on the European mainland, Century Motorsport celebrated a class win with the BMW M4 GT4. Ian Gough and Tom Wrigley (both GBR) crossed the finish line first in the GT4 category in the #29 BMW M4 GT4 after 34 laps and a race shortened due to a red flag. In the #15 BMW M4 GT3 from RAM Racing, BMW M works driver Raffaele Marciello (SUI) alongside John Ferguson (GBR) finished tenth after a tyre failure and a drive-through penalty, but still managed to attract attention. In 2:16.190 minutes, he set a new lap record for GT3 cars on the newly asphalted track in the Ardennes. Next weekend, Marciello will start for BMW M Team WRT at the same location in the 24-hour race in the BMW M4 GT3.



GTWC Asia / Japan Cup (22nd-23rd June): Podium places for the BMW M4 GT3 and the BMW M4 GT4.


The Fanatec GT World Challenge Asia powered by AWS and the Japan Cup held their races in Fuji (JPN) last weekend. There was reason to celebrate in both the GT3 and GT4 classes. Cun Fan Ruan (CHN) and Maxime Oosten (NED) finished third in the Sil-Am class in race one in the Team KRC BMW M4 GT3. They retired from race two. In the Japan Cup, Yuki Fujii and Masaki Kano (both JPN) in the YZ Racing BMW M4 GT4 finished fourth and second in the GT4 SA category. In the overall standings, the duo is in second place with 70 points each.



GT4 France: Podium finish at Spa-Francorchamps.


The GT4 France made a stop at the Circuit Spa-Francorchamps (BEL) last weekend. In the second race, the VSF Sports -Amplitude Automobiles team secured second place in the Am class. Drivers Curson Faessel and Florian Teillais (both FRA) showed a strong racing performance in the #41 BMW M4 GT4 and crossed the finish line in second place in their class.



BTCC (22nd-23rd June): Jake Hill takes overall lead.


Jake Hill (GBR) continues to be in top form in the British Touring Car Championship (BTCC). After two wins each at Snetterton (GBR) and Thruxton (GBR), he also made it to the top of the podium last weekend in Oulton Park (GBR). In the third and final race on Sunday, he secured first place with a strong overtaking manoeuvre on the last lap and thus took the lead in the BTCC drivers’ standings. In the first two races, Hill had finished fifth and third in his Laser Tools Racing with MB Motorsport BMW 330e M Sport. Adam Morgan (GBR) from Team BMW had his best result of the weekend with fourth place in the first race, while his teammate Colin Turkington (GBR) did not achieve better than seventh place in the second race as his top result.


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